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The lecture intended to have been given oa Thursday next by Miss Powell, labour organiser, has Ixeen postponed until May 28tit.

The deposits made in the I'ost Office Savings Bank during the year ended March " 3t,t exceeded the withdrawal* by £1.060,945. or about £50.000 more tiian the year before. Mr Bevan .Brown. heai!.ma>i< rot the Christehureh Boys' High School, speaking at the conference ot secondary school teachers, said that unite one third of the pupils who came in on pvotideney e-rtiti-catcci were nou ijualitietl to take advantage of secondary education. The exports t'imn th.- tlondnion fm the March t(iu»rter. excluding specie. were valued at £6.350.000. which is £2.203.000 le*s than the value for the Mari'h t[tta.rter of 1907. Wool is ro-portilible tor £1,594,0U0 of the shrinkage. Ihr- Wellington "Trade Review" poinu out. however. that- part of this shortage in wool values is due to delayed shipments. A very successful dance was held in th& Oddfellows' Hall, Geraldine oa Friday evening, the occasion being the annual gathering of the Victoria Lodge. 1.0.0. F. About 50 couples took part in the grand march. Considerable interest- was taken in the waltzing competition which was won by* Mr Stouehou and Mis* Joe. the second couiple being Mr W. Rose and Miss M. Banghen. Messrs D. Woode and C. Boulter carried out their dnties 23 M's. C. efficiently, while excellent music was furnished by Messrs J .Pye (piano) and Allan' (cornet).

The members of the Timaru Rowing Club have again received an invitation from -their President-. Mr C. Howard Tripp, to go to> Orari Gorge on Monday next (Empire Day holiday) for a hare shoot. This is the third year in which Mr Tripp has extended t-hics- invitation, and the previous outings have been thoroughly enjoyed by tha members. The party will leave by train at 7.5 a.m. and will be conveyed from Orari to the station by drag. Those who intend to take advantage of Mr Tripp's invitation site requested to leave their names before noon on Friday at* bis office, where they may also obtain further information as to the excursion.

The Wellington " Trade Review r»iveH the value of import* for the Marcti ouarter at £4.875.795. and remarks on that "The quart, r's im putts extremely heavy, and are in excess «t those of the corresponding period of last in the value exclusive of specie. by * COO. and above the same quarter of 1905 by £1.451.000. It certainly gives the impression that the scale of importation has become excessive arid stands in nr-ed of diminution, it is in the Match quarter that Jit* autumn-winter seasonji supplies of soft goocti' come iu. atul it is probable that this branch is largely responsible tor the expansion." The imports of goods for 'he year ended 51st March totalled 11 A millions, to b? compared with 14-1 millions in 1376- r. and about Imillion* in th;' two precedinu" years. Ibe " Renew" thinks that last year imports were oa an extravagant scale, and recommends caution in this respect. One explanation of the increase suggested is that the delay iu bringing into operation the extra "preferential" duties gave the opportunity to lay in large stock.- in she interval, and thii--. waa largely taken advantage of. A special meeting of the Committer of the- Fairlie Public School was held on Friday evening to consider the applications forwarded by the (education Hoard. _ for rhe position "of headmaster in the school. Present —Messrs C.Talbot (chairman). F. Watts. F. Mackenzie, T. Foden, J. King. J Trotter and W. L. Hosking (secretary). Before proceeding with business the chairman referred to the death o£ Mr J. Riddte. who had been, a mem-be'- of the committee for many yeai>. Mr RWdlr had taken a. great interest in the t-ctiool. and had willingly given fiir- advice and time iu forwarding its interest. Th.- ♦ hair man moved. Mr Mackenzie seconded, and it. was carried that the committee desires t» place on record its appreciation «f the lengthy services of Mr Kiddle «•« a. mn-mht•• »»f the thai, the inernb-rs unite in condoling with Mrs Kiddle and family in their »a<i: los.». an,l that the chairman be authorised to convey * till- v.onlution by letter to Mrs Riddle. The committt-e then went carefully into the applications and testimonials forwarded by the Hoard, of the half dozen applicants submitted. After a. lengthy discussion it. was decided to send the following tw»> names to the Board, in the order given:—Mr I). MeCaskill. Temuka District High School: and Mr Fnllarton. Dunedin Hoys' utgh School. The next ordinary meeting of tiie committee wilt be Field on Mav 30th.

