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Ohicials- Patron*, M.ssrs A. /S Hlworthv and W. Hay; president, Mr HI Inward; vice-piisidents, Messrs I • A. Klworthv. W. Burgess, K. R. «""""»■;. K H Rhodes, J. Holo, 11. Rothwell. \\. 11. Anderson, P. Keilly and JJr Thomas; .oi-r»»»rv, Mr J. H. Rodgers; judge, .Mr .1. Mitchell; slipper, Mr J. Dalgleish. Tli,- South Canterbury Colliding (Tub opened llieir 1908 reason yesterday at the I'luiiiptim. Washdyke. an.l were able to get i.tT two rounds nf the Tiniaiu Champion Stale, an event worth £75 to the .winner, £23 to the runner-up and various i.lh.r Miialhr amounts to others unsuccessful in the final but successful in the last t«„ „r thr«v rounds, 'thirty-eight courses were run, and three dogs were put through their paces in order to claim byes, making in all 41 separate courses, which were got off in about three and a half bourn, a verv good performance, and one reflecting i-reilit upon the judge, .slipper, and oth.-r officials. The. judge's decisions ijave complete satisfaction, as also did the "tipper's work, all the. dogs except those, in one course getting away on even terms and this one exception was duo to a. dog j-lipping his collar too soon. There was nut ;i very large, attendance of the public at the"meeting, the majority of these present being either dog-owners or members of the club; but it is expected that as to-day is a- half-holiday a considerable number "of people will avail themselves of the opportunity of a day's outing and it. might be as well to remind them that :i special train will run to the course, leaving town at 1.10 p.m. and returning at 5 p.m. Possibly the threatening appearance of the sky yesterday morning caused some people to shy off going out of town, but as events turned out the weather, though cool.. was not by any nivalis bad. and those vho journeyed to tin- racecourse were rewarded with excellent sport. The coursing, on the whole. w"i» first class, the majority of the harts being strong ones, and several very keen finish'.* were witnessed. The ground was in good order, and this naturally facilitated the pace, of the (logs, but several times, owing to the sun coming out and shining in the faces of the hounds they were unable to sight their quarry, thus losing the advantage of pace. There are now 14 dogs left to participate in the third round, and these include the favourites Bugle Call, Scottish Chief (the Waterloo winner). Awapuni, Erin's Pride and other good goers, all of which should make to-day's* coursing particularly good. Mr J. H. Rodgers conducted a refreshment booth in a highly satisfactory manner. The following are the results of the first and second rounds of the Champion Stake: FIRST ROUND.

Mr Fearn's r. d. Storm beat Messrs V. and H. Baughan's r. b. Stealaway. Mr F. Carter's blk. and w. b. Krin's Pride beat Mr J. Smith's /bi indie and: w. d. Multiform. Mr W. Gentiemun's blk* and w. d. Awapuni beat Mr W. Quirk's t. and w. d. No Danger. Mr T. Riddle's brd. b. Tui beat Mr L. Grant's rd. d. Green Harp. Mr Carter's r. and w. d. Bugle Call beat Mr A. Fearn's b. b. Sorcery. Mr 11. Howard's blk. and w. d. Manxman beat Mr S. Sbamiahan's brd. d. Young Lovalstone. Mr J. 11. White's r. d. Happy Daysbeat Messrs V. and H. Baughan's i". and w. d. Noble Barney.

Messrs Grant and Roberts' blk. and w. d. Victor l>eat Messrs 'Newman and Kden's blk. b. Kilmarnock. Mr H. Hviand's f. d. Oarsman beat Mr W. H. Price's w. and blk. d. Twilight, Mr W. H. McKay's bin. d. J. 0. Nathan beat Mr J. Ward's brn. b. Zetland Lady. Mr W. Gardener's brd. b. Gardenia beat Mr C. A. Philpotfs bk. antl w. d. Black Venus.

