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HEARNE'S CURE THE FAMOUS REMEDY fOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHB®4j AND CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers ■ from any form of Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it as it effects a Comp Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving streDgthto.the voice, andit' neither allows a Cough or Asthma; to become chroriic, nor Consump to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated, with this medicine. No house should be without Is, as,.taken a the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. l > ■ trsctiaj H-air- ir ue r that every disease has its commencement, -■".■ OF COUGHS I AND consumption is no exception to this rule. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Sydney Resident Suffered for Over Sixty Years. So. bad he dared not stirJ . Relieved in a few minutes by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. ; Would give £SO for the same' benefit rather than suffer. - Mr W. G. Ilearne. '■■■-,■ D>.ar Friend, —Chronic Bronchitis ■ I had from birili, and I am now 66 years old. Some time back I contracted Asthma','and fpr months I was so .'bad that "any remedy that had previously rolieved smothering was use to me. 1 was so bid that I dared not stir, and spent the worst night I ever ha I. When in a conversation, Mr. M.irch, J.K, p£ Baimai'n, Sydney, kindly told me that a. lriend of his was using your Bronchitis Cure, ami that it.\va= good. So my sister bought nie a bottle ot" it, and in a- few minutes after taking the dose I could breathe a little. The nest day I vvas better, and. kept, getting better every day. To-day I am be.ter than I have been for. the laft seven years I took the medicine' as directed, six bottle.;, and it cost me "less than £l. I would give •, £SO . for the . same beneiit rather than ■■ suffer as 'I did. Please make what Use ot thi's letter yon' think : fit. , If by so dotn* it would only cause one to get rid of this fearful complaint.—Yours faithfully, WILLIAM CANIIAM. igS Curtis Road, Balmain, Sydney. BRONCHITIS. A Sydney Stock and Share Broker expresses Gratitude.and Appreciation,of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. It Proved a Most Effective . Remedy for a Severe Attack of Bronchitis. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,-I lately had a severe.attack of Bronchitis, and, acting on the advice of a friend, obtained a' supp-y of your Bronchitis Cure. I a'ui' pleased to inform you it has proved a most effective remedy,-causing me to )eel grateful to you for furnishing such a valuable medicine to the public. May you meet with the success' you so well deserve. I place this communication at your, service, and remain, Dear Sir, yours faithfully, \ HENRY FRENCH, -:. Stock and Share HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. Its Efficacy .in Chest Complaints Testified to by a Grateful Victorian. Mr. \V. G.', Hearne., Dear Sir, —I have much pleasure in 'adding tny . testimony in v -praise- of yuur invaluable Bronchitis Cure. I have used it for'the last 'three "or;four years, and its efficacy I Jiave l'ul-y proved'in c~mnu,ri colris; severe colds', cronpy, coughs, and other . similar chest com- , plaints. I have, given it io infants a few weeks oi l, yoting chi.dren and adults of all ages, and liaOe neyer known it,to fail in relieving; at once, and rapidlv effecting a cuie with a few doses. . I have recommended it to many .or my- friends, and tliev have fully proved its wonderful curative propel ties. I feel ve-y grate';ul : to you for a chest medicine so valuable, and cheap enough to be , Hvai'able to anyone. ' Trusting its present: popularity and sales will be doubled, I am. yours very gratefully, -EDWARD JONES. Mount Bruno,- Mokoan, via Glenrowaii, Vic, ASTHMA. A Five Years' Case. - At times very bad indeed. ""i (Quickly and completely Cured by Hearne's : Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—For live or six years I was, troubled with asthma, at times .very bad indeed. I was very, i 1.1. Just-after. Christmas, .so sent to the local chemist for a' bottle of.'yo'ut Bronchitis and - Asthma Cure. I took the first, dose on'going to bed,''"and was not troubled that night. I finished the medicine, and have not had a touch v of the- asthma since: ! tell -everyone about it. ■ i M.. MURRAY, . Postmistress, PampoOlah,. Manning River, N.S.W.1 HAY ASTHMA. A Severe .Attack Relieved in iTen Minutes by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Theieffect was wonderful. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—About three weeks ago, while iii the vicinity of'musty chaff", I gradually felt'a 'difficulty: to breathe. ;My hose besan- to -run, and to al. ■ appearancesl wasv devefoping a severe, attack., of. Bronchitis or-Asthma. At last I could stand it no longer. • I- then tried your Bronchitis Cure, and its effect was wonderful. In' less tnan; ten, minutes I was all. right! again. : Such .a result, and. so quick,/astounded me. This is no exaggeration, l am pleased .to say.—Yours tin y. S; H. MAYO, J.P., ' . ■ , Meredith, Victoria. Nj NB MONTHS SUFFERING. Relieved, by one dose of Hearne's Ifronchitis Cure, and cured by two bottle^.., Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l wish to add my testimony to the.. wonderful effect' of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for riine months and the cough ;was so distressingly bad at, nights I was obliged to get up and sit by the fire. I had medical advice, and. tried other rejuedies,. without avail. I tried yours, and never had-a'-fit of coughing' after taking' the. : .fit'st dose, and though I have had but two bottles, I feel I am a-differ-ent man, and the cough,has,-vanished. You may depend ugon my making known the efficacy' of your wonderful remedy to anyone I see aifilicted. — Y;ours:faithfully,:-■■■ •. v.-JAMES "ASTBURY. Dergliolm, Victoria. ASTHMA 25 YEARS. Immediately relieved by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. '■ Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear' Sir.—l have b§en a martyr to'.Asthma for.about 25 years and'baVe tried alindst all kiVown reinedies'Tor the complaint and have been under, the treatment of leading physicians throughout.the. Australian btates. I determined, to try 110'more,'''but: let nature take its course. Two years ago I was asked to try}your Asthma Cure, but laughed at th'e idep. However, by the persuasion ot •a very old weeks ago I commenced'the first bbttle ; of your 'treatment. • Almost immediately I found that ;i had: made a mistake by not taking it be:fiJre; !,f: am n<?w .abp.ut half-Yyay thrpngh.the second. bottle, 1 and so inuch do I' feel "relieved that I take this .opportunity of sending this testimonial a:ong for yo.n to "maker- whatever.use, yqu.'itiay. think fit,' T intend continuing your treatment, and I trust that before I have finished the third bottle I shall be able to write to you ; that .1 ani perfectly cured. I am pleased; 1 to say'the eflect has been wonderful. Yours very gratefully. PHIL. HaNN, . _ : , 33 Camden St., Balaclava, Victoria, ' CONSUMPTION. Patient Recovering. Mr. W. G. Hearne,V Dear s^ir.—We. purchased some time ago 12 bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, and can unhesitatingly say thSt it lias g.veil great •re.iet from the intolerable throat irritation-that my daughter experienced. Previous to using the Broil-' chitis Cure she would have two or three attacks nigltt.y, but nowshe can sleep throiigh the night, and on wakening simply: clears her, throat from phlegm. She had a sight attack of; Consumption, but seeuis to. be recovering,, though of .course slovyly. Yours gratefully, G. MACKIE, ■ •- Kiamata, New Zealand. BRONCHITIS. An English Lady so ill that the Doctor held but no hope. Was given ; Hearne's Bronchitis Cure,; and it effected a Complete Recovery. Mr. Hearne. Dear Sir,—Not long since I had occasion to visit the old country, and before leaving Melbourne purchased ; a bottle 01 Hearne's Btonchit s Cure, which I took with me, When I arrived in Leeds, I found that my niece, Miss C. Matthews, was suffering from a very severe attack of Bronchitis in fact, she was so bad that the family doctor held out no hope for her recovery. She was then given Hearne's Bronchitis Cure according to the direction on the label, and I am very pleased to say that it effected a complete R. ]. MATTHKWS, c,o Allan & Co., Collins-st., Melbourne. ASTHMA. A Sufferer 73 Years nf Age Cured by Hearnie's Bronchitis Cure. Mr. Hearne, Chemist, . . . ' Sir,—l am thankful tq say tint; the medicine yon sent for Asthma has had a wonderful effect. I have not taken all. the, Bronchitis Cure, as I did not need it; therefore I send you my hearty »ood wishes fpr your future success.' 