A little man, stepped in the- shop. And isaid " Xi>w. ym» ba- sure Tr> give me what I ask for pop. That's Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. It's no use to try and force On m*» some oth ti r craws For though I am a Tittle hoarseI'm not a. little- ass."... THK " L.K.KFVKS SATISFACTION. Messrs Monton anil I'earse. of Maxwell;, town, write:—"We have three ' L.K.I f.' machines in, use. and are milking 110 cows. We- can generally mrik this number in: 2 hour:-' 29 -minutes, while there aie onlv three ot trs to do thi.; work. Ue are fnlly satisfied w. both the test, and quantitv of milk. ttor great advantage is tli- "short time the cow.-, are standing in fh« shed, this being only half tth- time required for hand miLking. -consequently the cows have more- time in the paddock. W*' are perfectly satisfied with the mi chine';." Write" for full paith-nlars arid tisfc of satisfied lisei- to Mi-el'w.m and Co.. Ltd.. sole agents. Dnnedin. .... •' RETEtTMO QUICKLY (TP.ES Jiff F-TUM ATIS'M." Bead wh:it Mr John Abbott, the wellknown plumber and gastitter. »>f Xew Plymouth, thinks about Uh-nnio. !!♦• writer ott July 6th, 1907: " £ have taken Itherimo f<-r Rheumatics, and consider it the- best method for anyone who suffi-r* from Crie Acid—or Rheumatic ♦ Jont. F can honest [ y recommend Rheurao. a» I have ttsed other remedies I have teen a resident in New Plymouth for over 30 years. st> that f an» well known. 1 shalt consider it a pieac.ure to acquaint anyone I know, what Rheumo did for me.—JOHN ABBOTT, Xew Ply month." Your storekeeper or, chemhrt «eH» BLenrni) at 2» 6d and 4a 6d-

A social in aid of the prize funds will he held in tit- Kohika schoolroom on Friday next, May 22nd. Tin' weekly meeting of St. Mary's Young Mm»V Society will be held this evening when the debate "I- liiit.iut Rising or Patting us a Mat ion* will take place. A good iiKLttfi of members requested.

A number of young men. who aie alleu>"d to haw been concerned in tint fencis and gate-breaking in Wai-iti itoad on Saturday evening. May 9th. will appear before "the Magistrate this morning to account for their conduct. It i- very noticeable that, when the- Harbour Hoard's puuip is used for delivering ua.s. af ;« high pies Mire to tho wharf lights the pulsations of the pump tauw the lighta at th'- railway station and other places in tlie neisjhtwurhood to increase and diminish in intensity to an object ionable degree. If- shonhl nof be a very difficult n.atu-r to remedy this state of affairs. Eartv on Saturday evening Messrs ScotD Unto-, "held a trial "of the street lights in the: south end <4 the town. Kvervhing appeared to be working in good order and the new lamps made a fair showing; but- as to whether the electric lights were superior to gas in penetrative power caused a considerable amount of criticism. It is confidently expected by Scott Bros*, to have Use whole of the gas area of the town lit up bv electricity by • lune 6th.

A first offender, who. on Wednesday was remanded by Mr C". A. Wray, S.M., for medical treatment, which cost. 20s, on Saturday, ordered to pay these expenses or undergo imprisonment for t days. Sergeant: Bowman reported that the doctor who had attended the defendant when suffering from the effects of drink was of opinion that a further day or two in gaol would be all the better for him and would give him a chance for complete reooverr.

Concerning the deer-shooting season which has just closed, the Tapamti Courier savs:—"The number of good heads obtained must have been the smallest on record, and license-holders generally report verv poor sport. stags only 'roared for" a couple of days, and the general impression is that- they are both scarce and shv from constant, hunting. There are indications that feed is now very scarce in the mountain forests, and starvation is having its effects. Many portions of the bush that were hitherto will stocked with de r are now entirely deserted. Hinds are still numerous, but in the forest area especially they are in very poor condition. A .great many parties camped on the mountain* this season, and every portion of the deer country was persistently hunted.'

