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Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows:—" Northerly strong winds to gale; glass fall; tides good; sea considerable; indications for rain." The following will represent Timaru in a match against Tcinuka to be played on the Highlicld Golf Links to-day :—Missvs 1,. Knuljjey, X. Knubley, W. Wray, Blair, I'ringle and iSothani. A large quantity of Australian Hour is still being brought to Dunedin. and from present appeaiancv.s is likely to continue for some time. The " Star" says that the present agivenu'iit under which the New Zealand Fhmrinillers' Association was formed is not likely to be renewed when it expires in a few monthij' time. Substantial progress has been made with the raising of tho ground ov.r a section at. the north end of Caioline Bay. which the. Beautifying Association intend to lay down in grass and shrubberies. A considerable depth of sand and grit has been scooped from the sea flout to form thartificial subsoil, and 1 a, low wall of rubble, block.-.' is being made lo protect fhe made ground from injury by occasional liwivy seas. The ridge of shingle that is growing up on the sea. front, howvvrr. promis! s to form, an efficient, protection from injury of that kind. When tho scooping has been done, some clay ami soil are to be got. from tho railway cliffs, and probably some of the elay from-tho drainage tunnels will be utilised-for this purpose. For Children's Hacking Cough »t night Wood*' Or«at Peiiuwsnitit 'Cm*. H M and n* ivk ..."""

Th Albm-v Knn Cub wilt hold a pigeon match (onionou. starting al 5 p.m. A correspondent writes a.:, considerab! l-ueth urging tint boys should be taught tidy a.ud businesslike habits a-, soon atheir undetsteudilig begins t.> develop. The line of the pipe tunn-ls and the area, of th • northern septic tank haw been pegged out by the engineer for th.- drainage works, and th" contractor.. Messrs Paltiser and Sons, will start the work huirediateiy. Old identities who may take a stroll along the Waiut.ataitai beach just now. may be interested in se. ing some frag nieiits of the littt.* steamer William* Miskin, that was wrecked on the spit in the great, storm of Februaiy. 1863. Two or tliree bits of her have once more been t.rpos d. at the north end of the spit. Kerne ailvis-.s the Telegraph Department that in consequence of the strike of telegraphists telegrams for all offices in America except New York and Boston are subject to delay and may only be accepted at senders' i"sk. London advices via. Eastern Extension some delay outwards owing to the temporary intenuption of the English land lints The pictures in this week's " Cant ibury Times" are of a, good deal of interest. Tlm'lv ar- a couple of views of Waimate's new railway station, three pages are given to the Krand National meeting, aud two more to the champion sculling match between Webb and Towns, thr.t* excellent views of the turbine ete-amer Maheno in ifock. and a number of general photographs. On Wednesday afternoon tha St. Andrews .Ladies (Juifd met on the vicarage lawn to farewell Mrs Cartwiight. their vice-president, on her removal from the (Kirish. The vicar, the Rev. L. Carslty F'rady. txpressed the deep regret of the Kuitd at losing so valuible a member and genuine worker, from the Guild's inception up to th- present time.' He stated that there was an unanimous feeling that she should n<t !>• allowed to depart without asking her acceptance of some token of the Guild's regard. The vicar then handed Mrs Cartwright on b?h:ilf of the members r>f the Guild, a silver epergne. together with a pair of silrer rases, as a token of their good wishes. Mrs Cartwright thanked them all rery sincerely for the kind and unexpected prestnt whirh she would always prize rery much. Afternoon tea. was providid by the Guild and •• pleasant gathering terniinatsd. after taking leave- of their guest. Writing on May 3rd. the Argentine correspondent of the " Otago Daily Times" girt* the- following details about South Canterbury emigrants-—"Mr Archibri'd MTfcdron. of Timran. left Bn-.nns Aries a month nrxo with, it is said, the intention of returning later. During Mr M"Phedron's stay in