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All arrangements are now complete for the holding of th e basket social by way of welcoming the team of British footballers. The social will be under the patronage of His Worship the Mayor and Councillors of the Borough of Timarn. A petition in. circulation, praying for a larger and more adequate post office- at Waimate is being largely signed. Si r Joseph Ward's visit is to be made occasion for a strong public appeal for thiis convenience.

At a meeting of the Otago Aeclimatisa tion Society yesterday a tetter wat* received from Mr Hardcaistte, Chrfetchurch. with reference to cutting a> porti'i n of th--North Otago berdf of red drer., Th.writer stated that over 30 stags with ni.dformed heads had been shot daring the early parr, of th<» season, and suggested that a conference- be held in Dnnedin during winter show week to deal with the matter. It. was decided to bold the conference a;* early as possibEe.

The Kingsdoun school was closed on thnrsdav bv the School Committee, as :t mark "of tV>|>4vt t.. the late Mr W. M. Talbot, who had been it pupil of the *ch«.«.t. and whose fun t•«.»»; place »" the dav nani-ed. the next ordinary immihly meeting «>i the Mackenzie County Council will be l«dd an Friday next. The estimates' of receipts and expenditure for tin- current year will "«)> dealt with. «»u the same day a special meeting of the Council will he held to <•>" sider tli-- balance .sleet* «>t the county f»r the year flute* I 3IM. March, if rv.-eiv* .1 £"th." An*ht Utfi.e.

A most interesting »liwi.v*>ty of ntna bones w;Ts made tm Thin-.lay last hy Mr I! Wat kins, on Mr Waltis prop-ity at Twpnroa. near Uif-boine. Knteriuj; a tave on t?»e .-itK- »i :>■ iin>un;.iiii near 11 likeMr Watkins found lie- bones of at t'»'t<r ni»a biids. Ihe cave is liitheiilamp. but the f>i»iif> ale in a fair s'ale of preservation. This U lirbev-d t>> be the litst di'C.A-ery »>f im.;i in that di-trict.

The honesty of a Chinaman ivw brought to tight in tb- Magistrate's Court ye«ter. day. when the charge of driving a vehicle over Strathallan Street- railway crossing white an engine was approaching was prf-f-rre«l against Ah Site-, a market gardener residing at Saltwater Creek. When Ah Sue".* name was rqlted. oof a c>le?fial stepped forward and Ptatetl that Ah Sne. the otlender. wa> at present on his way to China, hut that he. the iiff<*n>bnr*t> partner, wonld an.vtrer tlie charge. evidence was called from crossinji keejK-r to show that/ defendant drove over the crossing while an express train was approaching and that there was a mrrow escape from an accident. A line of 10s and eo.»tiS amounting (o 9« was imposed and this the defendant "a deputy cheerfcilypaid though not legally compelled to do so.