A big crowd of music-lovers assembled on Satnrdav evening in the large show room of the Dresden Piano Company and listened to one of the mosc enjoyable concerts given" in -Timarn for a long time. The programme presented was in part classical and in part- popular, and found throughout -high favour with those present-. The concert opened Avith a dnet for two pianos -Le Soir" tChaminade). played by Mrs 'Mangos and Miss Twomey. of Te- ■ muka. in a very artistic manner. This was followed by* a song -'Beloved it is Morn." Mrs Power the popular contralto of Dunedin giving it in finished style: in fact her voice seemed to be even fuller and deeper than when she sung here last. Later on this artiste sang by iequ«sc L 'Angus Macdonald *' and evoked great enthnsiusm. The classical number of the pvenint!. a trio in K Hat by Huni-l!. v. .is splendidly performed by Mrs Mangos. Messrs J. H. Coombs and Ellis Wood. The plavers appeared to be in sympathy with each other and played with a dash and a finish that- left nothing to ha desired. Mi Ellis Wood also gave a fin* performance of two movement? of the Beethoven Sonata sn It minor, ably assisted by bis son, and Mr J. H. Coombs sang on his fiddle the beautiful little legend ""The Swan.' by S;. Saetis, and all who heard him tins! tha* it may not be his swan song for many a day to come. The local favourities shone brilliantly amongst this galaxy of pelfoitriers ; Miss Cole is beard but too seldom. Her finely trained voice pleased her audience greatly in tlw popular songs '"My Dearest Heart" and '" Come Back to Erin." Miss Hole seems to improve every time she appears in public, her voice is of a very tine and sweet timbre and gaining perceptibly in strength. Her two songs " Roses T and " Slumbt-r Sea' added gTeatly to the enjoyment of the concert. The Dresden is to be congratulated on their enterprise, and the excellent arrangements for at concert that went through without a hitch. It is safe to predict, that with so perfect a beginning, tin-.- proposed season of clumber concerts promise to lie a great acquisition to the musical season.

The agony of an aching head drives away every thought of pleasure and catites aJixietv "to the sufferer's friends. Stearns' Headache Cure brings quick relief and makes life livable. ...

The "S" Sound.—For a long time Edison's Phonograph refused to say "" >peeia."—it dropped the s" and said " pecia." To produce that single sound he needed something delicate enough to receive impression** not more than » millionth part of an inch in depth, and yet rigid enough to tarty the needle up and down, exactly reproducing the vibrations which had made the impressions. The scientists told him there Was no such substance in existence. "Then we nftist produce it." insisted Edison. They declared it cooid not be done. liecause the qualities which lie demanded were inconsistent and exclusive of each other. He declared that it could be done, because it must be tlutie. and he did it—but Kdison worked eighteen hours a day for sevni months to secure that single sound. That Is the story of success since the world began. Difficulties yield to enthusiasm, and you can hear the result of that enthusiasm in Begg's new Phon-ry in the Arcade—to whose daily concerts you are specially invited. ...

A well known Wairarappa, squatter. who has haft a great amount of experience with many different makes of motorcars, and who has now bee it tioiiig a Parracq constant £y for the past two years', write.": "There- i«» no doubt whatever that the Darraeq is the mrtst- suitable for our .sew Zealand rongh and hilly rnals, and I have no carw for complaint: I never fail to reach home when I wend on a long tour." A.s a tot of probable iiKtor car buyers are afraid of the- upkeep they wmild do well by calling at the- Oarage of Messift Skeates and Bnckaert where they can got full particulars of the new arrangement which this firm has mad* 1 , and that- is to give a guarantee for tlu> up-keep per year, for every car which they sv-1I; this guarantee inrfndes storage. oil. cleaning, tyres, and in fact- everything except- petrol. The reason why this firm can guarantee the upkeep is- that by the- past seven years experience- tfi-y have fonnd that the J)arraetf arid Dxiiim cars are by far thcheapest on the market, as regards upkeep. When one thinks that I>ariacfjs triumph. In trim, in sped races pure and simple, where- they have many n time brought off splendid victories in reliability trial.", anil in tests of petrol competition, it is a char proof of the multiple qualiti* of th • ideal car. which has parsed its tests in ail tournaments op.-n to th-e motor industry throughout flier world. ...

WITCH'S HKRBAL UfXTMKXT (l'e«istered>.

Ilvety family requires some kind <>f ointment r>« be kept in tie* lions- to l>r used in the treatment- of bums, scalds, chilblain-.. bni;ise»-. ulcers, sculp mmvs. in flammatory skin diseases (particularly of parasitie ini^'iri! —ill fact, in any case in which an emollient antiseptic dressing is required. WITCH'S OIN'TMKXT acts soothingly and cuiatively iu ail cases of haemorrhoids or pik*;. I'rice Is 6d :uid 5s 6d; all chemists and stores. Ttissirnra Manufacturing Company, proprietors. ...

