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The Rev. W; .Banmber. will qonduut morning and evening services to-morro\V in the Wesleyan Church. His_ subject "in.tlw Wening will bo "A Striking Conversioh." ; . . , , " t i The following are the tenders for the erection of a post office at>!;FiMiuesr-< Accepted : Thomas Foden (FairlieVv£Bl3. Declined: David Cunningham . (Timaru) £823. Peter John Beaton (Fairlie) £855. Informal: W. H. Parkinson.' (Waimate). .The two mid-day expresses crossed yesterday afternoon at Oran. instead of .it Rangitata as is usually done II is .1 pity that this could nob always be followed, SO that passengers to and fiom G-eraldine in the afternoon would ba save<l tbe long and; miserable three-quarters of iin hour's wait at Oral 1. . , i At. the Technical. School last evening, Mr L: E. Finch, solicitor, delivered an. interesting lecture on ''The hire purchase system," his audience being some .12 or 15- members of the Accountant Students' Society/ 111- J- I'-'--'Gillies,-' the president of - the society, occupied; the cliaiiy and prior to tlie'commencement, of the; leclWe. introduced the subject of the purchase' of some technical books to form the nucleus ' of an accountancy library. ' It was ? decided to leave this to the committee la deal with: • : ; ■Brigadier and Mrs Albiston, the new provincial compnaiideiv 'of- the" Salvatio'n Army-for the South Island, will pay thfir fir-st to Timaru to-mor'rojv <m<l ; Mon-day-Accompanied by their sectetary (Ma-. -jor-' !i ®ces).!,' On Monday a; greats sfo.eml meeting will- be held under tli-e- palioif!*ge of ■His-'.'.Worship the Mayor. ..-.Brigadier and Mrs .Albiston willr g,i\se" tftildtesiyso, on yescue'* and- prison gave work,'also on the home, Pakatoa- Island. > M&jor Una Mrs Ross will sing some- of their favourite songs, accompanied -by hanju and concertina. .. : Woods' Ureal ' Peppermiojti pur*' for Coughs. c :a|nd £ Olds uevei /ailt. • ■ Is 6d and 2*<6di -i. lt , ' The greatest of all recent inventions In - the 'sphere of music is the Broadwood Pianoplayer; a combination of a piaao and* a player, which doea neither interfere,.-with the use of the piano, in the usual f way, nor form an obstruction. The-mechaiusm: of this instrument is 'so cleverly, devised, that . in addition to an absolutely perfect and accuitite interpretation., of' the most difficult? piebe of musib, it also reproduces the fiiost delicate' human'touch"ttiid * fcbrirefctf 'Wmpi: Anyone can learn to play thiS-, instrument in a few hours. The Dresden Piahb \Go, Ltd. are sole agents and' importers of this great musical novelty, and on Saturday next a concert will be given at 1 the Dresden, when the Broadwood' Piano., plaver will be shown for the first ,iime.;jn Timaru... 'v ./v* fi*> * The remarkable strides rmadePby the • - "Lawrence-jCennedy-Gillies" imilking■■'infti-' : chines during the past six years is .shoivtl ' by the fact that 1016 machines , have been installed to date in-New Zealand alone. During the first four experimental . 'years, a total of only 142 machines were installed,: while during 1906 - and '1907- the sales reached a: total of-.- 874. machines.. Tlie complete list of names and addresses , of New Zealand -users furnished 'by l tlie> ' agents, is certainly nnmistakeable ;evid- : ence of the continued success, and increasing popularity of the " L.K.G.":-milker. •J. B. MacEwan and Co., Ltd.; sole agents, Dunedin. ... THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQUE FOR £1 Is has been sent to the 1 writer of this N.L.y- ' Mairoa, Te Kuiti: — , "That .mantelpiece is clean- onoe.more; ■' Said Mother—"" put- the drape on ; And mind, -should it. get smoked again, •••: 'Twill all come off with SAPON." : ' WIN A GUINEA! -Prize Poem • Published every 1 Btst original four shortline advt. verse about "SAPON"-wins each week. SAPON wrapper must be en- ' closed: Address:—"SAPON" (Oatmeal Washing Towder) P.O. Box, 635, Wellington. If your grocer does not stock - please send his name and address. ...

