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In other columns, will be found the balance sheet of the District Fund of the Borough of Timaru for the year ended 31st March, 1907. In.the sheet will be found details of the general and other accounts of the Borough, which should be found of interest to every ratepayer.

The Geraldine County Council' notiify the ratepayers? ■ that meetings to consider the proposed £BOOO loan will be held in various places throughout the district' ort June sth.

The arrivals in the colony during'•; April numbered 2156, against 2599 for the same month last year. The departures totalled 3788, against 2878 for the corresponding month of the previous year.

The W.oodske Downs estate, in the Wyridham district., Southland, has been sold to two Canterbury buyers, who intend to cut it up. Inclusive of stock the-price runs into between £50,000 and £60,000.

The following additional subscriptions have been. received for the Seddon Memorial:—J. Ballantyne and Co. , £2 2s; F. J. Ilblleston, E. .Ward, T>. Mahoney, H. Kothwell, C. Newman, W. IT. Anderson, W. Penrose.: £1 Is each; G. Tennnnt, Ms 6d; D. Stuart, J. Murdoch, Thos. Pringle,. J. Shepherd, 10s each;' W. H. Williams, W. Kennedy. D. J. Caldwell, E, A. England, G. H.* Hedges, J. Workman, W*. Baxter,. Ck Hilton, 5s each; ' Sinrpsbii, 3s; J. Kempthorney E. Preen, Pamer and Kedzler, 2s 6d each; G. McXicohl, Is, total'£l6'lis; amount previously acknowledged £46 16s, total £63 17s.

'JMr Beswiek, Borough Overseer, was siiperintend'mg yesterday the commencement of <ui extension of the concrete drain from' Whale's' creek on the bench; A "Herald" reporter met him there ni low tide, and the inconvenience of the distance from the women's dressing shed to the ■water'at that state of the tide was discussed. Mr Beswiek stepped the distance —4ooft. He suggested that it'would'be a good thing to extend the little mole on which the. shed stands, say 150 ft., and shift the shed to the new end. Besides making the shed more convenient for women bathers, he considered that the lengthening of the mole would serve as a shingle trap and .prevent pebbles being drifted-further south along the sand. The mole is a,., mere shell of rubble filled with sand, and there is enough rubble on the. ground below the clay bank opposite, and now useless there, to'extend the mole.N

■ Ais was anticipated, the late heavy sea, made some alterations in Caroline Bay. A considerable addition was made to tha Sand deposits, and the wliole was smothered down to an even slops.from the explariacU to low water line. This line was shifted seaward a good deal alongside the north mole," and the lowest waves were running back : at, low tide yesterday to a point outside'of the new reclamation. At the west end a Jot more shingle was brought from the Wainiataitai Spit and piled up on the sand, a small quantity being carried further and spread thinly, over the sand as far a.s the band rotunda. An interesting result of the strong run of tha sea is to be seen in the pool behind the reclamation, in 'a quantity of sand drifted through the north mole. When sand came through in this way before the reclamation was begun, the range in the harbour spread, it out as fast-as it came through. The range being now" cut off, much of the sand remains in heap' beside the wall! .where it settled on reaching the still water of the pool at high tide.

You can do a suffering friend a kindly service by saying " Stearnes' : Headache Cure will'quickly Voire that headache"."' A trial will convince you if you have not yet used it yourself. ...

Th-3 sweated industries now on view in George street have attracted a considerable amount of attention froni people in all stations of life: but there is one thing that people should mind and that is at J. Reid's Boot Sale all the goods he sells are manufactured in union factories, where the best of tradesmen are employed, so if you want a real good pair of bo'oi-s at very reasonable prices visit this sale opposite Timaru Stables....

I "Nipped up." Do you feel that way this cold weather? Do you feel as though the cold penetrates your very soul? Tf so you may strengthen yourself to keep the cold out! Baxter's Orange Quinine Wine will give you ihti necessary help. It will feed your nerves, stimulate your appetite, and build up your strength. Don't give the chilblain'-; a chance to attack you. Create a good circulation by taking Baxter's Orange Quinine Wine, pud you will find you aro not so susceptible to the cold. Don't wait longer! Buy a bottle now, and (ake it regularly. Price, 2s 6d, only from J. Baxter, Chemist, Timaru. ... A CHALLENGE—£Sd OPEN FOR ONE . WEEK. Rumours having been circulated by unscrupulous people indirectly interested in the* motor trade by getting underhand commissions, that the Darracq and lie Dion motor cars are heavy on tyres and upkeep, the local agents of the famous and world renown cars now challenge any agent of other makes for £SO to ho donated to a Timaru charitable institute on the. following combined teste:—Weight of car, speed on the level, speed on hills with ii\*o list: passengers, petrol consumption, electricity consumption, lubricating oil consumption, and condition of tyres after a run from Timaiu to Invei'cargill and back ; the cars not to be over 12 h.p., twin cylinder, or 15 h.p. four cylinders. These are the points which aro most important to buj-ers of motor cars. The London Cab Syndicate have put all makes of cam to the', above tests and the final result was nn t:rder for 4000 Darracq cabs of the 10.13 h.p. typ\ ...

