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Unclaimed letters for the fcillowrng person are Iving at the Timarn Post Office: (Eron. United Kingdom), Mb S. Carroll. Holme Station. John Conway and Ak-x. Frew Tiiuaru; (from Tasmania), Jame> Dunn. Bhkett- Sreet. Timaru. The arrangement* for the gardtn pity »♦. Mr C. Bowkers to-day are completed. Provision is made for a pleasant time, nnd given fine weather it should prove a snet>-« \ refreshment stall.for Uie children will" be furnished where cakes and drinks at Id each may be secured. Savs an English paper: "From a. statement made in Parliament, it appears that the editor of the New Zealand Schojd Journal is remunerated at the rate of £8 •i week He ks to be congratulated. Roaming through » library with scissors : ,nd paste-pot is not so generous y encouraged at this end of the earth. Th- committee of the Mackenzie Count} Wcultural Society met on Morula} • Present - Mp»w C. W. Teitt (chairman!, C J Talbot, J- Trotter, J. Davidson, and J* E. Goodwin. An apology'for aWnce was read from Mr J- Bray Hie chairman stated that Mr W. P. Hamilton had informed him that 1m- did not inUnd to show anv horses at the forthcoming show. \ cup "was offered by Mr Edgar Jones for m«t point* in sheep. Sevtrul alterations in the schedule were proposed to be di.-cussc-d at the next meeting on De-cpmb-r 14th. It was decided to write to the Railway 'Department with reference to getting a double. train service daily irith a fast train on Saturdays.

Nothing is quite so good in bronchitis and chronic cough as Stearns' Wine. Its delicious taste makes its regular me a pleasure, and it acts as a matchless tonic and bodv builder. ...

Mr Stephens will be in Temuka district from Tuesday rill Friday next lUh to 22nd inst. to measure the men for their two seventeen six Christmas suits and. will leave a capable man in charge at Timarn during his absence. The material these suits are made from and the fit and style of same is really marvellousevenr person wearing one is very well satisfied and says they will never buy a suit'from, anv other tailor while Alfred J. Stephens is supplying such a beautiful fitting suit for two pounds .seventeen and sis. ...

"Baxter's rennet tablets make junket, and make it well, a trial will convince you. Is per bottle from Baxter's Pharmacy. ... The letter of acknowledgment ana thanks from Mr Edwards which we publish over the leader in this morning's issue will not come as a surprise but rather ps a confirmation of the fact that quality is always associated with Begg's. ... AT UNA ITROACHABLE PRICKS. 15s. 15k. 15*>. 15s. 15s. To hi- neat, (-loan and tidy, is one of the first laws of civilisation, and for fifteen shillings. Scotfs will enamel and overhaul your bicycle. The person who w the direct means of bringing six bicycles io be enamelled, will have his done for nothing. We hav*> new guaranteed English covers from 7s 6d. Renold i» chain* 8s each. Brcoks' saddles Bs. tyres at startling prices. Call and see for your-si-lf.—Scotts Cycle Depot. ...

A RECORD HAND MACHINE. The following leter from Mr W. F.Alexander of Tauranga. Ls- a sample of dozens of testimonials received bv the ascents for the Baltic Separator. "I have Ksecl a Baltic Separator of 40 gallons capuitv for fwr> seasons, and it has given pverv .«at'sfaction. This is a real good i'ttle machine, anrf the upkeep for two. *?i»son>f has onlv been the cost of oil. 'l>st* of skim-nnlk by the Factory Manager have bsen under .02. which I consider n>"Kt [>=> a record for i hand machine." MaoEwnn and Co.. Ltd.. Sole Agents, Dunedin...

People whom or pleasure takes to the main wharf will be grateful for & little job done by a railway gang yesterday, in the removal of big pebbles that have long bestrewn the surface of a part of the thoroughfare to the wharf.

