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SEVEN-A-SIDE TOURNAMENT. Patron, M- Jonas, Esq.; president, F. C- Watson; tournament committee, Messrs F. C. Watson, W. T. Maben, W. T. Carlton, W. Drake; hon treasurer, Mr C. F. Collins; hon secretary, Mr W. A. Hurdley; timekeepers, Messrs F. C- Watson, W. J. Cotterill, D. Mahoney; team team stewards, Messrs J- Conlan, H. Kennedy ; blackboard steward, Mr W. A. Pearson; controller of events, Mr W. J. Cotterfll. The fine morning after the heavy rain on Thursday, was a scarce of general satisfaction to all interested in the seven-a-side tournament, and the -weather indications pointed to a fine day. Nor were expectations in this direction disappointed, . and until tie last hour or so, when a cold breeze sprang up, the weather conditions were all that could be desired. The playing ground was very floppy after the rain, and this made the ball very greasy, so that gloves were much used. By 1 o'clock the ground had dried a good deal, and the later games were all very fast. The attendance during the morning was somewhat small, but spectators were arriving till nearly 3 o'clock, when there! were probablvj 2000 present. From a spectator's point of view, the football was most interesting. Very few games were decided on the first two spells, several running into five spells, and all were stern contests. The play was also very even, the score in one match only reaching double figures, while several "games, including the junior final, were won by half a point. As usual two spells of five minutes were allowed for each match, and a margin of five minutes was also made. Considering that many of the matches exceeded the allotted number of spells, the fact that the tournament was concluded only half an hour late, speaks well for the management. In addition to teams from the local clubs, several outside clubs sent forward representatives, and all the medals were won by outside clubs, the senior falling to Waitaki High School (Oamaru), the junior to Southern Cross (Ashburton) and the third to Waimate. The matches in which Waitaki played afforded an opportunity of witnessing good passing. The Waitaki men showed themselves excellent in this respect, and the way in which ithe ball passed over the field from hand to hand, was a source of wonderment to the onlookers. The play of the local teams was on the whole .good, with the exception of their passing ; speed, tackling, and kicking were all of a high order. The tournament officials carried out their duties excellently, and the tvent passed off without the slightest hitch, while there was also an almost total absence of accidents on the field, tlis- most serious being the " knocking-oat' of a line-umpire. The Marine Band were in attendance and played a number of elections during the afternoon, while tha catering arrangements were carried out by Mr J. H. Rodcers to the satisfaction of all. The officials all did their utmost to make the tournament successful, and no smalt amount of praise is due to Mr W - A. Hxtrdley who carried out the onerous duties of secretary with zeal and tact.

SENIOR. Fixst Round. Star v. Waitaki High School (Referee. Mr G. Strachan). —Waitaki kicked off, and held the ball on Star's 25 during the opening stages of the game. Star then worked down to Waitaki's end, and _ time was called. On changing over Waitaki again put Star on the defensive, and got the ball close to their opponents' Tine. R. Ongley ran in and scored, but failed to add the major points, Waitaki 3, Star From a scrum near midfield, the ball went out. and ended the spell, leaving Waitaki winners by 3 points to nil. Tiiuara v. Pirates *. tßefene, Mr llekan). —Pirates kick-.-d off, : u d Tirr.aru rushed up the line. Davey »U>j.p* 1 the attack. Y. Scott }ut in a g--id run ip the line, but Ms p.t-s v,a.« raissed, •' i.«: Pirates cnrris.l he tvt'l awa>-, aid L-M play in Timaru's territory tilt j':>t on the end of the spell, when ~ Y..;ru broke through. Pirates stepped the atte-npt by a strong run, whieh was m torn stojped by Mollison throwing Davey out. On changing ends, Pirates again attacked and the whole spell was a sample of hard play vith the advantages ve,ry evenly divided. Pirates took play into Timam'* 25. on resuming for third spell and Timaru were penalised. Continuing, a tight position was relieved by a free-kick for Timaru, and shortly afterwards Pirates-wt re again penalised. Play of an open character near midfield closed the third spell. Pirates were allowed a free-kick on resumins but only gained a couple of yards thereby. A short spell of tight work on the half line ensued, until a good run by Davey took play into Timaru's 25. Several line-outs: followed, and Pirates getting the ball. Davis got through and scored. Pirates 3, Timaru nil. Second Round.

