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Tin: "Ashbuiton Guardian's " l'arliamentary correspondent: has Mr F. R. Flatman V authority for stating that he has decided to staitd for the Ashburton iseat at the next election. Mr Flatman stales that ho. has the support of the Government, and will be their candidate. Mr MeI.,achliuiJ asked if he would .stand against Mr Flatman, said he would not commit himself at present. The Timaru Gun Club intend holding a sparrow match on Thursday, August 29th, . Montreal reports delay to telegraphic traffic, owing to a storm east of Winnipeg. The Railway Department announce that a special train will be run from Timaru to f)ie racecourse on Thursday next, for the Coursing Club's meeting.

Influenza is very prevalent in Timaiu just, now, and the schools are- sadly depleted in consequence. In one class at the Main School yesterday, over 50 per cent, of the pupils were absent; and weeing that thet annual examinations are at hand the matter is rather serious.

Messrs Skeates- and Bockaert are tilling a turn table in -their motor garage on Cain's Terrace. This will be a great convenience, to car-owners when the garage, is wei! occupied. Mr Bockaeit will place on view in Mr Radclift'c's window to-day a photgraph of lauded in NewZcalaiid. This was a German, h.p., weighing 18c\vl. It wan too heavy for the Auckland hills, and was uold in Christoiiureh, wlu-ro it isi still running. It teems surprising that the. vogue of tlie. car, arid the great improvements made in them have come about wilh- . in,seven years. In the- Timaru compensation car*: George Martin v. Michael Crowley, a claim for injuries sustained by the claimant while in the respondent's employ as band cutter (the- h:i-?s' of a. linger) the Arbitration Court, awarded a weekly payment of £1 7s 6d, as from February 27. 1907. to continue durng the claimant's total or partial incapacity, until such payments should be ended, diminished or. increased in accordance with the Act. The respondent war* credited with £5 already paid to (he claimant, and with moneys paid into court. Costs were given against iJie respondent, amounting to £7 7s. In the ca. e Gaiger v. Mcl.cnnan, the wood-cutting ease, the Court held that even if the claimant's view of the contract was accepted, it was doubtful whether there, could b'j established between the, parties- the relationship of master and servant.

JMXIIXU A iJILKEK. When yi'm buy a hon-e. you (jriivrnlly take some pains (o lind mil if it is sound. You are probably used' lo horses, and liy constant, association can easily pick mil. any defects. Can you say the same with regard t'< a Milking Machine? Unless vnu liavo special knowledge °f Alilking Machines, you can only niake younself sale by selecting the nia.ehino that lias been thnronghly tested by ;i number of your neighbours for two or more years. The "L.K.C5." is the first- anil only machine that can show youthis reasonable evidence before you buy.— Ma.cKwan and Co., Ltd., Sole Agents, Duncdin.

The " I'm .-ny l!;iy Herald" li;i:- just installed a "Cos.-ar" \vil> printing ma-bine, similar to the. one employed in th: print mg of thf "Timaru Herald." dainties:* mill LiCren "ill submit t>auction, mi account of tin- i xeeutois of the late Mil tiael t .ilmoiir. at their sales mom tn-iliiv at 2.50 p.m. a farm situate at Ojiihi. Pleasant Point- I'll tin- 2aii 'tost, they "ill Imitl a. thating wile at Crossbill." Soiithbttrn. mi account »f Mr S. Higginbotham. first class slock anil modern implements at.- to come utnU r the hammer. The -ale open* at 10.30 a.m. Mr J. H. Itlaekwel!. managing director ..f til- Kaiapoi Woollen Company, that- la-it rear the output from tin- local factori i* failed ill many instances to laki- th.- demand. The catty.- of this wasthe shortage* of skilled female labour. a:nl at tin' present time tjie place was understaffed to the extent to over 100. "lb re is ;i continual exodus of girl*, who are leaving to sit married." the speaker contiiiujd "and the. wotirt of it is. from our point of view .that the be-.t girls are the .-onmst to go." A Ta.ra.uaki Magistrate has held that in a case of debt thf hooks of a tradesman an* unless unless thst malt who made the intries is produced to swear to the items. In a, vase a, firm of butchers sued » man for £3 2s ltd for meat. Defendant disputed some of tht< items', and the man with the cart, also tin* clerk who made the entries, could not b.» brought to give evidence. The Magistrate said that in that case there, was not an atom of evidence that the goods had l> j «-n .sold or delivered, and he thought th" plaintiff should r.i-cejit a ncimiit. This eoui'.e- ira.« adopted. A novel po::it was taised by Mr Ibtrn;ird in Islin's befoie the I'.ankiuptcy Ci»>rt at Drti.diri on Thursday. The bankrupt was a hoteikceper. without ro»,itn of b's own. uid hi- wife purchased th« hoff! ;:nrj furniture in It: r own name, allowing I:rr husband t" u:«> it for the purposes of a hotel. Mr Ibirnard submitted that rlie wife's action was in effect a loan to the husband of money for the. purposes of his business, and that her •taini should be postponed under■ section 5 of th? Married Women's Property ActHe therefor.' ..sked flint the wife should be ordered to refund the sttni of £250, the amount of th?' advance, for the benefit of the rre-lttnrs-. IT is Honour remarked, on the absence of any New Zealand cases on the point, and paid that he doubted whether very many practitioners had had their attvrntion directed to the section. Judgment was reserved.