In a pamphlet issued in connection with the annivesary of the publication of the "Xelson Colonist." ic- is stated thai the following prices of provisions obtained mi Xelson in October 1853 : —Flour, fine, £26 per ton. seconds. £23 per ton ; wheat. 9s to 10s per bushel: bread. Is 2d per four-pound loaf. Fishing in the Rangitata this svatson ha.s .-> far not been productive of many big catchf.:. Since the opening the river hao been more or less discoloured all the time and at present it is still dirty. The late snow on the Mount Peel being melted by ilie nor"-westers has no doubt b?-en the cause of the trouble. There is i-till. a little enow on Mount Peel.

At present about a dozen mei'i ar-e mnking preparations for the rebuilding of the part of the Rangitata traffic bridge that was destroyed by lire last summer. About 17 chains will have to be rebuilt but the pi'+s being steel are still intact., and only the superstructure will require erection. A large amount of the rimber is now on the ground and when work is in full swing there fill be about 30 men employed. Tho {estimated time for the completion of the work is four months.

The harbourmaster's staff are utilising spare time in spring cleaning, putting a new face on buildings, fence* - , and wharf pile heads with the paint brush. A notable alteration has been made in the appearance of tho Samson crane, which is now neatly housed in with iron, in place of the flapping rags of canvas that have d:'.rrigur-cd it- for years. The practical and the aesthetic "come into conflict here, though. "It looks all right." said a practical minded person yesterday, "but it would be an oven to work in on a hot dav."

The "following are the results of the Associated Board Examinations which came to hand yesterday afternoon: —Advanced Grade —Two presented themselves, and Miss L. K. Sherlock passed. Intermediate Guide—Three presented themselves and 'Misses. Jinnie Wright and Gar a K. Holdgafts passed. School examinations—Higlier Grade —Two sat. and Miss Eurvdiee Washington passed;; Lower fj-ride—'Wrs 'successful candidates were Misres Geraldiue and Eileen Virtue (Miss Sugrue) and Olive Cooper (Miss E. Eitz r gerald. (one failure); Elementary—School examinations —Of the four who entered rn this cla--s Master Selwin Winterbum (Miss E. Gappcr) was successful, one being absent and the other two failing. Primury Sehool exam'riations—Miss Marion Barrio, th • cnW candidate, passed. - , Owing to the high price of wool, working men find that clothes are now dearer. We have been shown a line -of saddle tweed trousers at 8s 6d a pair that will give great wear. We understand that by sending vour size and postal notes for 8s 6d Messrs Pearson and Co., Clothiers, Stafford street, will post them to any address. Mind the name, of -the firni, Pearson and Co., Clothiers, • Stafford street. ... . We would remind our reacleiis that now is the lime to put. in pickle a. good supply of eggs. At .the present prices eggs are not a luxury, but when the tone of the market rise's, and theese indispensable articUs are at tiptop prices, then the thriftv housewife tunis with pleasure to her store of pickled eggs. The egg preservative we know is " The Water Glass," and this cau be obtained from .1. Baxter, Prescription Chemist, in tins at sixpence and one shilling.' Do not wait longer, now i> the time; you can get it at Baxter's. ... (flycola, the great toilet preparation, it never fails to remove and prevent, chap*, cracked hands, roughness of the skin, sunburn, tan, freckles-, redness, effects of hard water, soreness after shaving, <tc. It is unequalled for softening and beautifying the skin, defends it from the influence of summer's sun, dry winter ■wind, or soreness after tea-bathing. It is neither sticky nor greasy, and can be obtained in pots at Is 6d each, from Leonard B. James-, Chemist. ... The following will be the 1908 patterns .of Darracq and : De Dion'-'cars according to advice just received by the local agents. The Darracq will continue to make : 8.10 h.p. single seater, twin cylinder, with double ignition; 10.12 h.p. four-seater, short wheel base with' side door entrance or back entrance, twin cylinder, with double ignition; 10.12 h.p. four-seater, wheli base, with phaeton body, twin cylinder, double ignition; 16.18 h.p. five-seater, long wheel base, with double phaeton body, four cylinder, double ignition; 20. 28 h.p. five sealer, long wheel base, vith double phaeton body, four cylinder, double ignition: 30.40 h.p. five-seater. long wheel base, with double phaeton bedy, cylinder, double ignition : 16.18 b.r>. fivesix cypmler. double ignition; 40.53 h.p. same "style of body as the 50-40 h.p. The De. Dion Go. will contiue -to make : 8 h.p. model AT/, single-seat, fitted with expanding gear and single cylinder; 8 h.p. model AV. sliding gpar. sinjrle or double seats and single cylinder; 10 h.p. four-seater, double cylinder, double ignition : 30.36 h.p. five-seater four cylinder, double ignition. In addition to the above they are making two new models which should nnhold the De Dion reputation. They are: 12.14 four-cylinder, four seater. oouble ignition : 18 h.p. four cylinder, five-seater double phaeton bodv. side entrance, double ignition. Bv the steamers : s.s. Kaikiura. Kumara and Tonic and others. Ske>a':es and Bock.aert landing 35 of the above different, models. Intending buyers should now get full particulars of all these models from the local agents. ... BUSINESS NOTICE. Messrs W. Albert and Co.. report having held a very successful sale of furniture on Tue«day on account of Mr Arthur Allen. Even- lot was disposed of at excellent prices. CONSTIPATION". TF T * TROUBLE TS MORE SERIOUS THAN GENERALLY SUPPOSED—HOW TO CURE IT SO THAT IT WELL STAY CURED. What happens when a house drain i? stooped up You cleanse it. You remove from it all obstructions, and make a clear passage fre*u end to end.

