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Association—By Telegiaph Copyc'giit Received" 8.15-,. July 12th. ■ . SYDNEY, .My 11.

The New Zealand--University team; met a fairly good Metropolitan ixani to-day, bub not the best.-

The v:siting team. was- >as follows.—,. Back, Rhodes; fchree-cjitdi tors, Good be-,, here, Robinson, and J) an shy; five-eiglitiis, Wriglev and Lomas;; halt, Grey; forwards, Wilson, Fenwiclt, Delamere, Pottier; Brosenham, Wrigley, Grace, Yoiing.

.'Tlie'New Zealanders played qu.te_-<v good game .in the first spell, although they' had a try scored agon.ut thenv and failed ,to' score themselves. .§°pd passing ruslies being a feature. Grey was injured during the spell, and Nnkn took his place. In the second spell' the Blacks forced the pace for a while - . Dansey kicked a goal from a" mark, then. Brosenham wound up with a try'off a dribbling. rush headed by Delafhere, but Dans.y failed 1 to convert. ' An easy ehot. from a mark by Nukii was miskicked by Dansey, and .tha visitors them went to pieces. .The • local men' scored a ediiple'' of tries in . qnisk succession, although they , faded to convert thein. When Urno was called the! scdre University 6. > WIN FOR THE -MAORIS. . ■- .SYDNEY,, ..July, 11. - The Maoris beat .the northern team at West Mainland by 30 t.o-16, after a fast game. '' 'J he Maork were good in passing rushes. The northerners lield their own for the greater part of'-ilie game, but. the -Maors' condition told in the flatter portion of the seconds spell.


Per Press Association. "

(Referee, Rev. C. (V Harper.) WANGANUI. July 12.

Themntc.h between the Anglo-Welsh team and ■ Wanganm was played on Saturday afternoon. ■ The weather anrl ground were: in), finfe condition, ,mrl about BCOO people were present-. The Englishmen won the tore. Hogan kicked off, thi' ball bounding into touch near the 25 flag, .and from the throw out Dibble; knocked on and a. scrum result eif in Davey getting possession and kicking to the centre, where Britain was awarded a. free kick for obstruction. Harding kicked to'touch.- and a struggle between the forwards ended 1 in. Britain -being penalised. ' South combe failed to find the line, and Williams returned to toucli atthe sent re.' From a. ■■throw-out Wan-, ffnnui rushed the 11 ball down • the field.' Williams paving by kicking out at the 25 i flasr. When the ball was thrown ir. Urvm goti possession -ind passed to Dowe. j who transferred to Mitchell, who knocked ori, <and from ' t-li» Rc-i' ,lr n Britain wns awarded a free kick. Harding took the kick,' Mitchell marking. 'Sbtithcomb? made a, poor rehini. the ball going out' at half-wav. From a sorvjni Wancan-ui was awarded a freet kiqk, and Abbott found the line at the >25.... .The forwards rushed InU to midtield, where Mitchell saved bv kicking out. Urvin. got t he ball from the line out -and tifrvsed to Dowe, who parsed to Seeling, hut lie failed to pass just in front of the goal posts and a scrum resulted. Britain proved too sjivarfc in getting the ball niit, and their forwards amoved fear of danger, the bill gnine to midfield, where Mitchell sav"d' by. finding the line.' Suiter, pot the ball, - but did not proceed far. being shoved out. Hogan secured and passed to Dowe ; almrEt immediately after- i. wards , Dowe marked, and Seelin'g% took the kick which was iin»ucce c i3ful. Warding kicked off and Sjuithcombe returned to touch at centre. From the scrum Wan- 1 fianni secured Ilia ball. Soutbcombe kicking out." Britain then kept" Wangaanii on the defensive. From i a. scrum : at halfway Wlliams got possession, and after-a good run .passed to Ponty Jones, . who passed to Tuan Jones who missed, Abbott kicking 'to toucli. A Rcrum resulted/ in Wanganui obtaining a free kick. Abbott took the kick; but a scrum was ordered for man in front.' Britain, "got, the ball and Davev passed to Laxon, who passed to Tuan Jones, who missed the pass, and a scrum followed. Dos tin in Irving to intercept a pass knocked on. Then, in ■midfield, -the British three-quarter line puli in brilliant passing, thei ball going from Laxon to , Davey, to Williams,,,to Ponty Jones, to Gibbe?, who was brought down by the Wanganui full back. Wanganui were awarded two free kicks in quiclc'succession, the ball going out at) the haliV way flag. Wanganui forced play, and as the result of- a-passing rush in which Seeling and Abbott were prominent, Meuli was run out near the corner flag. The Britishers removY'd -pla-v, and Mitchell'in tryiiig-to'stop a rush knocked on, and ascrum in midfieli resulted in. the Britishers i being "awarded a ;free kick Harding eendi ing- the.: ball ' into touch • at the centre. Mitchel got possession and was streaking t for the goal, line •when > he r was called back. Immediately afterwards* Wanganui headed i by Hogan, Dustin and Guscott rushed j'play to the English 25, when, tha ball I went out. Suiter, t-ook play! near the goal I; line'; sofne exciting 'forward play followed, but eventually Britain relieved by a free

