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T» the Editor of the "Timant Herald." Sir, —Socialism —whether to the purpose or not, I would eay that both of those letter* of this morning were written by weD-meaning men. I would almost say—one an old acqoainance on a public board. As » clear enough headed person supposed to be, I can only say I see absolutely nothing in any one of the suggested proposals, assuming and admitting there are irregularities and inequalities and misery in life. No turning the stream would permanently alter the position—with all the armies of overseers required for the duties. Population would increase rapidly, support being assured by the socialistic scheme, while production would be less, there being no necessity for active labour. The strenuous life being a thing of the past, it follows as night follows day that our descendants in time would become the prey of marauding bands or alien nations. Better a year of Europe than a cycle of Cathay. Imagine the life living by rule. No upa and downs, no heights and low*?, no ambition. A feivel country make® an ordinary populace. I need not eay of course that socialistic experiments have been tried frequently, about 160 colonies formed at different time*, and I do not think that once they have continued prosperous. A sporting people means an interested and interesting people who get there, and doing well for themselves every om> associated dots well too. As long as thrre is evil—so long as man is man—there will be degeneracy, but it is everyone's duty to back up the Sag by example, and precept too, occasionally. In my whole experience 1 have seen little misery but could have been easily remedied by a little restraint, and have seen a few efforts in the different stages of my Me. Again in business, I may say. I have seen no attempt whatever to takethe .least advantage even when travelling with a mob of shearers thirty odd years ago, healthy cheques in their possession. The Duke of Buceleucb. I have beard my father say. had to pay for a hat arid cockade yearly, as per contract, for the coachmen, etc., which the men frequently took out in underclothing when father was a boy, but that is about the worst that has come before me, and there has been absolutely no attempt in any employment I have been in to do anything shady—so that shady things cannot be quite so common as many people imagine. Then examples stated of nnwomanly work for women, but they frequently will not take anything efee. I knf>w I have relatives in a Home manufacturing town, besides experiences of colonial life. Adulteration referred to. lam not going t'. assert everything is downright perfect, but as a matter of fact people are far too apt to believe something is wrong. For instance. what » coffee without chicorv. a

thing of 'little value or in my own tic:' tier -, say, boys'overcoats mack entirety ».» woo!. It is too rpongy, too p-rvj'-*-* r,> damp, expensive too, and a grown-; ';ui does* not need an expensive thh"r The admixture of cotten firms . gives weight. Wear and appeara*" dl right and one third to one half ' ' price ami of course the public have - r: kind* to pick front. What decertr is ' ret

Then again " >rt weight and measure* haw is that * * sible? I woutd like to see ir. ire of ancle a style, and ■what* is dtr in Trrnaru can be done elsewhere. ' have never once wen it attempted i 40 years* acquaintance with affairs.

We b." • v touched on the undesirableness of any (" inge but now for p;ifct records, : ok how the strenuous lib* works > I can trace my own fine straigh' <■* 1755r and more or les* mythical long bt re that—various ancestors having traced t nr name and addr»>» in a bo* k. Butch* r and bakers and candlestick maker;, "aying 20s» in the £, and «hvii times * crt» bar} simply managing to do without. I could cite an illustrious case of a family. one of the leading lawyer;* in this town, its connected with really etewr. good br.ntiy people, successful a* nutters, merchants, bankers, everything. . but I forbear. frt our own more »>nltttnry case though. it ha:» resulted in the descendants b.'tng active all round holding their own, without so far as I am aware taking advantage. There is plenty of room if any well considered, energetic effort is made- There need be n»> luck at all, hard fact.r- are enough. Coming in an emigrant ship myself, but paying my passage out. I think I the only passenger of about 400 who did riot seem •to be wanted 34 years* ago. Bu L after beine on the wallaby track tor tin*>- .[;«v> I got started and have not lost nn+pay. since, indeed have invariably b.">n wanted back to the few positions I have tilled. W hat has been done b?fore can be done again. I would not like to .*pare my own people. As for comparison of returns between well-directed private enterprise and everything of a State scheme it would be idle discussion. Individualism means three blades where none grew befnrt'—splendid returns for the public, pav to the help, sufficient to the owner, and no one required to do anything but what i* right. All that Hit*" is u,.nt-<i w decent people who know their work anfl do it, reciprocal relations. « and steady life, the young paying attention to their betters in age and knowledge, and that is just what we have tmdi-r rite Christian dispensation. It :* the fashion ti> say the Church does not Horn i di. does* not attract the people. An evil hear of I unbelief might be suggested as the cause! But even that assertion. i-r op-rt tr> ijtr, stion; there are times of rise anfl fall as in everything else. Why it was not so long ago peopla had concluded family

