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Tho damage caused by the remit Tain in Rathmore; street, has been repaired and traffic resumed. Th'ii work of instilling the, electric'.light on the Moody wharf is now in progrett*. Poles have been, erected, '»' d 'he wires are being ! connected up. • The Mandolin Band concert in aid of the Y.M.C.A., postponed from-the 7th, will be given next Mondav evening in Trinity Hall. Mr Stericker's barometer recorded a fall of 41 degrees in half an hour during the. time (he hailstorm came up on Tlnirs* tlay laslj. Such a sudden change in Uni'peratnre is phenomenal. A petition is in circulation praying that tho maximum sentence of three months in | gaol or the payment of a. line of £IOO, recently imposed in Timaru on a mun named Dairy for keeping a gaming-house, be reduced. The petitioners consider that, the penalty was too severe, for a ilirs-fc . conviction. / In response to numerous, requests,-.Kev. Archibald E. Hunt will-give- a second dramatic recital from the works, of Charles Dickens in the Congregational Church rtn Thursday evening next. VVith one exception all the items will'be,new. l}y special request, Mr. Hunt will repeat "The Expiation of Sydney Carton," the famous dramatic episode from "A,Tale of Two Cities." Musical and vocal itemfs will be contributed by Miss L. L. .Steward] (piano), Mr W. .T. Wood (violin), Mr Ellis Wood (violoncello), Mrs C. F. Denny, - and Mr Chapman. Mr Hunt's reputation ris an elocutionist and exponent of Dickens, and the high class programme provided, should ensure a crowded: house, and as only a limited number of tickets are issued early application is advisable. Ticket**, <'. one. "shilling each, can bo obtained nfc.Rut- ;' ton's or Pratt's.

Why-submit to dull aching of nerve or 1. muscle, or tflio acute pains of neuralgia, ; toothache, or -lumbago? -Witch's' Oil—that penetrating, soothing fluid'—is a, won- ! derfully quickremedy for pain. Witch's ' Oil destroys pain, almost instantaneously, j Quick iii action,-iind permanent in resiiltl, ■ WITCH'S OIL stands in the very front | rank as the King of Pain. ~; _.

Mr A! E. Rawson, of Davis Town, West Australia, succeeds Mr Johnston, ;rB Temuka, as manager o£ the Bank -of Australasia. The latter suocwls Mr Kim- . belt at Stratford, and proceeds JNor.n next, week. , K would 6«rn tliafc the unemployed rrv not onlv t-xists in the large towns ot ihi,colony "but even is heard in the country as .well. In 'leinuka at tf« weeont time there are a number of ablebodied men unable to obtain employment. Two return hockey matches were played at. Geraldine on Thursday. Geraldine I. were defeated bv Dominion Uemuka) t~-im by 2 noals to 1. -I- Sutherland .scoriu" for Geraldine. and Brown and Kennedy for Dominion. Th.- match Geraldine A v. Tt-muka resulted in a draw, each side securing 2 goals. A. Government parade of the Temuka Ritlo Volunteers was held on Wednesday night there lining a splendi.l minuter notwithstanding the inchmenii weather. Lieutenants Chapman and Jeffries wore in command and Captain Hoi well, <f the South Canterbnrv Mounted Battalion, was a'so on parade. The corps was extensively eXerei>ed in onipost work and pickei--mounting by Staff Sergeant Major Healey, who gave the imn ins.rut-tive lectures on eich point dealt with. Th* monthly noting of the Geraldine District High "School Committee was held ' on Thursday evening. Mr W. A. Sherratt presiding. ' The headmaster (Mr J- RMontgomery-) reported that since the school opened the severe weather had had :i serious effect on the attendance. lhe Toll number now stood at 195, and the f average attendance at. 150. A bin for waste paper and a few loads of gravel at the entrance, were badly needed. -The Board's architect (Mr Tnrnbull) visited the .sehool on-Monday, and was shown the <nots where structural defers existed, and "ave directions for alterations he necessary. It was left to the chairman to ascertain if the contractors should do the shingling. Two tenders f.,r the snpplv of coal were received and rhat. of Messrs Moriison liros. for West port at 40s. Pelaw Main 395, and kaitaii■rata at 345, was accepted. The secretary. South Canterbnrv- Education Board, wrote in reply to application by UK- headmaster for the laving on of gas to the school residence, stating that the Board had granted £8 for the work. In reply to a request'that the truant officer visit the schools, the Board could not accede to the; request. Miss A. M. Hughes applied for an extension of h r leave of absence until the end of Oetoh-r. .Decision re.-ifs.with the Board. Messrs Sherratt and Campbell were appointed visitors for the month...