kick, Harding putting the ball out at the 25 Hag. A scriun took place in front of the British posts, but a free kick- gave relief. Tuan Jones kicked to Reed who found the line at the corner flag. The Britishers, caine away to midfield but Seeling'saved by returning to near the corner flag. Ponty Jbiies kicked to Reed who kicked' to Williams. Wanganui were penalised for offside play 'and from the scrum Dowo kicked to Williams who marked, finding the line at centre. From ilia lineout Seeling made a good kick but Dyke after running to ; centre kicked • out .of touch. Ponty .Jones got.' possesion and passed to Tuan Jones, who sent it on to Gibbs who was collared near the line. Mitchell made a fine kick to ilia centre. The British were penalised for put-ting the ball in Unfairly. Abbot look llie kick but was called back, a man having been in [front.. From the jrcrum; \Milne passed to Hogan who dnbled down to midfield, where. W«ngatiui was awarded a, free kick for off side play. Dowe then sent the tail to Williams who marked, his return ivntlthe line at" midfield. Some pretty pla'y followed,. Davey passing to Laxon, on to Tuan Joties, who kicked <iip the field. Pohty Jones made a fine sprint but ran out. The ball passed i from Davey to Laxon, to Ponty Jones who made airinattempt to pot. Davey marked but Harding failed in his attempt, to kick a goal. i'Dustin took the ball to midfield where hard line play hovered, Harding being stopped by Reid. Wanganui was penalised for offside, ' Britain/got possession, and some pretty passing was indulged in by Davey, Laxon and Tuan and Pohty Jones. A pass by the last-named was intercepted by Mueli who knocked on. Laxon wcuredthe ball and passed to Tuan Joiies, who transferred to Williams, who am'idst;. excitement scored near the corner. Harding made a fine , but unsuccessful at'terfipt to add "the maior points /'■' Britain 3; Wanganui 0. !

, Hogan's kick was marked by E. Morgan and Harding kicked to centre. Seeling fumbled, ' recovered himself, arid kicked well tip> . the field, Thomas kicking oufc at tbA centre. The ' Wanganuiforwards heiided by Hogan dribled up the field but a British kick onr-e more pu> play in nentrril territory. Hogan headed a which' was well stopped by Davey. Vigorous play, by Wanganui resulted in their talcing the ball in proximity of / the goal and were awarded a free kick. Abbott kicked a beautiful goal amid great applause ' : . Britain 3, Wanganui 3.

The teams ' now played' with renewed vigor. Harding, kicked. wel ' down and Muelr returned to touch near the centre. TJrvin dribbled down the field but the British forwards smothered the rush and set the tide m the opposite direction until Re id speculated to touch at the corner. From the scrum Davey /{secured the ball btifc was immediately: put: out of ' touch. A; pretty piece of work by Wabganui backs followed. Suiter. made' .a good run and passed to T)owe who sent the ball to Abbot, who did not get far before he was collared, about midfieVd. The local : men continued to force play and after a rush in which Mitchell was prominent , Urvin carried the ball -over the. line '. but the British forced'. Harding kicked to ' Rekl who marked'. -Abbott found the line at centre and hard play of an even Siature continued till half time.

