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The clearing sale at Mr -Johnston's. To tarn, has Ivtn put forward from 17th to 24th inst. At a committee meeting "f tin- Rawhiti Hockey Club it was decided to hold tb,uhnual ball on July 26th. Messrs Webb and Kempthon'.e have. Tanner's Ark for sale. Ah a cruising yacht the ark is well known and th-j sakr affords an excellent opportunity tor any advent uroics seaman or enterprising fisherman to aerate an Al craft. At a. meeting of the implement importer.-, and manufacturers held at Chri.-t----thtirch .yesterday, it- was decided not to vxbibit at any of the agricultural show.-? in the colony during the coming year in consequence "(?o it is understood) of the expense involved. The weekly meeting of the Young People's Society was held in the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on Wedmsdav evening. " The subject was Bible Studv and the Rev. J. G. Chappie presided*. Next evening there wilt be a missionary meeting, and Mr X. Williams will take the chair. The Rev-- X. J. &rpell will preach at Westev Church to-morrow morning subject. "The Silences, of Christ." The evening servio." will b: conducted by the. Rev. C. H. OH=i- At Waimataitai Mr H. Brown will preach at 11 a.m. instead of 6.30. The R'.v. S. .J. h'erpell will conduct a. special service for young people at Pareora East at 7 p.m. The Studholme Mounted Rilles were inspected on Thursdav last by Colonel Hawkins, officer-commanding the Canterbury District. Abo it forty men paraded under Captain Wain and Lieutenant- Manchester. Colonel Hawkins- expressed himself as well pleased with the appearance of the men, the itamp of horses and the equipment. After the squadron had been put, through a number of movements by tlie Captain and Lieutenant. Colonel Hawkins examined a. number of vHes and was pleased to find them in good order. The Otago Educational Institute rejscleii Mr Davidson's proposal to amend prc- ' sent astern of teachers' salaries on the ground" that it did not get rid of the objectionable principle of payment according to attendance. Thi following resolution was carried:—"That teachers be paid a minimum salary based on efficiency to be determined by ability, literary attainments, and length of service, and that the fixed | minimum be supplemented by increments based on the amount of labour and responsibility of the position." The usual weekly meeting of the Life Boat Lodge, No. 101, 1.0. G.T., was held last evening, the C.T., Bro. F. Feake, presiding over a good attendance of members. "Three, candidates were initiated. The Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine, invited tbo members to an open social on the 22nd inst. The programme for the. evening was " Miising Word Competition,' for which a prize was given by Sister Butt, and won by Bro. Cokcr. The programme for next moeting will bs carried out by single members. Our Wellington correspondent states that the interim return of sheep in the colony on ApriL 30th, 1907, was presented to Parliament yesterday. It showed— Auckland 765,986, increase 133,969; Nai pier and Gisborne 5,013.266, increase 105,I- 626; Wellington and West Coast, 4,933,- - 415,444; Marlborough andNelson, 1417.566, increase 69,399; Canterbury and Kaikoura 5.126,400, decrease 135;495; Otago 3,859,163, increase 71,483;" total 20,816,799, increase 843,821. The increase in the North Island was _ 705,039, and-in the South Island 5289. To those interested in a good and smart hQI climbing motor-car it may' be of interest to know that at famous Frome's H3l'speed contest held in England under the auspices of the Royal Automobile Club, the world famous little Bh.p De Dion beat' all cars-' np to 12 h.p. This is a wonderful feat considering that the car is a single cylinder.and the one used was of stock pattern and not specially faked np for', the purpose. Skeates—Bockaert's who represent this great firm in New; Zealand : have 6 of the identical cars in stock of which they can give immediate delivery. They' have also in stock 5 of the famous 15, n.p Darracqs. these cars need no comment as they are known from Auckland tf> the Bluff as the car for reliability, - speed and cheap in- upkeep. To those people looking for a bargain they have * one. or two good second hand cars on hand which tliev are willing to sacrifice at a great reduction while stocktaking; these second-hand cars are guaranteed in perfect good order and as good as new. They 1 will give a trial'to any probable purchaser. ... You can do a suffering friend' a kindly service'by earing "Stearns' Headache Cure will quickly enre that headache." A trial 'will convince you if you have not yet nsed it yourself. :.. The great contest in connection with the tailor in Hunt and Werry's buildings, opposite Post Office, Tiinaru, and Alfred J. Stephens, who is selling suits to