life was onl of fashion "hen everyone believe nowadays there is nothing m» entirely satisfactory as a baby with all their little ways. Dreadful rubbish people talk. Everyonit has not ten talents, but if the one talent man would put it to usury—and there is a non-Socialistic Gospel illustration—he can easily become a 7 or 8 talent man. What the one-talenter usually does do, he sticks his one little talent" in t(ht» garden and expect* it to fluctuate there. Like a child lie wants to eat his cake and have it too. manifestly absurd, and then lift joins the ranks of the unemployed and howls for the unattainable.

Woman's physique has unquestionably been effected by undue strain in factories principally, but that was error and a question of opinion, and in any case is in course of improvement now. The advantage of .Socialistic experiment.-; in N.Z. The public services are good but a good deal is direct spoliation. This firstrate country was settled originally by firstrate peopfe practically making castaways of themselves. The security offered by this splendid improved conntry has been utilised to borrow largely on every pretext, take ovtr peoples property sometimes will he! JS'il he! and settle in many cases a lot of unlucky j>eople on it who get it at- half its value, the security, of the State jwrmitting the throwing away of the cash. When everything is right the tenant sells out at a goodwill which he duly pockets, and when they are bad he appeals to the State for remission of rent in the old style. "We've got no work to do-00-00, etc." As a matter of fact most people who earn their living by working for others think it is all luck ! Everyone is pitchforked into something good. They should jnst try it for themselves. One man with a turn of the wrist can do a thing another could not do as well in a century of trying, and per contra the other can do something else decently well. England and America are not in the same boat. Old England makes errors, but is honestly striving after right- and pubHe life is unsullied. Advanced legislation has introduced different results in U.S.A. —I say leave well alone. .Honour and Honesty is the power behind the throne Ihe "mens conscia recti" will take our soldiers and sailors and busine>>s men. our squatters if any left, etc., to the front wherever they are, tamper with the dearest birthright freedom —of thought of aclion—the retrograde process commences. I could see it in the air in some countries, patent to any observer. Socialism what rot! Wives in common next! It has all been tried and found wanting. Socialism as exemplafied by these decent men ""Socialist" or "'Another Socialist" is simply emasculated Christianity all the benefits but- the divine man left out. Mildness is not the favourite form though. The knife, war and rapine, with a return to the dark ages from which again the true man would emanate. A man, a christian, a gentleman, that what's wanted and what I respectfully say taking one thing with another is being produced. Then again someone refers to the " privileged class." I would like to knew who is the privileged class under British colours. Ff the wealthiest people are referred to do they jib at going down with the ship or leading the forlorn hope any more thau the more ordinary crowd—not- likely. Give u» the Queen's English my friends, exactly call a spade a spade. Again in unlikely event of Socialism being established who is going to do the unpleasant work, back block, etr.ft' tr.« ;ue all on a par who is to attend to inventions and improvements if no one. wants them or no reward or thanks or self satisfied ambition. We will all be unemployed. No vista, no effort at all in the socialist's paradise, 1 hope not in my time. What sheer rubbish to take up active jieople's time who ought to be working in their gardens. There not one thing—for instance G. T. Roller suggests —but the race has been aiming at for centuries, but evil thought and actions cannot be undone in a day. We all inherit for better or worse the aspirations and qualities of our foreb?ars. We need not t kr to Karl Marx, Blatcli man and all thy other worthies in Britain. Commonseust" is nil that is needed. Can you say if they take any royalty on their works, or is it pure low ? Wire in ami till the bill and el'in't- waste time. Plenty of room for all. with, of course, necessary and natural restrictions.—l am. <t<\. THOS. THOMSON.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13601, 22 May 1908, Page 6

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SOCIALISM. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13601, 22 May 1908, Page 6

SOCIALISM. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13601, 22 May 1908, Page 6