What happens when a lamp chimney bc'omrs dirtv 1

It you want light and comfort you wash and Hraß-n it. And :> good cleansing is the rmlv thing to i)rodnce the result dc-sir.-d. .T-st so with the bodv.

Wb-n the various organs Iwconie clogg-p-l w."-li undiccsted food you must ck*an*s them if vou wish to retain health. Headaches, biliousness, rheumatic pains, con-stip-iMon. sour stomach, piles, indigestion, pimples, boils, are all the result of clogged nnran*-. Dr'FNSOR'S mMER JUICE h-lws -h~i stomach to digest food thoroughly. It removes from *he svstem all the wastp thtit js rot- rouirtd. It keeps each and <fv;-)-v ortT;i:u'r« tine cudit'on. Tt coaves th« stomach ( r> do work, keens the Liver active. >nd fh°- bowels in remdar order. Dr FXNOR'K TAMER JUICE is sold hv iToo'l chemists and grocers everywhe-r"-. Ge f a to-dav. nnd commence wiidi /■ dos' o<" from 20 to 25 drops after ireals. R n./it. rhis do-e two. three, or four fines ♦ ach d-it i'n+il evpry passage and everv orpan is thoroughly cleansed and well. P-efor? nimr do"- h='ve Ven taken i<s effect w : H 1>- so hp'oful and beneScinl that V"t wi'l I>° clidlv recommendintr your ■ i<-k p"d friends *o do likewVe. Pvire 2s M per bottle B<* sure von bnv 0,,.' ".ran,-;-* Dr ENSOR'S TAMFR.

JUIC 1 " The Tussicura Manufacturing Co.. Dunedin, sole proprietors. ..