It is.staled that Messrs Wright. Stephenson, and Co. the well-known Otago and Southland auctioneers, intend starting business in Timaru shortly.

Mr J. Shawl' who is strioudy ill. underwent a most painful operation last r-un-dav. He improved eonsideiaby up to Wednesday evening, but had a relapse early vesU-rdav. ' Last however. ha-wa* reported to be again improving.

The turnip ml which at one tune threatened to destroy winter feed has matte practically no further progress during the Lt month. No donbt the colder weather prevailing of late has kept, it in check and it is now safe to say that no further damage to the turnip crop will take place before the turnips are eaten oft in the ordinary conrse.

Th- model of the Timaru Harbour sent to th- Exhibition, said Mr Craigie yesterday, lacked i.-ne thing; that was a shnple label in black and white: ' lnis is Timaru harbour as it is." Many people «aid the Mayor, wer? ■Tiwkr tlie imi>rtssicn that it was a piece of fancy work. a dream of the futnre, like the model ot the Christclrareh ship canal in t4ie North Canierborv Court.

Dr Eric Marehant. M.8., N.Z. University, now a past-graduate student- at tne London Hospital. Whiteehapel road has passed the British examination qualifying for-M.R.C.S.. L.R.C.P. The out-patient department at the hospital fe sometimes as many as. IoQQ ? ut daily are attended to. while in addition there are nearly ICOO beds occupied by patients.

Mr Alpers. in conducting the prosecution rfa. shfep-trespass ease J^^JJ «™ witness a farmer, how it was that Ke/STS been warned for luting'his £ P wander over the railway, the offence had not been repeated. Witnes, had just stated that;* keep sheep off the line, but the irnpor {St adnnWon" lost, when witness satd he had not driven any sheep since the warning.

At the m-eting over the South CanterTHv yesterday the Mayor mentioned XSF there S have to be six or seven housed P "i spent on drainage «£ for Tfciaru within a, few years, and, le toSSSie excellent, rough^pottery made for the Exhibition from Kakabn clay. l»e .XeJted that a syndicate should be fSd to undertake.the the pipes locally- Mr H. B Kirk, wno mesant, remarked that he would bs with any .syndicate and the remark was received with applause.

Mr Crai<ne, at the Exhibition meeting veSxday ° specially thanked Mr John as chairman ot the Geraiaane oSSS Council, for giving other chairmen a" lead in voting funds for the South Serbuxy Bay. Mr Talbot, in acknowthanks, said Mr Craigie had «Shhn the doubtful honour of pjaymg tbTJart of the "Judas Iseanots," the pet sheep which led the lambs to the slaughter at the freezing works. Mr Craigie rephed that that was an incorrect view Mrlaifaot had led others to their benefit not to their injury.

■Xn object lesson in how not to lay underground drains is afforded by a drain dug up and xdott at the corner of Woollcombe street. pipes were laid many years ago from the cellar oi the- building now occupied by -Mr Hicgins. to take water away- from a motor used to drive a *maU dynamo. Th„ dram has been practically out of use for a long time, but bv picking up some leakage from a street sump it has become packer with day, because the were laid without, cement in the joints. It was a deep dram, ana the relaying is involving a giwu deal of awkward work. Workmen employed on the job suggest that if the pipes had been surrounded with shingle they would net have become choked.

The well-known firm of Randrap Bros, may still be found in 1 the same place, but not with the same machines. They are just now preparing to receive a large shipment, 1907 models, of Randrup Popular, Centaur, and Premier machines. It would pay you to drop in for a chat. ...

"Do ib now." That is. if yon wish to he rid of vour corns, buy a bottle of Baiter's Ruby Corn Cure. The latest scientific remedy for the relief and cure of "all kinds of "corns. It is easy to use and certain to ctire. Corns of many years standing soon fall victims to its treatment. Evervone -who has used it speaks in praise of Ruby Corn Cure—it is the only preparation which will cure you of corns quickly and painlesslr. Remember! it cures! One shilling past free only from J. Baxter, chemist, Timarn. ... IMITATION. Only, good goods, good firms, and wellknown trade-marks are worth imitating, and most of our competitors are suffering with the imitation disease pretty bad just now. A bicycle tyre advertised as good English does "not make it a Dunlop, nor good roller chains make them Renolds, nor celluloid mudguards guarantee the purchaser that thev are Bluemel's. Best quality saddles at* give-away prices does not signify that they are Brooks', and good gas lamps at islaughter prices do not mean Rkmann's Phenomenon. This is not our method of doing business. We are the best firm in Timaru, and specially advertise the manufacturers of all cycle goods sold by us. We have told the public ,iime and time again that we do not sell the " just as good " cycle sundries, but the real thing. We are still quoting Riemann's Phenomenon gas lamps, 1907 model, at 10s 9d; Renolds' roller chains 9s, and Alfred Appleby roller chain 5s 6d; Bluemel's celluloid mudguards 5s 9d pair; Swedish carbide, 6d lb tin: Outfits. Is siie, 6d each; solution. Is tube, 6d; inner tubes, Clipper, 3s 6d; burners, 6d: lamp glasses, 6d; free wheels, Crabbe 8.5.A., 7s 6d: Bluemel pumps. Is 6d. Everydav a bargain day at our store. Quality is "our test of valua: shop with us. Adam> Ltd., The Arcade, Timaru. ... SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.Z. L. and M.A. -Co.—Point stock sale on Mondav. Gerrk- and Co.—Sell land. live stock. pickle* and sauces, etc.. to-morrow. Qtago F. C Association—Whiter horn* bazaar, on 6th and 7th June.

C. Jonas and Co.—large sale of furs, to-morrow.

C.F.C.A. —Entries for Tittersall's, morrow.At Begg's—Prices of three harmoniums. J. G. Cowan —D'etaife. of waterproofs. Oeraldine County Council—Proposal to rajw loan.

Bank holiday —In Timaru on Monday next.

At Bowi.:'s—New dainty for breakfast table.

T. and J. Thomson —Prices of well-s?-lt-cted headwear. J. T). King—Notice rn accounts owing. Adam-* and Co.— Havo lost millinery box. ' .J. P.. Bruce, and Co.— mill for -.; de: also carrier's b&sines«. fernohan, McCahon and Co.—A soothing dainty. •J. O'Rourke —Jn'.t tended best hats and caps. Mrs K. Smith —Prices of Filbert and Walnut butter. 11. G. Grahime—Has Maori reserve to let. '

Wanteds—Eight notices,

\ Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows:— *• Northerly moderate to strong winds; after ,20 hours glass fall; t-id<-» niof!.-rate ; sea "moderate."

Th- railway fence from Melville Hill to Whale.- creek viaduct is in many places in a tumble down condition, and no credit to the Railway Department. The* Borough Council however cannot with a good grace ask thy department to repair it, for the Borough footpath beside is in even ivors-? condition.

In a case before th? Stipendiary Magistrate yesterday, a witness stated that the defendant in the ea>:' asked another witness how he dared to speak to him. Mr Alpers asked whether the defendant was an important personage in the district. since\ he was. not to be spoken to by a ganger, to which witness replied that he was a civil spoken man.

The banks in will b? closed on Monday nest —Prince of Wales' birthday. Th-?. following team, of the Rawhiti Hockey Club have b?-rn .-elected to proceed to Cliristclmrch by first express to-day to play the wrious Christehurch Clubs:—Forwards, X. Matherson, V. Caldwell, B. MeOahon. K. Buckingham, and F. Prinele : half backs, M. Hole. M. Fraser. fend M. Wea-ther-head : threeouarter backs, D. Prinale. and E. McHtitehr-son: goalk-e-r-.ptr. ~G. Beckingham: emergencies, G. Wood and K. Beckingham.

Tlie following handicaps have been declared for the Timaru Oun Club's pigeon match to be held on Mondaj- next, .June 3rd. shooting to commence at 11 a.m. :- W. J. Sapwell, W. H. Allen,- P. Wederell, E. Butchers. W. Stephens junr.. 22yds: F. W. Mcllwrick. " Screw Gun,'* J.*R. Wederell. B. Burgess. W. A\ Coles. T. Rainev. L. A. Shaiid. W. N. Jones, 23yds; '-Vulcanite," E, J. Smith, F. I.enton, A. Gardiner, D, Young, ''Jerry," Jackson." 24yds; T. Chambers. P. Mason. F. G. Frampton, Ml. M. Roseingrave. W. King, 25yds: *' Bruce," "B. 5.A.," 27j-ds: J.'*A. Graham, A. E. Benn (awaiting performances/.

The " Weekly Press'' lias just issued a special "industrial and commercial" number of 20 pages* nearly all occupied with photo-prints, two or three bits from each of the four centres, and a selected small or large view of over seventy different towns. Timaru is represented by a full view of the, harbour (rather empty Inking that day), and by pictures of the mills and woollen factory. Temuka and Geraldine have their ! t and Holme station and Blueeliffs homesteads appear in an advertisement; page as scenes of some electrical work.. A few words of descriptive text is attached to each picture. The price of the number is 2s.

The Rosewill School social was held last Friday evening and proved very successful. >eptwithstanding the threatening aspect of the- weather the room was crowded, visitors being present from as far round as Fairlie and Waimate. The Committee's arrangements were very complete. The music was supplied by Messrs Coffee Bros, (violin), and Goodall (piano). Mr A. McC'onnell was M.C. Miss King sang two- songs, which were much appreciated, and Mr King entertained the company at intervals with selections on the gramophone. Mr Armour gave an amusing rendering of "I happened to be there." The refreshments, which were on an unusual liberal scale, were presided over by Mesdames King and Cadwallader, who left nothing undone which micht add to the success of the gathering. The company broke up at 2.50 a.m.. all well satisfied.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13300, 31 May 1907, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13300, 31 May 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13300, 31 May 1907, Page 4