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In »ur supplement to-day wilt !*■ found the Hiist tnv>(alnient of a »eriivi of Notio «>n the Ueologv of South Canterbury. byMr -I. Hardcastte. who. a™ stated in a "shirt introductory note, has- an »b----servir and st.udeut of the .-nUju't f»r a. quarter of a century. Many ot mir nadir* are doubtless, interested in the fttbject. and will welcome the appearance of theae NoUs. They will be e.mUint-d fcom wi.ek to week until concluded. About thirty Timaru [wo|ile went up to UufetcunrJu on Thursday ami y.;,t.r- ---- t» be present at Clara Butt's o ucert fust evening- Special concessions were made for Ttm.tru visitors. On Sund«v Uk Rev. S. .1. Serpell will conduct service in We*U-y Church at 11. and in the > choc I at 6.30. At Waimatattai stu-vtce wilt b_- conducted at II by IC;v. C. H. f>t(l>. and at 6.50 by Mr Stiad. 'lhere paM-ed through Timaru on Thursday, heading for Dam-Jin, n large 4C horsepower Xnpier- i.;tr. owned by Mr Ac-tfn-Adams. of Chrfotchurch. 'Hie car i-« (vpabte of carrying eight or nine |> rs- lis with comfort, and i» a very miootb running one. Mr F. K. Flatmati. M.P.. ha- b; .11 ;«!- T'n-rJ by th- M'.niNter of 15;«i1w;.y.-. that the tegttliHion iinirting tfi> weight to hs eitrrS-d ire cotnsack;* :*h* r February. 1900. t- for 2Colb nett : that ti- to say 3tl» will be allowed tVr thi- wrigtt of the .sicks in addition to tin- 200tbs of corn b.-fore tlw txtr.» ratA> will be- charged. A nueting of the committee of the Uerutdine Amateur Swimming Club was held on Thursday evening at which it wa» decided to hold a mikill «{>«>rts mevt.fng on 12th March. Mr Mark Sutherland was> appointed! lion, secretary pro. tent, in place nf Mr K. H. S. Hamilton, who hai> resigned owing to hk trarsference t<» Wellington. The '*Caasterbary Times" and "Weekly Press" of this week have in good ifomand in Tiniaro. for the sake of their pictures! of the Christchurch fire. These were given in special supplements. The usoat pages of illustrations in the "Press" were nearly aJI devoted to Wellington. The "Canterbury Times" on the other hand should be a popular number in this district, from the number of interesting photographs it contains of the Mount Cook region and views on the road to it. Steady progress i? being made with the difficult" of clearing away tin- bwi|» of ri<»b(t« on the site oft lie Farmers" Cooperative- Association's premises. Tin: work is necis-arily sluw. owing to thu i-ompticutedr tnngt« everything is in. Yesterday .the workmen were getting out thi» oirrugated rooßng iron, all twtst-'d and swarm of bees has taken possession' of tli* remains* cf » quantity of spoilt sugar, which show* that they * are not long in finding what they appreciate. The usual weeklv meeting oE tlie Life Boa,t Lodge, No. 101.. 1.0.G.T.. was held last evening in the Foresters' Hall. Bro. Hawkey C.T. presiding. Ont- member wa--readmitted into the lodge. The C.T. drew the attention o! members to the fact hat the meeting of the district lodge will be held in fTemofca. on Thursday evening next. The programme for the evening. " Sisters' Night" wms ably carried Sisters Winner, Braddrng. Jarvts and AHott. A ' recess was granted to partake of refreshments kindly provided by them. The following gave items—Sisters Peake and Berry. A hearty vote of thanks to the sister* proposed by Bro. Muchmore, .brought a pleasant meeting to a close.

Mr J. E. Hnrdley has on view in hist office ;» large variety of tiles of all dewription—roofing, hearth and ornamental tiles* which he ha* imported from England. '"We'll b„* manufacturing tfe> like therein Tintiirn before long." remarked Mr Hurdley to a reporter; "and when this industry gets started there will be other* to follow." He went on to explain that a meeting would be called next w«k to form a company to take over Mr H. B. KirkV brick-work* and to go in lor the mannfacturt of drain pipes and tiles, b+wlts. of courier-, brick.". He fully expecte that .very shortly there will be tsixtv men employed at the works. At the meeting to'be- held next week provfcional directors will be elected and the capital feed: and Mr Hurdley Hates that the Vromoters of the scheme intend to carry it out on sound business lines.

Free gift of 10s 6d to ladies at Scoters hoot shop. An alarm clock will be placed in the window on Saturday. February 15tb. The clock -will alarm between tbe bours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Lady customtrs purchasing a pair of boots or shoes for cash, to the value of 10s 6d or over when the clock alarms, will be presented with boots to the value of 10s 6d. If there is onrv one ladv purchasing the required amount of the" prize in full will be presented, and should there be more than one lady, tins prize will be divided among the' several. A gentleman from Claremonr won "the prize last Saturday. Souters sale of boots now on We have just opened up five dozen hard hats from In 6d to 1& bd to clear at os and 7* 6d. also four and a half dozen soft felts from 6s 6d to 13s 6d to clear at 5s 6d to 7s 6d. Must make room for other goods, also big reductions in oil other lines. Pearson and Co. make suits to measure from 555. Pearson and Co., Outfitters, Stafford Street. ... Out of 7 second-hand pianos advertised in Monday's issue by the Dresden only two remain, and are open to tbe first buver tendering a reasonable offer. An English " OHard" and a " Bord" Piano. guaranteed in good order. In stock, grand 1908 model* of Broadwood, Lipp. Ronfech, Lollard, and ISohm Pianos. Easy terms over 3 years with modest deposit. Dresden Piam> Co. ... Jam-* Concentrated Vinegar T-JsM.ut.-e the contests of one bottle added to one •*aii)iD of water will produce splendid vinegar. For pickling purposts it will b> ft and unsurpassable, and it is guaranteed t«> be absolutely pure and of superior flavour. Is 6d" a bottle, makes one gallon vinegar. Obtainable from Leonard It. James. Family and Dispensing Client ist, Tinwru ... WHAT MR JOHN STEVENS. M.H.R., THINKS OF RHEUMO. Mr John Stevens, of Bulls, M.H.R. for Manawatu, has a high opinion of Ithenmo. Read what be writes-.—" I had a eevere attack of Rheumatism, and was advised to try Rbeumo. I did S',, wittj mt»t satisfactory results. After taking two bottles, it practically cured me. I have no hesitation in wiving that your remedy is the best I have used." Trv Rheumo yourself. If given a fair trial, it will qniofcty cure Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica. Lumbago, and kindred diseases- All chemists and storekeeper* s«n it at 2» ed and 4s 64. ~.

Tin- Timaru Horticultural Society have ;u uiiiii- .1 witti Sett Bro. I:' have th-ir I'lowcr Slum- lit U[> with electric light at night, and tin- lighting will Ik- a halm.• of tin- -how.

The ••Mercantile Gazette." a ireful ueeklv. printed and published in Wellington for the ".Trade Auxiliary Company." Chri-tchurch. has in its last number added a new featme of usefulness in a few page." of •• Shipping News mid Notes." A li..t of ni.veinents ot -team- i.-. in the Home ana Australasian trade is a good line.

Some amusement was caused at a meeting of motorists yesterday when one of those present suggested electing an honorary surgeon. Another capped this l>y suggesting the election of an honorary solicitor to plead for erring motorists in courts of law. Not to he lieatcn still ano'.h.-r suggested asking the county councils to fix rubber ends to culverts. Inquiry yesterday elicited that the little trouble at "llie Pareora freezing works had been amicably adjusted and the incident was closed. "This will be satisfactory to farmers with stock ready for the refrigerator. The works are now in full swing, with 45 butchers at work. The lambs coming in are said to be uneven ill quality, some Very good, others lacking in quality. A swimming race from tin- Moody wharf to tli- North Mole drew a large number of spe.-iatois. to the harbour last evening. The lace was held by th-_ Stir Swimming Club, and there were 15 com-|K.-titnrc. of whom F. Spiirdtu t24sro) proved to b.- the winner, with T. Thoiii--s»n (5C*-.cs». and V. Blown (sell and third respectively. The time from start to finish was smins 46jsecs. A man who was sentenced yesterday to 12 months* imprisonment for tliefl a Seadown was. when arrested, in possession of a revolver, ritle and dagger ,but his shooting irons were not loaded at the time and he was induced to* quietly hand thvin over to Detective Fitzgerald, who arrested him. Tiie dagger was exceptionally keen. 'I he man informed the Magistrate that he obtained the wea-ions in America, where it was the custom to carry them; but His -Worship remarked that" ho did not want any American customs here.

Th re Wiii a large attendance at the meeting at Fairli • "on Thursday < vniiug. Mr T. Fodeii presiding, to obtain vi.-ws on th.- formation of a tire brigade. In Mating the ibj.ct. of the me-ting the chairman said lb- i|i: stion of funds would have to b..» coir.sider.-d : but he was sure th- County Council would a.-sb-.t- them in anything they decided to do. • l)r Cook pointcdottt thai, as the Council could notlevy a special rate fir thjs object but could only vole money out of the general funds he" did not think they should expect too much from them. No doubt they would Ik- prepared to give a donation and jx ."sibly a yearly subsidy but he did not think tiny would do more. Mr Hank.- moved, and it was carried, that Messrs Binney. Caskey. Pilkington. Watts. Fudt-D. King, and I)r Cook, be appointed to ni.-ik." enquiries from different quartei-s what would b..- the b<i>t appliances under the cir'jumstalicefc-. to obtain an e-timate of cost, and reiwrt «t a future meeting. It was decided to hold the ik-sI. public ineeliiig on February 27. At a meeting of the committee Mr .J. King was eleeted chairman, and Dr Cook we-re-tary. It was decided to write to the yuperiiitendi'iitri of the Fire Brigades in the chitf centres with reference to securing a manual engine, and if possible an ct>tini.U? of the cost of a complete outfitincluding a bell. The question of a. site for the tire station was- discussed,. ;ind ;i recommendation wa.s adopted to wait on the- Council with reference to getting them to re-serve a site for a It was moved and carried that the committee make an inspection on Saturday afternoon of the water available in the township. We beg to remind the public that otu- of the greatest sales held thio season is that of Messsrs Pearson and Co., mercers and clothiers. On account *f alteration to ihnp the stock must be cleared and this is being done at bargain prices. Besides the yvery-day lims you can have a suit uiade to your measure and cut to any style' from"' 39* upwards and the. guarantee is that it will fit yon properly. The public should call early and see what e;ui be done for cash...


(Henry Hughes-. Copyright.) A smoke consumer is a thing that_ is urgently needed and will find a wide icceptiince if sucetttiful. Hitherto thesebrought -out have lacked some rdight improvement lo render them jierfectly satisfactory. If iin inventor can hit upon mills? "clever and simple arrangement of lines. - t »i- :« system of induced draught, the thing will lie done. And when comp!et« it will be fc.-iid. " How Simple!" But as no one «.■!«? will have been clever enough to have thought of it before, the patent for the invention will be just a., sound a.s if it related to the most complicated machine.