Tht- hanks in Timaru will keep holiday «>n Monday next. Empire Day. Kntries for the Knipire Day spoils al. Temuka i:l«»c with the lion, secretary, box 'l2. m>-morrow owning.

A meeting of householders inleit-slud in the proposed school at. the Levels will he held at, Mr Chapman's store on Wednesday iifXt. at 7,.7,0 p.m. A soeial to hiil farewell to Miss Dickson will he held in tho Cave goodshed on Friday evening next, to which all friends are cordially invited.

In response to numerous enquiries it has been decided to reopen the skating rink at the Drill Hall for the winter months, but an opening night has not yet- been lixed upon.

The honorary meinliers and supporters <d the Timaru Marine Hand are invited to attend a, special mooting to be held in the hand room. Church street, to-night, for the purpose of discussing very important business in connection with the band. All interested in the welfare of the band are specially invited to be present.

At the Theatre Royal last evening there was a moderate attendance to listen to the discourse by Dr Gominins and to witness the lantern "pictures of sacred subjects. Dr Commins spoke very impressively on " Life and Immortality" and explained some of the figurative language of th« Uook t>f Cone-:'- He illustiatea what was meant by a dual existence—spiritual and phvsical—he gave his conception of tho meaning of death and spoke on other ab struse subjects; and at the conclusion described pictorially what a human being discarnated for a time might- see in the viuiitiia! world. It. is Dr Conuniiis' intention to continue these Sunday evening addresses throughoue the winter. That the art of painting must lie a pleasing one u> demonstrated in a very line picture now on view at Mr Rad-c-liffe*.., Stafford Street.. Lovers of the beautiful who are willing to be convinced of the power of the palette, brush and colour on canvas, would do well to have a look at the picture. The scene, a fiascape. with three fishermen in the foreground, is of artistic beauty and effective power: the pee of tiie figures is excellent, and quite beyond the range of criticism except of commendation. The study on the whole is a genuine work of art. and besides being a highly creditable example of the work turned out of a Timaru istudio. reflects great credit nn the artiste. Muss K. K. Hroper. Grey Road.

You can litop that cough with Zvmole Trokevs. They give universal satisfaction in all cases of tight, husky throat and difficult breathing. ...

Paderewski. Rubinstein, Liszt and Richard Wagner, the four greatest, stars in the musical. and the first three in the pianistic world, of the past- and present century, hav<? given their emphatic support to the pinnas for which the Dresden Tinno Co. are the agents in the Dominion. Better testimony i.; not required, and no otlier lioutjc can produce sucli proofs of excellence. It is therefore the safest plan. when buying a piano, to go to the Dresden where not only the btist- pianos in the market are to hj? found, but for value, sweetness of tone, durability and eject-Kent workmanship, no pianos imported by any other firm can compete. A Kpl»ndid up-to-date efock of mi'sic, .a new consignment nf the latest accordeons and other musical instruments will form a •special attraction at- our annual sale which begins this day. ... Golf and hockey players will be well catered for this season. Mr Tasker has just landed a large and varied assortment of Golf Drivers, Brasseys, Cleeks, Irons, Lofters, Mashies, Niblicks, Pntters, Caddie Bag?, Bnlls, etc., Hockey Sticks, Shin Pads, Rubber Guard Rings, Balls, etc. At he Central Sporting Depot, Timarn...

TI'SSIC'CRA (Wild Cherry Balm) never failrt to give relief in cases of stubborn troughs and colds, catarrh, etc. ... It is a very frequent occurrence to receive a letter asking Alfred J. Stephens to keep measurements aftr the men have had a suit, so that they can get another suit from the same measurements. Every suit that is turned out by the two pound seventeen and six tailor opposite the Post-Office, is guaraneed to give satisfaction. They are cut by experts, therefore the fit and style must be good. You can save thirty shilling on your next suit easily. If you cannot- get in, send word, and one of his travellers will call on vou...

Xever neglect a lunl ei>l<l or cough; there i,s no knowing what it m;iv develop into. Take TCS.S«ui. RA (Wild Cherry Balm). ...