the Republic he made several trips into the southern agricultural region and should be able to give- colonials interested a good idea- of prices of Land and thf customs of the country. Mr J. L. Graham, of Temnka, is still ont in the Western Pampas. I saw him in Buenos Ayres- a, few weeks ago. He like- the west, and says sheep-stealing is bad out there" His brother Charles is running another large place near in. and seems to find Argentine none too bad. Mr Herb-rl L. Graham is. along with Mr Alexander MThedron. with Messrs J. and J. Drys•Tale. Mk" Jennie Higgins (Timnrti) hasbeen entertaining at the Sailors' Homes This institution is a very large one. and Mis*- Higgins' fine voice and manner liantninie her quite » favourite- with a very targe circle Mr C. N. M'lntosK (T'imaru) is with one of the large cereal houses, and Iras- been for some months through the northern provinces. Few colonials over here know more, about the Argentine than tt/fs gentlem-m. as his occupation takes hhn all orer the conntryq from Baliia Klanct. to the extreme north—a range of 1500 miles." TbV Etftson Gold Moulded Records .-ne the finest in the world. There are others—the British and Colombia. These records are sold at a'fixed price all over New Zetland, the Colombia at Is 6d. and the Edison Gold Moulded Records at Is 9d, instead of 2s aw formerly. Begg are wholesale dealers, and have a complete stock of everything in Talking Machines, and all classes of records. Begg's are at present having erected at ttia Arcade end of their Music Saloon a new phonograph parlour and depot whicb wilt be the finest in the Dominion. Begg's sell Edison Phonographs complete with horn from £3, so there is no reason now why yon should not enjoy the singing and playing of tlie greatest singers and artists in your own home at little cost.... WITCH'S OIL. AWARDED GOLD MEDAL N.Z. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Did you ever look like a worn-out shilling, and feel eveu worse'' Nagging, annoying rkemratie pains and swellings wilt "make anyone grumpy, irritable, am? worn-out. Witch's OH—that mairellous nuu-sagtng fluid—rubbed into brui-cs, swellings, and painful parts of any kind, disposes of th_ j pain as if by magic. Try WITCH'S OIL for neuralgia, sciatica, or any form of rheumatism. Why submit to dull aching of nerve or muscle, or the acute pains of neuralgia, toothache, or lumbago? Witch's Oil — that penetrating, soothing fluid, is » wonderfully quick remedy for pain. Witch's Oil destroy pain almost instantaneously. Quick in action, and permanent in result, WITCH'S OIL stands in tlw very front rank as the King of Pain. Pains across the back —more frequently muscle and weight-lifting pains than any other kind. Take a little Witch's Oil, massage it gently, yet well, in and around the srat of pain. Its wonderful penetrating powers go to the sent of trouble- at once, and remove paiu ant" intlanrmation. Witch's Oil gives strength and health to the injured and affected parts. Sold by all good chemists and grocers, in bottles". 2s 6d and 4s 6d each, or from the Tussicuia Manufacturing Company. ... 100 MILES ON A MOTOR CYCLE. The English "Motor Cycle" of May 29th, 1907, in writing about the reliability of the motor cycle, states: —"In the whole history of motor cycle and motor car competitions, wt> cannot-remember an instance where fifteen competitors entered on one make of machine successfully gained the coveted gold medals. This record performance was accomplished in the London to Edinburgh contest by fifteen members of the Motor Cycling Club, all mounted on Triumph Motor Bicycles." 15 Triumphs started. 15 Triumphs finished. 15 Gold Medals were awarded. The following gentlemen of South Canterbury are purchasers and riders of the famous Imperial Triumph :W. Dawson Davie, Esq. ; manager Dresden Piano Co , Ltd.; Dr Haves: W. Moodv. Esq.; J. C. Rolleston, Esq.: Dr Cook;" T. Tresize. Esq.: W. Daily. I'lsq. ; J. E. Pigott. Esq.; J. T. Wotten, Esq. ; Dr Paterson: D. McLeod. Esq.: A. H. Hathaway, Esq. : Mayo. Esq. ; R- L. Banks, Esq. : G. Adams, F.sq.; H. Goodwin. The new 3J h.p. mpdet, —ith magneto ignition, can now b» inspected at our premises. —Adorns, LH. t ArwW Timor's.