Mc. Wi- Taylor* f. d. Darlinghtust. beat Mr H. McArtmy's hlk. and v. d. Wolfe's Kcbnaps. Mr Taylor's lull. li. Lady Rf/*tie beat Mr G. O. Todd's r. and w. d. Cabel Fit. ' Mr IT. Goodman's r. and vr. b. Nine o* J)iamonds beat Mr Fearn's r. d. Monarch's Jewel. Mr J. Collins' bdl. d. Fontenoy had an accidental bye through Mr McCash's dog not. turning up. Mr Taylors blk. and yr. A. Grandlight beat Mr P. Davev's blk. b. Queen Taylor.

Mr C Peterson's blk. and v. A. Ataa hua beat Mr W. Connolly's blk. b. Keepsake.

Mr Miakolm*t> blk. and vr. A. Malcolm Advance" beat Mr C. Peterson's f. b. Clarissa.

Mr If. 0. Jones' f. and w. d. Resinte beat Messrs V. and H. Baughau's vr. and f. b. Moonstone.

Mr W. Sumptor's r. d. Fog Sngnal beat Mr W*. Fox's f. d. Dawn after Dark.

Mr Taylor's f. b. Bright Beanly )>eati Mr B. Smith's r. and w. b. Golden Daws.

Mr J. Smith's f. and vr. A. Garryelough beat Mr W". Quirk's blk. and w. A. Reform.

Mr J. Bunnell's f. d. Mainstay beat Mr A. Field's r. b. Summer Lilv.

Mr R. M. Greenslade's f. b" Better Nights beat Mr J. Jefferies' r. A: Blood Roval.

Mr A. Eden's f. d. House Master beat Mr A. Kinnomont's f. b. Weraroa.

Mr J. H. WliiU-'s f. d. Searchlight, beat Mr H. McArtuey's blk. and vr. b. Southern Cross. Mr P. Ait ken's f. and w. d. Scottish Chief, a by*. Storm had superior pace all through, although Stealaway was quicker on the tut-as. Erin's Pride and Multiform had a good even go, but the former got the turn and won. Awapuni led from No Danger, and secured, the hare. . Tui had her work cut out to beat. Green Harp;

her pace was about, the same as that of G recti Harp, but her turns were neater. Sorcery Jo~,t sight of the hare at first, but. soon caught up and made the pace. She was not so smart on the turns as

Bugle Call. Manxman beat Young Loyaltitoiit; mainly because he sighted the hare first, and retired an advantage. Both dogs showed speed and ability on the turns. Happy Days beat Xoble Barney on the kill. Kilmarnock fell in his couise, and went off, and Victor secured the kill.

Twilight and Oarsman had an undecided coursv. Twilight never sighting the hare until afu-r Oarsman, who \vai» crippled, had secured his prey. On coursing again, Oarsman practically on three legs, easily beat Twilight, who preferred to follow ticent before* sight. J. 0. Nathan beat Zetland Lady, both on speed and turns-. Gardenia. led all the. way from Black Venus, and got in at the Jcill. Darlinghurst, the ranner-up of the last Waterloo at Oamaru, heat WoliVn Schnaps; he. got the iir&t turn and hail ill,- sp t - : -d. Lady Rosvtte and Cabh- l'iy ran a fast and hard couisc and ill- lonuei- won on points gained up to. and including the turn. Nine o" l)i:iiiioiii':> Jul all the way from .Kuvi, showing supeiiti- pace. Fontenoy had an accidental bye. Grandlight had an inexperienced pup to course with, and though slower in sj*-ed scored on the turns Queen Taylor showed exceptional speed. Ataahtta had a. short lead fit-m Keepsake, and was given the victory for this. Clarissa, was beaten by Malcolm Advance both on speed and turns. Although ,-dow ;ii sightin ,r at first. Respite boon took th,- lead." and showed better skill u:i ilir- turns. Fog Signal had a had from Dawn after Dark and soured th<- hare. Golden Days got a kill, but was outclassed in bpeed and the turns-. Garryelough and Reform had a ediort and straight course, the former leading and going siraight in to kill tho har.>. which was a weak one. Mainstay tdiowed more sp.ed than Summer Lily, and gained mon> points on turns and th<- kill, j

