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At the Magistrate's Court at. Temuk-a yesterday Mr C. A.- Wray .dealt villi' nineteen application,-} l'or renewals of old age pensions. Dr Lougiman notifies that ho has taken cc liTnlcing roonts in the'. LoanvCoinpany's Building*. , His present private residcnca is at Ivlissi Raine's, High street. . A Duncdiu message .says:— Mr G. 1?. Nichdll.v a well-known temperance 'advocate, leaves for Sydney to-day, having bsen engaged-by the'Me\y. South Wales' Alliance ■td-.tsako pa-ijt in the campaign in connection with ihs local option pull in* August. • 'On Monday evening 22 ftiEcnrb'>vs of the Winchester Morris Tube Club: tired for a .trophy presented by Mr Rodgers, the winner being A. . Opie with ».• gcove*<rif 55 (handicap 1) ; W. -Scott . (Ik 3'4 ; W. J. Moore (5), 34; J. P. Kailauglier-(scr), 33; C'. : O'pie (2), 33; South (3), 32; A, Taylor (1), 32; ll; Taylor (scr), 32; . 1). de Jt.-.-ir/.y (scr.j, 32 ; G. O'l/ean- (5). 22: • ,V-. . .. "Nipped tip." Do you feci that, way this cold leather? Do 1 you feel l as though the cold .penetrates your very soul?; If so you, may strengthen yourself to. keep the i cold oiit! Baxter's Ofange Quinine Wine will give you- tlid necessary help. Tt will feed- your nerves, stimulate your appetite, and build up your strength. Don't give the .chilblains, ..a „,cjiance:. to attack you. . Create a. good: circulation by taking .haulier's Orange Quinines Wine,' >ari.d : you will find you are not so susceptible to the. cold. D'ori't wait longeiM - Buy bottle now, and fcake it regularly. Price 2s 6(1, only from J: Baxter, Chemist,: Timaru. ... Mr Horace. J. Moon,. Secretary, Empire ■ Hotel, Wellington,. N.Z., is a great believer; in: Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. . He says : —" I am pleased to be able to - speak : in high praise, of. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it having, cured me. of a very severe coughJ. Other coiigh mixtures T had taken failed to even relievo me." For sale everywhere. • The Darracq and De Diort motor cars are constructed by firms.of. 18. yearn standing and witliout a doubt experience is a most important point in'the .construction !oJ a- good reliable, motor, car;,. Marquis De i Uion was" the first man to make a commercial vehicle..which was a great success fifteen years ago.. A Darracq at the same time also brought out a small runabout which i was at once ■ recognised as 'being built on correct. • lines., Tho whole world have copied these two firms , by adopting such a feature • as the cardan shaft in place of the everlasting troublesome chain system. Consequently other firms who now claim to be up-to-date by adopting this system are fifteen years beyond, the- times. Dei Dion and Darra'cq lead,, others followAs for magneto" ignition three years ago we had this magnificent system in use on our cars in' New ZealncL Again we- lead. So mo people are wondering _ why there-'are as manv Darracq and De Dion cars on the New Zealand roads as any other two ■makes put together ; the answer is simple : t.her were the -first in the colony ■ .seven years ago and nave stood ih rough so exceptionally well that it is now a byword as reliable as a Darracq . or a. Do Dion. Both these cars, ate made in Paris, the home of the world's motor business, although thev are owned by British Capitalists who prefer investing their capital in ! o-ood and well tried foreign factories than to "invest in small' concerns who. keep on changing their patterns from year to year, and whose products are still only experiments which'unfortunately are pushed upon the market a,s up-to-date but fifeen years beyond the tini"s. Our challenge "f hist week lias proved this as not a single agent as. come forward to match his car with ours: consequently we are fully justified in the- Darracq and lie Dion., the best on the market... 3A 11. I>. 