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The Rev. W. Baumber will preach m the Wesfeyan Church to-morrow morning and evening. The subject in the evening will be "The Royal Law." The anniversary services of the Congregational Church will be celebrated to-mor-row when the pulpb will be occupied by the Rev. F. G. Buckingham, president o_fthe Baptist Union. Strangers are cordially invited. The **Gazette" of April 30th notifies! the appointment of Mr Howard Wilson Capper as Deputy Coinmisskwßer of Stamps, Timaru, and the "Gazette" of May 7th notifies bis appointment also as district agent at Timaru under the Deeds and Instrument* Act, 1886; both appointments to date from 13th ■ultimo. Attention is called to the services at th* Oddfellows' Hall, Woollcombe street, to-morrow morning. Mr Edmunds will give a special prelude on Sunday evening on the temperance growth in the United State*, and preach on the subject "Was Jesus a SbctaEstr* A special address is announced for women in the afternoon at 5 o'clock, The first extended night, of the Temuka QredriHe Assembly was held on Tuesday last, and was a great success, over 50 couples, being present. The arrangements were perfect and the music supplied by Vaoghan'a hand, piano, cornet, violin and cello, was very good. Ihiring the evening a waltzing competition took place, and after a very fine exhibition by all the cotnpetafctors. Miss Bickus and Mr McTlwraith were awarded the prizes. Mr A. W. Slm%h officiated as IVLC. and also as judge of the waltzing cmnpetKion. The Pareora Fanners* Association he'd their monthly meeting tn the I.yalldale school on Wednesday evening. As there seems to be some doubt in the minds of farmers re the new valuation clause, it was decided to get some one to give an address on it at. their meeting, and on the land laws as a whole. It was also decided to petition the Waimate County Council, to erect a watering trough at St. Andrews, for -the benefit of the* farmers in the district and the public generally, as at the present time horses, have often to go 12 or 13 hours without a drink on hot summer days.

The usual weekly meeting of the Life Boat Lodge, 3To. 101, 1.0. G.T., was held in the Foresters' Hall, George street last evening, Bro. Hawkey C.T. presiding over at good attendance of members. After routine husinee* had been disposed of. two candidates were proposed and two initiated into the Order. It was decided that a conveyance should leave the post office at jt.3o on Thursday for the benefit of members wishing to attend the district lodge at Geraldine. The programme for the evening being "missing word competition" great amusement was caused by the various attempts to complete a verse of poetry. Finally Sister Robertson was declared the winner. Members are requested to attend next Friday to congratulate a member on his 20th year of active membership in the lodge. The concert arranged to be given at the Dresden to-night is of more than ordinary interest. It had been intended last year to start a season of chamber concerts, modelled on the lines of those given in London, and called the Saturday pops, but twiig to unforeseen circumstuces :i»e scheme could not be carried through. It is to be hoped however, that the idea will be realised this year. The perform .t.ras will be semi-classical and contain a trio, a quartette and sometimes a quintette interspersed with good songs. To-night a trio by TummeH performed by Mrs Mansp< M' J. H. Coombs and Mr fdli* Wood will be the concerted piece, also a duet for two pianos by Mrs Mangos and Miss Twomey, and songs by Mrs Power, the weH-knwwn Dunedin contralto, who is specially engaged for the occasion, ;»nd Miss Hole, whose selections will fit in well with the scheme in view. In addition to these, solos will also be played by Mr Coombs and Mr Ellis Wood, and it is evident that a very enjoyable programme is in store for all lovers of music. The invitation to the concert is general. Paderewski, Rubinstein. Liszt and Richard Wagner, the four greater stars in the musical, and the first three in the pianiatie" world, of the past and present century, have given their emphatic t>upport to the pifinas for which tb+" Dresden Piano Co. are the agents' in the Dominion. Better testimony ii> not required, and no other hottee ran produce such .preofs of excellence. It i* therefore'the safest plan, when buying a piano. ti> go to the. Dresden where not only the b?:e»t pianos in the market are to ba ff nnd. but For value, sweetness of tow, durability and excellent workmauship. no pianos imported by any other firm can compete. A spt-ndrd upto-date- ctoek of music, a new consignment of the latest act-ordeons and other musical instruments will form a special attraction at our annual sale which begins thist day. ... *A well known Wairarappa squatter, who has had a great amount of experience with many different make*, of motorcars, and who* has now been rasing a Darracq constantly for the past two year?, writes: "There is no doubt whatever that the Darracq is the most suitable for our NewZealand rough and hilly roals. and T have no canae for complaint: I never fail to reach home when I wend on » long tour. A* a lot of probable motor car buyers are afraM.. of the upkeep they would do welt by calling at the Garage of Messr* Skeates and Bocfcaert where they can get full particulars of the new urrnngetwnt which this firm has made, and that k> to give a guarantee for the op-keep per year, for every car which they sell: this guarantee includes storage, oil. cleaning, tyres, and in fact everything except petrol. The reason why "this firm can guarantee tinupkeep is that by the past seven years experience they have found that the Darracq and Dedion cars are l*y far tti' cheapest on the market, as. regards' upkeep. When one thinks that Darracqs triumph. in torn, in speed races pure and simple.' where they have many a time brought oil splendid victories in reliability trial*, and in tests of petrol competition, it is a clear proof of the multiple qualities of tb • ideal car, which has paesed its tests in all