The Soutli Canterbury Coursing Club "will hold their second meeting of the 19U8 season on Wednesday and Thursday next-, at the Plumpton, Washdyke. It> is anticipated that good entries will *> e and given fine -weather the sport, should be good. The plumption is reported to be in condition for coursing. The Amateur Athletic Association, -which-met in Christchurch on Thursday, received a letter from - the secretary of tue United Harriers' Club (Timaru) stating that the club had been disbanded, and asking that the subscription to the Council might be remitted. It was resolved to reply that- the Council conld not- grant the request- , , ... , The. Timaru City to™ decided to hold their annual ball on \V t-veninsr. August 26th. Hie committee are determined to leave no stone unturned to make it popular and, with .this end in view will introduce another novei.v in the shape of the grand march. Tickets may be had from mwnbers of the committee. Members of. the Orange Lodges are invited to the Orange Hall to-morrow at--3 p.m., to hear t.lie Bro. Buchanan -preach the Orange serinon in the hail, Bank:? Street. On Tuesdav, the 14th. a tea and concert are to be held.* -* lr . Meredith will preside, and his ability is well known to the brethren of both islands; who now work under one constitution) It is not generally known that it is an offence under the Borough By-law to ride a bicycle without holding on to the han-dle-bar with at least one hand. A boy •was charged with this offence at yesterday's • sitting of the .Magistrate's Court, and was cautioned and discharged, .u- - of interest was one m a shopkeeper was lined for suspending ii calico advertisement along th« veraiula'i in front of his shop. A committee meeting of the South Canterbury Coursing Club was held on Thursday evening, when final arrangements were .made for the July meeting, which is. to-be held on the Plumpton at Washdyke on Wednesday and Ihursday of nest -Week. Mr T. Kett, of Dunedin, was appointed judge and Mr T. Kearns of Timaru, slipper. Owing to the ground being too soft for a horse (to be ridden the judging will be done from ar'l2 foot stage -which -will be placed* in the [middle of the plumpton. The draw will t take. place at the Stone Stables at,7-30 .p.m.. on Monday. A return laid on the table of 'the- House on T&ursday shows a net increase in-rev--1 enue for, the Jhree months ended Jußei-3Qth last,-'as compared with, corresponding period - of last>:year,' of; £6892- The'.increases are £62,289, beer duty £2862; i? registration and other fees £2722, marine £263, miscellaneous £1206, territorial • revenue £6992. There was, -'however, a -serious drop of £80,847 in. the .'Customs revenue, also a slight decrease in land tax (£1419). and income tax (£1475). The Premier stated.- that the drop in Customs was attributable to the reductions made in the tariff.! The Attorney General's Law Practitioners Act Amendment.Bill propose* to repeal the existing leg'station, ■ which provides that- a ; solicitor may be admitted without further examination to practise as a barrister aft,er he had practised five years as a solicitor, or as the managing clerk of a solicitor. The repeal has been' requested not, only by the Law Society, but also by the University of New Zealand, on account of the detrimental effect upon the standard of legal education in the Dominion. A clause is included in the Bill to save the rights of solicitors ■who have been admitted as such since the passing of the Act of 1898. A young man named George Moore, a Temuka resident, was charged before Mr G.' Ale. Gentlemun, J.P.. At Temuka, yesterday afternoon, on the information of the police, with having stolen six £5 notes, two sovereigns, and ten shillings in silver, from a man named James MeMeekin, a blacksmith working in the town. The theftr is. alleged, to have occurred in one of the local hotels on Wednesday last during the progress of the. flood," when a number of persons were indulging in a wet inside as well as out. On the application of the police, accused ■was remanded until Tuesday, to appear before the magistrate. Bail was allowed in sureties of £2OO, which were forthcoming. The weekly meeting of the Life Boat Lodge,-No. 101, 1.0. G.T., held last evening in the Forester's Hall, George street, Bro. Hawkey, C.T., presiding over a very large attendance of members. After rontine business, one candidate was proposed for membership. Correspondence -was received fiomthe Grand Lodge and also from the No-License League, which •was dealt with. The programme for the "* Birthday Night," was ably carried out by the members. A birthday cake and a plentiful supply of refreshments were partaken of and after _ample justice had been done to them, votes of thanks "were passed to the donors. Songs and recitations filled up-a pleasant evening, -which was brought to a close in the usual manner. The great women artists and momiaines who wear the P.D. corset know why. The P.D., giving healthful support, prevents lassitude and prostration. ' The P.D., being modelled on the finest and sanest principles, enhances the natural grace and balance of the figure, and shows those graces perfected. No ordiuary strain or wear can destroy the characteristic faultless lines of the P.D. These facts tell. ... Cough t Cough! Cough! Don't cough. Take TUSSICURA. Soothes the inflamed membrane. Soothing and healing. 