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President. E. R- Guinness; vice-presi-dent C Ernest Thomas: treasurer, H. Lowrv; timekeeper. W. 8. Lindsay; surgeon." Dr W. E. Gibson; judge, Ronald O. Duncan; clerk of coulee, J. Mee; starter, C. A. Jefferson; clerk of. scales, J. B. ' Rutland; handicappers, J. E. Henrvs and H. Brinkman; secretary, C. S. Eraser. • . Fine early summer weather ushered in the South Canterbury Jockey. Club's November Meeting, which opened on the course at the Washdyke yesterday afternoon. Taken as a whole the sport was of a high order, but the meeting generally was really very quiet. The crowd appeared to be in anything but an enthusiastic mood, "and there was no expression of joy as the result of splendid races won by a" head, or disgust, when the gallery finish cf the trot was very nearly becoming a (fiasco. Had it not been for the. excellent musical programme discoursed by the Battalion Band, the intervals between the races would have been deadly dull. The attendance, in which by the bye the fair sex was almost on equal numerical terms to that of the male, was hardly go good as usual. Tiinaru people seldom patronise race meetings in large, numbers, but as is usual there' was a good attendance of residents from north and south. The Club have run over the keyboard of sporting days a good many turns, but, though shearing for instance : is in full swing just now, November seems as good a choice as could be made, when it is desired to at anv rate get good weather/ '".:..".••■

So far as arrangements went they were very complete. -. ;The appointments on the.course are still in some respects a good way behind such a Club as, say, Geraldine; but horse-owners and the many who assist at rare meetings have much. to-be thankful for. In : the near future, no doubt, the Club' will have up-to-date posting .boards, and well-appointed officials'; and'-, press rooms in which work wiy, .more a pleasure than a.toil. The course as a whole was looking well; grass wa.s abundant, and. the plantations were very v picturesque. The lawn was delightful to stroll upon, and the few seats on it were made full uire of. The racing track was in nice order, but became somewhat loose and dusty as the events proceeded. Events were got off well to time, and all the officials discharged their duties in the meet satisfactory manner. Special mention, is necessary for clerks of, scales and course, the starter and the judge, all of whom did excellent work. The secretary decsrved the most cordial thanks of the ■.pre:.6 for the prompt way in which returns]'.were handed in. The tctalisa-tor.-yra's, worked by• Mr James,-"and.'hits expert work was worthy of all praibe. The machine- put through £2831 as against f-3318 on the first day of. last year. A luncheon that did credit to Mr J. Shewan was served, and later on afternoon tea was dispensed to numerous'patrons'.'; while Mr Quirk did a. good trad-.* at the license booth. ■ . .

Details of the racing are as follows: SUMMER HANDICAP, of 50 scvg;- second 5 sovs, third 2 sovs; 6 furlongs. 45 Mr A. Dak's br c Beekwell, by Welbeck—Beauty Sleep, 3yrs, 6et *®" 101b (Emmerson) 1 90 Mr C. Newman's ch g Boscastle,' aged, Bst 91b (Pine) ....'..;.. 2 16 Mrs T. Cotton's ch h Sant Ror.aleer, 4yrs, 7st 81b (E. Cotton) ... 3 Also started—l4B Pesuader 9st 21b (L. King), 43 Merrymaker' Bsf 21b (Pine) 71 Miss Gal7st 101b (McCombe), 21 Salaam 7st 101b (11. King). After one break away, an excellent start was, effected, and when they had ■ settled down, Boscasele was .in front. /Persuader and -Sant Rosaleer closed on Boscastle as they raced for the turn, where the field closed up, Beckwell being last of the bunch. Boscastle! was in front as they turned' into the straight with Persuader second, the former still going strong. Beekwell, however, made a big run all along the straight, and catching the leader at the distance "went on and won a splendid race by half a head; an excellent third and fourth. Time, lmin. 'l6 4-ssec. Totalisator, £434; dividends', '£6 10s and £1 Is. SHORTS HANDICAP, of 50 sovs; second 5 sovs, third 2 sovs; 4 furlongs. 81 Mr- J. Y. .McCracken's br g Alexis, by Lord Roslyn—Plevna, syrs, 7st 131b (R, King) . 1 85 Mr E. J. Smith's br m Clementine, svrs, 7st 131b (L. King) '2 40 Mr J.Tansev's b g Aid R&gh, 7st 91b (J. Beale) 3

