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Important auction ad vtr J i in .-n; s will be found on page 7The Harbour Board yesterday formally completed the contract with R. Parr and Co. for the purchase of engine and plant and lease of Hayes street sections. Services in Wesley Chnrch to-morrow at 11 a_m. will l>e conducted by the Rev. S. J. Serpell. at 6.. T >o in the school room by the Rev. C. H. Olds. At Waimataitai at 11 Mr Ellis will r.nacti and at 6.30 Mr EUis. The service at Pareora Kastat ? p.m. will be c.inrtceUd by the Rev. S. J. Serpell. The Christchurch Bowling Club visited Timaro on Thursday, and played a match agaiiist tlie Timaru Bowling f'lnb. a vr-ty enjoyable game being indulged in. -Afternoon tea war; provided by Mrs A. 1.. Anderson and Miss Fra.o-r. 'I lit* local Club, after an excellently contested game, three point;;. The scutes were : - Christ church 60. Tiraarn 65. A meeting c>r Hospital contributors was held in the County Council Chambers. Waimate. on Thursday evening for the purpose of electing a meml>er to the Hosiptal Board. Mr .John , Manchester presided. After soma dUcarsion on hospital matter* generally. Messrs Buckingham and J. Sinclair" were nominated to fill the vacant" position on the Board, after which an election took place which resulted in Mr Sinclair being elected by a substantial majority. The sequel to Thursday's disturbances, which originated through the Jack 'L'ais from H.M.S. IVramns driving round the city at a rate- that endangered the lives of pedestrians was h>-ard in the I'oiit.e Court. Christchurch. yesterday. wrh-n .Mm Alien, a nv:tn-o'-war'snvan. wa> charged' with being drank nUi!-- in charge •>{ a horse and trap. In er.nneeiiun with t'ijearns- incident. Miles Bradbaiv. another man-o'-war's-man. war. with obstructing Sergeant Bnrrt.aghi white in the executiou t.f hjs ilniy. The ni.n were cnavicted. bat the <jn .itiori of i.niiichmsnt was left to the officer of their ship. Irfonard James. 16 years of age. was convicted on a charge of inciting Alt-n to resist Constable McCormaek in the execution of his duty, and was ordered to rr.roe np for sentence when called upon. Loss of sleap often causes headache, take Steam's Headache Cure, which not only cures th? ache, but is as refreshing as "a night's rest for the relief it bring?; ieats tortured nerves. ... One often reads of supposed great bargains in oth?r towns, but oft-n fail to see the bargain:", that are offered tlk® in their own fair town or city. Experience in buying must tell in th.- iong run. and by buying in the cheapest ronrkit we can give our customers goo lower than others. Onr specia's at pie-er.t are hats, shirts, ties, underclothing, an.i clntiiing, all at bedrock price*. Pearson and Co.. outfitters, Stafford Street. ...

James' Foot Powder, a cooling, healing and antiseptic powder for tilt feet: lelieves tired and tender feet. soothe.; swollen or inflamed feet, checks excessive prxpiration. Wht'u dnst-d into I the beo. r. or socks it removes all sunartir.g. bit! niug. or other di.-ttessing symptoms, and i>*a! comfort. In packets !< 6d . ai-h. from L. B. James. Family ai.d Dispensing Cfamcst. Timor a. ... British ehofer.i is again claiming its victims in Timaru, but it will interest our readers to know that J. Baxter, chemist and photographic dealer, Theatre Buildings, has a certain care for this malady. Taken at the- first sign of trouble., further development is? prevented. One do>e relieves, one bottle effects a enre. Keep a bottle- handy. It's for your own good. I'riea 2s. The official results of the motor trials jnst to hand again show the Darracq car well to the front. The winning 15-h.p. Darracq in the open class was the oldest car in the run, has been in constant hard use for 4 years and without any tuning up or special adjustments was entered the day before the- trials and finished the blue ribbon in front of dozens of others new and timed and driven by experts. Again this shows that the Darracq is as good as a new car of any other make after four years hard work. It may also be of {Treat interest to the public that in the North Island reliability runs in 1905 and 1906, held over roads ICO per cent, worse than the roads here, the 15-h.p. Darracq won the cup two years running. They are made to do the work and keep on doing jt. Be the famous little S-l&Darracn, this little car was admired from Christchurch to Dimedin for its steady and consistent rnnnintr: it was driven from Timaru to Christchurch. then from Christchurch to Dunedin and buck, and back again to Timarn or 750 miles without a mechanical stop or rising a spanner or tool of any description. It only lost marks for taking more petrol on" board. This little car received second prize in small class :tV-o the ladv's prize. And last hot not least the famous 1010-Durrncq iwth its world's reputation for cheapness on fuel consumption. has: again proved this to the public hv taking second prize ant! having inn nearly 35 ton mile on 1 gallon petrol. All these prove conclusively that in the Darracq yon get a car everlasting, reliable and cheap in upkeep. • all and inspect, laree stock on hand. ... When you «*=.* Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure von vour corn-* without pain or cuttincr. Coins of many years standmtr are quickly Temoved by its use. Scieutiticallv prepared, its acti»n is prompt :md effective. It it> a boon to th'.se whu suffer from rh. se obstinate J-mwtle:. < >n'hilling p-r b\tt!e. post free, from J. TV>xt>*r. ch mirt, and photographic d*-aler Timiitn. ...