The humorous lecture by Dr Nhsbet at. Trinity Ilatl las: evening attracted a veiy large "audience. The Mayor tMr J. Craigie) introduced the speaker as bring unsurpassed as .1 delineator of character, and. he was certainly very near the mark, for Br Nishet proved that he not only, had a thorough knowledge of the- Scot in all his moods and fancier, hut was possessed of an apparently inexhavstahle fund cf hnmonr. en much so. indeed that he kept his audience entranced and in good spirits ithe -whole evening. Dr Nfsbet explained: thai) the title r.f his discourse had -little if any eonnee inn with The- burden of his remarks: his lecture was simply a collection of choice stories, jokes and recitations, illustrative cf Seoti'Vh life, hut principally the humorous side of life. He bewailed the ignorance of'some people concerning Soo's in general and their ability to fee the points of jokes in particular: and in this cr-nnee-tion he spoke* with disapproval of a hook recently issned and allowed tjo he descriptive of Scottish life and character, hn"> vry palpab'v written by non-Scots. In the course of h'i> running rerios of jches, T)r Nfsbet found time to touch nnon some rerious matters: for instance, whi'e f--el-"rig prond of the spread of the English language- all over tire world he thr.nsht it would he a good thin<r if some ScottVdr ■words and phraeo-. of which, he ■particularised, were introduced into the Fnglish vocabulary. These words werefnll of meaning and wr.uid require almost a paragraph of Englkh to correctly translate: therefore it would be fo -the advantase of the Fnglish lansnnp-e to have rome of the.«e worr's incorporated with it. mat'err; touched up-"n were- the need in tV Universities of c-hiits of fJcotHi=h literature, and Horn" Ru for Scotland. On the latter snhiect he cxthe opinion that if the P.riO'sh Kmrvre ww to he held together the Imperial Parliament should he and local imftf-rs concerning Scotland (a* v-"!l as in th°- case of Tre'and) should be> Uf 1 - to local Parliament-?. TTe minted fiome finrres fo show that under the present svetem Scotland not Teceivintr fair Treatment in the matter of expenditure. c\ revenue raVed in Sco'land for her own Dr Ne>=hit tlien gave many choice elections in a masterV manner. Miss Jeannie Anderson and Mrs Denny rendered vocal a violin solo. Mifs P. Furrier acenmpanied at fhe piano. Dr Nishet wr-fi ae-f.-.rded a very hearty vote of thanks. Cnn"h! Cough! Cough! Don't Take TUSSTCURA. Soothes tlie* inflamed membrane. Soothing and healing- Is M, 2s 6d. ... We haxf ommoniated quinine in tablet form for the prevention and cure of colds, influenza, *tc, Is a bottle. Try orir headache tablets, one tablet will cure .in* most severe headache in a few minutes. Is a bottle from h. P.. .Tames, Chemist, Stafford Street, Tirnarn...

The younger generation often bear their fathers speak of the old fashioned Cor.khiiu boot. It will no doubt be of interest (,'► our readers that .T. W- Souter of O.okham House, has just opened a. large sliip- ,. nient «« Cookham boots. He is now showing some first-class Freneb calf, Last Indit kip and horee bide Cookham boots...

Often one reads about wonderful performances bv motor cars in I-.arope where the xoad conditions lend themselves to .neb Rnt nowhere wre the funda-mental-quaUti* of motor cars so.fowldy brought iiome as lately by the two M motor can .nude- in the world, the D* Dion and Darracq; for reliability, speed and everlasting wear, they stand alone; the following are the proofs: A little 10 h.p. twin cylinder last week ran from Invereargill to Dnuedin and back, 000 miles" in. eleven honrs. it made a perfect iioiustop run on wH and bad roads, and left far behind a car of another make of 16 b.p. ; it i* a worlds record. D(>es< this not show wonderful speed and reliability for a small ,runabout car. As for good wear the first 10 b.p. Darracq which was sold 2 year* ago to a well kuowu Waimate former was overhauled lately, and the owner will prove that not a 6d part was renlaced. as not a sign of wear was found anywhere. Again we. rejieat that the Darracq and De !>'•>" Bt * n ' } & ' ,nn * and are

Woods' Great Peppermint Cnro won't cure Bad hrtbits or Kork hams-. Nor would it do in Irish stew, _ Or hair-wash or in jams ; It won't cure leather, freckles, warts. For working men or toffs'. Put Woods' Great Peppermint, f'nrft will CUTV>

Your col.lfi and r«re your coughs.