The, second spell was productive of some exciting "play, but there was little opportunity for 'any individual 'to distinguish himself. A sprinting career was ended almost before Jt began and the forwards were continually engaged in hard scrum work. In the first, snell w "ngamu liad to play with the sun : in their, eyes and the Britishers now had the same experience: . The sun was lower and as a consequence was more dazzling to the playersbiit friendly clouds and t^«es ; soon obscured the bright rays and both sfdes were on an even footing for the greater part of the 'spell. Harding opened by. kicking to Seeling who returned to touch at the 25 fltig:- Dowe got possession and kicked to who transferred .play , to neutral ter ritoi-t- Mitchell started.- a good Tun but not being certain - oi J hTS "attendrfnt backs' position hesitated and lost, the ball. The Wanganui forwards made a. fine rush and to'ok play to the 25. Tsown kicked well •up the field and followed. -The Wanganui fiillback returned '.the ball to midfield. Dyke got it and made a splendid kick ball going out five; vards from the goal line A couple of scrums on the bne followed. So l 'comb 0 .pwd t'o Tlawe who passed to Milne who relieved tlw pressure b£ kicking, to the centre.- Dyke returned arid th* British forwards* following m> fast again had Wanganui hard at work defends iilg. The' ball went out , near the ,corner 11 tig. The Wanganui ' forwards worked play back to the 25, 'but here the visitors' three-quarters got- the ball and the pcsitioft lo'oked > serious. The ' ball passed ; from rffeyer to plater till "Williams gob it 'and beating the/ Wanganui backs scored near th'e corner. • flfarding made a good attempt tcj increase the points -but the ball went to' the left • ".■?■' Britain 0, Wanganui 3. -Excitement. was growing and the. local men put forth-l-edpnbled ettoiti> to, e.qual.ise mWtters, but for the first few minutes it lo'oked as though the Britishers , were about to score: again. .Harding got the ball and after a good run put in one of \his splendid' kicks, the ball going oyer the goal line and Reid forcing. Play again havered in midfield, no fewer than three scrums taking place in . gblck- succession. The Wanganui backs got the ball and gay® one pf few exhibitions of good passfug. the ball going from Mitchell-, to Abbott to Seeling who found the line at the 25. The -Britishers exerted them-, selves and from resultant scrum forced] the' ball to • midfield.v- 'Here R-eid after failing to take the ball got m n. good kick, the leather going out of touch at the 25 In the interchange of kicks between Davey, 'Mitchell, Laxon, and" Reid the last named marked, but tins did not benefit Wanganui to any extent for play, was immediately taken: to the centre; Wanganui made desperate efforts to score, and Hie forwards who seemed very' fresh pushed' back "their opponents to just in front "bf the' goal" pests; • Here play regained for-sofne minutes, but a' fi-fe kick awarded ' to' "BritKiii • Removed danger, Hai'ding. kicking to midfield. The visitors followed up-and had Wanganui busily engaged" defending. •Britain- was awarded another freer-kielc, and Harding made a lute a'tempt S?elifig foiCed lliG forwards'headed by Hbgan, Meuli, aittl Urvin took plav to the centre; where tht. ball T?feiit''Out. -Wanganui got the ball, Hogaft' headed another- msh; and play ■\Vais conveyed to inside- .tlie 1 25-lints; Hardkicked -to- Reid, who- kicked- straight' up in to 'the ail 1 . Dowe recured and kicked to Williams who running and kicking ;sent the 'ball, out r at the 25; :: ' • Meuli-''got. possession--and- ran/to' .finy centi-e; "but- was-too 1 slow for. P.Onty Jones," wlio came across the field like a greyhound:- ' Play -continued■" m - neutral territory 1 , till Tuan-Jones- started a dangerous looking -rushy which was cut short By Abbott.' Ponty Jones, however) ..immediately -got -possession, the ball going out near the. corner. ' Scriim vwork fob lowed, but the : Wanganui fdr\vavds man- : aged' to force their Opponents- back to the 25 line where Abbot marked. marked Abbott's kick and Pyke- made a good attempt, the : ball just- mtesing the goaly posts;' The British forwards .'pressed the local men, exciting scrum work taking place near the goal-lino. Abbott eventually got in- a, fast but short-lived run which served, to take play to the centre. The Britishers once more made au irrf«'fitft>le. forward move. Meuli pot the 'balk-bnt •; before he could kick was thrown over the' goal line. , He succeeded, however, m touching. down. the kick out 4hbott made another ruii, but Ponty Jones was too quick. 1 Wanganui continued: to' attack and, tlie. Englishmen as s' rongly defended though offside tactics were ratlier too freely indulged in. As tv yesult of thie Wanganui