Some large fell have been caught in the Waitaki recently. Messrs W. Duncan and Sinclair each caught fish ■weighing 18ibs, while others have caught numbers of less weight. A visitor Id the . races took very ill yesterday, and wan found by medical men pa sent to be suffering from pleurisy. The man who caiiß- from Ashburton. was made comfot table in the secretary's rooms, unril the ambulance arrived to take him to the hospital. Mr C. A. Wray. S.M., dealt with civil cases at the Magistrate's Court yuiterday, and gave judgment for plaintiffs, by default, namelv in the cases of J. W. -Sou'.er v. R. Rubson, claim £1 10s 6d with costs; and W. A. Pearson (Mr .Shaw) v. J. Flannigan. claim £4 lGs and costs. The case of Clark and Gould v. Foden and Young, in which .evidence was taken lastweek, win; adjourned for one week.. What, is known, as the '-pinafore - ' costume was much in evidence at the race-r-ouiss vcieiday. It- was also remarked by several that- the show of ladies' was Ihj pretties* ever seen on the lawn. Muslins and lace-s in various colours mingled with fawns, browns, whites and blues. Addv-d- to (Jie>e were floral millinery and :-unshade> of vaiioir* tints, the whole at times: combining in a most: becoming scheme of colour. . : '

The funeral of the; late Mr Edward Hoskin. of St. Andrews took place . lastTuesday. Tha deceased being a verv large '-'-.number of r?sidenN Of St. Andrews and otaio.attended'to diow -ftoir respect and sympathv for the widow and familv in their srid bereavement. The bodv"\vas interred at St."Mary's Church Cemeterv. Upper Otaia. the Rev. ; Carsley Brady. 'vicar of. the parish, conducting tho service in. the church, .and at. the grav:. ' ■'■'".'"•' An accident in Messrs Ballautynes yesterday morning made a ■ considerable noise and did a good deal of damage. Some hcavv rolls' of linoleum standing on end near' the northern show window by some means were upset, and falling against the window -smashed /two large '■•• sheets of plate jrlass. ■ Fortunately-mr one happened to be passing at the moment, oi" they would have been hurt. The. glass was as usual insured, and new sheets were put in durinn- the afternoon.

An Edievale settler (writes the Lawrence correspondent of the Bunedin "Star") has just netted about £12.000 in a deal in. laud. About eight years - ago he acquired a tract of 5000 acres of 'agricultural and pastoral'.'land at £1 an acre, and later on bought an adjoining farm of less than 700 £6 10s an acre. The other day he, got £5 10s an acre for the block, and as; the buyer does not take possession until February, the settler expects to make £I6OO out of his wool clip.

A mesftinJfr"' ivas held in ..the Wa.ima.ta Borough Council . Chambers on flKiesday evening to consider the question of :holding a . trades picnic .this year.',' Mr L. O'Callagha.n (chairman), stated- that there was £2 6s in hand. .He'understood that the friendly societies were, .willing to cornbin© and make a monster gathering. .'lt was decided that : a" combined picnic of employes and friendly societies be held :'n Krrottingly Park,/ahrL that it. be a. recommendation to the committtee to hold it. on the 23rd January. The various delegates from ihei friendly .sock-ties are also to report, to a. meeting on the 17th December. Canvassing is to. begin immediately: One of the changes/ incidental to the appearance of the new turbine ■steamer Maori in the ierry -.service" between Lyttelton and Wellington; will be a reduction of the duration of the voyage by at least two houns so far as that vessel is concerned. Instead of leaving Lyttelton on the arrival of the 5.25 train from Christchurch, with which the.early express from Dunedin connects, the Maori will leave upon the arrival of the 7.45 p.m. train, so that passengers from the south desirous of joining her will, if they choose, have the opportunity of "spending over two hours in Christehureh before they proceed to Lyttelton, As to the trip from Wellington, one convenience that will be eniove.d 'bv through passengers is that, when their steamer is the Maori, they wall, mabad weather should prevent it, be enabled to catch the first express for the south instead of the second express as at present. . .■ ~ ■-,-,. \ ■ ■■' A p#perty,. owner m Stafford.street was. Yesterday indignantly wanting' to know by of. law or otherwise, people came and cut his verandah in order to put up a telegraph-pole through it, and. without a " with your leave," either. He had ascertained, however,' that verbal notice was given to the occupier of premises. He appealed to a " Herald" reporter for information, and the latter, turning up the "Electric Lines Act 1884 " reads that the Minister may construct, place and maintain electric lines; " under, in, irpon . . . any building in or upon, along, over and aero.-ii, or under any ... . street." In the che of" these powers? the Minister-or his agent" shall do as little damage as may hi-; " and every person . . '. suffering any damage from the exercise of the said powers, shall be entitled to full compensation for the fame, to b? ascertained in manner provided bv Part. 111. of the Public Works Act 1882."" :