A CHEQUE FOB £1 Is has been sent to the -writer if this verse—Mrs. E. L., Blaketoww. Greymouth. A poetft-s I'll never be— My thoughts din't run in rhyme; But* my advice in .-washing-day, Is -SAPON every time!" WIN A GUINEA! Prize Poem Published every Saturday. Best original four shoreline advt: vera* obont, "SAPON" wins each week. SAPON wrapper must be enS£d Address:-"SAPON" (Oatmeal Washing Powder) P.O. Bar 6a5. Wellington.- If your grocer does not stock Sapon, please send his name and addresi. ...

The following is Captain Edwin's weather forecast to 5 p.m. to-day : —"Strong southerly winds generally and ■, probably gale with - heavy seas and rain on the ' East Coast between East Cape and Kaikoum; weather generally cold and changeable." In yesterday's report of the Geraldine County Council Mr Marchant was said to have reported on the damage done to the approach of the Allandale bridge. Thisi should have been the Pleasant Point Salevards bridge which escaped damage with thd exception of 20 feet of the approach. Missioner Xeale will preach in the Wesleyan Church to-morrow morning, and the Rev. W. Baumber in the evening. Mr Bauinber's subject will he "Spiritual Athletics," a talk to young men on tha Olympic games. At. Waincitai'-ai. lhe Rev. W. Baumber will preach in the morning and Missioner Xeaie in the oveti-

An Oamaru gentleman who was in Hakataramea last Saturday witnessed the arrival of the coach at that township from Otamata. It took (reports the Oamaru Mail) eight hours to do the 16-mile journey notwithstanding that the coach was drawn by four horses. The appearance of the coach when it arrived at the township furnished a spectacle to bo remembered.' The wheels were solid blocks of ice, so solid that it was impossible to discern the spokes. The usual weekly meeting of the Life. Boat. Lodge, No. 101, was held in the Foresters' Hall last evening, the C.T., Bro. Hawkey, presiding over a fair attendance of members. One candidate was proposed for membership. The fraternal greetings of the yaiious Christchurch lodges were received and heartily reciprocated. Bro: Bradley was presented with a prize won by hirrl last w<vk. and ihe donor (Sister Burl) was heartily thanked for it. Tlie anniversary committee reported that the metnheis were working hard towards making up a good programme. A very enjoyable evening was brought, to a close with comic items contributed by lhe memb:-rs.

The music-loving public- are reminded that St. Mary's Guild conceit will be held in the Bank street schoolroom on Tuesday next. Besides some of our bestlocal concert performers, the Guild' have been fortunate in securing the services of Miss Eva Nixon, a popular Christchurch soprano. Miss' Elsie Gapper and Miss Agnes Dick, of Temuka. Since her last appearance in Timaru Miss Gapper ha« l»v-n very successful in her engagements, especially ac the Clirislr-hnrc-h Exhibition and the annual of ihe West port Orchestral Society. The Misses B.iumber, p : anists. and Miss Monica Asliby, 'cellist, will make a delmr. on (his occasion.

Mr A. E. Dewar, special agent in NewZealand for Ihe Quer-mdand Crown Lands l>'par:ment. .spent yesterday afternoon in Timaru, and having by advertisement invited personal inquiries from persons desirous of knowing comerhing about Queensland, he had many called, dining the afternoon. Mr Dcwar was at. one time a New Zealander—his parents live at Auckland hut lie has been fcr the las', 14 years in Queensland, and lalks mrfni mlhusiactieally and persuasively about iii> soil and climate. A special "inducement ii> offered to New Zealanders to visit Queensland just now. in the Brisbane Show on August 10th, and Mr Dewar says thai, a good many are going over to have, a kok at tlu country with the idea, of settling if it sniir, them. Some of them have a good deal of capital to invest. Arrived there, the. Government gives a railway pass to anyone who can say that hits object in travelling is to inspect land. Mr Dewar goes iicrth Ike morning.