At the Magistrate's Court yesterday, for Mr. C. A. Wray. S.M., Tianiel O'Boyle W3.«. charged with driving a hrrsc* and vehicle after dark without carrying two lights as reijnired by the by-law and j ,tieade,i gnilty. .W. Townsend elated in I evidence- that defendant's vehicle collided with hk own in Wai-iti Road and he saw no lights*. Witness.was as near to his proper side as the drainage work« Mould I permit, ft was dark at the time. Dei fendant asserted that he was on his proper side and had one light. Constable Osborne said that he had examined the ! defendant's gig. which was capsized in [the collision, arid found no lamps-, but defendant afterwards told him that be had one lamp which he took when he away in another vehicle, after putting his own in a neighbouring section. Hiw Worship pointed out that the by-law specified that two lights should he carried i and he impeded a penalty of ss. and costs. The labour Department has received a number of forms for the use of thos> who i wish to nominate suitable persons for emigration from Knglaml to Xew Zealand. When filled in. the forms are sent, by the. Under-Secretary for the Department to the High 1 Commissioner, and if the persons nominated- are. deemed suitable they are granted passages at. reduced rates. The (Government has mad e arrangements for the passages, and the payments required from passengers are:—Second-class. £27; tthirdclass. £l2 arid £lo—a. .reduction to .the passenger of £ll in the second-class and £9 in the third-class. Residents-in the dominion may nominate near relatives for passages, and pay. the money, to the UnderSecretary" for- Immigration. Tlie persons nominated must b e tinder 50, and must have a.suitable occupation.- AgricultTorists with a capital of £25 and domestic workers ar« granted passages without. the, nomination from Xew. Zealand.. The,final selection rests with .t he High Coimiiiaaoner. A meet ins of tin* South -Canterbury District Lodse. Ko. 6. 1.0. G.T., was. held in th« Welcome. Retreat-Lodgeroom, fierahliiie. on Thursday evening. There was a very good; attendance of delegates. arid members from tlie various lodges in the district, presided over by the D.C.T.. Rro. R. J. Lloyd. the district degree was eonft-rred on four candidates. The officers" reports showed the past, quarter to have been a euccessful one, the lodges showing an increase in membership, and being 'in a very satisfactory condition. The work of the lodges in connection with the forthcoming local option poll was discussed and dealt with. _ Correspondence was read from the Xew Zealand Alliance inviting the lodge to send a delegate to the annual meeting and colonial convention. The secretary was instructed to writ:* sympathising with their work, but regretting inahiliiy to send a representative. It was divided to hold tin* next nweting at Titnarit in August. During the evening .he lodge was entertaind by the Welcome Retteat th*» memliers of which dis|>ense«l abundant refreshments. A hearty vote of thanks to the Welcome Retreat Lodge for their kind hospitality brought a pleasant evening to a chest at 10.30. The usual weeklv meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge. No. 101. 1.0.0.T.. was held in the Foresters' Hall. George street, last evening. Bn>. Hawkey. C.T.. presiding over a large attendance of members. One candidate was proposed and initiated into the order. The new syllabus for the quarter was read and, adopted. The district delegate reported on ihe work done at the district meeting at Geraldine. ! The programme took the form of a social | evening in honour of Bro. Mnchmoie's twenty-first year of active membership in | the lodge. The- following .members gave I items : —Bro. IVake. Sister Bradding. ! Bro. Cbughton. the Lodge choir. Sisters | Berry. and Warner. Bros. Lowry ! and Williams. A recess was; granted to [ partake of refreshments kindly provided | by Bro. Mnchmore. ami after justice had been done to tliem. tlie programme wa« continued by Bro. Toye. Sister I'eake. Bro. Mnchmore. Sister Lennie. Bro. Kem.-*- ; ley, Bro. Hawkey, and Sinter Leggoiu. In ;i break-daring the evening, tin- C.T. presented Bro. Muchmort- on behalf of I the", Lodge . with a handsomely framed | diploma. Bro. Mnchmore, on rising to I re-ptv. was; received with musical honours, I " He's a Jolly Good Fellow." ami quietness being restored, he. thanked the members most heartily for their .handsome j present. This broughta a very pleas-ant [ meeting to a close. [ PEARSON'S Pepto-chlor will certainly | remove that frightful pain in the chest. S All chemists. Is.. 2s 6d. and 4s.—

The owner scratched the favourite horse, The punter scratched his bead, And gazed distracted to the course; Then to his friends he said: *" This punting may allure, but not As other things allure, And I would sooner pot my lot On Woods* Great Peppermint Cure."... THE "L.K.G." GIVKS SATISFACTION. Messrs Mnntnn and Pearse, of Maxwelltown, write:—"We have three.' L.K.O. * machines in u>e. and are milking 110 cows. VtV ran generally milk this number in 2 hours 20 minutes, while there i are. only three of us to do this work. We I are fully satisfied w. both the test and quantity of milk. One great advantage ; is the "short rime the cows are standing required for band milking, ronsequently the cows have more time in the paddock. ! We are perfectly satisfied with the machines." Write for full particulars ami li*t of satisfied nserfi t«» MacEwan and Co., Ltd., tsole agents, Dnnedin. ...

