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The adjourned annual meeting of thePareora Library will be hold to-night. The Hon. W. Hall-Jones, Acting-Pre-mier, will pass through Timaru to-day by the first express from the .south, on his' return to Wellington. ■'' YesLerda-T Captain Edwin advised as follows:—"Moderate to strong southerly winds; glass rise slowly; tides good; sea considerable; 'rain probable." Th* fJair son Band gave another of their enjoyable cpeu-air conceits at the Alexandra rotunda last evening. The evening whs mild, and a larne number of people D as<>M)blpd to listen to the various selections. , Attention is specially directed to the notice by. the New Zealand Fanners' Cooperative Association ot Canterbury (Limited) 3lr Arthur Bourn, late of Timaru, N attached to the staff of the Association, aid anyone favouring them may rest assured that business will bo carefully aitendejl to. fine bhe clav at the harbour mouth, and less cu'ticulty is experienced with this material /than 'with 'the- yellow clay of the inner iiarbour. The blue clay is, not so sricky', and breaks up in falling from' the buckets, so that the shoots do not become- blocked as was the case before. The Timaru Eowing Club hold a social gathering an the Assembly Eooms, -last evering. for the purpose of raising funds to'purchase materials for their bazaar, to'be held in June. Members and friends turning up well, the affair was a success bom financially and socially. " Progressive euchre" filled up the first part at tht evening very pleasantly, and this was 'Mowed by a dance, in which about fifty couples look pari. Waste rubble of Timaru Milestone and OpiM or other limestone, from the demolished part'of Kl. Mary's church, • has been got ritl of by the contractor and mids use of by the Borough Council, by prtting it down on the north side of Hlaton street, between Stafford street and i tha railway. It has been put in. large anil 'small pieces as it was carted away , from the church. ' The rough stuff is to hfive a coat of broken metal put on it afer rolling, so that this piece of road I wift be made on the original system of 1 Micadam—big stone beneath a coat, of smaller stone. One of those strange disappearances of soil between drain pipes and surfaces which'have from time ''to., time" occu/red in Stafford street, was discovered yesterday afternoon at the intersection, of Browne "and Cross .streets. The discovery wes made by tin "unfortunate horse which, djawing a'"fish cart, was beirig ,driven rfund the corner, when one of-its forelegs ltroke through a thin crust of road. sur- ■ fee, and sank down to the shoulder, with siine severe abrasion of the skin of the leg and of the muzzle, as the accident Ji-ought the horse down. Once the surface was broken away to get the horse's &<r out, a" considerable cavity" was found, above a large drain pipe runnirfg across Browne street, to 1 the drain pipe \ilong the south side'"of "the' street. A Vood drav load of stuff will be needed 10 fill up the hole. " Water was seen •lowing outside the pipe. , This, the borough overseer says, indicates two leaks, o'(ie D 'above where the water escaped from tie 'drain, and another below, .where it Jot back into the drain, carrying softened earth with it. The hole was fenced and 'ighled for the night, and the cavity will ae fully opened up and filled to-day. 1 You 'can do a suffering friend a kindly sirvice by .saying "Stenrnes' Headache Cure Will quickly euro that headache." A trial ■Kill convince you if you have not yet reed it yourself.... \ Th°- West port Coal Company are advised supplies of Kaitangata household coal will be to hand in a.few days for their T'epot ... , ' Everyone knows that if corns are neglected', they become more painful and Tiuch more difficult to cure. There is no meed to experiment now, no need to doubt 'the'results—if you'use Ruby Corn Cure. Corns of many'years standing have been cured by this marvellous preparation. It jicts promptly and painlessly, causing no 'inconvenience whatever. If you are troubled with- corns Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure, will completely remove them. One. ; shilling, post free, only from J. Baxter, jphemist, Timaru, ... I Penrose's have de iJed to replace a .line of 63 boys° Melville tweed suits'now |i: stock, and in order to make a speedy Clearance will offer these suits for 10 (lays much under cost /if manufacture, please, observe the prices With care and Mng along your boys, especially if you an unusually •strong suit. We have oivly three sizes left (viz., 8, 9, and 10) s| 'that parents with boys of other ages 'kite unfortunately left out of this bargain, unless your boy of 7 years is a big boy fqi his' age. 'AH these suits are made from colonial 'all-wool tweeds, most dark patterns, but there are a few medium and -liglit coloured Roslyn suits which are well knWn for their everlasting .wear. Suits thst were ordinarily sold at lis 6d, 12s 6d'to 15s 6d will now be sold at 8s lid for ; *ize 8--9s lid for size 9, and .IBs'9d fori size 10. So the customer that comes fiiS gets the pick if there is any choice hvltiiem. This is a splendid opportunity tcijget for your son: a strong, ai)£ yet smart school suit, and a suit that wit "keep him warm throughout the coming] winter. —Penrose's Drapery Establishment.—(Advt.) •'■•,'' , in important auction sale of hearth rugs wijlbe held in Penrose's new carpet rooms, Stafford; street, on Saturday, at 2 p.m. Hij stock is a very large one and contains air very latest kinds of hearth rugs, velvet pile," motiair-;'yarn, maquet, Japanese, Canadian, Axminster, Kidderminster, Brussels, and wool mats; such another opportunity as .this'is-not likely to occur ajain 'ini'Timaru. 'The rugs will be on vi'nv all Friday and Saturday morning. ... Men who appreciate perfect comfoi;t, good appearance and true economy in footwear will find all these things in the splendid showing of the famous "Walkover " boots for men now being made by Messrs Penrose Bros., who are the sole agents in this district for these reliable boftts. - "Walkover" boots are probably the best boots in the world for men, for none but the finest of leathers are used in their manufacture, the host workmanship procurable is utilised for their construction and each booo is made to scientifically conform with the requirements of the natural foot. Men who have not worn a pail of "Walkover's" as yet as well as the hundreds who have, are invited to coiie in and try on some of this and know the satisfaction it brings. .'..