The State Coal Department, made a net profit of £BOOO last year. A concert, in aid of the funds of the Timaru Main School will be lield in the Assembly Rooms on Friday evening next. The programme will appear later. Anniversary services will be conducted at- the Chalmers Presbyterian Church tomorrow by Rev. H. Is. Gray, M.A., of the North-East Valley Church, llunedin.

The drawing of the art union in aid of the funds of the Kerrytown school will take place in the Pleasant Point Hall on May 28th. A social will also be held. Mrs Alfred Cnrtis notifies that her class* ti. for dancing and deportment open in the Assembly Rooms on Wednesday, 27th May, and* continue on following Wednesdays throughout the session.

" The flag of industry" a factory chimney smoke, —a big one—was flying from :!*e power-house stack last night. The street lights in the south side of the town are to be tested by turning the current through them early this evening.

On Wednesday evening Captain Kdwin sent down a warning that a heavy northerly gale might lie expected, followed by rain. The norther became a nor'-wester in this quarter, and reached here yestcrdav afternoon, as a light air on the earth and a brisk breeze overhead. Clouds were drifting across the moon at a good pace last- night. This -evening some of the main prizes, including the side-board for the art union to be run in connection with the Olde English Fayre will be on view in.the large show- w'indow of Mr 'Hark Higgins' new cycle emporium, Stafford street. . The Garrison Band will be in attendance from 7.50 p.m. and will render a programme of popular music. Some of the other prizes, including the beautiful overmantel will be on view in Messrs Dephoff Bros.' window, Stafford street.

The Minister of Justice, in an interview, said the protest from -•'-Tckland against the Waiotapu tree-planting camp was based on a misconception. The men transferred to the Hot Lakes district are carefully selected, and every care is taken that only prisoners* who3<n«>nduct in town gaols is* good are sent to the camp. There has been no outcry Irom the Rotorua district about thv class of men sent to Waiotapu. The peicenUige of <»-capees has, he says, been remarkably small. The experiment ha? been a great success, and he will not agree to the abolition of the system. Jfc is getting too cold, too late in the year, for out-door concerts. This remark: was made yesterday regarding the announcement that the Marine Band were to give their last* municipal concert in the Alexandra Square rotunda in the evening. Band and listeners were however fortunate in having a nice warm and moonlight evening, a light nor'-west air making the temperature quite comfortable, consequently there was a fair attendance of listeners). As it is the intention of the Sooth Canterbury Pipe Band to compete at the forthcoming contest to be held at Wanganui. a meeting of the management' committee was held at their rooms last night to discuss ways and means of raising funds. It was decided that a basket social_should be held in the .Assembly Rooms, on June 4th, and as the tickets are now in the luim!«> of the printer, application for same should be made as early as possible to the band's secretary (Mr B. Cochran). The Wesley Guild Chrysanthemum show was rlosed last evening. The- patronage accorded the show was not encouraging, but ai! who saw it thought very liighly of it. and regretted that a larger number of visitors had not taken, the trouble to see a very pretty ehow. and the beautiful blooms that, were exhibited. When announcing the hour of closing Mr C. >S. Howard expressed this Tegret. saying that the time and labour given by exhibitors and others, and the excellent results of their work had deserved a mncb greater nrtasosc- of appreciation than had bs-en given. He hoped however that the Guild would persevere, and that next year they would have as good a show, and a much better attendance. He thanked the exhibitors for their contributions to the show, and others for their assistance.