COLDS LEAVE WKAK PLACES. WKAK. COUGH INJURED SPOTS IN VITK CONSUMPTION. TAKE TUSSItTRA. THE MA It VET. I.OUS THROAT AND LUNG TOXIC. ... TUSSICURA cures roughs and mlds at once. Stop;* the ttckh- and affords ea.iv ♦ xjvectoration. All stores. ... C. ttglt! Cough! Cough! Don't cough. Take TUSSICURA. Soothes the inflamed membrane. Sor.thing and baling. Is fid, 2a fid. ...

On Thursday evening the meu on the. Brothers Station l>e;vt, Totara. Valley by 27 17;iit ft friendly game, of crihbage. Songs ami light, refreshments terminated :« very enjoyable evening. Among the correspondence. *e;id nl the Harbour Board inietiri;- yesterday was a letter from tin- lonic r secretary, Mr W. J. Teniiem. requesting certain up-to-date, tufoi mat ion about the harbour. Mr is now ic:<idilig in Ihiwl.e's I lay. ami is taking an inleiest i" h:-il».ur there. The moveui-»nt to present Mr John Manchester, wlio has just taken on" the harness of public life after 10 years' work—with an address of public appreciation, is gainii.g sup|x>rt at Waimate. Mr Manchester is still hearty ami in good health, but prefers to let- younger men do the strenuous work of local government. He is, of course, itill a keenly interested witness, and his advice is often voii.-jht and gained with acceptance. A very successful gathering organised by th«. Geraldine Five Brigade, wan held in the Volunteer Hall on Thursday evening. A ettchiv party occupied the first, part of the evening, a large nninher of players taknig- part. The prizes eventually fell to Jo,, and Miss Bryant, the latter securing the booby and .Messrs D. O'Leary and M. Mnlhem," the latter of whom won the booby. Afterwiirds a dance was held under Messrs R. Woods and J. Boulter's supervision. Music was supplied by Messrs Allan (cornet), and J. I've (piano). An excellent snpper wjis handed round and everyone appeared to enjoy the gathering verv much.

' On Thursday afternoon about.-50 friends I of Mr J. Skinner, who has taken over the !«Jladstone Hotel at Fairlie, met him at the Crown Hotel.for the purpose of making him a presentation. Mr J. Hole look the chair and in a neat speech in which hei referred to Mr Skinner as a gentleman and a good citizen and in which he congratulated the licensed victuallers' _ on , his accession to their ranlcs. he handed the.guesj; a handsome gold albert. Many of those present endorsed ihe chairman's remarks arid wished him every success in his newventure. Mr SKinner suitably replied tihd thanked one and all for their present and their kind remarks. A lengthy toast, list was gone through, "The Guest," "The Licensed Victuallers," "Local Industries" and "Tlie Chairman" being the principal toasts honoured.

When your throat is dry and husky, a Zym'ole trofcey will relieve that disagreeable feeling. 'Zymole Trokeys give the mouth a cleansed and refreshed sensation... While several meiribers. of. the various labour* unions arid employers of iahour were buying boots last Saturday night iat. J. E. Reid's a hurried meeting was held, and the following- resolution unanimously, passed that aTthoughi-.this meeting do not- all agree to the labour laws, we all agree that J. t B. Reid sells nothing, but.the best of footwear at most reasonable he .is a* practical-man .and'the public, can rest assured that.lie.sells.only. the best of footwear.—NbteHb'e' address, near T. and J. Thomson's. •Stafford street - Xoish....

Golf and hockey players will b* -well catered for this season. Mr Tasker has just landed a large, and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseya, Cleeks, Irons, Lofters, Mashies, Niblicks, Putters, Caddie Bags, Balls, etc.. Hockey Sticks. Shin Pads, Rubber Gpard Rings, "Balls, etc. At •ie Central Sporting Depot, Timarn..'. Colds leave weak places. Weak, coughinjured spots invite consumption. Take TCSSICCHA, tlie marvellous throat 'and lung healer. Will stop your cough at once. ...