A rpecial meeting of the Stouth Island branch of .th° New Zealand Sliecp Breeders" Associationwas licW at ('hrisU-Imrrli on Wednesday. Sir George Clifford presiding, to consider proposals to amend the rul<-s nf the Association. After discussing and slightly amending the proposals, thsy wvn- adopted si." follows :--(l) "Tlial tfceanneal breeding returns sent in shall comprise the whole i>f the registered Hock together with ths total number of rum.and ewe lambs dropped. Shtcp other -than l those so returned shall not be admitted to the Florfc Book.!* 12) "That the ewe lambs in each Hock must, before th« month of March m the year in -which they become two-tooths, be" culled by at least 10 per cent, calculated on the fnll number dropped.! Fn exceptional cases, permission may b? given by tin; Council to exempt a flock from the operation of this rule." The original propositi was. to cull the lambs, but Mr C. N- Orbell said that culling of lamb* was unDeee>tsary. It wotdd be better to wait till tbey were two-tooths, as no breeding was* done tinder that age-. Mr X. M. Orbell asked for a ruling as to whether b breeder was compelled to give ;t certificate when celling purebred aged ewe?. The Chairman paid that the question was a, dificnlt one, and it nas impossible to give a definito ruling. Mi* C. W. Reid gave nnjttee of motion of a rule that no certificate need be given -with aged civet;. Nothing is quite ."o. good in bronchitis and chronic cough as Stearns' Wine. Its delicious taste makes its regular u>f a. pleasure, and it acts as a matchless tonic and body builder. ... We wish to apologise for any delay iu attending to our numerous customers during the first days of our .'ale. Call 10-day with the ajsurfd confidence that you will gst, prompt, intmedjaite and faithful attendance. Our staff is now able to meet tiic drnv>ndx of even 50 customers at one timeJ. W. Souter, RooHmp. ...

400 MILES ON A MOTOR CYUI.K. The English " Motor Cycle" i>f May 29th, 1907, in writing about the reliability of the motor cycle, states:—"ln the whole history of motor cycle and motor car competitions, w« cannot remember an instance where fifteen competitors entered on one make of machine succc.-sfnlly gained the coveted gold medal*. This record performance was accomplished in the London to Edinburgh contest by fifteen members of the Motor Cycling Club, all mounted on Triumph Motor Bicycles." 15 Triumphs starled--15 Triumphs finished. 15 Gold Medals were awarded. The following gentlemen of South Canterbury are purchasers and riders of the famous Imperial Triumph : W. Dawson' Davie, Esq.; manager Dresden Piano Co , Ltd.; Dr Hayes; W. Moody, Esq.; .1. C. Rolleston, Esq.; Dr Cook; T. Tresize, Esq.; W. Hally, Esq.; J. E. I'igolt. Esq.; J. T. Wolten, Esq.; Dr Paterson; D. McLeod, Esq.; A. H. Hathaway, Esq. ; Mavo, Kfiq.; R. L. Banks, Esq. ; O. Adams, Esq.; 11. Goodwin. The new 3£ h.p. model, with magneto ignition, can m ,w I*. inspected at onr premises.~-Adani3, Mi, Arcade, Timars. LUSTRE IN WOOL. AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION. The importance of lustre in wool is very clearly set forth by Mr S. B. Hollings. the celebrated wool expert of Bradford, in his lett-v to the "Christehurch Pres.s" of 18th May. Wool may be sound in staple and well grown, but if it lacks lustre it fails to ei.nima.nd top prices. A bright, attractive parcel will always ensure competition, white a dingy, lustreless wool will isc neglected. The leadinu pastorales and wool brokers- in the world are the safest guides to all aspiring woolgrowers. and the experiences of such men as Mr Henry Dudding I the famous breeder of Lincolns in England). Messrs Tims. Millear. John S. Horsfatl. Albt-rt Austin, and many more of the most c u .'lebrat-:d pastoralists of t{/e present day are unanimous that as an improver of the growing tleece Quibell's Dips are the best that money can buy. As a result of many tests conducted bv thmi the* leading :dieep dips nil the market Quibell's a if the dips to which they phi their faith and which thev have "sdet ted for use on their valuable Hocks. If further pioof of the superiority of Quibell's preparations be wanted, the fact peed only be mvittioned that Messrs Daigelv and Co. (Ltd.). the largest woolbrokers in tfc world, recommend th'> use of Quibell's dips to their num. r»us clients in preference to all others. In selecting their sheep dip flock-owners will act wrively by being guided by experience- of their brethren, instead of bv what dip manufacturers have fa say iii support of their own preparations. ...

Captain l%dwin advised yesterday:- Moderate to strong notith-rly winds; glass rise; tidis moderate; sea mod.'late.'" A rail kcrbed footiialh is now being formed from St rathallan stri.t round tic signal box towards the Moody wharf. h w;ll he asphalted, and when completed wiil give foot iraftie a iletiiiite course to follow. The Hev. T. Sliiison will conduct the services in Trinity Church to-morrow, morning and evniiig. lie will also take the service at Sali-bury in the afternoon. Mr Valentine will conduct the service at Cidhnauu town. On Sunday week Mr Stiuson will commence a monthly evening service at OLniti. Mr I!. Langdowu. who for twenlly vi-ars <'r more has a popular violinist in Timaru. wa.s taken to the Hospital on Thursdav. very ill with some affection of the heart, anil he died there yesterdav. Mr I.angdown was always ready to assist, as a mu>ieiai; at concerts for charitable objects, and from time to time he conftoiled useful orchcstuis for social pur poses. A meeting of the Timaru City I'illcs Hall Committee was held last evening when lh.' linal arrangemeniis for the ball I which is to be held mi Wediuwlay, the 28th bust.l. were made. It was "reported that a largf number of tickets had bun sold up to date, and that- cvciything pointed to th-- ball being among the best of the .■easoii. S. rviciii at Wesley Church 10-niorrow will b- conducted bv"lhe Hev. C. 11. Olds at. 11. an.l the Rev. S. J. Seipell at 6.30. The •;veiling subject will be. "The fulness of the ioxlhead in Christ." At Waimataitai Mr Howe will preach at 11, and Mr Kllis at 6.50; the Ilev. S. J. Scrpell will pn-ach at Pareora Kust at 11, and administer the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the clo.-e of the service, ynd Mr Irwin will preach at 6.30 p.m. Th.- following are the handicaps and draw for a. one day match against l>ogey for trophy, to tie played on the Highfield Links on Tuesday afternoon :—Mrs C'osteilo 4 v. Mrs Colt-rill 30. Miss Itevell 10 v. Mrs- ]sowt- 18, Mks Dryden 10 v. Miss X. Knublev 8. Mrs Cox 8 v. Mrs Mathewm 6. M'iss X. Hay 9 v. Miss Buchanan 10, Miss Pringl.• 20 v. Miss L. Knobley 10. Miss 11. Mnrclinnt 30 v. Mi?s Ksitly scr.. Miss W. Wray 15 v. Mii-s Sothani 30, Mrs Manuering 18 v. Mi:s Blair 25

Regarding' the telegram from Christclmrrli published yesterday, containing asuggestion thai millers should raise the price id Hour to a figure commensurate with the purchases of wheat at present pricK-, in order to encourage the swamping of the market with Australian Hour, for tin- purpose of hrcaking-up the alleged ring of win at-holders, Timarit millers desire in state that they have no sympathy with the idea. It might suit two or' three- Dunedin and Invercargill millers, who \wz in a difficulty at the present- moment, but the members of the Millers .-Wociation generally do not need or wish for the adoption of any drastic measures. A meeting iv>is held last evening to'•'decide whether the material in the suits made to measure by A ..T. Stephens for two pounds jcvmteen and six are eqir.d to those which cost- four pounds ,len. The meeting was held in Hunt and Worry's Tiiiildings—upstairs in the rooms occupied lry the "slid tailor. After comparing the iarce assortment of materials which the tailor has to>.-; from, and the suits which th- m«ml>Lrs of the meeting were wearing that cctit them from four to four pounds' ten, the preference was given to the suits at two pounds: seventeen and six pence, for quality, fit and style. Call and compare "fame for yourselves ; its just a matter of price. ... Oik- of the ino«t important points in. selecting >a motor-car is to be sure and get the selling agent to show you his stock of spare parts; it is a fact that is only too often overlooked" by tho purchaser. In buying a,-De Dion .'or a Dan acq you are sure that spares are to be had locally without having to write to the maker or to have them made locally at double the cost. Skeales • and Bockaert havo represented these two great firms for the past seven years, and have over 300 of famous" cars on the New Zealand roads. Tln> result of this long ex|>erieneo is that they know what parts to keep in case of wear or accident. We do not believe in changing our agencies every ' year. W T e have the light ears for the roads; we havts'no less than 22 different sizes and liorse-poweiß to pick from: we can suit all tast-.s and all purses. We can supply » Darmcq or a. Do Dion from 7 h.p. at £275 to 60 horse-power at £2OOO. We guarantee all our cars," and what is more we. can quote you for upkeep of your car for five or ten years; our cars have stood tho test of speed, reliability and strength the world over. No other cars have an envious reputation such as the De Pion and Darracq. Even our strongest (ippnsition -admit this, in fact they have tried to secure our agency in an underhand way. ..'.

THE GUINEA POEM. A CHEQUE FOR £1 has been rent to Urn writer ! of thai verse: —Mrs S. K., Druriu Hill, Wanganui. When buying thing's, we all do hojK.-, To get the very best— Remember then, "that SAPON SOAP Out-classes all the rest. WIN -A GUINEA ! Prize Poem pubpublished every Saturday. Best four shortline advt. verse about "SAPON" wins each week. .SAPON wrapper iriurst bs enclosed. Address-—"SAPON" (Oatmeal Washing Powder), P. 0.. Box 635, Wellington. Write for fm: Art Booklet, containing 23 valuable hints on crashing. PATENTED IDEAS. BRING FORTUNES. h'vw people realise that they are walking compsdiums of inventions. If you stop and think a moment, there arc many articles you wear are the result of such thought and invention. For instance, the •lace hook on boot.* and also the eyelets have been patented, as also the idea of twining wire round (he end of the boot lace to form a point. "M:u's braces, collar-, the swivel hook for connecting the watch to chain, the sovereign case, the shape of underclothing and even th? lining of his hat, have also be n patented. It is ;-impl? and widely used articleslike these that possess fortunes for the inventor. If you desire to know how to work up your invention or how to protect it call or write to Henry Hughes' well-known patent office. 183 Hereford >rre!. (I*. R- Clinic. Manager), and you will their obtain gratuitously, st wightfoiward and expert advice. The office is equipped to obtain patents in all countrks. Inventors living at a distance from rhrisleliiireh s-hould write for a cony of Mr Hushes'- pmphlct "Advice In Inventus" in which Ihey will find a great ■le-il "f general information relating to Paten! and Trade Marks. Any enquirks not answered by the pamphlet will re (eive attrition in a special letter if desired. Expert, engineers and draughtsmen employed and inventors can roly on having t] lP 'r \fUnv thornuahly <'eyelop"d if necessary. Timaru Agent", J. E. S. Jackson, Staffoid Street. ...

The Inspeclor-lu'lirral (Colonel H. 11. Da vies, C.1'..), is to inspect the Timaru High School cadets on Tuesday next, the20th ins... at 12.15 p.m. The continued dry weather is catiidng inconvenience to the millers and sawmillej-s in Wistiand. many of whom will have In close down unless rain falls in a day or two. The balance sheet of the New Zealand Athletic Union shows thai up to dune, 1907. the receipts had been £166 12s (the chief being contributions from cetitrm £lll lis) and expenditure £B3 17s, leaving a, credit balance of £B2 15s. The expenditure has been very .small considering the amount of work tin- executive and particularly the secretary, Mr (lilfeddcr, haw: done. The Kaiapoi Woollen Company's annual ii port and balance sh-el i-hows that during the year £4OOO was spent on new machinery and modernising the plant. A new site had been acquired for the erection of warehouse; and factory premises-. An interim dividend of £3OOO had been paid, leaving a balance of £5247 to be allocated thus :—£3.500 to dividend, making per cent, for the year; £IOOO to reserve and £747' carried forward. At the reception given at Bellamy's to Webb, the champion sculler, the respective claims of Lyttelton and Wanganui in regard to the honour brought to New Zealand by the champion were humourously referred to. Mr Laurenson, M.H.R. tbytlelton). in proposing the health of \lr Barnct-t (Webb's trainer) said lie knew Webb as it boy and also knew the stock thiit had him. Lyttelton had reason to be proud of Webb and although many thought that Lyfteltiin was an obscure mud hole, still it h;wl the honour of producing a high commissioner, also an arti-t whos.3 pictures had been huiig in the Paris salon, whilse now it had produced the champion sculler of (he world. (Applause.) Thsy never realised that great sis Webb's abilities were, he would not have held >uch a. proud destine!ion that night had it not been for Lyttelton and Webb's capable trainer. (Applause.) Writing on July 14th, the Johannesburg correspondent--of the-""Press" supplies the following items: —"It is notified that Mr Hector Bolleston is retiring from the position of Resident Magistrate at Lichtenburg. Mr Rolleston contemplated retiring from the public service some months ago, and merely retained his post, until completing another full year's duty. It is understood that Mr Jtita, High .Sheriff of the Tra.uavaal, will be his successor. Since the Government came into power, the policy of filHng judicial vacancies ill the outlying districts with Dutchmen has been followed with a zeal exceedingly disheartening to Britishers posse»ing the necessary qualifications, who, with a modicum of encouragement, are prepared to. settle here and call the country " home." Mr Rolleston leaves per mail-boat, for London on 17th. —Messrs Studlmlme and Elworlhy, .South Canterbury, were in Johannesburg a few weeks back, busy gelling equipment for a big game shooting expedition, and "have since left on trek for Portuguese territory."

Tlie work of laying down tin extra line of rails for working the main wharf has been suspended bv tpe Railway. Department, doubtless because the Harbour Board at their last meeting decided to write to the Department that they did not approve of th; proposal to spread out the three lines Has idea wiis evolved 'a good while ago as the result of a- complaint about the inadequacy cd shunting arrangements. Sir. Joseph Ward recommended widening the and •jinploving a hoiJ-e to pull the. trucks about. The lines 'are too close together now for a horse to be used, and horse traction is emploved on some of the wharves with uselul ihVot and ccoiiomv <d time and money. A "Herald" reporter made some inquiiy among people working on the wharf, and he was told that in their •opinion, while three line- and a liorw would be ah improvement on present conditions, four lines and a. 'horse would be more convenient in the cases of the most- troublesome combinations ,of steamers working. "It is when the worst, trouble arises that the worst trouble is, and that is when four lines would be better than three. ''fh> Edison Old Moulded Records are the finest in the world. There are others—the British and Colombia. 'these records are sold at a. iixed price all over New Zetland, the Colombia at Is 6d, and tho Edison Gold Moulded Records at Is 9d, instead of 2.J as formerly. Begg are wholesale dealers, and have a complete stock of everything in Talking Maphines, arid all classes of records. Begg's are. at-present having erected at the Arcade end of their Music Saloon a new phonograph parlour and depot which will be the finest iu the Dominion. Begg's sell Edison Phonographs complete with horn from £5, so there is no reason now why you should not enjoy the singing and playing of the greatest singers and artists in* your own home at little cost