A bazaar organised by the ladies of St. Andrews Church Guild was opened on Thursday afternoon in the Public Hall, St. Andrews. Mr Thos. Teschemaker who performed the opening ceremony said that the proceeds of the bazaar were to be devoted to the erection Of a parish room in which the Sunday school would be held, it would also be of great use for meetings of the Guild and in fact for all meetings in connection with the church. Before declaring the bazaar opened Mr Teschemaker handed to the vicar, the Rev. L. C. Brady, a cheque for £SO to assist the building fund. The stalls were presided over as follows : —Fancy stall—Mesdames A. and H. Elworthy and Bond; Flower stall—Misses J. Williams and Hawkes ; Work stall—Mesdames Arden, Hawkes. and Ward; men's stall — Mesdames A. C. Williams and Asian and Miss Boyle; Sweet stall—Mrs Tescliemaker and Miss Bertie: Refreshments —Mesdames R. H. Rhodes and Cart-wright; Jumble stall—Misses Lee and Stowell; Shooting gallery—Messrs R- X. Hawkes and Cague; Doorkeepers—Messrs Aden and J. Stowell. During the afternoon and evening there was a very good attendance and the proceeds promise to exceed expec tations. A baby show was held in the afternoon, the first prize going to Mrs Thomson's baby and the second to Mrs Barber's. A " ifail driving competition was won by ' Mr John O'Loughlin, with Mr R. Williams second. An office supervised by Messrs Kde Bros, offered a good deal of assistance to the working of the bazaar. Mr C. H. Besley had charge of the raffling. Miss Lee acted as secretary in the place of Miss Wederell. The thanks of the Guild are due to all who by donations of goods or otherwise assisted "the ladies in their praisewoithv undertaking. You can stop that cough with Zymole Trokeys. They give universal satisfaction in all cases of tight, husky throat and difficult breathing... Many people are aware of the fact that some dealers palm off wool and cotton goods as all wool. Amongst our stock you will find the Roslyn and Timarn wools to the front. There are no other? belter than these and seeing the prices are so low we cannot do better than recommend these goods. Timarn all-wool underpants from 4s lid a pair, undershirts the same. Pearson and Co., Outfitters, Stafford st. ... You ran amuse yourself by amusing your friends, with no regrets. A cup ..f somebody's afternoon tea, followed by a few wittv records of the world's greatest talkers, "mast ensure a hearing. There are several kinds of talking machines at Begg's new phonery in the Arcade. Why not get one? ... Concentrated Vinegar Essence, the contents of one bottle added to one gallon of cold water will produce splendid vingear for pickling purposes. It will be found unsurpassable and it is guaranteed to be absolutely pure and of superior flavour. Price Is 6d per bottle sufficient for one gallon best vinegar. Specially prepared in Kngtand for Leonard B. James, Family and Dispensing Chemist, Stafford street, Timarn. ...

Like good singing? Nothing better than to hear Melba. Carusa. and other artists. Beggs' new phonery. in tlm Arcade, is tfie place for you to go for an investment. ... A client called at Begg's new phonery in the Arcade to hear a talking machine. Evidently well pleased and seemingly determined* to purchase. lie suddenly changed hi* mind, with the remark.'"l can't talk back." "Oh. yes. you can." we replied and explained to him how to talk into the machine, which would record his voice and reproduce it at his pleasure. Result — One machine and about a dozen black records l«ss at Begg's, and fun in

It. is believed that practically lhe \>l:ole of the civil servants in the dominion will elect, to come under the benefit of the Civil Service superannuation .«<lkme U--for« .luno Ist. Potato digging is now general throughout the Temuka district and growers are rushing the. tubers into the market. As far as can be learned the local supplies are free from blight of every du-icription. We have received a copy of the April issue of the " Scindian," the magazine of the Napier Boys' nigh .School. It gives a very full record of the life and woik of that institution, and ?•* embellished by a number of reproductions of photographs taken bv members of the school Camera Club.

