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||„. .\r.lil>isl."P "f C:i|..-I<'«» '-I''--William U'<>l ••"'"••-I ,l "'' 1 ; " ll ! t ' l -' / "" 1 ' r.itmv.ill, I-:mhl;iihl, .'" -M'-'.V ' AL , 'Hi.- M....1. Hl-v. William Wu>l .1 •:-. I).I)., wli» was 111- tsua ..I lh- lal- Mill. II- .1..M-.-. *..., .■.111.: i .1-.l =.._ M iv 1,.,... |,.m„- hi Lain-, .ni.l l'="<> -•"■' '» ~,„> ~„„,,.,. ~, si. .Mil. 1 * <"»ll«-tf. "*'',"•'• tth,iv I.- 1.-'-' •' '" I: "'"" ••'"'•'""■'l'11.. „-...; |.lii.N-i in. ii«- «•••■""•' ■• , i'"; !" lbdi) u.iii mi " ii''i'"i'i"-y i" 1 " 11 ' '■*><'■* |,„||, ,„ mall.. liii-li.v. •■ili.l in I-']- 11 "<"- in- Mi.n Limu I"- •'•'■ l " ll ■'»*> '';"■" ,•"' v."„„-.l i.. a ~„- vm*. I''' »■■'■* "I'li'i'i' 1 '! 'l'' ll ~,r, ,„ lllol' iim.l |-'i<"-l- '" I»'''• '•> >"•• \ Hi>-li"|> "l iKI.n.!. 11.- pi.. ~-.,i,-.i i.. hi- n.i>. .i.Ri'- i" iw. •"'•[ iv.viv.,l mi li..ii..i-.u-v U.K. 'ii milti «!' " l-liiL'l.-ui'l I" '■'!>•' I'-" 1 '" ll1 " ll " 1 '' 1 l.:.llli)lit)l I 'iilll'ftiviliv. ll'-I «-itli >jl .Mill'* L'.-.11.-i."--- "•'• i-.-Mlim.- I "ll

lii* election ai* an honorary Kellow in 3893.