A memorial to the late Mr Seddon, a handsome framed portrait, was unveiled jvstenlfiy in the Nelson street Public Schol bv "Mr Kild, M.H.K.

Messrs Percy Elworthy and 'Carlisle Studholme leave this week by way of Sydnev for South Africa, where -they will Undertake an extended expedition m quest of big game.

In consequence of the. increase of population it lv\fi been decided to appoint another Police Inspector in the North Island. He L-< to have charge, of all stations in th-> Thames, Upper Thames. Rotorua and Bay of Plenty districts.

Yeaterdav the Governor continued his journey, frem Alexandra; to Cromwell in beautiful weather, meeting with heartily genuine receptions at Clyde and Cromwell. In the afternoon he visited some of ithe famous, dredges on the Clutha river and last evening was entertained at a social by the people of* Cromwell.

i -At * committee meeting of the Tenvoka Bicycle Club held on Wednesday evening the balance sheet, for ithe Easter meeting was submitted, showing receipts £207 2s 5d r and expenditure. £2Ol 18s. leaving a credit balance, of £5 4s sd. The result Was considered very satisfactory. In order to encourage road-raeing the Club has decided to hold a series of roacl races between members of the Club, the first ot atrch races to be held about the end ot May. ,

- The choir of the Church of the Sacred Heart gave a concert to ih* patients at the Hospital last Songs were rendered bv Mrs Skinner, Mrs Lynch and air Jordan, and among the items, was a fine quartette by the full choir, fba patients thoroughly enjoyed the good jr.ngc rrovided for their entertainment and Ur Bett, on their behalf, suitably thanked the choir for their kiridaess-

Yesterday tha members of the Coursmg Cfob's committee visited tbe Plumpton for tW purpose of training thebares to ran for the escapes. The bewilderment and wectOiaE capers cat. .by. a terrier, a retriever and a collie in trying to.round up something like sixtv hares amused a number of who were the raceerasse. Hie hares appear to be very strong, and with thegrass on the PiomptiUL short but green with the recent rams, the, conditions could not be more favour'ablis for ths> meeting- next wek.

- "The shifting of -the Samson crane, to qjfcfw additional wharfage space, to b> proViSed is now .almost completed. The pit the reception of the crane has been excavated,, and a new «efc of rails laid in' the; cranefe new position. The .crane, has been raised, the counterbalancing weights in the hinder part being taken out to facilitate removal, and wooden runners introduced- The crane will be jacked acros.7 these into the new position, and let down on to the new set and the outer set of raifey there to remain until sofd "or required. .. The monthly* meeting of the ,Temuka High School committee was held evening, Mr E: B. CobpeV aeting. chairman.-..- Correspondence/was react rfrom". .Boar* statingthat Mrs Millar, would act as relieving teacher tut" the end of April.' The master's' report was satisfactory. A hearty vote of thanks • was passed to the chairman:;: and also to Mr A. C. Watson ;who -had acted as secretary for the\past tfear. The annual report and balance sheet to b&-' presented at, the annual, jnee&mg of householders was approved. Accounts agtpunting; "to £2- 4s were JtassetL' for. payment, and the meeting .terminated.

Mr B. Gould, an old resident, of Timaru, w.ho recently carried .on a butchery business nx Stafford street, leaves Timaru tomorrow" to occupy a selection of 900 acres ia,>ihe Mangiwhero or-Matamata-- estate, Auckland, whjeh he-drew in the"ballot tue ter ~<&ssJ. 'M* Gootd is well pleased, b-'Ms afiotnient r ft b'emg; "gobdjneep country, growing very good turnips— was assnred; ah£ it Es w|H situated, about' two niiles fiwm. Matamata. station -on the Rotorua She,- and jfe is-bpnnded im two sides by ,rivers. The rent fe 2s 9d per acre:. 'ln the the estate; who sethe Homestead block, Mr Gould found a former South Canterbury man, Mr !]£€(% "who at- tone time was manager p£ Thjeee. Springs for the-Land Company. The .Botorua line suggests hot springs, and Mr Gould says that on the opposite sito-dt,tfie'rivOT"frbTDa his'land, there is a- hot spring which, has beep reserved by the Tourist Department.

. i'SrW. TJerguson, secretary and engineer ' tarfche 'WeHmgton Harbour Board, paid • irymg: vMt'to-Tiniarn yesterday, and '•waif sn«wn.TOiHid ihe harbour arid wbrk3 mT-piogreW V 3tr Baynes- Mr Ferguson " Wjk ' favourably impressed by . what be sdfa> iriore especially TvitK Dredge 350, which: he considered "a'most efficient tool. The shingle elevator also met -with his approval, antf Mr.Baynes' proposals© run oufc wharves on either side of the Moody ■wharf appeared to him a very .sound project.- Mr Ferguson was somewhat surprised to learn that the dredge is in charge of the navigating master, and ex- " pressed himself somewhat doubtful of a successful issue of such an arrangement. Her agreed with Mr Baynes also in his contention, that- the dredge" should be woriced under two shifts. Beyond these two modifications Mr. