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I3il3^lillPli|ilIlillHIHII!1^1 rill THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR .:*r*iMiti3£i4itfcM*4^^ HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Tbo-e who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any. form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarsenes3 Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as .it effects a. Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumpiim: to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at tne beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. I REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, >!. AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. A Sydney Resilient Suffered for Over Sixty BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker expres Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne';Bronchitis Cure. NINE MONTHS SUFFERING. BRONCHITIS. Relieved by one dose of Hearne's Uronchitis An En; Cure, and cured by two bottles. _ _ .._,._. Mr. Heanie. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my Was given Hearne's Bronchitis Ct testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bron- effected a ComDlete Recovei It Proved a Most Effective Remedy' for a ttclfre. 1 " e,feCtcd " «<"«P""= Recovery. Ick of Bronchitis. cough was so distressingly bad at nights I was Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Not long sine n,*-,,. q;,. t l-jtolu lioH i obliged to yet up and sit by the /ire. I had occasion to visit the old country, and bei. TV>-,r <;ir —T latolv bad n obliged to get up and sit by the fire. I had occasion to visit the old country, and .civ. Ib benefit rather) """' vv ,\ ""V "TYj™,.!ii7; ~, i .„..!,,;,„,, ,i,„ medical advice, and tried'other remedies, with- ing Melbourne purchased a bottn; o : Hcarue's I ,e oeneiit rauier e at , ack f Bronchitis and, acting on the out avai| , , rled S| and nevcl . ~a ii a jit of btollcllitls Cur l wllich ~V y£. k wio , 11)t , Vl he , , . ... _.. ~„„. obtained youi coul ,. ling a f ter raking the flrst dose u „ d though '\ arrived in Leeds, 1 fou-X tha-t my niece. Miss I am pleased to inform jot. , llave had l)ut two botl|es x fee | i all , a aiffer- C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe at- , lost effective remedy, causing ent ma])| and {he COU| , U has vanished . Y ou may tack of Uronchitis in fact, she was s."o ba,l } to you lor lurmsiung sucii a depend upon m makin „ l alown the efficacy of the family doctor held out no hone for her rr-cov. I , „„«,,. ~~ .—.....= - •—: ■-■■—■ i° the public. May you meet '„.<,„,&,.,„, r > ame dv to " anyo ne I see afflicted— ery. She was then given lleames B.onC. lis ;i.i any remedy that had previously re- with the success you so well deserve. I place Vours faithfully, jAMUS ASTBURV. Cure according to the direction on the l.d e. / and Share Broker, 93 Pitt-st., Sydney, iiuve.i su.otliMi i : ■•'• was of no use to me. 1 was this communication at your service, and s,, n'd t1i.,1 I' daied 11U !.tir, and spent the worst Dear Sir, yours faithfully, ii.ght 1 ever ha I. When in a conversation, Mr. HENRY FRENCH, .Mich. J.t'.. ••! JSainiaiu, Sydney, kindly told me _ t - - - ■ ~ ;!iai a ir.eii.l of i;! 5 was using your Bronchitis l 0 1. u:e. an 1 f.iat ii wa- giod, So my sister bought me a bolt i- ot it. and in a'few minutes after tak- ACTUM A ii-.g the lir.-t dose 1 could breathe a little. The A 8 I MMA. nJxt ilay 1 was better, and kept getting better A Five Years' Case. everv da>-. 'lVdav 1 am better ihan f iiave been . t r tne ast •.even veais I took the medicine At times very bad indeed. Dergholm, Victoria. and lam very pleased to say that it effe'-te ASTHMA 25 YEARS. c/o Allan & Co., Colliiu-sl., Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure: .. T uui> ie a i.uur 01 11 aim ... a -w ..-, a.-. „„- AOTUIUIA ASTHMA. :- A the f.ivt dose 1 could breathe a little. The As> I MIVIA. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—l have* been a , .., m .. „ . . . _ ~ l'X( .lay 1 was better, and kept getting better A Five Years' Case. martyr to Asthma for about 25 veais. and have tried A Sufferer 73 > ears of Age <- urea by serv .k)'. T„-«lav 1 am better ihan I have been . almost all known remedies for the complaint and have Hearne's Bronchitis Cure ,r the .ast seven- vears I took the medicine At times very bad indeed. been un< j cr the'treatment of leading phvsicians - . i less than nilI „ tI „ „„,. Cured hv Hearne's throughout the Australian States. I determined to Mr. Hearne, Chemist, . . ......... „... - -me benefit Quickly and compleleb Cured by Hearne s more bu{ , et nattjre u)(e ' hs co „ rse Two S ir,-I am thankful to-say tint the irerir-inc iiher ihan suffer as 1 did. Please make what Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. years ago I was asked to try your Asthma Cure, but >'°» sent for Asthma has had a wonderful effect .-<.■ .11 thi.s letter you think fit. If by so doing .. Hearne Dear Sir,—For five or six years laughed at the idea. However, bv the persuasion of I. have not taken all the Uronchitis Cure, as I, • indeed. I was very ill just after Christmas, so pottle ot your treatment. Almost immediately 1 »•«"* "'=" WILLIAM CANHAM. sent to the local chemist for a bottle of your fomid that I had made a mistake by not taking it be- will, lor 1 , rK r„ Road Balmain Sydney Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. I took the first [°re lam now about half-way through the second ""«»™ leb Cuius Road, Balmain, Sydney. and was no( . tro(]bled t ,, at bottle and so much do I feel relieved that I take this Alliance stri? Chines Victoria ■ a touch of the asthma since. I tell everyone to make whatever use you may think ht. I intend : r>l -,/-,M r .