Pirates B. r. Waitaki (Referee. Mr Walker). —Waitaki attacked strongly, and a force followed. Waitaki returned t<> the attack, and from a splendid passing rnjsh by ITttley, R. Ongley and Mwlloy. the latter scortd. Chijzley converted. Waitaki 5, Pirates nil. On resinning Pirates pained a free-kick and Waitaki marked. A scram at half way followed, and Waitaki found the line at Pirate's 25. and v. i ■ -rivr.* time was called. On i hanging ends Waitaki again placed Pirates in a tight position., and R. Ongley

from a pass from Chisholm scored easily. The kick failed, Waitaki 8, Pirates nil. Within a few seconds Chisholm registered a further score, and Ongley converted, Waitaki 13, Pirates nil. From the kickoff Chisholm took the ball, and passed to Potter, who ran round and scored. R. Ongley added the additional points, and the spell closed, Waitaki 18, Pirates nil. This was the only game in which double figures were reached, and South Canterbury footballers witnessed an exhibition of good passing, and what can be done when free use is made of it. The game was almost a run-over for Waitaki, whore combination and -passing simply eclipsed anything of the kind on the side of their opponents. Final.

Waitaki v. Pirates B. (Referee, Mr G. Strachan). —Pirates kicked-off and from a frea-kick for off-side, Waitaki carried the game into Pirates 25. ' This advantage was soon lost and Pirates put Waitaki on the defensive. From a scrum on the 25, Pirates got the- ball, and Waitaki marked. A force by Waitaki ended the first spell. Waitaki had Pirates defending from the firj'i, and about three minutes after starting R. Ongley scored and converted, Waitaki 5, Pirates nil. Another strong rush by Waitaki was stopped by a free-kick. Pirates then assumed offensive tactics, and had gained some ground when rime was called. Waitaki 5, Pirates A. nil. The Waitaki team consisted of G. H. Uttley, R. C. Ongley, D. S. Chi-holm, M. and A. Ongley, L. Potter, and C. Mollov.