77 The Seer lOsfc 21b (J. McCbmba), 42 Mango Bslt. 101b (G. J. Pine), 44 Takaro--Bst 51b (H. Donovan), 37 Kaikoniako 7st 71b (Olsen), and 57 Benzoline 7st 71b (Einmerson) also, ran. The Seer made play from Alexis and Mango, but well- an. the straight Alexis was in command, and had no difficulty in ■winning by three-quarters of a length from Clementine, Ard Raigh half a lenpfh away. Time 49see. Totalisator £463; dividends, £3 17s and £1 4s. TIMARU HANDICAP, of 120 sovs; second 15' sovs, tlrird 5 sovs; 74 Mr George Palmer's br h Probable, by The Possible—Primula., syrs Bst 61b (Donovan) 1 70 Mr J. Westerman's br h Ivanoff, 4yr*, Bst 91b . (King) , 2 61 Mr F. H. Wilson's b m Heroism, aged, 6st 121b (Olsen) 5 92 Mr Free Holmes' br g The Libyan, 7sb 71b (McCombe) 0 The small field jumped off in line and on passing the stand Probable way a neck clear of The Libyan. As they raced out of ths straight. Probable diew : clear a lengthy and The Libyan dropped back to Ivanoff and Heroism. At. four furlongs Heroism -went up to the leader, and they rated in pairs : co the mile post, -where The Libyan fell right away. At the turn Ivanoff joined the leaders, but on. entering the straight Probable drew away, and though Ivanoff easily disposed of Heroism lie could not overhaul Probable who won fairly easily by a little over a length, three lengths between second! and third. Time. 2min Usee l-ssee. Totalizator, £287; dividend £3 12s. PRESIDENT'S WELTER HANDICAP, of 65 sovs; second 5 sovs, third 2 sovs; 7 furlongs. 82 Mr J. A. Holmes' ch m Hilarity, bv Castashore —Pleasure Seeker, svrs, Bst. (R. King) •. 1 80 Mr B. McEldowney's b m Rosebloom, syrs, 9st 3lb (Beale) 2 43 Air S. Trilford's ch g Grosvenor, aged, Bst 121b (Pine) 3 Others to go to the post were—7l Tessera 9.*t 81b (Cotton), 55 Thunderer Bst 121b (Hegarty), 112 Monkey Puzzle Bs'c 111b (Donovan), 32 Cathron Bst 81b (L. King). 11 Bagpipes Bst (Hack), and 49 Ham Weller Bst (J. Pine). The large field was sent off in capital style, and raced well together for the half journev when Sam Weller and Roseblocm drew out-. The latter led into the straight, but Hilarity who was racing third at the bend, then came through in fine style and won by half a length; one and a half lengths between hecond and third, Monkey Puzzle fourth half a length awav. Time, lmin 29 4-ssec. Totalizator, £535; dividends, '£4 8s and £1 10s. WASHDYKE TROT, of 40 bovb ; second house 5 sovs: li mile". 55 Mr P. Mitten's blk m Imperial Girl, by Prince Imperial, aged, 22«>c (Owner) 1 74 Mr W. J- Lewis' b m Luluette, svr.v. 28sec (S. Trilford) 2 70 Mr E. J. Smith'* b m Nellie. S., aged, 22sec (A. Pring'e) 3

Others to start were : 3 Kintore Bsec, 3 Starboro 13sec, 7 Opihi 15see, 72 Kelso. 18nec. 37 Necklace- 22sec, 32 The Article 2&eo, 5 R?d Maid 27cec. 2o Quten Mambrino 28see, 15 Wild Foam 28sec. An event that calls for little, description. Imperial Girl was at the head of affairs after trotting a couple of furlongs, and had no difficulty u winning after slowing up to almost a walk; fhi others dropping in at long intervals. Time, 4rnin 0- i-6sec. lotalisuior, £3y6 ; dividends. £4 17u and £1 4s. HACK RACE, of 40 sovs; necond horse 5 s-ovs; no weight under Bst ; 5 furlongs. 92 Mr J. C. X. Grigg's ch g Spinning Flight, by Sttpniak—Cobweb, byrs CDougias) •*■ 63 Mr J. Westerman's b g Master Leslie, 3vrs (K-. King) « 18 Mr C. h. Graham's br m Zioness, 4tis (Back) 3 Others saddled up were:—ll Chief Lochiel, 52 Uiovanui, 67 Portland, 14 Cannoneer, 3 Fulmar, 8 Lady Eta, 21 Konaldsbay, 91 Pretty Nell, lb Slaney, 11 Sailmakei/ 6 Antony. The large Held kept well together, piloted by Master Leslie to the turn, where .Spinning Flight joined the leader. After a great finish .Spinning Flight lasted.just long' enough to win by a head, Master Leslie* being naif a length in liont of Zioness, and Pretty Neil a head away. lime, lmm 3 4-OS2C. Totaiisator, £469; dividends, £3 8s and £1 13s.' FLYING- HANDICAP, of 79 govs;, second 7 sovs, third 3 govs; 5 furlongs. 58 Mr it. Sutherland's br m Replete, by Lethe—Kokiri, aged, Bst 101b (iieaie) 1 49 Mr T. Tansey's b g Ard Reigh, 6yrs, 6st I3lb (Ulsen) 2 35 Mr W. Marshall's eh g Grand Stand, aged. Bit 3;b (L. King) 3 95 LuFulite 9st 81b (VVray), and '47 Zetland 7st 111b (R. King) also started. From a ht.raggiing start Replete cut out tha pace, but Lupuiite ran past, her, and led to the straight. Here Grand Stand showed on the! scenes and led well up the (straight with Ard Reigh in close attendance, but in the: last furlong Replete came very fast and won by a? length, a head between second and third. lime, lmin 6 4-b.VcC. Totaiisator, £k!34; dividend, ±J4 8.3. .

The meeting will be concluded to-day. ACCEPTANCES FOR TO-DAY. SEAD'OWN (1 ROT; U miles—Kuitore. lOsec, David Harum, 12seCj Starboro 17 sec, Major lrvington 2Csec, Kelso 20see, Nellie S. 20sec, Little Bell 23sec, Luluette; 23sec, Necklace- A 2£sec, The. Article 27« e c% Lady 30sec, Queen Mambrino 3Gsec. NOVEMBER HANDICAP; 6 furlongs. Persuader 9st 21b,' Boscatitle Bsb 13lb, The Libyan bat. 51b, Beekwell 7st 91b, Master Leslie 7st 81b, St.'Rosaleer 7st 71b, Miss Gal 7st 71b. MEMBERS HANDICAP; 5 furlongs\ —Lupuiite 9st 91b, Ths Seer 9st 41b, Mango -Bst, Clementine 7st 111b Ard Reigh 7iifc. 71b. Takaro 7&t; 31b, Kaikoinako 7st, Benzoline 7s: HACK HANDICAP; 5 furlongs.— Spinning Flight 9st, Pretty Nell Bst 41b, Zioness 8s; ,31b, Portland 7st 131b, Giovanni 7st 131b Cannoneer 7st shav 7sb 71b, Chief Lochiel 7st 71b Fulmar 7',t 71b. ■■* . JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP—ProbP.bls Sst 31b, Ivanoff 9£.t., Vardb Bst 21b, Rcsebloom 7st 91b, Heroism 6st Tb, Merrymaker 6st 71b. STEWARDS WELTER; 7 furlongs Hilarity Sst 21b, Grosvenor Sst 101b, Monkey Ptizzlei Bst 101b, Thunderer Bst 81b, Boscaicle Bst 51by Cathron Bst 31b Sam WeVer 7st 101b, Bagp'pe- 7sb 101b/ FAREWELL : HANDICAP; '6 furlongs.— Replete 9st 31b, Grand Stand Bst 31b, Hilaribv Sst 31b, Rosebloom Bst 31b, Tessera. 7s/ 131b, Zetland 7st 110b. Persuader 7s)t 101b, Cathron 7st, Mem-maker 6st 71b. '■■..-••'■ .Anticipations for to-day are: November Handicap— or Beckwell.' . .■.;■. Members Handicap—Ard Reigh or The Se-r\ \ • • Seadown Troti—jKelso or .Nellie S. Jockey Club Handicap—Probable or Vardo. \. .-' . ~,; ' . . 'Stewards':' Wefer—Monkey Puzzle or Cathron. Farewell—Persahder or Tessera.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 6

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 6

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 6