Some amusement -was made for the persons present nb.the Arbitration Court yesterday by Mr Sargent reading , part of clause 8 of the Masters and Apprentices Act 1865, which is still in force in New Zealand. It states that the master in his contract with an apprentice must covenant that, he "shall anil will provide such apprentice -with sufficient and suitable food, clothing and bedding, and that such apprentice shall attend divine service when practicable at least once on every Sunday, and shall have particular attention paid to his morals." It- is also provided that the master shall put money into the savings bank on each of the last three years of apprenticeship to provide £6 and interest for a boy and £4 10s and interest for a girl, to be paid to them, when leaving at 19. It was contended that this Act governs apprenticeships entered into under the carpenter's' award. Neither of the counsel engaged referred to clause 3. which exempts from the operations of the Act " any parties hound by any indentures of apprenticeship in which there may be a clause expressly exempting them from the operation of this Act." Not only headaches but all other sort* of nervous paia are conquered by Stearns' Headache* Cure, the most extensively used headache retnudy iu the world : it i* d<* nendahl*. .

Do not forget that the only perfectly safe remedy for throat, and lung complaints is TUSSICURA; Is 6d, 2s 6d. ...

So great, has been the demand for the wonderful Broadwood Pianorplayer, that the one selected for Timaru only arrived on Monday and it was disposed of yesterday, and hence it is impossible for the manager of the Dresden to give the conceit, for which a number of invitations had been issued. It is however, only an opportunity deferred to hear this new invention, for within ten days another shipment is due and the date of the postponed conceit will-then be duly announced. Meanwhile many new snugs have been received at. the Dresden, for which an eaily inspection is invited, and many bargains iu violins, banjos, mandolins attract large crowds daily. A beautiful second band harmonium, specially adapted' for a email church or school for sale. Price 14 guineas...

Ladies glace kid front shoes, welted ronnd "toes; ladies glace kid open front boots, welted round toes. The very latest styles just imported. .T. W. Soiu-er, Cookham. House...

Fathers and mothers wo would have your kind attention while we relate to yon the. following items, which may be useful (rnides to you when you go shopping—--50 pairs of boys tweed knicker trousers to fit boys tip "to 16 years,of age, bought job, now* selling at 2s lid per pair, slevlinc value. Leather stockings for the boys nwle of the best Colonial wool, at Is 6d, Is lid per pair; girls cashmere stockings, very durable, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lid per pair; children's black and tan cashmere SO r sd, 7i<l, 9d per pair at Irwin's Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford Street...

In another column this morning: is announced an important change in business circles. Mr W. A. Scott (Scott's Cycle Depot) has purchased Ihc whole busing of Messrs Oahre and Co., including bicycles, bicycle and motor accessories, furniture, and fittings, the valiwb'e up-to-date cvde repairing plant, and the whole of the book debts. Doubtless- Messrs Oaties' customers one and all will be welcomed at Scott's Cvde Depot, and will find tho change decidedly to their advantage. ...

The remarkable strides made by the "Lawrence-Kennedy-Gillies" milking machines during the past six years is shown by the fact that 1016 machines have been installed to date in New Zealand alone. During the first four experimental years, a total of onlv 142 machines were installed, while during 1906 and 3907 the sake Teached a total of 874 machines The complete list of names and addresses of New Zealand users furnished by the agents, is certainly unmistakeable evidence of the continued success and increasing popularity of the " L.K.G." milker. J. B. MacEwan and Co., Ltd., sole agents, Dtvnedin. ...

A (sale of work will be held in the Cathoiic Girls' School on Wednesday next, the,22nd inst., commencing aii 7 p.m., the proceeds to go in aid of the new church. There will be fancy work slalls, ant and hilly stalls, and a, refreshment room. The ladies have been making gieat preparations for the bust two months and hope the sale will be a thorough r-atceeiw. Mr MeMahon will bo in Timaru 10-day in advance for his " Pictures," which will bi .shown with Jne very latest appliance on Wednesday and Thursday next ati tlie Theatre Royal. The Pictures are qnhe new, and one of (ho best is (he Point to Point Steeplechase over a connse of ten 1 miles. The Messrs MeMahon can always be relied upon for n. lirxt-eias.s show, and the one they are now bringing bears this name.'

Mr Ayson, Inspector of Fisheries for New Zealand, visited Temuka yesterday in connection wii'li the ••stripping- operations gnitifr on there. In the big Hood last week tlie whole, of ifhe neifs in tho river near the junction of the'Opihi and Temuka. were carried away, and somei difficulty was experienced in resetting them. Mr Ayson paid a visit to the nets yci-terday, but owing (.o the flooded slate of the river.i the remits of the past Sew days have not been satisfactory. Very few fish were running, and it i.s thought tha,' those spawning are. now well up stream. A net has been set near the mill, and yesterday Mr Ayi-on proceeded (o the river above Winchester to see- if better results might be obtained by netting in that locality.