A well known Wairarappa squatter, who has had a great amount of experience with many different makes of motorcars, and who has. now, been using a .Darracq constantly for tlie past two years, writes-. " There is no doubt whatever that the Darracq is the most suitable for our New Zealand rough and hilly roals, and I have no'cause for complaint; 1 never fnil'to reach home when f wend on a long tour." As a lot of probable m«".tor car buyers are afraid of,tlie upkeep they would do well by calling at the Garage* of Messrs Skeates and Bockaert where they can get full particulars of tlie new arrangeriient which this firm has made, and that- is to give a guarantee for the. upkeep per year, for every car which they sell; this guarantee includes storage, oil. cleaning, tyres, and in fact everything except petrol. Tlie reason why "this firm can guarantee the upkeep is "that by the past seven years experience they have found that the Darracq and Dedion cars are by far the cheapest on the market," as regards upkeep. When one thinks that Darracqs triumph, in-turn, in speed races pure arid simple, where thev have many a time brought off splendid victories in reliability trial.**, and in tests of petrol competition, it is a clear proof of the multiple qualities of the ideal car, which has passed its tests in all tournaments open to the motor industry throughout the world. ...

Zymole Trokeys trill stop that hacking cough arid restore your voice to its natural tone. They are the greatest throat relief on the market...

Attention is called to the two pound seventeen and six suit shop' opposite the post, office. Men are saying that their first suit turned out so well (in fact were surprised at the value of same) so have had another suit made which is if anything better than tlie first. The quality of the material and the fit is above all expectations. You can save from thirty to forty shillings on vour next suit, by dealing with Alfred J. Stephens—his underwear and clothing t> splendid value, also: come and inspect his stock, the suits are absolutely g00d... Many people are aware of the fact that some dealers palm off wool and cotton goods as all wool. Amongst our stock you will find the Roslyn and Timarn wools to tne front. There are no other? better than these and seeing the prices are so low we cannot do better than recommend these goods. Timarn all-wool underpants from 4s lid a pair, undershirts the same. Pearson and Co., Outfitters, Stafford st. ...

PEARSON'S Pepto-eblor dispels that fear of taking food by curing indigestion. All chemists, Is, 2s 6d and 4s. ... LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A social prize of five guineas will be awarded for the best improvement in Agricultural Implements Exhibited at the next Christchurch A. and P. Show. The firm of Henry Hughes are offering the prize, to encourage the inventive faculty in thos>» who are directly connected with agricultural implements, either as manufacturers or users.

A few ideas have already been submitted to the firm for their opinion, and there is no doubt that the award will create considerable interest both to farmers, inventors, and public alike. It does not signify how tsimple or apparently trivial vonr 'ideas may be, submit them to Henry Hughes. I'. P.. C'limie. Manager. 133" Hereford Street, Christchnrch. he will be pleased to advise you, free of charge. Your idea, may win the prize, aud also make you independent. J. E. S. Jackson, Stafford street, Mimani for Henry Hughes. ...

THE GUINKA POfl.M ! A CHEQUE for £1 Is has been sent to the writer of this v.w—-Mis* M. J.. I're Str.-ct. Oamaru. Maggi,. own* no Paris gown— Shf- walks in print about, the imvu. But she can win the heart of man. For SAPON* ke«-|is her spick and .span. WIN A GUINEA! Prize Poem Published evcrv Saturday. Rest original four short line a dvt. vers- about. "SAPON*" wins each w.-»-k. SAPON wrapper must, b- mclo&d. Address:— "SAPON" lOalmval Washing Powder) P.O. Rox 67.5. Wellington. If your grocer docs not stock Sapon, please send his name and address. ...

At the Oddfellows' Hall, Woollcombe stiff I. to-morrow, Mr Edmonds will prciich and these will be Ihe hist, services h ( ..will hold. Mr Gieenwooil, the regular minister, iri expected to return ju u. few days from the north. All who have been members elsewhere sue urged to attend. Lieut.Colonel Knight, Provincial Commander of the South Island .Salvation Army, farewells to-morrow, at. meetings of a speeial character. Major McKenzie, the editor of the "War Cry," will assist all day. The Provincial Secretary (Major I' will, be in Timaiu on Thursday. These .meetings should hi; enjoyed by all who caii attend.