JUNIOR. First Round. Timaru A v. .Star (Referee, Mr C. F. Collin?). Timaru kicked off, and got' a free-kick near the 25, and took a shot ai goal, which failed. A scrum in front of the posits followed and Star got the ball, but were forced back, and marked. Griffiths got a good lead with the ball at his foot, but Timaru's full-back saved and Star forced. Half-time ended with no score: From the kick off the ball went out at half way, 1 and two minutes of play on Stars 25 followed, where Timaru marked, and carried play down the field. Star regained Timaru's 25, and time sounded with no score. On resuming. Star got a free kick from a pass forward, and found the line on the 25, but failed to keep their position, and Timaru carried play into Star's 25. Timaru got the ball from a scrum on the line, and Cox saved by marking, and a moment afterwardsrepeated the performance. A line out close on the line followed and Star got away, this ending the third spell without any point 3. A minute after resuming, Timaru. got a free'kick, and Harold found the line near the corner. Griffithes gotaway, and Star got a free kick at half way for a " held ball." Play returned to Star's 25, and Griffiths started a dribbling rush, which earned play to Timaru's line. Tirfie sounded shortly aiterwards; Timaru got away from a line-out-, and Smith ended a very exciting game by scoring. Timaru 5. Star, nil. Celtic B v. Timaru B (Referee, Mr J Thompson).—Timaru kicked off, and Celticforced. Celtic held play on Timaru's 25 for a couple of minutes, and Timaru forced. Timaru then put Celtic on the defensive, and a force followed. The first spell ended without any points on either side. Free kicks were exchanged, and Mayo broke away and scored between the posts, Stiachey converting. Timaru 5, Celtic nil. Celts carried play into Timaru's 25, and a force followed. Time then sounded, leaving Timaru winners by five to nil. Celtic A v. Pirates (Referee, Mr H. Walker). —Celtic kicked off, and * force by Pirates followed. Play centred on Celtics' 25 and Pirates marked on the half line, Wade marking the kick. From the kick-off of the second spell, Celtic got a free kick near-their own 25, and from the subsequent line out, Celtic carried play into Pirates' quarter. A scrum followed, and Celtic broke away, but the score was prevented by the ball going dead. Celtic continued the attack, and Pirates were penalised. Sullivan took a shot at goal, but failed and time sounded. Celtic worked down to the corner, but, lost their position through a kick behind. The game was finished by Pirates forcing, giving Celtics the win by i a point. Geraldino v. Fairlie (Referee, Mr G. Strachan).—Geraldine kicked off, and by the end of half a minute each side had forced once. Fairlie got- the ball from a serum on Geraldine 25. but Geraldine carried the game right down the field. Fairlie relieved by good kicking, and Geraldine returned the ball 'to the Fairlie's territory. and the whistle sounded. Fairlie had Geraldine on the defensive for the first three minutes, the position being relieved by a force. The third upell was very fust, and the advantages were very slight on either ;>ide. and Manaton ended by scoring in fine style from nearly half way. Fairlie 5. Geraldine nil. Albury v. Cricklewood (referee, Mr J. Deans.)— This game opined fast and willing. Albuiy having something of an advantage. and tlie first spell endad without .-•ny points on either side. On returning. Corbett scored for Albury and no go.u resulted. Play centred for some time until at last- Albury again got away, and Irvine scored. Time was immediately called, leaving Albury victors by 6 points to nil. Linwood v. Southern Cross (lvferee. Mr Cook). —Play went up and down for the whole of the first spell, without any great advantage to either side. The teams were very evenly balanced, and the first three

minutes of the second spell were occupied by lii-.T work at half-way. Cross then got away, and from n line-out at the 25, Sogers scored near the corner. The kick failed, and time was called. Cross 3, Linwood, nil.

Second Round. Waimate v. Timaru (referee, Mr H. Walker). —Tim ato kicked off and after a short spell of play at midfield, Duckett broke away from a scrum at half-way, and ran through and scored in fine style. The ball struck the post, \\aimati 3, Timai'u, nil. Waimate placed Timaru in a, tight position, which was relieved by a free-kick, and time sounded. From a line-out, Timaru's backs started a passing rush, which was stopped by Duckett, who kicked down the field to the line. Sinclair followed up and scored, and Duckett converted. Waimate 8, Timaru, nil. Waimate continued the attack and stopped all attempts on Timaru's part to scoie. Timaru B v. Celtic A (referee, Mr C. F. Collins). —Timaru had Celtic on the defensive for the first two minutes, when Celtic took the play right down the field with a strong dribbling rush. Kirby took the ball from O'Brien's kick, and raced for the line, but was floored by Strachey. The whistle sounded a moment afterwards. Open play at midfield opened the second spell, when Kirby got away and scored. Sullivan, converted. Celtic 5, Timaru, nil. On resuming play, Celtic started another dribbling rush, and 0. Sullivan scored. The kick failed and time was called. Celtic 8, Timaru, nil. Fairlie v. Albury (Referee, Mr H. Bennetts).—Fairlie kicked off, and, after a few seconds play, Albury forced. Play returned to. midfield, whence Fairlie carried the ball up the field, and scored. This) ended the first spell, and from a line-out at the re-coiiimencejment of play, Albury carried the ganie into their opponents' quarter. A few seconds line work followed, when an Aibury man made a strong run from half way, but was grassed before reaching .the line. A free kick followed, and another unsuccessful attempt to score was made, and time was sounded. Albury opened the third spell in Fairlie s 25, and gained a mark near half way. After a short period of fairly exciting play, without any score,. time was called. jJui'mg the fourth spell, play was again very last and even, and was carried backwards and forwards from one end of the field to the other. Just as the, spell closed Fairlie kicked over the line, and Carroll touched down,- Fairlie 3, Albury nil. Third Round.