1907 TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLE. We have just landed -the new 1907 Imperial Triumph motor cycle, and we are now making deliveries of orders held by us., The past season has again clearly demonstrated that amongst motor cycles the Triumph stands an easy first due to efficiency. in perfection in detail, its absolute reliability, its lightness, speed, power, and comfort. Progress however, is the mottogreater efficiency is the aim of the manufacturers of the Triumph motor cycle. Tho marvellous steadiness and even pull of .the engine Mill be a. revelation to anyone who has not ridden this machine. The following are exclusive Triumph features —ball bearing engine, patent spring forks, patent foot rests, long resilient handlebar. 1 ;, patent balance weighted ily, wheels, Shunts Bosch magneto ignition, patent silencer, patent rim brakes, patent stand and carrier. W<> hope that intending purchasers, who are perhaps thinking of buying a foreign-made machine' on account of price, will inspect the Triumph before doing this, remembering that the best is the cheapest in .the 'end. Triumphs are all British manufacture. Adams Ltd., The Arcade/Tiuiaru;,. :

Yesterday Captain Edwin advied as follows Northerly after 12 hours, strong winds to gale; glass fall soon; 'tides good; sea ciuisidcrable; rain, probably heavy." At the Main Witt u Show wliich opened yesterday. South Canterbury was third in the cheese 'competition, three cases of cre;tm Cheddar, with'9«> point:;. W aikouaitr was first (34); and : E'dCtulale atunti ',95 ; 2?. ' * At time of writing the weather outlook is promising for the Timaru Coursing Club's Bracelet nfeefing, which opens on the Plumpton at the racecourse at 1.30 this afternoon. The- entries are excellent. 59 dogs competing in the Indies' Bracelet, ft is hoped to get well through with tieopening roands to-day. so that the final tonrses for the Bracelet and an Op-n Stak+* c:»n be run to-morrow. A speciil train wi!T rnn out- from Timaru on Tlitir-'-dtty To-day tlitre will be plenty, of conveyances on the road to meet the demands of sportsmen. Ihe I'lumpton is in very good order, and a lot of strong hares haw recently been got front the Rangitata. They hive been thoroughly trained, and ate reported to- be well used to the escapes. Altocether the prospects of first-class sport are iiighly promising. There was a large attendance at the calling of the card la>t evening, -when Rosemead and Golden Days were the favonrities. At the annual meeting of the National Oairy Association held at l'attm n't-">n North Yesterday, it was shown that- till I turnover for the year had been of the value I of £56,000, with £216 8s 4d of a profit, fln his address the chairman (Mr J. M. ' Foreman) said that the executive held the opinion that the action of the re cenMy - fotmed Dairy Employers' Industrial Union would result in ait injury to the factory industry. A resolution w;is pas-ed urging up>n "the Government the advisability of again patting Mr Kirk's collection known as the Government Agricultural Museum, on, exhibition. It was resolved to ask theGovernment to appoint n dairy expert to examine and report upon the state of nutter and cheese on arrival in England; also s«. resolution asking the Government to apprrnt inspectors of milk supplies to factories. The b'eddon Memorial Committee had a vcrv enthusiastic meeting last evening. p ri "-_nt—Mr J. Holii-tin the chair;. Messrs F- Raymond, Schmidt, Mahoney. Holmes, Burmsler, Sattertliwaite. Finch. King; O'Donoghue, Waddell, and Beswick (secretary). The secretary notified that lie had received replies from tlie Mayor, Messrs Talbot. Flat-man, M.TT.R.. and Sir .W. J. Steward, M-H.R-. who had agreed to speak at the Bay to-morrow; and that ihe volunteers and cadets and the bands had air agreed to attend; Mrs F. Raymond had kindly consented to arrange about the collecting. It was decided that the committee meet at the Drillshed at 2.15 p.m.. and march with tber band? and volunteers to Caroline Bay. The reports received . from several country collectors were of a I very satisfactory nature. The secretary I was instructed to write to the Rugby I Union thanking them for postponing their matches. Messrs A. Wifson, G- L. Limbrick, and ■ Spurdon were addsd to the committee., Voluntary gifts were received from several old age pensioners of sum? ranging from 2s to 2s 6<T. • After a general discussion on routine matters?, the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to tlv* chairman.