It may be you're learning the piano— you have a voice and want tn> sing—perhaps a member of your family want* to play the violin Pof elocutionis-e. In either oae-e it ought to be done well to give yon a satisfied feeling. There are thousands of records of just these things at Beggt> new phonery in the Arcade. Timaru. Why not secure one and follow a good example? ...

For rheumatism, backache, faceache, earache, neuralgia, anil othe.r muscular pains, nothing can e<|ual WITCH S OIL (registered). --- We have just completed the purchase of 216 paii* of gentlemen's calf chrome and ho.* calf goloshed halmoials, ir.nde in six diiVermt tots. The manufacturer, guarantee that the hoots are made of leather throughout. Any pair proved to hi' made with cardboard stiffener and insoles. will be replaced without cost to the purchaser. We cleared the line, at* -a. price that will enable us to sell af- usual manufacture!s* prices. There aie three nihilities of 72 jKiir v.ieh. aim our puce is 10s 6tl. lb. 6(1. and 12s 6d. We recominend tluw lines for genuine yalrufaction. Call ami s.i> for yourself. Souter's Shoe Store, next. J. Ballantyne and Cn. ... Incit-a>e the value of your Phonograph bv pnicha.-ing a Recorder. and make your own Records. Anyone can make them: H doemi't. require iiiiv knowledge of music. Vour friends all have some little stunt they i!i> extra well. One r.-lls a funny stoiv. jiuothcf plays itie mouth organ, sings comic songs. or otht-r things thai would make iiue Record. V oil have photographs <>f their t'ao s. why noi have one of their voices'' An hihson Recorder is ;t womleiful device It adjt!.-ls itself automatically to every Houiwi. The Kdison Shaved I'iank:- imu b. used owr ami over for new impre>siuns. Half the fun of owning ;i Phonograph is in making one's record-. When your friends gather in for ;r. social evening, tli ii is the time you will appreciate its leal worth. as ihe bright saying.- of everyone pre?».*nfi can be n.ade }'■ Mn.-oeii! *ml reminder in after year.- of happy times p:- i. Utgg's new Phoneiy in i!:e Arcade is replete wiih everything eoime; !; .1 nit Ii talking machines. and tiiey ex.en.l you a li. .i t-y invitation L-» th'-ir dailv concerts. ...

Many people are aware of the fact, that some dealers palm off wool and cotton goods as all wool. Amongst our stock you will find the Rnslyn and Timarti wools "to the front. There are no other? better than the-e and seeing the prices are so low we cannot do better than recommc-nd tlioe goods. Timaru all-wool underpants from 0s 3lf 1 a pair, undershirts the same. IV'aismi and Co.. Outlirlers. Stafford st. ...

To the 111<>ii-.1 it»l.« of sickly, inn-down, nervous. full of-pain ami snfiering men and wom»n. w let ommeiid v.ith all honesty ;ti:d lontideuee this tnic friend. I)r<M|-"s Tame;- .lni«--." ...

Cmnvntrated V"in.g:r f.-scnee, the contents of one bottle added to one gallon of cold water will produce splendid vingcar for pickling purposes. It will be found unsurpassable and it is guaranteed to be absolutely pure and of superior flavour. Price Is 6d per bottle sufficient for one gallon best- vinegar. Specially prepared in England for Leonard B. James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Stafford street, Timarn. ...

The Land and Income Tax Department, gives notice that returns of income must In* furnished not. later than-lst. June.

Tho funeral of Mrs Kgan, relict of the la!i! Ml* ,h-r> lniidi Kgan, took place on Saturday and was very largely attended by friends of* the, deceased and of her familj*. The* Rev. Dean Jtegnault and Fa'her Tubman officiated in the obsequies. At a mec'ting of the Otago Institute on Tuesday evening Mr A. 11. Cockayne, of the biological section of the Agricultural Department. brought, before the meeting an exhibit of -the natural enemy of the bluegum scale, which has caused such havoc in the South Island. In 1900. in plamat ions near Timaru. a strange insect

A part}' of (Jerinan officers, who aro touring the Dominion arid .the Commonwealth tvith the view of purchasing horses for service in South West- Africa. left Auckland last week for Queensland. They had previously been carrying 011 negotiations in that- State. The officers intend returning to New Zeaalnd in a few weeks, and buying a shipment of horses in the North island.