The meinbeis of the Ruwhiti Hockey Club should feel very satisfied with their effort.; to make their annual ball a success, for last evening there were 60 jo 70 couples at the Assembly Rooms, and with the ass'ritance of Mr Coombs' orchestra, who supplied the music, the fixture passed off in a gratifying manner. One of the lady delegates at Lhe Second aiy School Teacheis Conference, in referring to the superficial character of education in some cases, stated that she knew a girl who had a until brilliant seeondary school and university career, at the conclusion of which she had acquired such scantr knowledge in domestic science that :die was unable, to distinguish mutton from beef.

Thi;< afternoon at 2 o'clock the shareholder of the South Canterbury Daily Daily Company. Ltd.. will meet in the Sophia Stieet Hall to discuss proposals for carrying on the company. Meetings have been held in the surrounding districts to test the feeling of supplier and to explain the various proposals to be brought forward, and to-day some decision will probably bo arrived at as to what will be the best course to pursue to keep the industry afloat.

The Council of the South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society uiei on Thursday afternoon at the Royal Hotel, Temuka. Air J. S. Rutherford," president, occupied the chair, and the following were in attendance : —Messrs Priugle, Taylor, Findlay. Haasell. Coira, and Dr Have.". Apologies for non-attendance were received from Messrs W. H. Brown, F. Rrown, and G. R. M. Jones. The meeting was specially called to consider the report, and balance" *heet, which is to be submitted at the annual meeting on Thursday next. After* reading the auditors* report, i*?"was agreed to adopi. the report and baTaTßce sheet for publication. The ranger's repott was considered and approved. The following new member;-, were elected: M-fors J. C. Rolletton. J. Elder. G. E. Mannering. Jos. Pollock. H. Bebbington. C. E. Balfour, and F. E. Whitehead, and the meeting adjourned until next Iliui:;dav.

A few shillings spent on new records of the voices of the greatest living artists and singers gladdens yonr dull lives and keeps your phone fneh. Beggs new phonery, in the Arcade, gives you a choice of over 5000. ...

It is a very frequent occurrence to receive a letter asking Alfred J. Stephens to keep measurements aftr the men have had a suit, so that they can get another suit from the same measurements. Every suit that is turned out- by the two pound seventeen and six tailor opposite the Post Office, is guamneed to give satisfaction. They are cut by experts, therefore the fit and s-tyle must be good. You can save thirty shilling on your next suit easily. If you cannot get in, send word, and one of his travellers will call on you... It may be you're learning the piano—prssibly you have a voice and want to **ng —perhaps a member of your family wanN to play the violin Pof elocutionise. In eitlier case it plight to be done well to give you a satisfied feeling. There are thousands of records of just these things at Begg's new phonery in the Arcade, Timaru. Why not secure one and follow a good example? ...

We have just compleied the purchase of 216 pains of gentlemen's calf chrome and box calf goloshed baliiuitals. rnlide. in six different toes. The manufacture!.; guarantee that the boots are made of leather throughout-. Any pair proved to be made with cardboard stiffener and insoles, will be replaced without cost io t-h-j purchaser. We cleared the line, at a price that will enable us to sell at u.snal manufacturers' prices. There are three qualities of 72 pair each, and our puce is 10s 6d. lis 6d, and 12s 6d. We recommend thitie lines for genuine satisfaction. Call and see for yourself. Souter'x .Shoe Store, next J. Ballantyne and Co. ...

THE GUINEA POEM ! A CHEQUE for £1 Is has been sent to the writer of this verse—Miss H.L\, Bucklev Road, Linwood, Chiktchurch. With Sapon I am satisfied. And truly feel quite gratified To say that work -Sapon-ified Is cleanliness personified. WIN A GUINEA! Prize Poem Published everv Saturday. Best original four shortline advt. verse about "SAPON" wins each week. SAPON wrapper must be enclosed. Address:—"SAPON" (Oatmeal Washing Powder) P.O. Box 635, Wellington. If your grocer does not- stock Sapon, please send his name and address. ... BUSINESS~NOTICES. Miller's groceiy and crockery depot is having a stocktaking sale, which will continue for three weeks, and the public are invited to inspect the stock of crockery, lamps, etc.. which is selling cheap. SYNOPSIS OF MENTS. C.F.C.A.— Geraldine sale, on Wednesday; clearing hales, at Temuka, on May 26th: Geraldine, May 28th. N.M. and A. Co. —Point sale, Monday ; Washdykc. Tuesday; Geraldine. Wednesday ; suburban residence. 30th iast. Loan and Mercantile Co. —Point sale. Mondav; Holme station and Wafihdyke. Twrida'v: Geraldine. Wednesday. Jonas and Co.—Sell poultry, pigs, fruit, etc.. to-day.