The following are additional- ntbscriptipns to the Timant Seddon M-emorinl: —- R. H. Ferguson, £2 2s; Atlas Mill, £1 2s I 6d. Rev. R- Jackson, A. S. EUvonhy, L C. Brym\ F. J. Rolleston, S. G. RayI mond, £1 Is? each. J. E. Goodwin. W. I Gallon, F. Mitligan, £1 each. S. Mac- [ kenzie. 31. Werry, W. Wakefield. 31. ' OD-. F. Pratt, Mara Bros., 10s 6d each. I O'Toole and Nolan, A. J. King, W.S.F.S., G. Shepherd, W. J. Bardsley. 10s each. [ F. Knubley, W. Bolt, S. Anderson, D. Sfrcehan, P." Keenan, J. Tondnrw. W. "Bam, J. H. Dovlc. C. Jones, Mrs J. - Young. J. Medlicott, H. C. Dossett, J. S. Cliisholm, G. Butler, jun., W. Geaney, J. Bishop, H. Mathews, T. Douglni, Rev. > S. Hinson, J. Green, J. Stewart, G.G., G. Jackman, L. B. James?. F. Harvey. H. T. Powell, A. Collins. W. Burgees, J)avis> 5s •each. Wt Ross, D. Gnnn. J. • Pearson. 3s each. L. Freeman, Mi" GalWon, D- O'Neill. W. J. Dick. W. Burgess, fA. G. Askin. R. Allen, R. Irwin. R. Fra- / s-r, W. Bailey. F. Fiviyne, C. Pilkington, W. Habbard, J. I- Wilson. H. Welsh, W. H. Smith, J. Caskey. W. McKibbin, A. K. Agnew. B. But citer, J. M. Keane, ' A- P- Cameron. W. B. Andrew. W. Oborn, F. Adams. G. Beck. R. Cartwright, jun.. fW. Thomas. F. J. Dossett. F. F. Ham,mond. M. O'Connor, P- Dunn. D. Max- ' v.elf. J. Luck, J. O'Callagliafl. E.A.C.. T.W.. G.T.W.. S. M- Shrimpton. A.T.. L.L.F.R.. J.A.V.. D. Rentoul. J. A. Whit- ! tou. G. Scott. Mrs if. Niclioll. I W. Pnftick. C. K. West, J. Edwards. Mrs fJ. Sullivan, A.8.. J. 'Hall. E.W.F.. F.E.W., J. Hdl, F- Crossbie. Friend, H. Suttoq. J. .G- Bradley. H. Green. E.P.. ,JI Pearson. J- Burns. .T. C. Collins. J. Ward. I S. ,T. Greene. H. Dineen. G. Mill". W. Edyvean. Sympathism*. H. 'Mitchell. %- 6d t«uih. J. Sullivan, 'G. P<'ttigrew, J. Mc- ) Tntvre. A J. Stevens. Rev. .T. Wink*. J. Forno. R. Knox. M. Campbell. G. Gleddon. M. A. Soutliga-te. J. Thomas, R. Wat-field. Subscriber. J. Mo-Ken-aje. J.H.. 11. Ford. R. Cooivr. 2s pack H. 3raze, A. McPher-on. W. P»rdom. F. C Earl, four "friends" Is cadi. Unlike other h-eadaclie medicines. Stearns' Headache Cure flop* not cause the stupid droggy feeling. It always cures headaches." and is as refreshing as a night's good sleep. ...