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.M- and A. Co.—Albury sale, K Monday ; Xemuka. Tuesday; farms for sale. O.F.C.A.—SaIe at Albury, Monday; Teniuka, Tuesday; timber, 22nd inet., property 28tll. • ' 'cur' Wright, Stephenson and Co.—Sell farm on 24th inst., farms for sale. Jonas and Co.—Sale of timber, poultry, produce, etc., this day. John Mcllroy—Clearing sale at Fairlw, on 23rd inst. Gerrie and Co.—Notice re auctions m all branches. Leslie O'Callaghan and Co.—Two farms for sale. N.Z. L. and M.A. Co.—Stock sale at. Tcmiika, on Tuesday. Guinness and LeCreu—Sell farm, today : Temuka sale, Tuesday. Dalgety and Co.—JSbury sale, on Monday. "Suttoji's seeds—On side at 'C.F.C.A. (agents). Timaru City Rilles—Ball, on.Wednesday 28th. Court Southern' Cross—Brethren attend funeral, to-morrow. Lodge. Caledonian—Meet for funeral, tomorrow-. Hutlon iiml Co.—Have on sale "Modern Rugbv Football." '"H." Herald Office—Farm in Southland for sale. M. Lagan, H. Rothwcll, K. J. Smith— Notices under Licensing Act. AVebb and Kempthorne—Handy farms for sale. D. Mahoney—Revised list of properties on sale. J. E. Reid—Large assortment- of men's footwear. Penrose's drapery—Prices of nun's ties, shirts, bags, etc. It. Sommcrville Hair restorer and vijroriilor. f!co. Peamon--School exercise books. Boiirnvillc cocoa—Full parliculais in sea Iters. New Zeahiml railways—Arrangements coursing and football. Theatre Royal—Faust bioscope, Monday and Tuesday. Wc-dey and Trinily Churches -Services for to-inorvow. Lost—Wallet and money, reward this office. fi. Whit chouse—Notice of .north-end hairdressing saloon. P.O. box 127—Wand- a smart clerk. Fitn.ral notice—By W. J. Lister.

'The "Otago Daily Timcw" learns that the. Royal Commission concerning the Nightcaps disaster in dune hist, will commence its sitting on the 291 h inst. 'Three writs for damages claiming a total of £SOOO have been issued against the company on behalf of the relative of the, victims'; in Ihe case of Carson £2OCO ii: claimed, Duncan £2OOO and Walsh £IOCO. 'lhe casein will be heard at Invcrcargill. The annual return of the mortgages entered into and released, for the year ended March -hirst shows that the mortgages registered totalled £13,110,096, and the amount of mortgages released was £B,108,093. The mortgage debt therefore was increased by live millions. Nearly one-half of the tola] amount viz., £6,313,'670. was advanced at 5 per cent. Six per cent, was charged in respect to £1,682.874. and 5£ per cent: was the rate agreed upon in regard to £1.276.389. Ten per cent, to charged for £81,277. £921 was at 20 per cent., while for one. amount of £SO lent in Taranaki, the interest was a., high 'as 24 per cent. The heaviest investments were made hi Wellington province, 4 J millions, and Canterbury. 2J millions. The usual weekly .meeting .of the Life. Boat Lodge, No. 101, 1.0. C.T., was held last evening, the- C.TV, Bro. A. Williams, presiding over a good atttenchince of nienibei.s. Two candidates were, duly initiated. Comftpondencc was received from the district' secretary notifying that the district meeting had been altered from Thursday, the 22nd to Tuesday, Ihe 20th. The anniversary committee reported thai arrangements were well in hand for the. concert, and that a first, class prograninv was being'arranged. . The committee on the Juvenile Temple gave a very encouraging report on the prospects of opening a. Temple. A' conveyance for members intending the district meeting at Teinuka. on Tuesday will leave the post office at 6.30 sharp. The spinsters of Fail-view entertained their friends at a. fancy drres. ball in fh;i schuol-roimi on Wednesday last.' A large number of friends accepted the. invitation, there being about 60 couples present. Prizes wera presented by Mrs H. ■Stonyer and Misses Johnson .arid Butchers for bust drosses. Miss Butchers as a gipsy, and Mr Smith as a clown, were the winners. Songs- were, rendered by Mies' Batchslor and Mr Segar, and a istep dance by Mr Lilhgow. Music was supplied by Mr AVisneskie, and extras by Mr and Mrs Smith (violin arid piano), Mr Lithgow (bagpipe), Misse» Kelland and .Squires (piano). Mr Martiii made an efficient M.O. Refreshments were supplied by Mr J. She.wan. The success of the evening was largely due to the lion, sec (Miss E. Johnson).