(southern Cross v. Waimate (Referee, Mi' Cook).—Cro:-s kicked off, and forced Waimate down the field. - Waimate worked up to 'Cross's 25, and were there penalised. By the end of the spell, play had returned to half way without score.. Waiuiate had the advantage of the first part of tha second spell, the hull being kept within Cross's Itvr try. From a mark by Adams from a line-out Waimate worked down to the corner, and Cross relieved by forcing, and time was called. The* third sjjell wa-i another specimen of imeventftti play, until just on time when Cross made a strong rush for the line, but were penalised for holding the ball. This closed the third spell, and the fourth spell continued fast and willing, and iSouthern Cross by hard kicking and following up, crossed the line, and Waimate forced, Cross £ point, Waimate nil. Celtic A. v. Fairlie (Referee, Mr J. Deans). —Fairlie attacked throughout, and near the end of the spell Manaton scored behind the posts; Carroll converting. Fairlie 5, Celtic nil. Shortly after the kick off, Fairlie forced. Celtic continued the attack, and Fairlie drove them down thu field. The spell closed Fairlie 3, Celtic nil.

Final. Fairlie v. Southern Cross (Referee, Mr He-lean). —Fairlie kicked oft', and the bail went out at Cross's 25. Play was confined to this quarter for a couple of minutes, when Cross got a free kick, and found ihe line at half way. Cross carried the ball by a dribbling rush to the 25, and time was called. Froin the kick oil', Fairlie rushed play down to Cross's 25, hut were there penalised. h-sgers put in a good run up to Fairlie's 25, where he was collared. / The rest of the spell was mostly in Fail-lie's 25, .and time was called without any score. After a couple of minutes of fast work, i»I ■ \»-e»uie s::or:-d for Southern Cross, le£-.vinp this v inner.s of the junior c>«:» l i.'i:i,uin Ly 3 ron-u: to nil. Tha folio vng the wmi in;.; te.uii : —M. Segers, 1). W: Mack-wie, R. Simpson, H. Snut'i, O Mi:;; If. Hepburn.

THIRD GRADE. First Round. Star v. Zingari (Referee, !Mr G. Strachan). —Zingari kicked off and - play went to their 25, and a force resulted. The first spell ended without any score. From the kick off play hovered about the half line, the advantage being slightly with Star. Star took a shot at goal from a. free-kick at. half way, but failed to register any points. Star continued the attack, but the second spell also ended without any score on either side. After about two .minutes play, Zingari broke away from a scrum at half way, and Star forced, giving the win to Zingari by £ point to nil.

Higli School v. Timaru (Referee, Mr W. X-ewton). —School kicked off and kept Timaru in their own 25 for a couple of minutes, when Timaru were penalised. Fraser got away for School, but failed to pass out, and a, good chance was lost. Timaru got a mark, and found the line at ha!f-w:iv, whence Dalgleish got away for Timaiu, arid Serpell forced. Time sounded with no score. . From the kick off, play went to Timaru's 25, and from a line-out at half way, School marked A good passing rush by School was spoiled by wing mulling. ' G. Fraser got away and scored right between the posts, the kick failed.—School 3, Timaru, nil. School again attacked, Timaru forced. Warring stopped a rush from a line-out and the whistle sounded. School 3, Timaru. nil.