Mi-s .1 -.utni. Amter.-on. c.-rtitid vocalist i»t Tiriurv t'l.Uig.', London. i-aIU attention 1:1 thi*. iM-ii" t»» th- la.l that >ii-- u; pr» to r.t.-iv<- pupils for voice pioitir.tioii. - digitc; an I tin" is. I» •i.ii iiiii- iit.- fi. m fi.M.S. I'ii.nir. !i -ii. ; .V.ll .itt-lid r!i-- -4-rvi.i-. al Si. Mary"-; and the i' it!...lie Chui.h i*. in»ii..\i looming. | '| Ik- I'ai talioii I'.aii.l will h. ~ci the pai'.ui- ! lo >t. Maiv :riid tin- Maiine Hand than ; t>> tii- Catholic Church. whirli will l>.ivaihni via Stafford and north >tie'-to. At tin- M.i^istrat. t 'oim. Wainiat.-. oti Wetlm'Jiluy. lutoif Mr l!. H. T»rt..ii. S.M.. John I )'• 'onnor. of St. Andrew was .-haiiieil on tlif iiitot.(ii)tii.ii «>f the W:»im.itp ISorou.jh I'.mniil iMr Haniiltoin with tailiiis- to remove goise when in stiUfteil to «lo mi hm-: lit:-d anil casts. William Fi-ii- r on a ,-im ilar charge, wa- lined Is with .solicitor'-; le.- and r-.-t ; T-. Fredt-rick Harvey. ..f Kohlka. f«r a like offence was convicted unit tlned £1 with i-osts 7s. For hre.ich ..t a. prolul>ition older. Thomas vv.Kt tincd £5. in default .".0 davs' ia> piisonment. Wei'ue*. for whom Mr Mi.Uttr. Clin appea:,.!. i>Ua«tnl jjuitiy to iirtving ill tn-ated a horse. After hearing' eviJem-% the Magistral- convicted tl--frniUnt and fined him £5 with Court costs 17s and witness ftes 15s. The followinsi civil cases were heard: -tl. S. Mt.ri(iith and Co. i'eny) v. Fl. Atte-w.-H. claim £3 4s. Judgment for plaintiffs l»y dffanlt with cosK. Same v. Frederick jnnr.. claim £2 r;s. Jndgmetvt was for plaintiff by ilewith cost".

BUSINESS NOTICES. Tho-.e int-'iested in pastoral ailil ayn cnltnrai land are reminded of the important auction sale of the noted Marainanga Hst.iti. Akitio. -wliith is to take place in the Town Hal!, Wellington, on 15th January. at 2 p.m. The propeiiy will be disposed of in twenty-two blocks, iangini: fi«.m 5>3J to li2o :ici«s eat h. Dr. I'.XSOIt'S TAMi:R JUICK is .-old bv good chetnisEs and grocers everywhere. Get a bottle to-day. ar.ii commence with of from 20 to 25 drop.; aft; r n;-,-a!s. Rapea: this do:-- two. thre.s or four tinio each day until every passage and every organ is thoroughly cleansed and well. Before many doses have been taken its effect will Ik- so helpful arid beneficial thai you will bj- gladly recommending your >u-k and aiiinsz fri-.-nds to do likewise. Pi ice. 2-s fid per bottle. Be sure yon buy the itenuin? Dr. KnsmV, Tamer Juice. XEW ZEAI.AXD MAXUFACTURF.RS. A HOPF.FI L SIGN. Th.- fact that there are more patents applied for in Xew Zealand than in any other country, for every 1.000 of the population. augurs v.cil for the manufacturers of the loloiiv. This, no doubt, is duo in a great m*asu'.to th.- general ])rospenty and enterprise of the piupV.- in the colony, and to the txcremely moderate patent l\<-s which enable protection to be obtained a! a v«rv small cost.