|j|-rics riIDP aboutit M.MURRAY continuing your treatment, and I trust that before I S BhONOKI I Its OUKC Postm - i s tress, Pampoolah, Manning River, N.S.W. have finished the third bottle 1 shall be able to write BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. ' to you that I am perfectly cured. I am pleased to ■ ■■«•-w.» »» 1 say the eflect has been wonderful. T " . . _ - . _ Yours very gratefully, PHIL. HANN, Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-I have much HAY AS THMA. 33 Camden St., Balaclava, Victoria. """- - --—"■- --•- leasure in adding my testimony in praise of A severe Attack Relieved in Ten Minutes Mr. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,-Klndly forward ,V i X.ImM.Ip Krniirhitbs Cure I liave used it acvsrc ni-aia™ ... .«... ......m.cj ...... ■ ~»o-i-i/-»».i w thout delay another small bottle of your bron Ttto£«**£™toMy£Z. and hi T efficacy by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. CONSUMPTION. cllitis c„re. y The bottle I ha. bom yen has have Inly proved in common colds, severe colds, The effect was wonderful. , Patient Recovering, cured two of my children, but Ido not feel s.iw loupy cougi.s, anti oiher similar chest com- ._ _.'..' . 1 ...... without It 111 the house. 1 have als/i recommend. iiiiuia I have given it 10 infants a few wee I 1 voiing elti.dreu and adults of all ag< (is Kifkucy in chest Complaints Testified to by a Urateful Victorian. Mr. \V. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l have much pleasure in adding my testimony in praise of yuur invaluable Bronchitis Cure. I have used it for the .ast three or four years, and its efficacy have never known it to fail in relieving a and rapidlv effecting a cure with a few doses. .11 uegati 10 .uu ■have recommended it to many of my friends, and veloping a sei iht-.y have luliy proved its wonderful curative pr- "* '■•"* * """ neiiies. I feel very grateful to you for a chi medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to ue 1 iu.. xu .»« lo anyone. Trusting its present popu- again. Such laritv and sales will be doubled, I am, yr— -~ '—» rrhi ° '° traief.illv, EDWARD'JON: Mount Bruno, Mokoan, via Glenrowa u , , .„, 1 attack of Bronchitis or Asthm; BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Severe Cases cured by One Bottle of ' Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. I without it in the house, I have ed it to my friends. I lost a three years of age. from Influcn: ' ' " ' " onia. I really believe that i 1 I had had ;our ne my child would not have died, lor tlie lencea. tr revious 10 using tne isron- 1 otner two, a boy five years old, and a baby eight e would have two or three attacks months old, were sufler'nlK exactly in the same ..,._ ~. .... ,_,.. ...i and ; t actec i jike magic on them ;in fact. nail bottleiul cured both of them; so trustastounaeai sne iiaa as.ignc auacKut wuusuiiipuuii, um »eems ii.ig you - will forward it without delay.—l am. pleased to to be recovering, though, of course slowlj'. Yours yours, most gratefully, i^gSfSTCTWgjKrHCTiBBiBIin Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Yendors, and by the Proprietor, nmKtS\ MOTS FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY.

Jas. Speight & Co. CITY BREWERY, DUNEDIN. THE PBEMIER BREWERS OF NEW ZEALAND. SPEIGHT AND COY'S Celebrated Sparkling PRIZE ALES can be obtained at all tHe Leading Hotels from Timaru to the Hermitage. Bottling Store: MAITLAND STREET, DUNEDIN, (Uijder the Supervision of Messra. Powley and Keasfc.) Affected Whole System-Could Not Sleep Nights—Lost Flesh and All Run Down—Advised By a Friend, to Try Cuticura and Now Gladly Recommends CUTICURA REMEDIES TO ALL SUFFERERS "I write you to say I am cured of eczema, and can say that I owe it to the Cuticura Remedies, and I gladly recommend them to all suffering with any form of eczema. For four long months I suffered agony and an itching and burning feeling which affected my whole system, so as I could not sleep nights, and I did not care to go into public, as I would have ho ease. I lost flesh and was all run down. I tried everything I could think of and also everything that was advertised, but got no relief, until I was advised by a friend to try Cuticura, which I did, and can truthfully say I got immediate relief. I would gladly recommend Cuticura to any one suffering as I did with eczema, and can verify my statement by members and also intimate friends of my family. I trust that this testimonial may be of some, benefit to persons suffering with any skin diseases." Chester A. Bailey, Oct. 17, 1905. Somerville, Mass. CORED AT SMALL EXPENSE "When an infant I had a bad humour on my head, for which I was treated with Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and now I have a good head of hair and the humour is entirely gone. It only required one box of Ointment and one cake of Soap to effect a cure. I send this with my permission to publish." Miss Iza McNaughton, June 13, 1905. ; . Milo, Me. The originals of the above testimonials arc on file in the office of the Potter Drug S: Chemical Corporation. Kcferenco; P.. Towns & Co., Merchants, Sydney, A. b.W. Complete External and Internal Treatment for every nutnour, from Pimples to Scrofula, from infancy to Age, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Kesolvcnt Pills (Chocolate Coated, in vial of 60), may be had of all druggists. A single set often cures. Potter Drug & Chera. Corp., Sole Props., Boston, V. S. A. ,n.-» OS- Mailed Free, " All About the Skin, Scalp, and Hoir. Address, It. Towns & Co., Sydney, K. S. W. FOR CHOICE RT PAPERHANGINGS. In all the Newest Designs, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL, G. MURDOCH, FArERHANGER, PAINTER, AND GLAZIER, ARCADE TIMARU.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)