Better Nights did most of the leading in her couise with Blood Royal, and was awarded most points. Despite a. bad slip, which gave Weraroa. a couple of lengths of a start, House. Master showed ability in working the hare, and his clever-, new. won the course for him. In the course between Southern Cress and Searchlight the former led at first, but subsequently tired and allowed the other dog to do all the working, thus losing tho course. Scottish Chief had a bye. SKCOND ROUND.

Mr !•'. Carter's blk. and w. b. Krin's {.-•ride beat Mr Fearn's v. d. Storm. Mi-W. Geiitlemun's blk. and w. d. Awapuni beat Mr T. Kiddle's- brd. b. Tui. Mr Carter's r. and w. b. Bugle Call beat Mr 11. Howard's blk. ami w. d. Manxman.

Messis Grant and Roberts' blk. and w. d. Victor beat Mr J. H. White's r. d. Happv Days. Mr W. H. McKay's brn. d. J. 0. Nathan beat Mr H. Hyland's f. d. Carsman.

Mr W. Taylor's f. d. Darlinghurst beat Mr W. Gardener's bid. b. Gardenia. Mr H. Goodman's r. and w. b. Nine o' Diamonds be:tt. Mr Taylor's bdl. b. I.adv Rosette. Mr J- Collins* bdl. d. Fontenoy beat Mr Taylors blk. and w. d. Grandlight. Mr Malcolm's blk. and w. d. Malcolm Advance beat. Mr C. Peterson's blk. and w. d. Ataahua. Mr H. t). Jones' i. and w. d. Respite beat Mr W. Sumptor's r. d. Fog Sngnal. Mr Tavlor's f. b. Bright Beauty beat | Mr J. Smith's f. and w. d. Garryclough. [ Mr R. M. Greenslade's f. b. iK-tter Nights beat Mr J. Bunnell's f. d. Mainstay.

Mr P. Aitken's f. and w. d. Scottish Chief beat Mr A. Eden's f. d. House Master.

Mr J. H. White's f. d. Searchlight, a

bve. "Krin's Pride and Storm, opened the. second round with a long course, which resulted in the former scoring on leads and turns. Awapuni did meet of the leading up in hi.? course, and beat Tui in the kill. , Bugle Call and the Manxman ran an undecided course through not sighting the hare, but on running off again Bugle Call was superior in .pace, and in working and scored most points. Happy Days and Victor had a, long and exciting course with a game hare, which ultimately escaped after nearly exhausting the dogs. Victor showed superior pace to Happy Days, but did not take every advantage with the hare that he coulcl have, apparently preferring to try and head the hare than to snap at him. Oarsman led from J. 0. Nathan, but was outclassed in working the hare, which was killed. Darlinghurst led from Gardenia, who was lamed in the lirst round, and won, securing points for leading and working. Rosette got a kill, but lost points to Nine o' Diamonds on leading and working. Fontenoy and Grandlight after an undecided couise in which the hare was killed, ran off and Fontenoy secured the victory; he did most of the leading. Malcolm Advance led all the way from Ataahua and killed his quarry. Respite beat Fog Signal on the turns and general working o£

the hare. Bright Beauty secured the lead in his comse with Garryclough, and worked the hare to the. escapes. Better Nights did all the work when coursing with Mainstay, who, at times did not appear to do his best. Scottish Chief at

first lost sight of the hare, but made irp for this afterwards by good pace and working. Searchlight had a bye.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13594, 14 May 1908, Page 2

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COURSING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13594, 14 May 1908, Page 2

COURSING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13594, 14 May 1908, Page 2