This i.s one of the inventions that are needed, referred to in Hem/ Hughes' pamphlet "Advice to Inventors." copies" of which mar be obtained on application at the firm's "offices .185. Hereford Street. Chri.stcbun.-li. where Mr P. R. Climie mav be coruiiilted with regard to inventions, at all timi*. Henry Hughr.s' office jo fully equipped for advising the inventor ori the s|K>t. and completes all instructions in Christchurch. a fact much appreciated by inventors- resident in Can-terbm-v. Correspondence invited. J. K. S. Jackson. Stafford Street. Timaru. agent for Henry Hughes.... .THK GUINEA POEM ! , A CHEQUE for £1 Is has been s-nt to the writer of this verse —Mrs. M.R., Kumara railway. Westland. i Tlie Hott-rf-maid's- niiuie is Mary Jane. The Cook hi simple Biddy Cain ; '"•he Xurserv-maiden Tillv Hope. The Laundry-servant - SAPON SOAP." WIN A GUINEA: Prize Poem Published everv Saturday. Best original four shonline advt. verse'about "SAPOX" wins each week. SAPOX wrapper must be enclosed. Address:—"SAPOX" (Oatmeal Washing Powder) P.O. Box 655. Wellington. Write for five art- booklet, containing 25 val-iubale hints on washing. ... CHRISTCHURCH TO NELSON OX TALBOT MOTOR CARS. Mr A. Macfarhine. of Culverden. wires from Xel-on :—-" Both my Talbot care mad" non-stop runs." 'lll- 12-16 li.p. 4-cylindvr Talboi (now nvi-r a vear old) was driven bv Mr A. Macfarla'ne. and a 10-12 Talbot by one of his station hands, and used as- a luggaffe car. The distance from Christchurch to X"el-='m. via Blenheim, is- 307 milt*. Mi- J. E. Green, compiler of the Xew Zealand Road Book, supplies i'--. with ttie following information in ref-.-retice to tie- difficulties of the trip :—" Motorists' troubles com me net- with the River Mason, where the track tym: cannot call it a road) runs- up the middle of the river b-d fm- ;i distance of 4or 5 miles. The whole of the .surface i" composed of rough boulder--. f-"ft -and spits and loose shingle, while the stream is and recrosfied as- manv as twenty time.s. Further north the Conway river is even wots- than the 1 Mason ;is "regards Mirfaee. and although Shorter, there i> always a greater volume of water in tli" river. Xearing Kekeranga. the or rather bullock track, -fciris the leach for a couple of miles, and is nothing but dry. sand, in which you sink almost to !"">!- toirs." " The above motor ram were Mipnliei'l by Adams. Ltd.. Stafford .-<r--t. TintarM." -o!e agent- in Xew Zealand for Ta'imt cai-,. We «-an give inim-.-di:i! • - deliv-ry »f Talbot cars from stock, In s-uecti'/n invited ..i

The first window sign now apepars on May's I'milding. Wright. Stevenson and ('i>.''s nanie. .'ml business .-bowing in gold letters on two of the -eeond story windows. ev-.i-v vear to every province if f-Jic dominion", to Australia, and elsewhere. and on AVedmwday a consignment of sixty Soiithdowiis left. I*l i«■ railway station for a Inner in South Cant- rhuiy.

Kin- many y.-ar-. past, lull nioii- particularly dming'the last- time ycais. there h:i«" liwn a steady and increasing demand for i-ains lired bv Ai-hburlnii ci.unty uliid Mock-owners, says the local paper. Rams have bjs-n sent in fairly large n'.iiubeie "Mollier." a Timaru girl. "I want to go in fov the Flower Show prize again." ■" 1 would not both, r if 1 were you. u- much trouble" said the inoih-r. " l'.ul I got ' highly commended' last year, and may I)-.- do betler this time." replied the lassie. And no doubt -1,, will.

A souvenir of !he North Mole was me.! with in cutting the trench for I lie underground sewer up Melville Hill, in the hap- of si»ep-.i~ of the tramway line, which were left and buried in the rcstor--ation of the ground. The exeavatoi.. chipped through tin— ehepets. and left ;i fourth across the trench.

I'll.- Dimusiii Standing Committee ha.s agreed on the application of the vicar of (Jeraldim- to make a grant at the full rat' from the Church Property Trt«t Subsidy (subject to the financial regulations! towards the stipend of an a '.sistanr '"rate in that from the date of lic-nse.