Wild exci ement was caused in Temuka on Wednu-id.-iy afternoon by theV report l circulated that the workmen employed in demolishing (he old wooden buildings belonging to Mr J. Mcßilehie Miiriin. and which had done duly in King sire. t. as a wheelwright's show room for over 30 yean;, had come aews a. valuable find in lhe brick work of one of the chimneys. JI. was reported thai 57 golden sovereigns were found carefully slowed behind a brick which had ''remained loose in lhe fide of the (structure. The finders were Yelieeiil as i|o the value of-the find, and once he i notour was afloat many anxious eyes were. watching nperaUions from (he footpath in hopeß of dii-ccvcring a second find. It has since transpired ihat the sum total of the discovery was less than five shillings; and consisted of some email Filver coins and a iow coppers. • The second Ingkside of the Temuka Caledonian Society was held on Thursday night in the Volunteer Drillshed. and 'was a distinct success. Over 80 coup'er, were presen., and a most enjoyable night was spent. Many vii.ifntr. were present and thoroughly enjoyed -J-,emse!ve*. Tlie .Grand March "was led oft: by Mr R. Manaulav, pr.i-ident, and Mis Johnston, and was a fine- spectacle, (here being many daricfis pies-nt in Highland • costume. Mii'-ie was supplied bv Vaughan'r, Band, and Mr W. W. Smith was an efficient M.C. The Highland dances were played by. Pipe-Majr r McGregor, of Timaru. Songs were rendered by Mrs Johnston and Mr W. Mcßride. who weiv loudly applai'ded. The pn widen t and direc oir, were all zealot's in their attention to creature, comforts, (h'e catering for the same being in lhe hands of Mr 'J'. Barr and left, nothing to be (h sired.


C.F.C.A.—Clearing r.i'c, 7ih August ; town prr.perly and slock, at Temuka Tuesday ; Ot-raldine, Wednesday.

Dalgety and Co—AI bury i;ale. Mon day: Temuka and W.ishdyke, Tuesday. Loan and Mercantile Co.—Sale of' furniture, July 301 h. Jonas and Co.—Sell live slock, drapery fancy goods, to-day. fjerrie and Co.—*al» of drapery, pm! try. produce, etc., to-day.

N.M. and A. Co.—AMmry Rale, on Monday; Temuka and Waslidvke, Tuesday'. " "

O'Callaghan and Co. s nek, fnrnilur>?. and sundrio?, to-day. Guinnn-G and I.eCren—Studholme sale, on Friday : Temuka and hdyke, Tuesday : clearing sale, July 28th. Clearing sale, Cr.'iklewnod—On ?l?t August: by N.M. and A. Cn. and fiuinnffis and LeCren. Opihi School—Social, on August 7(h. Mackenzie County Council—Tenders for Rocky (r l! "y bridge. Randrupp Brcs.—Tmportanii notices to cyclist ii. McQiuer. Davis and Co.—For Iv.ols and shoes, all prices.

Wimmf-ra Hookey Oluli—Social on July 27 h. ' P. Point Ceme'.'-eiy Board—Tenders for grazing. P. Point Caledonian Society—Ball, nn Friday. Theatre Tvoyal—" Mf ltymakers."' en 27Ui ond 2Sth. " Carlton Bios.—For ths Ikrl. hor«ehold coals. O. Person—For clr-ap photo fr.invr?; P. Poinli Pr<T.hvhf>rian Church—Special m-eting. on Tuesday. W. Miller—Bargains at. stock-taking IT. TT. Kingham—For a'l I. Harvester Co.\s implements. Sr.- Mary's Schoolroom—-Concert, on 21.<=t ir-Ft. Y.M.C.A.—Conceit, on Monday evening. .T-'s. S. Tiimbull—Tenders for btiildore' work. West and Hall Want tender, for llOl'isii. s'.C. Educate n Board —Want foreman earpentfr Clr'i'li tvnvice--—Salvation .Army, W«-s----leyj 'l'rini y. Mark Tliggin;-- Special notice to all who cycle. Dick-ns' v-cita'-—At Congregational Church, on Thursday. notice--By .!.. F. Buckingham and Son. Wanted—Five nnficv.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13650, 18 July 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13650, 18 July 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13650, 18 July 1908, Page 4