Unlike other h adaehe mediriiK s. Steam' llea-ia-le- I'll:" >'«' s nut rau.-e the stupid <hug:_'\ beling. It always rules headache ;uid is as nfrishing as a night'.; good sleep. ... The- Rowing Club's annual ball was held in the Assembly Rooms his L evening, ami was an uni|iialilied success, 'there ttt-r.- about TO couples pris-nt. who danced to music provided by Coombs' oichestia. Extias wre provided by Misses Domiithorne. Gambling. Ruii ami Clover, and Mr G. Priest. " The hall was, tast'fulty decoiated for th- occasion by members in" the club, and Mr Kudd dispensed excellent refreshments. Dining the evening Mi \V. .1. Cotterill. in th • absence of Dr Isow. . patron, and Mr C. H. Tripp, pre -iii.nt. prvsenti-d tb,e prizes won during the year, tie- lecipienls being :--For the Trt.if Fours. .1. Xorrie. F. H. King, J. Campbell, and F. W. Mack n/.ie: Senior Four.--.' L. R.anion. W. Maben. K. Travels, and .1. K. Brown: .lunior Fours, O. O. Ayhn. M. Ruudrup. E. Travels. W. Stark; Committee's Fours, J. Lawsun. .J. Morristin. J. Campbell. and J. K. Krown: Senior I'aiis. .f. T. Passniore. L. Roardou : .Junior Pairs. \V. T. Carlton, .1. Campbell: coxswain's piizes. V. Hawkcs. C. Gluvir. MissN. Challis, High-street. Carterton. N. Z.. writes :— *' I was a sufferer from chronic indigestion, and gave Chamberlain's Tablets a trial, with most satisfactory re suits. I can sincerely say that they are the best medicine that I have ever used, and hav« pleasure in recommending them to all who suffer from indigestion in any form." For sale everywhere. ... The coming event in the mind of all evele riders is Randrup Bros, great road nice on October 17th. Large numbers of entries are coming in aud the contestgives everv promise of turning out a keen one. Wishing to meet the wishes of intending competitors the firm have just landed a fine consignment of the- very lat-sf mod'l road racers .with drop frames and lgiu. Westwood rims. ... Til- up-to-date tailor. A. J. Stephens, of Hunt and Weny's Buildimis. if a large stock of suitings had not been ordered, would bv now be without enough material to make" a" waistcoat. The rumour that he has disponed, or ix intending to dispose, of his business, h absolutely incorrect and without any foundation in fact Suits to measure as usual. Two rounds Shillings and Sixpence. ... One of the inn«t important points in selecting a motor-car is to be sure and gel the selling agent to show you his stock of spare parts; it is a fact that is only too often overlooked by the purchaser. In buring a Do Dion or a Darracq you air sure that spares are to be had locally without having to write to the maker or to liar*- them made locally at double tne cost. Skcates ami Koekaert have represented these two groat firms for the past seren years, and have over 300 of thfse famous" cars on th? New Zealand roads/ result of this long experience, is thai ther know what parts to keep in case of wear or accident. We do not believe h changing our agencies every year. We hare the light cars for the roads; we har«s no less than 22 different sizes and horse powens to pick from, we can suit all tast s and all purser We can supply a Darracq or a De Dion from 7 h.p. at £275 to 60 horsepower at £2OOO. We guarantee all our cars, and what is more wo can quote you for upkeep of your cat for fire or feu years; our cars harr stood the test of speed, reliability and strength the world over. No other cars hare an enrious reputation such as the De Dion aud Darracq. Kveii our strongest opposition admit this, in fact they hare tried to secure oft agency in an underhand way. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gtrrie and Co.—Sell pigs, furniture, produce, etc.. to-morrow. A Gabitc.*-:—Hats and caps for all heads. Kernohan, MeCulion and Co. Large fresh eggs. J. T. Wotten and Co.—The leading tailors. Fairbrother and Co. —New" designs in furniture. T. and J. Thomson —Some comparisons re new suit*. Peaison and Co.—The 50s vicuna suit. Lost—Child's boot, return to this office. McKay Bros.—Want land for fruitgrowing. R. Bowie and Co.---Fresh eggs. Is doz. Albury (!un Club—Pigeon / match, tomorrow. St. Andrews—Prcsbyteriau sen-ices on .Sabbath. J. King and Co.—Selling eggs. Is doz. Funeral notices —Bv W. J. Lister, J. Radclitfe, aud W. Collet t.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13372, 23 August 1907, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13372, 23 August 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13372, 23 August 1907, Page 4