Auckland timber merchants, interviewed on the subject, generally agreed with the statement made- by Mr D. Goldie,. that there is at present an unprecedented shortage in the supply of kauri timber. The- reason, however, is not. because' of the extent of the export trade, but is to. be found in. the. excessive- demand %hich exists 'locally and the decrease of the general output; The scarcity is such in fact that the average miller hai> the greatest difficulty in coping with the: local demand. "There is? no getting away from;the fact." said Mr Goldie, "that the kauri is fast being worked out. We have to go away back into almost inaccessible places to secui*e it. It is likely that; another fifteen years will witness it." disappearance. It is too late to think of preserving it. There is absolutely no possibility of reproducing the kauri forests." A member of another leading firm of kauri timber merchants assured a Press representative that the situation was really".serious. In paet years it was always the custom of the Commissioner to throw fresh areas on the market when-; fat- vet; the mills intimated that they needed more timber. Now the millers were in a very awkward position. The Department's preservation .scheme is having a serious effect: on those millers who were encouraged to erect plants in different parti* of the- country, for in numerous they, have been compelled to close dt.-wn.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C.F.C.A.—Sells steeplechaser, on Saturday. Guinness and LeCren—Properties to sell and to. let.. C. Jonas and Co.—Sell furniture, on 28th inst. Theatre Royal—New programme for th:;< evening. Chiaronfs art depot—New" pictures now opened. Garrison Band—Parade at 7.30, this evening. Foster's Fruit Mart—Choice fresh fruits." R. Co.— N«w season's fruits. J. House. South End, for salt. : " ■ ••■■''. Mr.-, Hoskin—Thanks' for . syni])athy. Deputy Assignee—List of bankrupt estates wound, up. Kernoh'an, McCahon and Co.—Extra special .new fruits. To let or to rent—Houses and 100ms. Frr■ wale—Horses and traps. Wanted.':—Throe notices.

The art union at. the Empire CariKval ■will be closed to-morrow" evciiiiig. The carnival is still a great success, and is being well patronised, i '

At the Wainiate Police Com! . yesterday before .Messrs W. ColtmauJ-arid *G. H. Graham, J. P. Thomas Wilds '-pleaded guilty to being drunk mid'to stealing £1 The property of a- prohibited ;■ person for ■whom he was carrying liqurir. On tilt' Hi st charge he was fined 5s or 24 hours and mi tht second £5 or one month. One of the most exceptional lambing percentage is that; obtained -by Air 0. Sykes, of Masterton, who, '-with a paddock of stud Ronineyis, had the .pleasure of recording an average of 137 per., ceiit. His ■whole flock averaged jvst on 120 per cent. Mr R. J. Da'g'g, of Fernridge, had a paddock which returned 125 per cent, of lambs. We have received from Tothill, Limited, lnvercargill. an interei-.tmg illustrated catalogue of some of Sutton'., s'eed sp-eial-ties. pnntvd in London for th:, 3 aiiency. Aironi: the piriuus is one of the .Sutton seed stand in the Chi islchurch'Exhibition, which many of our leaders will lempmlnr. OUieis au photograph'- of matvellor. crop-, of roots, kale, cabbage, grasses a>id clovers in English paddock&. Incidentally .some of the photographs, show liow tlu roots aie pitied in the"'fi2ld. s

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13448, 21 November 1907, Page 5