measure ,and guaranteeing the fit fdr fifty-seven and' sixpence is still continuing. There is only a limited number of these suit lengths left, so dont -wait too long in giving your order. It is only necessary, •to pay" twenty shillings when you get measured, and" the balance when you receive the suit- There is also a branch in Queen street, Waimate. ... "Banished Completely." I have been a sufferer from chilblains every winter, and have, tried numerous remedies, always "with little "success. Three days ago I purchased a bottle of vour Chilblain Liniment, and now- I am thankful to say its effect was marvellous. The first application relieved, it got to work at once, and now my chilblains are completely banished. I shall always recommend your liniment, for I have proved it to be a certain cure. I am. vours gratefullv. T.G. Baxters Chdblain Liniment one shilling per bottle post free only from J. Baxter, Chemist, Ji maru... 34 H. P. 1907 TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLE. We have just landed the new- 1907 Imperial Triumph motor cycle, and we are now making deliveries of orders held by us. The past season has again clearly demonstrated that amongst motor cycles the Triumph stands an easy first due to efficiency, in perfection in detail, its absolute reliability, its lightness, speed, power, and comfort. Progress however, is the motto—greater -efficiency is the aim of the manufacturers of the Triumph motor cycle. The marvellous steadiness and even pull of the engine will be a revelation to anyone who has not ridden this machine. The following are exclusive Triumph features—ball bearing engine, patent spring forks, patent foot rests, long resilient handlebars, patent balance weighted fly wheels, Simms Bosch magneto ignition, patent silencer, patent rim brakes, patent stand and carrier. We hope that intending purchasers, who are perhaps thinking of" buying a foreign-made machine on account of price, will inspect the Triumph before doing this, remembering that the best is the cheapest in the end. Triumphs are ail British manufacture Adema Ltd.. The Arczde, .Tfoiarn...

An arch purple meeting of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 15. will be held in the Orange Hail on Monday. Visiting brethren are invited to attend. Yesterdayatfaptain Kilwin advised as follows :—"• strong winds to gale; •_:la:-N rise : tides* good ; sea moderate ; indications for colder weather." The annual ball of the Pareora. Freezing Works was h.'ld in the local hall. 'llia building was taxed to its utmost capacity. Music was supplied by Mr -B. Wiesnaski. Mr G. Martin was M.C.. and tin- catering was in the hands of Mr R. Pugh. Fanners ie.|iiiriiig strychnine for lh-> destruction of small bird-: can obtain it in 1 ok. to 4 oz. and larger lots from Mr L. 15. Janus, chemist. Each purchaser of rtryehnir.o must comply with the Sale of Poisons Act by registering his name in a book kept fcr that purpose. Mr F. W. Greenwood, who has been conducting successful gospel meetings during tho l:«_-1 three months at the City Temple. Oamaru. will hold a sen-ice. tomorrow night in the Mechanics' Institute Hall, when he willl speak on " Glorying in th.'. Cro:;s." He desires to meet all who are interested in the restoration of primitivecchristianily. ' ' ••ProgrJJ?" a scientific and indusrial journal "published in Wellingon by Messrs Baldwin and Ray ward,-patent attorneys, devotes a good share of its July number to "Tiinaru the Breakwater City." The reading mater deals chiefly with the evolution of the harbour, in connection with which about a dozen ilustrations are given. To these aie added views of the mills, freezing works, and selected buildings. The pictures are clearly printed, and are ,i very useful collection for advertising the town", a plan of the harbour works being not the le.-vt usc-fnl in this aspect. Copies are on sale at all booksellers. Mr W. I'- Ilorwell ha:! just now a very fine show of small goods in bis Arcade shop. The window display is a most attractive one and though none of the available space has been" left unoccupied, the general affect does not suggeU a superabundance of {:»>ods. The central piece in the decorative" scheme is a large cured pig's head, while dressed poultry, hams, sliced and whole bacon .pressed beef and brawn are nicely .relieved with sausages of all kinds, meat pies, and tinned meats. Bunches of herbs, parsley, etc., are used to advantage in the general display. The interior of the shop wears an inviting appearance from the double row of pork in carcases, whole and divided, while a goodly number of dressed ducks and fowls arc also stocked. A very fine bacon pig, weighing 244- lbs. the product of a Temuka growers farm, is prominent owing to its great ■J.7.C. Mr Horwed has himself arranged his show window, and the result is entirely satisfactory.

The Loval Orange Lodge of South Canterbury celebrated the Twelfth of July by :<■ social in the Assembly Rooms last evening. A plentiful tea was provided bv tie ladv friends of the Timaru lodge, and tea was followed by a concert and addresses m the hall. There were about 150 present and the gathering was quite like a family partv from the number oi children present. Bro R. Meredith, of Waihaorrunga, occupied tlie chair, and opened tlie evening's entertainment with an address in which he dealt chiefly with the Home Rule question, which has been lately revived, and he strongly condemned the "proposal. Later on the Rev. Bro. Qlphert gave an addreW on tlie place-and the duties of the order. A programme of songs, instrumental music and recitations was Rone through, the : items, being . contributed bv various friends. Miss Vinrent. acting as 'accomnanist. One item, a flute •sole proved to be a decided and amusing noveltv creating great Bro. Roothiovu proposed and Bro. Rev. S. Buchanan .seconded »■ vote of thanks to the speakers and the friends who had so willinglv contributed to the entertainment of the gathering, and Bro. Olnbert moved a -dimlnr vote to-the had, provided th~ tea and l" th?.chairman. A. verse of God Save the King, sung very heartily, concluded a pleasant evening. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X Z. L. and M.A. Co.—Point sale, on Monday; clearing sale, 30th inst.; farm, for sale, on 20th inst. Ota"o tion—Sale; on 25th inst. . C.F.C.A.—Point sale.: Monday : Washdvk« Tuesday; Geraldine, Wednesday; timber at Temuka, 18th inst.; complete chaff-cutting plant.for sale. Guinness and LeCren—Sale at Point, Monday; dealing sale, Tuesday;. Geraldine sale, Wednesday. Jonas and Co.—Sale of produce, fruio, furniture, etc., to-day. Wright, Stephenson and Co.—Freehold for sale, also sheep station. NM. and A. Co.—Point sale, Monday; Washdyke, Tuesday; Geraldine, Wednes--dav. -,-i Gerrie and Co.—Sell properties, birds, furniture, etc., to-day. Theatre Royal—Details of Carreno season. _ ~ „_,, , 1 Timaru City Rifles—Ball, on 28th Au"Progress" On sale at all booksellers. C. Warburton—Choice lot of engagement rings. , . Lost—Two £1 notes; reward this office. J. G. Cowan—Suits to measure. , Loyal Orange. Lodge,. No. 13—Arch Purple meeting, Monday. At Irwin's -sale—Tweed suits, trousers, " Borough of Timaru— Contract for drainage works. ' ■ Pup lest—Reward on return to this office. . Seventh Day Adventists—Services for Sundav. Weslevan Church—Details of services. St. Mary's Church—Foundation stone ceremony, to-morrow. "Immediate," this office— Housekeeper wanted. P. O'Bovle—Warning to trespassers. J. O'Rourkc—Men's and boys' overcoats regardless of costMrs A. Elworthy—Wants kitchenmaid. Primitive Christianity—Meeting, to-mor-row night. ' Mrs W. J. Taylor—Reward to finder of brooch. Webb and Kempthorne—"Tanner's Ark" for sale; dairy farm for sale. S.C. Rugby Union—This afternoon's matches. United Friendly Societies—Social, Thursdav, Julv 25th. Found—A Skye terrier; apply this office. Pearson and Co.—Reliable goods thenmotto. J. H. Ellis—Tenders- for feeding oil' turnips. L. 15. Jamo-i —Concentrated vinegar csgenc-'. Manchester Bros. —Want clerk for store. . Caledonian Society—First Inglesidc, Julv 24th. i Colonial Sugar Company Notice to • suaar importers. Geo. Pearson —Post card albums, school 1 \books, on sale. House wanted—Apply to C.F.C.A. J. T. Wotten and Co.—Special line of sac suits, i Sonters sho? store—Rhyme that leads to'---ales. Want eds—Six not ico*

The Counties' Conference, which opened at. :Wcllsiglon on Tuesday, reputes a good-sized room to accommodate the delegates. There are 75 of those, and 16 officers, or more than in the of Representatives. Fourteen of the delegates arc M.H.R.'.s and one an M.L.C. The Thnavu City Rifles Social Committee have been working energetically to make their annual ball a. success, and have all arrangements well in hand for the function, which is to be held cm Wednesday, the 28th August. The Garrison Band have engaged to play for the Grand March.. which will laky the. form of a .Scotch Thistle, and should prov-? a novelty to Timaru patrons. The veteran caterer, Mr BucTdi will supply the refreshments, and Mr Langdown's orchestra will supply the music. Mr-Rutherford informs us that theswa-' ters of Lake Tekapo, which usually have a pearly grey appearance have for some months past been as muddy as those of Lake Pukaki, and also very high. The Godley and Macaulay rivers havo never been 'continuously so high aft they have been during and since last summer. Mr Rutherford built.'a- boat-house on'the lake, as he thought high and diy, but the lake rose higher than he had seen it for 13 years, and nearly submerged his boathouse. : ■ ■; A meeting for the object of forming a Literary and Debating Club in connection with the Y.M:C.A. was held in the Association's Rooms last evening, ft was unanimously decided that a. Debating and Literary Club be formed. Mr J. A. Valentine," the Association's president presided. Mr C. Glanville was elected secretary pro. tern., the other vacancies in connection therewith are to be filled at a future date. After the completion of business, Mr Valentine favoured the meeting with an interesting and exceptionally profitable address on "The Budding Orator." All present fully appreciated the lecture, and Mr Valentine deserves the club's ' sincerest thanks for the trouble he had taken in the way of preparation. The subject for next Friday evening is " Impromptu speeches and recitation." Members and any young men desiring to attend are cordially invited, as y. very interesting and pleasant evening i-s ynticijKited.

Mr J. Whipp (says the Southland. News), who works a beach claim at Pallia, unearthed some 'interesting relics recently while conducting sluicing operations. One of the most curious was a metal plate that had -apparently been affixed to a soldier's helmet, bearing the lettering "Closeburn Sharpshooters." The metal was black and encrusted through long burial when found, but on being polished inscription came out quite distinctly. Near by were the remains of an old flintlock rifle. How long these had been deposited there it was impossible to say, but Mr Whipp thinks from the depth at which they were discovered on the beach—namely, 9ft—that they must date back to Captain Cook's time. "Closeburn Sharpshooters'' was. probably the title of some old regiment of which there is no local record. In addition to these articles were found a- greenstone sacred mere, a beautifully polished Maori chisel, and a," bone spear .about 2ft in length," ;the end of which was' missing. None of the Maoris iu the Colac Bay district have any knowledge of bone spears, and it may therefore be taken for granted that' the relics data a long way biick in New Zealand history. " The -inscription "Closeburn Sharpshooters" ought to supply a clue to the date. To-morrow at 3 p.m. the foundation stone of the new buildings at St. Mary's, which will complete the church, will be laid. The Bishop of Chrwtchurch will conduct the service, the stone being laid by Archdeacon Harper, Vicar of the Parish. A special form of service, with hymns, has been prepared, which will be distributed before the service. The Garrison .Bandhas kindly offered to play both before and after the service, and to accompany the singing. A special platform has been erected for the band, and another for the Churchwardens, Vestry and the Building Committee. The space between the foundations of the chancel kas been reserved for the Bishop, clergy and choir. Mr, Collins, representing Messrs Collins and Harnian, of ■Chris'tchurch, the architects of the building will be present, together with Mr S. Mcßride the tuilder arid contractor, arid Mr Walter Pan ton, resident superintending architect. A collection, in aid of tli3 building fund, will be made and placed on the stone. The space jon the terrace, just in front of the new building will be, left clear, so as to afford an -uninterrupted'view of the ceremony to all who may b?,iri Sophia street. The bishop will also preach in St Mary's. Both at the morning and evening service, when ' in addition to the usual music Gounod's, anthem "Send ouii Thy Light," and Sir John'Gors' "The Wilderness," and Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus-" will be sung. In the collection of the offertory the vestry will be aided by members of "St. Mary's Young Men's Society. WHAT. TO PATENT FOR PROFIT. For the benefit of many inquirers, we submit below- writes Hemy Hughes, International Patent Agent, (authorised by the Government of N.Z.