1 myself will, for th'e lJenefit of .others,' make it known to all I know. I am 73 years of agei—Youi s ttuly- . JOHN BRAY, 1 Alliance-street, Clunes, Victoria. BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cases cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr. W. G. Ilearne. Dear Sir,—Kindly forward without delay another small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. The bottle-I had from you has cured two of my children, but I do not 1 feel safe without it in the house., I have also recommended it to my friends. I lost a: riine'little girl, three years of age, from Influenza and BronchoPneumonia. I really believe that if I had had your medicine my child \vould not have died,' tor the other two, a boy five years old, and a baby eight months old, were, .suffering exactly in the same way, and it acted like magic on them; in fact, a small boUleiul cured both of them; so trusting you will forward it without delay.—l am, yours, most gratefully,. ; . - ' (Mrs).E. D. WARD,' Cassilis, via Swift's Greek, Gippsiand, Vic. Sinall Size, 2/S; L,a.rg& Size, 4/6., Sold by Chemists and Medicine "tfendors, and by the Proprietor, HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY - ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. , .• - >

imrh"arrd * oampisalS : , ' ACCOUNTANTS, „AND, ESTATE,' AND INSURANCE ■"» AGENTS. • ;.jffirie:anav;.i»ar ROWLEY'S BUrLDINGS, CHURCH STREET, TBIARUIMPORTANT NOTICE a./rR A. MITCHELL has repurchasedt£u iVI LEASE of the STONE: STABLi<> f foui Mr J." King, and' intends to run thon om the old lines—First-class Vehicles, .Tie i&bla Mounts, and Reasonable t Chargsß. Tho patronage of old customer? and n®» t-j.or.'J' i* cordially invited. ' A. MITCHELL, ; Proprietor, Stan* Stablet. C R OWN 'HO T EL. D ENRIGHT, ' (Laic Slav Hotel, Tenuika.) Proprietor. HAVING taken oyer the above wellknown Ho!el, it is my intention to run it on the most up-to-date lines. Ilie building lias lately been thoroughly renovated, and the rooms, are of, the best, the sanitary arrangements being excellent.. Only the finest brands, of Ales and Liquors kept. Moderate Tariff.. 1 P. ENRIGHT. WANTED KNOWN—That Property Owners'" can gefi their Stoves and Ranges reset, Coppers , and Chimneys built, Drains laid, also repairs to Brick, riaster, and Drainage Work,: any kind of old Brick Work cleaned . down and 'repointed bv thorough practical Man. New Work at Moderate Charges. Estimates free. ' 'Post Card will , receive prompt attention. H. "Prang, Avenue.. Road, Timaru. ' , '■ T: COMPETITION. A PRIZE of on 9 Guinea will be given for the Best Verse of four lines in praise of ZOLAK, the Great French Skin Food. A Zolak Testimonial Wrapper must accompdny each verse, and be sent in before 31st March, to Lnscombe and Co., Box 559, Wellington. ZOLAK is obtainable from all Chemistc ami Si ores. Is 6d and 2s 6d per jar. Evans and c 0., l t d., BEACH ROAD, Near Railway Station, Timaru. BEST ATLAS ROLLER FLOUR, OATMEAL, BRAN AND POLLARD, ALWAYS ON HAND. ( , Cornsacks and Best Sewing Twins'in Stock STORAGE—STORAGES-STORAGE. Always avail bio in our well Ventilated Brick Stores, Timaru. j LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON GRAIN STORED WITH US. CRUSHED OATS.—Fresh Crushed Oats ahvavs on hand in any quantity at Lowest Current Rales. Crushing doria for Farmers, Stablekeepers and others at 6d per sack.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13274, 1 May 1907, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13274, 1 May 1907, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13274, 1 May 1907, Page 7