Mr W. H. Stewart, of the Anglo-South American Hank at Iqiiique, 'and formerly of Timaiu. arrived in Wellington on Wednesday. The officers of the Ajiglo-South American Hank got seven months' holiday cvery five years. .Mr Stewart is visiting his relative.!. His father was formerly manager of the Union Hank at Timar.i. . The Marine Hand gave one of their municipal concerts at Caroline Hay last evening, and a huge number of visitors found the music a pleasing time-giver for their stroll along the sands on the esplanade in the calm moonlight night. Others, who occupied the seats on the esplanade and the upper bank, or leaned on tho fence above the railway, listened more iziiv to !'••• prom atii'u.-. and >cveral people- iii vehicles halted on the road to listen. The calm air. the moonlight on •he sea. and the nii'v.e. mad- a very «ujoyable combination. The Marine Band have decided to make their series of paid-for concerts "national" as -well as "municipal" and last evening's programme was a. .Scottish one. Every item was applauded. The local production, the-valse-com-posed by Mr G. A. Vaughan of Temuka, for the piano, and arranged for brass bands by Mr H. Mayo, the conductor, went very well, and si request was received, just before the close of the concert, for its repetition, and this was complied with. Within the week of application to tliwik tli.i C.F.C.A. have made great stride- towards rehousing tiienirH'lves in the old preniw.s on Caiif.s T-.-rrace. Mr. J. Hroadhead was given, the job of refitting tli- prenit-T;;. and he has done remarkably well in the liine. considering that lb- machinery and heavy iroumon gery had lo be cleared out and stocks of other g: (ids were coining in. The transfer has not yet been completed, in parts. A large amount' of shelving has b.-.n made and directed, and a good uianv counters built, and this work is still lK'ing carried on. The drapery department is in fu!l swing upstairs, with tailors' and dre-ismakcis' work rooms occupied by operatives. These are m-t exactly "rooms,'' but .spaces partitioned oil' from the general floor. Tlie grocery department on the lower floor has a large amount of stock shelved, and the farmers' saddlery, seed, and siindriui room is ready for business. The office staff ar;etill working under picnic conditions in Tattersalls. but progress is being made with th" place where many are to more privately housed Things are "shaking down" with the several departments, and very soon the employees will forget that they were once in more commodiors premises. The library- at St. Andrews was well Hllfi-l last evrnjxD -* 1 th of rpresentation to the Eev. Father Finnerty. who has been transferred to Wellington after being •in charge of St. Andrews Parish for the last three years. His parishioners and ro'merous fWends could "-' allow liim to depart without some mark of their appreciation and some token of the esteem in which the rey. was held. In the absence of Mr E. O'Callaghan Mr Jolm Connor occupiefd the chair, and he and Messrs T. Burn!*, P. Ryan. J. O'Loughlin, and A. Wilson, spoke on the object of tho gatherng and of the high esteem in which their guest was held. The Rev. Father Finnerty was heartily welcomed at every Lome ,and as their parish priest was beloved by all. Mr A. Wilson was called upon to make tho presentation, on behalf of the parish, of a well-filled purse, wntl spoke of the hearty way in which every subscriber had assisted. They all regretted losing Father Finnerfv. and their heartfelt wishes went with him for the best of health and prosperity. In responding Father Finnerty said that this was the first occasion since coming to St. Andrews that he experienced any feeling of sorrow. During the three years he had snenfi among them his work 'had been a pleasure ; he had found them generous, and aiways glad to welcome him as a " soggarlh aroon." A>y b« >;.,.;.' :';,--.• h- pv perienced the same feeling that had come over him eight years ago on leaving the Old Sod; now that he was bound to leave them the pains' of parting were once more renewed. He could assure them, however, that bis thoughts would be often with them, and he hoped in the future to tirzaii' >-ene o'd e—l n'"-

acquaintance?. 'Miss- Mary Cameron on behalf of tli;- choir also presented Father Finnerty with an appropriate token, and assured him that the choir would long remember his great kindness mul rre'-proi" help. The evening was made a happy one. songs being rendered by Misses Palmer and Cameron, Mr J. Scott and Father Finnerty. The official results of the motor trials just to hand again show the Darracq car well to the front. The winning 15-h.p. Darracq in the open class was the oldest car in the run, has been in constant hard use for 4 years and without any tuning up or special adjustments was entered the day before the trials and finished the blue ribbon in front of dozens of others new and tuned and driven by experts. Again this shows that the Darracq is as good as a new car of any other make after four years hard work. It may also be of great interest to the public that in the_ > T oHh Island reliability runs in 1905 and ."-;>• held oyer roads 100 per cent, worse thrfi. the roads here, the 15-h.p. Darracq won the cup two years running. They are made to do the work and keep on doing it. Re the famous little 8-10-Darracq, this little car was admired from Christchurch to Dunedin for its steady and consistent running: if, was driven from Timarn to Christchurch. then from Christchurch to Dunedin and bark, and back again to Timaru or 750 miles without a mechanical stop or nsing a spanner or tool of any description. »*■■ onlv lost marks for taking more petrol on" board. This little car received second prize in small class also the ladv's prize. And last but not least the famous 10-10-Darracq iwth its world's reputation for cheapness on fuel consumption, has again proved this to the public bv taking second prize and having run nearly 35 ton mile on 1 gallon petrol. All fhe'e prove conclusively that in the Darracq vou get a car everlasting, reliable and cheap in upkeep. Call and inspect, large stgek on band, --i

The Town Clerk yesterday received the. following telegram from Mr. Lomas. Chief Inspector under the Factnriis Act. -Notice re half holiday. Factories Act. gazetted this week Comes into force next Monday." A fciuall but very useful street inprove-

m-'til (Which 11:' d not be thrown i n the street iiunroviiiieiit loan fund) would be a plank crossing over the channel in (iiorge Street where people going from Sophia Street are making for Barnard Street.