was awarded a free kick, v but'-though tli-e position was a good one," Abbott. fai.W ed to add to the score, the ball going; t*6 right of posts. The Britishers • enawivoured to clear theuv line,; and' tliey'.Werfe ' assisted in this by. Sealing 'playingthe ball on the ground in midfield, ai free kicfi; being given. Tlie ball /was piit the goal line, but Reid foi'ced. . Duvejf marked but Dyke was unsuccessful ,'U.t goal. Reid kicked /to midfield; the Brijf-. ibli. i«5 made .another dangerous rush/bi[t Mitchell saved, and . returned play to'the centre where Melili secured a mark. Plajjr in midfield continued till Dibble- ran- ~-0 the 2{it where.lie went out.' Davey; grit the ball smartly; from ..the sci;uni,.. .anil making a fine run scored ; in' a- good'pos]-t-'f'ii. Harding .waft. unsucctssful svith liiu kick. * . / ./- :'■■■ v

Britain 9/Wang;imti 3.' ■ ;i The next score. was made: qSlickly! 'From a scrum in midfield got .the lialf, and af.vr a/good ruii: scored pests. Abbott took/the 'kick, but; disappointment of Waiigahui k s -suppdrteiS' failed to put the ball over .'the bar.' ::: • . Bri.-aiii 9/ Wanganui 6. ; ./;■ From this point till the whistle, roast exciting play continued in the Englishmen's .-goal. llie local 'forwards fought desperately,. but though they maintained the -advantage • they harl gained, tliey could, not break through"tlfe British, defence, the-game endiifg' r ,■ 1 -j - ' Britain 9,. Wanganui 6: * '- ! THE NORTH OTAGO 'MATCH.' ! The South ' Canterbury , team will-play ■ their son . mijtiih with North Oago ife to ]»• plaje'd on jtHts Athletic Grounds.' ' The' to'< represent the local Union ;is given below, and any player clioseiuwlio' is-junable must notify the once:—■ ,>■ ]).• Scott-.- • -.J':. Fraser Bi'adleys G. -Spillane E. Horgan Coles , Pnesfc,, , Melvin . Taylor ' W. Scott. -Fitzgerald, -Carlton Budd Hooper 1 wing Jno; Roddick ' Emergencies (riot necessarily in order) ; ' Backs, Mayo, Darcy, liardie.; forwards, O'Brien, Mollison, A. Smith, /Rodgers.. The players - are requested- to meet 'at* the Star training room on - Tuesdaynlglit 'for practice. The team for the northern totir will be picked after-ThnrsdayV match:... At. Chnstchurch on Saturday tie,senior football matches resulted as follows r 1 — Albion 6, beat IJeriv.ale 3 ; ! , sydenhapv beat Old. Boys mt; 1 Christ church 1 34, 'beat Canterbury College 3 1 The senior football -matches ■. were 5 continued at Dunedin .on. Saturday^. 17 p,obits,- J)eat PortCfyalmers.iiil; \Southern 8, beat Pirates 3 ;rKaJkorai.' 19, rbe&t; Uniofl nil; Alhambra. 6, beat.T&ieri RoV■ers" iiil; .Zingori won: by-: default .-against; the' University /

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13645, 13 July 1908, Page 5

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FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13645, 13 July 1908, Page 5

FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13645, 13 July 1908, Page 5