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C.F.C.A. —St. Andrews stock sale, «>n Friday; entries for Tatters-all's, on SuturJ"? - - Sale at Chetnule —To-morrow, by fJuinnctis and LeCren and N.M. and A. Co. I N.M. and A. Co.—Sell timber and iron, on S-.tlurduy. CuiniKss and LeCren—-St. Andrews salt.-, Friday; clearing sale, 2(th inst. N-Z. L. and M.A. Co.—lmportant clearing sale, on 27ih inst. Webb and Ktmptliorne-—Six acres and house for sale. Kit-karris' Vaudeville Company—Special programme-. this evening. Lost—Qvtrc'Xit; tinder please- return to this office. Ashhurton. County ' Council —Invite tenders for lease- of tramway. E. A. Lt'Cren—Has house- to let. Hutton and Co. —" lb- ilt'ssage on sale. C.F.C.A., Wuimate —Want experienced ironmonger. Shr-e lost —Finder return to "Herald" ,* oftice. : James* hair tonic —Its- properties. at 2-. I .John )Iw and Son —Tartar King sred f oat on sale. I Seddon Memorial Committee. meet 2.15 to-morrow. Mcllroy and Turner—Notice of dissolution of partnership. Ballantyms—Smart millinery offering this week. Kirk pat rick and Co.—Purity and quality nf- K, jams. j J. W. Sout-er —Last- week of boot- and shoe sale. ; Ur Loughnan—Rooms, Loan Company's .Wanteds —T«n notices. Kiiltlings.

! llio Harrison Band will giro a concert in Alexandra, Square rotunda on Sunday afternoon nest. Tli • ihairinan of the Hospital Board yesterday said it would nr>t- do to turn tlie -water hom the septic tank at the lalbot Hospital on to the road. There would be trouble if they did. "Win*''' asked a member. " It's pure water i*n t it.' With regard to the competitions at the Rowing Club'K Bazaar, it has been arranged to receive good" for Lb? -sprays and buttonholes competition at the . Assembly Room:; up till 2 p.m. on the afternoon of £fh July. The phi cushion competition will comprise the most aitistic and the most original pin cushion, prizes bung given for each. A number of th" pri/.es for the Poultry Nnr.ietvY Art Union., and a silver tea set which i« ov. - of the pri/.c-s for points at iln show, are now on view in Mr F. C. Watson's window. The art union prizes iucludo a couple of oil paintings by Mis* K. Hooper. decorated mirrors, mounted picture-, lire screens, etc. At the ITawkes Bay (inn Club's meeting yesterday. the open handicap of 100 kovr "wa: won by 3D- W. A. Alexander, who killed tlie whole thirteen birds; M«r«rs 1,. Mac-kersey, J- F. Kelly. H. Jeiisni, .1. Reid. J. White, and -T. Whittle with twelve birds each divided the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th prizes. A handicap sweepstake was divided amongst Messrs Chcrseman, Bayley. McKinnon, King, R. J. Fleming, Kelly, and Teal, who killed ten birds each. At a meeting of young men, representative of all the Bible Classes in Timaru, held in Chalmers Hall on Monday evening, it was unanimously decided to form a branch of the Young Men's Christian Association in Timaru. Suitable rooms have be?n secured in Messrs Hunt and Werrv's buildings, facing the post office. Committees have b'.en appointed to raise the necessary funds, and arrange for the furnishing of the rooms. The various churches of the town are to be asked to join in hearty co-operation in this movement so far as they can. A further meeting to consider the constitution and rules will be held in the Y.M.C.A. "Rooms on Wednesday week, and it is- expected that the rooms will be opened shortly after that date. "TTot Water Bottles" of the very best qnalitv. These bottles are made of such strong and pure rubber, that we guarantee them to hold not only hot but boiling water and to keep doing it for -at least twelve months. Baxter's quality tells and ottr prices are: Bxlo. 7s 6d; Bxl2, bs 6d: Bxll. 9#t fid: 10x12, 30s. Complete with covers. Remember the very best quality and the very lowest, prices. Don't wait until the winter is half past, you might as well eujov tli© comforts of a hof-tle now. our stock is new. —J. Prescription Chemist. Theatre Buildings...

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13316, 19 June 1907, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13316, 19 June 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13316, 19 June 1907, Page 4