Important sale of farms—By C.F.C.A.. N.M. and A. Co.. and Guinnwi and I,eCreii. on May 30th. Guinnes.s and Udell -Point sale. on Monday; Geraldine. Wednesday; dairy farm for sale.

Wright. Stephenson and Co.—Have farms in Otago for ■sale.

Dalgety anil Co.—Point <*dc. Monday ; Washdvke. Tuesday: Geraldine, Wednesday; clearing riiih-s at Waimnfv and tipiG. Pearson—Writing pads ai all pn«r.s. Cairnsniore private hospital—Mrs Somnitrvillt matioii.

R. Solum* rvillc— Stocky -Milphur hair lotion. Main School concert -In Assembly Rooms. Mav 22nd.

To electors of Gs raldiiu Notic- by Mr W. Jeffries. W. Millar —Important sale of crockery. Mark Higgins—Big bargains in bicycles. Farms and town prop;-iti s for ™h'--By Webb and Kempt borne. Oldt* English Fayre- l.adi-.->' committee meet on Monday. 1). Mahom-v -Has a rhvap i.i.p. farm for .-ale. * . North nian" Jo.-k-y <'l"l> .\c-,pi.iii<. s clw:e on Monday.

Or Commitß-- Will .-peak at Theatre. to-morrow t-v j 'iiiujr. Plra*uit Point Hall-Social, on May 28th. Paieoia Freezing Work* H-pun la boiirers.

L'ium-li .--rvRT- <'li;i!m r:- S;>lv;nini> Armv. W»l.v. Trinity. OcMM li»v« Hall.

J. I'.uil" • ■■!. ])ui:--!ii'l'! -H:iv ti;iit!«.n fiij»iw' for .vile. Point <|ti.Mlii!i- .-.-.- - S sim.i. »|-hs i>n W«.'ilnv.*rliiy. and C'n. I*«>rk r-;it;-iiu".: : "ii'l pit--.* rlt»«»?»I poultry, otr. Mi> Alfrnfl C\n\b -Stalls ila.s-s- in Ti 111:1111. on 27tli in.-t. Knn-iiil notk-«*—l'.y \V. .1. Lb tor.

Mr R. R. Martin, organising secretary to the New Zealand Political Reform League, wen*> .south on Thursday .to assist in furthering the candidature of Mr R. Scott, who contests tho Tutipeka bye-election in the Opposition interest. A slight error crept, into 1 lift report of the proceedings at the Dairy Factory niccLiiig on 'lhuiwday at Temuka, where i(. is staled there wa.i on deposit £ISOO at the bank, which w;«.s : afterwards increased to £2200. Thw should read there was an overdraft of £ISOO, etc., which makes a..material difference. The annual concert in aid of the funds of the Hilton school was held on Thursday night, and was very successful. There was a very large •attendance, and the school was taxed to its utmost. The greater poition of the evening was devoted to dancing, intersperwd with mivsical and vocal items. Vanghan'-s band' (Messrs G. Vaughan piano, C. Williams cornet, Is. Coira -violin, and S. Rates cello) supplied excellent music. ihe chairman of the cnmm.ii.tee, assisted by Messrs C. Leary, M. Charles, and Morris (headmaster), and others, were, indefatigable in their efforts to make the social a success. A bountiful .supper was pi ovided and full justice was done to it. Messrs Green and Williams carried out the duties of M.C. Messrs W. Jeffries and 15. Coira rendered several songs'," all of which were encored, and Mr J. Coffey gave an excellent rl-citation.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13596, 16 May 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13596, 16 May 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13596, 16 May 1908, Page 5