A very successful Hireling of the Soddon Memorial ( was held in tha Council Chamber last evening, the president, the Mayor, was in the chair, Correspondence from a number- of collectors and others was read. 'Apologies were received from Messrs F. Haymond, Katterthwaite and Waddell. .'lt. was -.ilated that the Mayor had consented to give his now famous lecture oh " Kobert Burns," in the Theatre. The-.Mayor was thanked for this, and ib was decided to add to the attraction by a. concert for which reverat singers had already offered their servicers. The Garrison Hand also offered to play outside on the evening of the lecture, and also a •selection ir.fiide entitled : "A Day with Bobbie Burns," A. committee was set.up to carry out all arrangements, and pirces; wore fixed : '. Press circle 2s, stalls Is 6d, pit Is. Tlie secretary was instructed to have printed and to i:r-.ue tickets as early as possible: ■- ./flic date fixed for the concert is iSe.pieihbe'r'.i9£li.' It has been several times suggested to the committee that the school .'children should be given an .'opportunity': to..'ai-sist in erecting the children "ra ward,, ,It was- decided that the secretary writy to the Education Board and to the 'schoolcommittees in South Canterbury, asking 'theiv approval and co-operation, when circulars will b« forwarded to each school in the district. .Tha hockey match between' North (jlago and (Rawhiti) Tiiuavn was played at Oa.maru. on Thursday afternoon before a large number of spectators. The game from !'t,-uT to .finish was .very fast, and tit. forwards on both sides indulged in a lot 01 passing. The Otago forwards had the best of the first spell, and should- have scored on several occasion:;, and it was through bad shooting that they did not. In the second spell the. game was very stubbornly contested. The Timaru forwards showed a lot. of dash, especially Miss l'ringle (wing), who played, a great game, repeatedly b'ating,the North Otngo Ineks (who were decidedly off), and Imperii ring of the ball to her forwards was really good. play. Timaru put on five si-ores in the Ve.ebnd spsll, while North Otago put on two. Scores were obtained for Tima'a-u 'bv Miss K. Brekingham (Z\. V. Caldwell (2), M. Wood (11. and N T , Matheson (1), and for Oanuiru Miss llajs■lon obtained one. and two scores were got from a scramble. For Timaru, Misses Hole and King (backs), and Misses E. Beckinulia.m, Young, Pringle ■aiiirl Mathieson (forwards) phiyocl- well. For North Qtasrr), Miss; D. Wincey (as Tight halfback) played a- splendid game, her hilling being verV sood. Misses M. Ongley and 0. Moss' (backsV showed up at twos. Misses Blylhe and Kav (wings) played a "■ond gaiii*., a" did the other forwards fNlisses M. Jl-id-. Pvilston. arid N. Mitchell).—The fol'owin<: . will . reuresent 'l'h> Rnwhili Hoeker Club to-day in a mat-h !i<Timisl the Te'niuka. Olid) : N. MsiMi-son V. Cald-»U. M. Hole. K. Beck, ingbam (captain). T). Priiir/le. F. T'rinffle. Af? Yountf. CI. TCiiitr. M- Fraser. T,. M--B<j:i<n. T\". Be-kin"liaiti : e.mcrrreneies, F,. C'-xhcad. O. Wood. .The match is to be played at 11 a.m. on the Athletic Grounds.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13367, 17 August 1907, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13367, 17 August 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13367, 17 August 1907, Page 4