Mrs Lane, relict of the late John Lane, of Wai-iti. who died suddenly on Thursday had been attended for some considerable time for a heart trouble and though at first il was thought an inquest would be necessary Dr Dryden was able to give a satisfactory certificate of death.

The annual nueting of the Orari Spoils Club was In hi on Wednesday evening, Mr J [v.'iiiiedy ]iresiding. The meeting had been previously adjourned to ascertain whether there ■vei-.. any obstacles in the way of amalgamating with the (ieraldine Racing Club as the general feeling amongs-t membei.s was that, ■such a step was advisable. A letter .however, was received from the chairman of the racing conference slating that there were grave objections to this being taken. Accordingly it was decided lo cany on the Club as usual, and the following officeswere appointed : President. Mr L. H. Corsbie: vice-presidents. Me.vsrs M. Harper and H. M. Spencer; i.ecritarv and. treasurer. Mr K. U'Mulley; liandicapper and starter, Mr H. R. McDonald ; judge, Mr C. E- Shallcrass; clerk of the course, Mr R. Orton : handicapper tor trots. Mr (I. Morrison; stewards, Messrs A. Hates. 0. Worner, J. Kennedy, W. Quirke. W. Mason. D. McDonald, J. Mullan, W. Baxter, C. Borrell, C. Stock and W. Connolly. It was decided to hold tlie annual race meeting on May 7th and, a committee was appointed to draw up a programme the stakes for which were limited to £BO. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Friedlauder Bros, and N.M.A. Co.— Clearing sale at' Springfield estate. 28th. (iuimiess and LeCrcn— Houses Lo let: properties for stile: Fairlie sale. Monday ; Temuka, Tuesday; (4enildine, Wednesday ; land. February 22nd. Jonas and Co.—Sell fruit, poultry, furniture, etc., to-day. Loan and Mercantile Co.—Fairlie sale, Monday; Temuka, Tutisday. fie-rrie and Co.—Sale of fruit, produce, live stock, etc.. to-day. Dalgety and Co. —Now buying grain ; Fairlie sale. Monday; Temuka, Tuesday. N.M. and A. Co.—Fairlie, Monday; Temuka. Tuesday; (ieraldine, Wednesday : clearing saie. sth March. C.F.C.A. —Temuka -sale, Tuesday: Geraldine, Wednesday; clearing sale, Fairlie, Friday. Clearing sale, Te Moana—On February 27t1), by UuiniHiSij and LeCren and N.M. and A. Co. N.Z Clothing Factory—Reliable shirts for working men. Adams and Co.—Autumn millinery now showing. / Mctiruer. Davies and Co.—Bargains at money-saving sale. Strathmore School—Vacancies for girls. Wiiihs' circus—ln Timaru, on Thursday. N.Z. railways—Fares for Dunedin races. Doyle'."—All varieties of fcjh. Church .s'l-viocii—Trinity Prcs/byterian and Wesley. (i. Pearson—Tovs. dolls, etc., of all kinds-. Waimate Borough Council—Tenders for kerbing. Timaru Borough Council—Valuation lists'open. Hamilton and Moore —Have debentures for sale. H. Webb—Has liiiinned teaching piano, organ and singing. P. Mauger—Hus some strayed lanilns. Technical School —Plumbers' examination, 20th and 22nd February. A. .1. and Miss- Rooney—Taking pupils for music. T. and J. Thomson—New clothing arrived. T. Kingston—For walnut toffee. Funeral notice—By W. J. Lister. Wanted—Thirteen notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13520, 15 February 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13520, 15 February 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13520, 15 February 1908, Page 5