The temperance workers at Waimale are ':»> yet inerely preparing for the real work ,of the no-license campaign, ft. is thought in many quarters that the. cutting out of continuance-voting Fairlie on the ou e .side and the inclusion of no-license polling Kurnv may_ mean the difference necessary' to get. no-license in Wairnute. At. the June, licensing meeting the publicans intend 1o express their acceptance of a proposal for 10 o'clock closing. The two animals belonging to Messrs Westropp Bros, which were successfully, extricated from the open drainage trench in Stafford,street, on Thursday evening after the coaching accident wer«j yesterday doing fairly well, though one of them, a mare, the lastto lie hauled put .of the hole, was* not in the best of health and appeared to b e injured internally. .Hopes are, howover, entertained for her complete recovery. The horse, which was killed in the efforts to save .its life was removed for burial yesterday- , The. first .Ingleside of theTemuki Caledonian Society was held on Thursday night in. the Parish Hall and was.a distinct suc % cess. Over 70 couples were present and dancing was indulged in, tip to an early hour. .Items were kindly rendered by Mesdariies Johnston< arid and Mr W. Coombes gave a, fine solo on. the cornet. Vaughan's band played excellent riiusic and the catering was ably* carried" out--by Mr Bari-. Mr A. W. .Smith ariade a. capable AI.C. One item that was much appreciated was a "Schottisclie' on the pipes by Mr Arthur Scott. The proceedings t-er-' minuted with", Auld Lang .Syne." . A combiherl meeting of members of thei Pleasant Point bazaar 'committee and' school cdmriiirtefe u was „held in the echpolroom last Monday evening.; Mrs GfeaneyV president, ieported that ;tne ladies of the district'had so,far been, very/successful in splendid support frorii'all. over tlie".district The lion, 'secretary.,gave a, statemenb..of receipts already; received, which, the ' committee considered ; highly satisfactory.'. Ini questions, the chairman (Mr . Crozier) said he did not k^ovr-'when,.the ; ne\r i sohqoi,wquld be.opened, Routine., ousiness x -relating, to stalls, attended to, and the meeti irig adjourned. WHOEVER suffers with indigestion can be cured' hy taking Pearson's Peptochlor. 'All chemists Is,' 2s ■' 6d and 4s/-., ; ■■/■'.-.'.- Pndtjrewsfci, Rubinstein', Liszt arid'Richard'Wagner, the four . greatest stare in the musical, arid the first three in the pianistic world, of the past arid present century, have given their emphatic support to the/pionas for. which the Dresden Piano'Co: are th« agents iri the Dominion.. Better testimony is not required, arid, no other house can produce-such' proofs of excellence. It. is therefore the, safest plan, wlien ;buying a piano, to go to the Dresden where not only the bfist pianos irr the market are to be found, but for value," sweetness of tone, durability and' excellent workmanship, no pianos imported by any other firm can compete. A splendid up-to-date stock of music, a new ci/risignmeht of the latest accordeons and otlier musical instruments "will forriv a special attraction at our annual sale which' begins.this day. ...• •..--.-

We have just completed the ■purchase, of' 216. pairs of gentlemen's calf .chrome arid box calf gbloshed' halmorals, six: different. toe.s\ : The .manufacturers guarantee that, the boots ...are'made of leather throughout. ... Any\pair proved to* be, made with cardboard stiffehei'' and insoles, will be replaced-without cost to..the purchaser. ' We cledred the' line, 'at' a price that will enable us to sell a't.u.*»uaT mamifactureis* prices. There are ' three qualities of 72 pair, each, and our price is-10s-6d, lis. 6d, arid"l2s 6d. •We recommend thrse lines for' genuine satisfaction. Call and see for yourself. Souter's Shoe Store, next J. -Ballantyne and Co. ... . Concentrated Vinegar Essence, the contents of one bottle added to'one'gallon of cold water will produce splendid vingear for pickling purposes. It will be found unsurpassable and it is guaranteed, to b'e..abf solutely pure and of Htiperior flavouf. Price Is 6d per bottle sufficient for one gallon best vinegar. Specially' prepared in England for Leonard B., Family and Dispensing Chemist, Stafford street, Timarn. ...