Celtic v. Geraldine (referee, Mr H. G.' Bennetts). —Geraldine got a free kick, and found the line at the half line. Celtic attacked strongly for a couple of minutes, when the position was slightly relieved by a dribbling rush. Celtic returned to the attack, and Clarke scored, the kick failing, and this ended the first spell. Celtic 3, Geraldine, nil. The second spell was opened with a short period of play about midfield, when Celtic again broke away, and Fitzgerald scored. Celtic 6, Geraldine, nil, and time sounded a minute affcei-wards with Celtic still hard at the attack. Celtic 6, Geraldine, nil. Linwood (Christchurch) v. Southern Cross (Ashburton), (referee, Mr J. Helcan). —The first spell was fairly-even, Linwood being kept for the most of the time on the defensive. Time was called without. any score. For a. minute or so. Southern Cross were kept in their own 25, and then attacked from a line-out. Clarke scored and converted. .Southern Cross 5, Linwood, nil. Play centred about midfield for the remainder of the spell. Hagerty scoring again for Cross on the call of time. Southern Cross 8, Linwood, nil.

■Second Round. Fairlie v. Zhigari (referee, Mr W. Newton). —Zingari carried tlie game down to Fairlie's line, and after a minute's play in that locality Fail-lie carried the ba'l to Zingari's 25, where Stager marked. Ton s-conds latr'r, Fairlie marl-red v.-ithin few yards of ilia 25, and the l>all went, out shortly afterwards, and time then sounded. Z'ligan opened the s-cmd spell •vvirli a. strong attack, and - fi '-"i ;i fen- )n'l.' took ;i shot, at poal. The kick failed, but Darroeh rushed in and /touched down, and converted. Zingari 5, Fairlie, nil. Time then sounded. Waimate v. High School (referee, Mr D.

Hodgers).—The School kicked off and play went to Waimate's territory, but did not remain there long. Waimate broke away and took play to the opposing 25, but the school again came to the attack, and when the spell ended play was centred with no score. On resuming. both teams made hard attempts to score, Waimate having slightly the better of the play. From a scramble Waimate scored and time was called with Waimate 3, High School, nil.

Tliird Round. Zingari v. Waimate (referee, Mr J. Thomson). —Zingari kicked off and kept play in Waimate's territory for the first spell, Waimate breaking away as the gong sounded. After about three minutes play in Zingari's half of the field, Waimate was allowed a free kick, and took a shot at goal, which, however foded. Waimate carried the ball up the field with a dribbling rush, and scored a rather doubtful try on the edge of the grass. Waimate 3, Zingari, nil. ~ Southern Cross v. Celtic (referee, Mr JJ. M. Rodgers). Shortly after the commencement of the game, Celtic were allowed a free kick. Jennings took a snot, which failed, and Cross forced. I lay at midfield ensued, and the spell was closed with a mark by Jennings. The second spell was opened with a short period of even play near the half-line, when Celtic broke away, and Clarke scored. The kick failed. Celtic 3, Cross, ml. Hagerty for Cross made a good run from halfway, but was collared. Cross made several goo attempts to score, but inability to pass, and superior tackling rendered their endeavourV abortive, and the game end«d. Celtic 3, Cross, nil. Final. Waimate v. Celtic (Referee, Mr Ben-netts).-Celtic kicked off, and Waimate forced for a couple of minutes. Celtic attacked strongly, and a force down followed. Celtic continued the attack against a determined defence, when Waimate gained a free kick. Play near W aimato's 25 ended the first .spell. In the st-.cond spell Waimate turned the tables, Celtic being driven back to the defensive. Several line-outs at the comer followed, and Celtic forced, and half a minute later forced again. They then took play down to the 25, and the whistle went. From the kick-off Celtic ' continued their attack. Waimate worked the Celts down to half way, bub were forced back, and gained a free kick. A line out followed, and Celtics marked. The third spell ended without score. ■ Waimate took the game up to within a few yards of the line and Celtic were compelled to force, Waimate thus winning the competition by half a point. The teams were very evenly balanced, both as legards weight and speed, and the game was a very liard-fought one. The following is the winning team :—W Hendry, W. Sidemove, D. Hendry, J. Symon, J. Brien, H. Brown, D. Svmon.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13295, 25 May 1907, Page 6

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FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13295, 25 May 1907, Page 6

FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13295, 25 May 1907, Page 6