3s 6d, 2s 6d..:. liadies' gum boots at 10s 6d per pair . at' Souter's shoe store. .Tnst the thing for the wet weather. " Children's gum boots, sizes 11 to 2, at 8s 6d per pair. No child need stay away, from school, if they have a pair of our gum boots.— Souters Shoe Store. ... Yes sleep will sojaetiimes cure a headache but why depeii&on such a slow, uncertain and inconvenient way when Stearns' Headache Cure will do it in a few minutes, without inconvenience ... Waterproof boots at Souter's shoe store. The "'Mackenzie" shooter is guaranteed abaolutelv waterproof. We stock strong shooters'from 10s 6d per pair. 1 his . web weather has found plenty of leaky boots, but none of the "Mackenzie" shooter.— r Souter's Shoe Store. Colds leave weak places. Weak, cough-injured spots invite consumption. Take TUSSICURA, the marvellous throat and lung healer. Will stop your cough at once. The .miner at the battery Was suffering from a cold! 'As mad aa any hatter, he Was\jiocketing the gold! " Good gracious!" said " But this, is pretty pure." The miner said: " Excuse me, I Took just a little bit to buy Soma Woods' Great Peppermint Cure."... \ MAGNIFICENT MEDICINE FOP. * " WOMEN. TAMER JUipE is a cure for most of women's painful ailments. Many women have been wonderfully helped by the use of this "time-honoured vegetable preparation. About 20 drops taken with a little ■water after each meal puts an end to the etvytming pains, aches, and agonies that so frequently torment and torture women. Dr Elisor's Tamer Juice is loved, taken, tod (recommended by women everywhere, because of the immense amount of good it does in the ailments peculiar to women. If a few drops of Tamer Jnice —from 20 to 30—be taken in a little water thrr times each day for several days each month, it will banish pain, .induce rest-' Jess sleep, and prolong life...

The railway employees' ball is to be held :it the JJrill hall on Tuesday next. Mr D. Mahoney notifies this morning some quick-selling lines in farm, suburban and to mi properties. Trinity College of Music, of London, will hold an examination on the art of teaching on July 22nd., the Sophia Street Hall being the rendezvous for candidates. A notice of interest to mothers of largo families is to be found in another column. ThVee prizes are being offered to mothers showing, the best results in the way of rearing children by numbers. The following i.s Captain Edwin's wen--ther forecast up to 3 p.m. "Moderate to strong southerly winds northward of Kaikoura and Hokitika, but from the eastward elsewhere, • and probably with a falling barometer." Repairs to the -water-race were so far ahead yesterday that the water was once more flowing in'o the reservoir, 'l'he i-liiw on Mount Horrible were mostly above the race, and the work,'therefore, of getting the water along again was soon accomplished. ?; X*' Mr Wm. Coltman, watchmaker . and jeweller, of Waimate, returned yesterday from a visit, to Auckland. - As a'result of his visit Mr Coltman has determined .to shift his quarters, and open a business in the northern city. Mr Coltman is; much impressed -with the present condition and the futnre prospects of Auckland. A Wellington paper says that- on Wednesday the Hon. W. Hall-Jones (who was looking remarkably well) made life first speech of the session, and consequently his first parliamentary speech since, his return. His remarks were in reply to members who had expressed " dissatisfaction at his replies to theirrequSss for railwav and public works concessions and improvements, and were generally, a defence of the Department's policy. He . came sharply into conflict with Mr Baume (Auckland), taking exception to some remarks of that - member regarding Auckland's neglect. He said Mr Baume had stacked him in an " uninanner'.y" way. Mr Baume expressed' himself -at a less to understand how lie had been unmannerly. He hoped he would always conduct- himself, as he always had done, in a proper manner in the House. Yet he would not fail to do his duty to'his constituents. Mr Massey also complained that the Minister, had misrepresented him during his speech. Often on& reads about wonderful performances by motor ears, in Europe,. where the road - conditions lend themselves to such. But nowhere were the fundamental qualities of motor cars so, forcibly brought home asr lately by the ' motor car? , made in . the the,'De : flarracq rgliabiiitV,; ■ and everlasting V- wear, -they,, stand alon'e ; the following are the - proofs : A »little 10 h.p. twin cylinder last week ran from Invercargill to Dunedin. and back, 300 miles in •eleven hours,-" it ma(Jev;a' perfect. nonstop run on.wet and--bad. roads, and left far behind a car of another make of 16 h.p.; it is a world's record. Does this not show wonderful speed and relia,bility for a 6mall runabout car. As . for good wear the first 10 h.p. Darraoq which was sold 2 years ago to a /well known Waimate farmer .was overhauled lately, and the owner will prove that not a 6d part was replaced, as not a sign of wear was found anywhere. Again we repeat that the Darracq and De Dion stand alone *nd are unsurpassed. ... For rheumatism, backache, faceache, earache, neuralgia, and o:her muscular pains nothing can eqn'al WITCH'S OIL (registered)...