SYNOPSIS OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Clearirig sale at Gleriavy—By C.F.C.A. and N.M.A. Co.. on Thursdav. N.M. and A. Co.—Sell property at Tattersalls next Saturday: Albury sale, Monday ; Temuka and Washdyke, Tuesday: Geraldine, Wednesday. Loan and Mercantile Co.—Albury sale. Monthly: Washdyke. Tuesday. C. Jonas and Co.—Usual sale of sundries, this day. G. P. Genie and Co.—.Sale of produce, furniture, etc.. this day. Guinness and LeCren—Albury sale, Monday; Temuka. Tuesday ; Geraldine, Wednesday. C.F.C.A".—Albury sale. Monday: Temuka sale. Tuesday: Slndholme sale, Friday. Dalgety and Co.—Albury sale. Monday ; Washdyke sale. Tuesday ; Clearing sale, at Levels. Webb and Kempthorne—Farm.-, and town properties for sale ' N.Z. clothing factory —Always on top in hats and caps. M:irk Higgins--Great- cycle .sale is now on. J. Dale—Agent for farm machinery.

etc. J. Harrison—Good hoots for damp weather. j^—Three horses ; reward to finder. D. Ma honey— Has leases of hotel* for sale. Kde Bros.—All accounts to be paid. Matter Bakers—Reduction in price c.f bread. (J. Pearson—For handbags, albums, toys, etc. J. l'earsv Hai; large range of new suitings. S.C. Rugbv Union Social 10 Britishers, •Time 91 h Xo demonstration —At Ashburton on Monday. .). S. Turiibull —Calls tenders for building work. (leraldine Racing Club—Annual meeting, on Wednesday. Harbour Board —Notice re amended Inlaw. Zenana life -Address by Misu Fulcher. on 26t.h May. A Archer -Has himler, Sjiringbok-, for sale. Theatre Roval —Xo license address, on dune 18th. John Jackson and Co.—Cargo of jarrah to land earh - . T. WagstatV—Havmswort b encyclopaedia on !-al«-. Fairlie Post Office —Fit tsh lenders (.died ; dlle oth .Illlle. Albnrv Football Club Social. <>n Ihe 2011, ins't. S.Z. railways Train arrangements fe.r Monday. Xorth Oiago Fanners' Association-I'.c-«|iiire a. traveller. Services—Trinity. Tent Mission, Church of Clnisi. Wisley. Salvation Army. I)r Conuniiis Funeral milieus—By Celtie Fiioliiail Club; Uibeiian Society: and \V. •!. t-r. Wanteds-- Seven notices.

Tlie services which have been held in the Mission Tent, in Arthur Street will .hereafterdie held in-tlie Sophia Street Hall, wheivy the first... meeting will be; held, on Sunday night at .7.30. .. Mr Andrew Calder being ..the only nomination received to fill the vacancy on the IVmiika-' Borough Council, was yesterday declared dulyfleeted by Mr K. Outten, the returning officer. The liev. W. Bn limber- will conduct an Empire Day ' Serview in' it he YVesleyan Church to-morrow morning and in the ■evening Mi.ssioner Neal (s will preach specially to young mert. At Waimataitai. Missioner Neale will preach in the morning and Mr Workman- in the evening.

The following is the draw and .handicap for rhe set-one" match against Bogey, to hi- plawd on. the Highfield Links, on Tuesday. May 26th and Friday, May 29th:— Miss *. L. Rev*>ll scr. y. Mrs. Matheson 7; Miss L. Knubley 2 v. -Mrs Costello 9: Miss X. Hav 3 v. Mis. Cox 10; Miss Revell 9 v. Mrs Hill 16; Miss Buchanan 14 v.-Mrs. Mannering 24; Miss N.'Kimblev 18 v. Miss R. Marchant 25; Miss Drvdon 18 v. Miss Ciaiit 21; Miss fjjirls'hore 30 v. Miss Sotham 30; Miss L. McLaren 30 v. Miss Marchant 30; Miss Mirlholland 30 v. Miss_ F. Zeisler 30; Mrs. Rt rohach a bye 30.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13602, 23 May 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13602, 23 May 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13602, 23 May 1908, Page 5