" Kvervthing in connection with railwavs has gone up,' said the Minister of Railways, the Hon. W. Hall-Jones, to a deputation in Wellington: "Wages, oil, timber, steel—everything. They cost, more to build and more to maintain. There has been an increase in the wages bill of £6§,000, and only two or three years ago a .similar sum for a like purpose had to be provided."

On Saturday afternoon the Timaru Main School Girls' hockey team visited Temuka, and suffered defeat by two goals to nil. For Temuka the goals were shot by Mary Miles and Irene Wareing. The game was fa?t and ven r exciting. Mr D. McCaskill gave every satisfaction as referee. After tire match the visitors with their school companions (the football boys) were entertained at. tea by the teachers and pupils of the Temuka school, and a very nice concert was also held. The xemuka girls and boys will probably play return matches in Tiinaru on Saturday the 30th inst. " What about the Blackball bungle?" asked a questioner at- Dr. Chappie's meeting at Alexandra. The candidate replied that he deplored the delay and indecision of the Government in the best interests of our Arbitration Act. "Then why do you support them?" the questioner persisted. "If you had a horse with a splint," the doctor rejoined, " would you shoot him or blirfter him and keep, him going?" The Ward Administration, had made mistakes, he admitted, but- he preferred to put a few blisters on and keep them going. Loud laughter and applause followed.

At the church of the Sacred Heart yesterday evening Dean Regnault preached an impressive sermon on Faith. He also made eloquent reference to the success of the recent mission held here by the Redemptorist Fathers and exhorted everyone to persevere faithfully in the good work that had been done so successfully during the mission. At the offertory Mrs Power of St. Joseph's choir, Dunedin, sang Hoban'ii " Ave Marin" with greiu- df votion and taste. Mr Coombs played the violin obligato and Mrs Mangos presided at the. organ. On Sunday. May His Lordship Bishop Grimes will administer confirmation.

was found on the leaves of the gum trees. It turned out to be the scale .known as Eriococcus. In all probability it was introduced on the bark of the hardwood timber brought over to build the jetties with. The scale spread and became a. pest. A tree badly attacked would not live more than eighteen months. The only possible way to meet the pest seemed to be to import from Australia the natural enemies of the scale, and in the end of 1905 the biological branch of the Agricultural Department received' its first shipment of about 2,000' ladybirds-. One kind, a black ladybird named Rhizobius ventralis, multiplied and did well, so that the- department was able to send these ladybirds to other places in Canterbury, with the result that all plantations which a -couple of years ago were f.-onsidcred to be ruined had gained their normal health, and it was-estimated that in another year the scale would we wiped out. Riiizohias jot at an unprotected part- of Erioccus and sucked-the scale dry.—ln anssv rs to questions, Mr Cockayne said that the common ladybird in New Zealand was an aphiseater and of no avail against scale insects, also that there was no fear of Rhizobius becoming a pest, since when they had finished oft' the scale they started to eat each other.


N.M. arul A. (.'<>. —Clearing sale about 10th June.

T. and J. Thomson—Details of special lines in drapery. Skating—Rink in Drill Hull, early date. James .S. Turnbull —Calls tendei-.; additions to Technical School. Lost —Three £1 notes: reward to finder. Coimnip.sioner of Taxes —Notice to make rei urns of income.

J. Baxter- -Prices of hoi water botileis warmth and comfort.

Footwear, tailoring. menY, furnishing— At the C.F.C.A. Hank holiday—ln Timaru. 011 the 25th inst.. Empire Day. Empire Day Spoi ls—Al T.imiku, on Monday next : entries to-morrow.

Borough of Timaru—Traffic .stopped roads- named.

Timaru Marin.- Band —Important meeting. this evening. Sr. Mary's Young Men'.-- Society—Weekly meeting.- this evening. Lev •!> - Meet ing of householders re school, oil Wednesday. Ivernohan. McCahmi and l'o.. l.t■!.— Choice tea at Is 6d.

Thankn—lsy Mn-> A. •Wed.-rell, Mr and Mis C. V,'. (lerr-!l. S.C. Dairy Co.- Want a secretary and hov for milk round.

Mechanic:-:' In.-titui'—Mealing of subscribers. 10-moiT'.w evening. Bicycl.- pump taken—Notice to person to return ir.

Cave-Faivuvll social, on Friday even

ing nexf. Skipton—School social and dance, on Friday nt-xi. Wanii (!-: —Five jiol ii.-t.-s.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13597, 18 May 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13597, 18 May 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13597, 18 May 1908, Page 5