When children fail to thrive, give them Stearns' 'Wine. It makes weak children strong by giving them better appetite and digestion. They like to take it. because its tast« k pleasant. ... Strychnine in loz sealed bottles can be obtained from L. B. James, - chemist, and full particulars will be given how to prepare the poisoned grain. ... About Clothes —and where to get your next Suit.—lt is quite possible that you have not fully decided where to get your next suit made. If so, we beg to remind "you that' we' make suits' to measure—fit. guaranteed—of the best Colonial worsted and woollen suitings -.uac cannot be excelled for quality, workmanship, and price. Why pay five pounds for a suit of clothe? when we can make you. a suit of the very best material, well-made and perfect fitting guaranteed, for 60s, 555, 60s; 65s', 705,at Irwin's Drapery and Clothing Shop, Stafford Street (next Prosser's). ... Mrs. Cromer, Percy-street, Geelong, writ-en: "Acting on the advice of a friend of mine I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to give to my-little girl, who was suffering with a vety bad attack of Croup. lam pleased to say that after a few doses relief was ob ; tained, and before the bottle, was finished my little girl was able to go to 6ubool again. I will always recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my friends as being the best I have ever For rata #-verywhera... - AUCTION NOTICES. The New Zealand Loan Co., Ltd., will offer for sale at their land salerooms, at 2.30 p.m. to-day, the goodwill of Mr E. Biughani's property near Fairlie, consisting of 146 acres, subdivided into four paddocks, with four-roomed house. Messrs Guinness and LeCren, Ltd., advertise in another column a clearing sale to be held about- the middle of the month, on account of Air Randal McAlister, of Hunter, Makikihi, whose farm of 250 acres they have just sold to Mr Fred Magon, of Oreen Park. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pleasant Point sale—Will not be held on Monday. Jonas and Co.—Sell live stock, fruit, high-claa? paintings, to-day. Gerrie and Co.—Sell poultry, furniture,. etc., to-day. C.F.C.A.—Geraldine stock market Wednesday. Guinness and LeCren—Geraldine market Wednesday, clearing sale. 21st inst. N.M. and A .Co.—Sale at Washdyka Tuesday, Geraldine Wednesday. A. G. Nalder—Agent Siddeley autocars. D. Mahonev —Handy farms, first-class .sections for sale. f. The . Merrymakers —Play ab Timara on. 27th inst. Railway Employees—Ball on Tuesday next. J. Gale—Re agency for McCormick and Deering machinery. j. E. Reid—Best- quality and lowest priced boots. N.Z. Clothing Factory—Prices for tailor cut sitits. E. A." LeCren—Building sites for sale. Estate of late G. Mcl. Robertson —Accounts to be sent in. Orange Celebration—To-morrow and Tuesday. Wadsworth and Co.—Choice teas and butter in stock. A. Brown and Co.—A word in season re teas. Church services Trinity, Salvation. Army, Wesley. Trinity College—Examination July 22nd. Found —■ A collie slut: a motor tyre.' G. Pearson—Sample books of post cards on hand. Webb and Kempt.horne—-Handy house for sale or to let. City Rifles—Ball on August 26ih. Theatre Royal—Sheridan's Company, Friday and Saturday. Tripp and Rolleston—Have shop and section to let. Sparrow and- Co.—Have properties for sale or to let. . ' Lyalldale Ball—Postponed "till Tuesday. Airs McDonald, Christchureh —Re infant life protection. Esk Valley School—Social on Friday. X'onrsing—At Waslidyke, Wednesday and Thursday. M. .Higgins—Bicycles and sewing machines, all priefs. Friendly Societies' Hall—On Thursday next. . Wanteds —Seven notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13644, 11 July 1908, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13644, 11 July 1908, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13644, 11 July 1908, Page 4