Invention and manufacture- go hand in hand, the inventor is in fact- the pioneer of tha manufacturer, and where the inventor ii greatly in evidence then too will the factory hum. It is said that the great balk" of tho capital invented in business enterprises in Ameiica is based entirety upon patented inventions. It is therefore a hopeful sign for us in New Zealand that we value the patent laws and strive to take advantage of ilkiii. Ad invention dors not become property til: protected, and once brought under th-* Ac! i s value will increase in proportion as i; ii; widelv handled.

These remarks art- supplied us by Henry Hughes (P. K. Cliiniei. International -a t.ul Agent. Christchurch. the ohU-si. es tabti.-hed patent, agency in Xew Zealand aud authorised by the Xew Zealand Wovernnicn:.

All rhe Canterbury work in connection with patents and trade marks is earned out at 183. Hereford Ktrr-et. Christchurch. where competent engineer.; and dratigh s men ate employed. .1. E. S. Jackeon. Statforti Street. Timaru. Timaiu agent for Henry Hughes.-

Dalgety and Co. announce full pariicnlais of a clearing sale to b:- held at Beaconsfield on Ttiesdav next, on account. Mr PMe l- Thomson, who has sold his farm. Stock and plant will bp sold without reserw. TAMER FRUIT PILLS (Registered) positively cure l.iliotKnEe.;, indigestion, headache. Is 6d. - THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQUE FOR £1 Is has been <ent io the writer of this vc-rse —Mrs. T. G\, 51. Peterborough Street, Christchurch. What are the wild waves saying Against lite Niniifid's side? "Us.- SAPON SOAP aboard this boat. • And reach the Pole with pride." WIN A GUINEA! Prize. Poem published every Saturday. Best original four short line advt. verse nbout"SAPON" wins each week. SAPON wrapper mi'tst be .-n----clos-d. Address— -SAPON"" lOatme:.! Ws.-hing Powder! P.O. I'.ox 655. Wellington. If your grocer does not stock Sapon. pt-rce send his n:mi>* '.'lid ad.lie;i--. SYNOI'SIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oninn-iG and I.eCrc-n—Clearing sale, at Siudholnie, March 26tli; Gerald Wednesday: Waslidyke, Tuesday. Dalgety and Co. —Clearing sale, at I'rook.stead, January 16th; Point sale. Monday: land Gale. February 3th. Wright. Stephenson and Co.—Bircliwood station and freehold farm fcr sale; auction sale Warwick Downs, 15th February.

N.M. and A. Co.—Point Gale. Monday; Waslidyke. Tuesday; Geraldine. Wednesday : grain season. 1980; farm for ten der.

Jonas and Co.—Sell poultry, furniture, fruit. <-tc., to-day.

ii.P. Ct-rrie and, Co.—Sale of pigs, poul try. furniture, etc.. this day. Murrav. Roberts and Co.—-Auction na'--

Nt W. llington. on 15th inst. N.Z. L. and M.A. Co. —Point sale. Monday : Washdyke, Tuesday; Geraldine, Wednesday.

C'.F.C.A.—Sale, at Point. Monday : Geraldine. Wednesday: runs for sale. G. Pearson —Diabolo consignment to arrive sotm.

Mi.-s .J. Anderson— Receives pupi!:; f< r singing. W. Mcintosh—Has op-ned island fruit ilejiot. F. W. —Tenders for alterations. T. C. Mullions- Tenders for furniture ami tittings.

Timaru Port Guards-- on Mondav.

i'liui -h servici-s—'Trinitv, St. MatyV, W'.-ley. St. Andrews Domain—(lrsed on Thurs

l.oyt - An timbr.-lla. reward this ofri.-e. Inspector of Factories -X fit ice le shop, and Ofiice-j Act.. D. C. Tunibull ami Co. CaJi buyer of grain. Haker.i" picnic—Meeting, to-night. V-il 100t —Retuni to W. Penm.e. Empir. Hotel -Want-; a housemaid. Simon K. Martin —Details of properties fur Mil-'. .1. M. Cameron-—Blacksmith and wheelPleasant Point.. J. K. Bruce —Threshinsr plant for sale. [,.,.t Coat Co.—The facfr. of <x perieii.' S.ntttV. .-hoe st. re --Prices f-f s'.ipp Adam-r and t 'o.—■ Drapery - :i-'-- now f'O. Kun.ia! notices—Rv W. J.'. rl : Eleven notices.

A meeting of membe:.-. of :he I imam l'..r; I !:ta ids w iii In* hrid :ii!:■ r paia.i ■ mi Moiidat i-vt'iiiiiic b.r ill 111 r« i .-!-i.tim a :i- u!. nam. All albitlatiou ca-i • wa- heal.l a I hiJ'.'.l'mll'H I'iniii. il ( liaailiiM.-. annati-. i• o I ii'.n moi niie.'. iii whith .Mr A. I. Wliil- claimed f.oni I In- Wailnalr. I'.or • ■uuli ('otinril I lie sum >ii lor two at-i«-s of land. and certain dainag. sal to have bo.-u iu-:tsuiiit d, Previously the t i.niuil otfeivd i:7. r ) in hi!! settlement i>! llr- ' iaim. Kill Mr Whit.- objected 1.1 take i!ti-. lln* whole itiiilt•-i- was i.-lerred to a rhj rat-ion. Mr .f. Hay acting as umpire. Afh r healing I li>- .ireinnents of Air Kiim-'i nev. who app.-arcd oil bc-hall of Mi- 'W liii'e. .'mil Mi' Hamilton lor the- Bur i-ugii l 'ottneii. ill-- aihitr.''.tors le-.erved their ijrrision. .Miss Lloyd win. is - great favouiite throughout tic- Domini i on the <onc-it Jiiatfor.'ll. "ill give s-.rg matin;-; in th? A-'-'mblv |!.ai:ns t Ills al't-.'iiiiii,ii. Tiit* following is the p'o jnainin-. which will begin at 3 p.m. : i.U " Far Aero?:; i hj- Desert San.'!;.' lie " VVlii-1.- I lie Abana Flows." km " ll<.\ many a Lonely ('aiavari." I(i) ''lf ;i; illGreat- Bazaars": piano -.010 : iai "Woiiin. " (h> " l)u hist- ("lie Ruli," let " Waldesgi spi.icli." interval fur afLrnoon tea. (a) " Happy Song." ihi ".Meeting of the Water.-,." 'u " Wii-genlied." ill) " Love's Coronation": piano soio: (a) " ?.lelisand--in tii.* Wood," (hi "See Love 1 biing three F'.ov.'crs." {<:) " Good-bye." M;o; Wilkinson will play lii.? piano soli and accompaniments.

Messrs J. Jackson and W. M. Howe, presided ar the Magistrate's Couit yestvrday and dealt with a number of minor offences. W. F.. Thomson, who took panin the- motor reliability {rials was charged with driving a car across an intersection of two streets at a speed greater than four mik-s an hour—nearer fifteen, according to ihe police evidence. De-li-li.!ant .lid n" appear :tnd was lined 11^ and costs. (ieorge George Hasssll and Michael Schannell were eacli fined 5s and costs 7s for cycling after sunset without light.-". Michael Breen was charged with letting off fireworks in ihe streets on Xew Years Eve and pleaded ignorance' of the law. Sub-Inspetcor Green said a man of Braen's age ought to have known better than to cany on such a dangerous practice. A fine of 5s without costs wits imposed. A small boy was charged in private with stealing a bottle of beer from the licensed booth at the Caledonian Sports. He pleaded guilty and was convicted and discharged anil ordered to pay the costs of the case. The only other businer-s oi the issue of a prohibition order against a man for 12 months. Th* oc-r.\ldine Mounted Rifles livid a smoke concert at the camp on Thursday evening. 1.i.-utviisnt Oilk-11 pie-idt-d. and after the i*>:-u:il loyal toasts had b:-'.?n honoured, proposed " Th" Imperial Forces." which was responded to by StaffSergeant .Major ('lorr-ns. Til.- m-xt to::::; was ih» " Ceinldin-.- Mounted Uities." proposed by Mr C. H. Alien and responded to by I,'kut. (libe l and Q.M.K. Kennedy, both" of whom urged the -encouragement ol a spirit of harmony belwe.-n the mounted and infantry companies. "The Ouraldint.Hifles" was piopi;.--.*d by Q.M.S. Kennedy. and responded to by Privates Allen and K. Smith, of the (ieraldine RiH-.r:. "Old rneinbe;:; of the Company" w;:r, proposed by Li- ut. Oibell. and responded (c by Mr Guy McDonald. " Ar-!iburln:i MounU-.-l Rilies." proposed by .SergeanL Haminond. was r-.sponded to by I'rival.Turchet. Tii_> last honoured was

"The Visitors." to which Mr Iv. responded. Songs were given by Mess;i. .[. Sniidiiy. If. Allen. Private- Cave ; Prival-e, Serjeant Mc-Phedtan. Mr K. Templar gave an excellent lecita tion. and Mr T. Mulhsrn amused the company with his Irishisms. After ;.rdei-. for lhe day had be.-u read it he gatlii.-ing broke np.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13490, 11 January 1908, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13490, 11 January 1908, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 13490, 11 January 1908, Page 5