> 183 Hereford, street ,Chp»tchurch, a few hints aboutpatenti^ 0 ior profit. If you.have no special adaption or trade which brings you in content with certain classes of tilings, then patent cheap useful and staple • articles, things that everyone.needs-.and the poorest can afford: Household article's have made their inventors rich in the past, and why not in the future? .Again.,the agricultural implement forms the subiect matter of hundreds"and hundreds of successful natents even in this; sriiall country. _Also toys form profitable bases, for invention. For example take ping-pong ; if that had been imtented how would its inventor feel to-day. In London 'one firm alone sold 320,000 dozen sets of ping-pong. Any new toys or games, the more ridiculous are often the most successful. A good test of an invention is to ask one's self suppose someone..elf*'/had invented this device, and I wished to buv an article for my own use, would I buy this in preference to whatever people are using now for the same. purpose. Is this one of mine any- better, any simpler; and stronger, lighter:, more durable, or would it cost less to make. If such an impartial view of the invention is taken, r.o mistake ran be made by the careful inventor. Our firm not only gives free ad-vk-e as to whether an invention is probably patentable, but also whether it is worth applying for, and ha-ring given tbe<e matters constant attention for venrs and year?. sui>h advice surely should be valued. AH correspondence treated absolutely confidentially and also promptly attended to. ... THE GUINEA POEM' A CHEQUE FOR £1 Is has beeii_ sent to the writer of this verse—Miss K. O Kanhri, Hokitika. What makes washing-day a joke? Clothes all white with just a puke ; No more need! to boil or rub. Just put SAPON in the tub. WIN A GUINEA! Prize Poem published every Saturday. Best four-short line advt. "verse about " SAPON " wins each week. SAPON wrapper must be enclosed. Address, "SAPON" (Oatmea. Washing Powder), P.O. Bos: 635. Wellington. List, of prize winners with full names, may be inspected on application.

Guinness and Le Cren Ltd., will hold a clearing sale at, S-jtudlioluw '..on Tuesday, July loth., on account of Mr John Pascoe, who has sold his farm. ti : ome draught horses will alwu be offered on account, of Mr John Deans. The walls of the room of the Acclimatisation Society in the Crown Hotel, Temuka, are now well decorated with the spoils, of sport. There are t-.'ii .specimens of stuffed trout (large ones, of course), a pair of paradifc. ducks,' grey and blue ducks and black ■Leal, wckus, pukcko, keas, and wood pigeon. Most of these were prepared for the South Canterbury bay at the Christchurch Exhibition. There, are some dc?r heads to be ad'ded, and other trophies will come in from time to time. The Wellington Harbour Board's dredge, we learn from a description of it in ithe "Evening -Post," is run. two eight-hour shifts, between 4 a.m. and 9 p.m., each crew comprising 17 men. Since she. started work in October, 1905, she has lifted about, a million tons of spoil, of which half,has b22ii rssd for reclamations. The dredgo i» credited with 6d per ton for material so used. Already some. acres'have b«en reclaimed ;it a cojf. of. £2OOO an acre, and the Harbour Board is. to reclaim 39 acres at. about, th.ft rate. . Each bucket holds 20 cubic feet and.the buckets are ■ run at th:; rate, of 16 per minute. The hopper holds 650 tons. For reclamation' purposes the dredge is fitted with a pump which empties the hopper, when the spoil is .'.uirable, by pumping it over th? retaining wall. Tough clay which runs together and will not flow en.sily to the pump, and about half the, stuff lifted is of that kind, is dumped through the bottom nsar the head?.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XIC, Issue 13337, 13 July 1907, Page 5