J)r. West .loin* wan a lifelong nilli. Kill. of the 'l/raclai'lan party in I In' Church of Knghtnd. His liusl, and only curacy was dial of SI. Matthew, Oily Koad, and iii 1861 he. accepted from his college tinvicarage nf Sliuiuu-rl.own, Oxford, wh.-re for ii. short lime In"' was rural dean of Oxford, ;md lii-ld Ilu>. now obsolete office of Lliiiveiv>ily preacher at the old Whitehall Chapel. Al'U-r li-n yeai* »« an Oxlord incunibenl, during which he was cluiscly intimate willi Hi'. Wilh.-ilorce, Inwai> "consecrated Bishop of Cape Town in Westminster Abbey mi May 1., .IB7'l, mi Unit lui hud completed l.liiriyl'onr years in llio Kniiseopate, a. respect in which tinVenerable, Arrhbiship ol' Armagh is piistsillly lies only S.lliol'. 'l'll.' eircUiUKiaiiees ol' his appninliueiil in Capetown were t'nll "I' .'inlirijiiilioi.i, ol' trouble and conflict, l<'or he was inie.e.ding I In- earnest bill. imp. lions P.ishop Cray, who I'oiiiid bin Knglieh champion In Uishop Wilherfnic-, and whose reeklu.syn.fis, iiN Tail raid, "mad.' Archhwdiop lamglcy almoKi Iremble with anxiety a* i In.-"arrival of each mail I roil i the Cape." in particular, there had Wen trouble be-Lwe.-n Ifishop Cray and l.auibelh as lo tin- oaih of canonical obedience In the See of Canlcrhuiy being taken by a Kishop consecrated in Kiiglan.l by the Ar.-libiidiop of Canterbury for ii. rolonial Sc*-. The new Bishop, while as devoted ,-is lii.sliop (iray lo '1 racial ian principled, win, it mini of i]iii.-lt-r spirit. Hill he. u.Vcr lacked courage, and b.' slood oiU for .ioni.' riiii'sidoval.ioii in I In- mailer ol I his oaih. lit agreed lo lake il. bill, on U-imw sel. I'orlh in a dneiiniciil-. executed :il. iln; liiiir. making il. clear thai, ho was not compromising ids prcrogat.ivus as Metropolitan of Ninth Africa.. Tin- kiiiw spirit of aii.xi.-ly, rather than of J'rac-liliousne.-s displayed by his predecessor, tillered inlu Ins reialimiM will) An-hblsliop |'„.|vo!i. lb- pru-sed I'm- lU'linilinlis of lb,; relation of ihr Si-.' of Canterbury 1., Ui'- Church of hii> province and for a d.-.-laralion frnin Hi.- An-hbisliop and Province of Canterbury "ii 111.', subject ~| |.|„, imil v "f Hi"' Church of Sonlli Africa. Willi'fin' ('lunch of Kngland. Hin pi.ivinee, thoiigl I bis actual ilifnrf;s*-, .aiiiliiiuml I'm' Vi'aiu lo In- ilisluvWil by lln- .lifli.-nlli.s'of lb.- dineeso in Natal, and h.- urged Archbishop I'm-iikoii lo no miiial;- in Miu-i-.-.-isioii to Dr. Mai'i-oriu a. Hudn.p who b.- a.-.-.p1.-.l by Imlh s.di-s. In r.i 97, in with (lit- beads ol Si-v-ral pri.viii.-'t; in lln- i-oinmiin i,,n, Urn I'.i.-diop of I'api-iown a.-suin.-.l ;,,,.( had sin.i- niaiiilain.-il lln- Idle of Aivlihishop, a. rhaiij.'i- which infant 1.-ss |. t -,!...(.-. in his i-as-'' I ban in any olh.-i. .is |iri!\ ions rovrrsii-s bad l.inh-d lo a. . .-ui nai<- lln- ini-lropolilaii au(h(ii'ily of his S.-.-. As ail ardent Tra.-tarian he did niii.h |o niaiiilain tin- power of I lie party io which- In- adhered in the (,'lmrcli of South Africa. lie Ki-pl up his olo,s<> i'iiii:„.ciioii willi I be. |i:nylisj» Church Union | al. Inline, and at lln- t'iim- of (lie, l.incolnn Uial he tool; part, ill several mei'.UllU" arraii;.;.-.| by tin' union in order lo u'ive j inorai siipporf I" I In'- Hislmp of Lincoln. 11 Is. however, only fair lo .say that Kvan I yr-lical el.-i-jv lnvo 1.e..-n Welcomed in llio

dioccfie of Gnpo Town, liowever hard it may be for them lo obtain it foothold in soiiio purls of the province. The late Archbishop gave especial ciicouragnnicnt lo the "Mission of Help," which <b'<>w Knglish clei'gv of lmlh partita to vmil'. S.ndh Africa'and jireaeli and exhort in various dioceses. He had recently arrived in Kngland tn alU'iid the Lambeth Oonference, of which lie was, of course, one of the oldest members, and, as his custom wan, attended cerviee in SI. Paul's Cathedral, lakhig Ihe opportunity lo pay » brief visit lo bis old friend Dean (iregory. There was some doubt in the minds of his fiiendr; as to whether In- would return lo his wort- at, Uio close of the. conference, bin, he did not harbour the doubt himself. It will bo remembered that W had been Keenly engaged in flu- -task of building a new' Calihidra,! for Cape Town a v s a, memorial of those, who fell in Iho war, and it was his hope lo return and see at least a part of (he undertaking completed.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13648, 16 July 1908, Page 3

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AN INTERESTING CAREER Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13648, 16 July 1908, Page 3

AN INTERESTING CAREER Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13648, 16 July 1908, Page 3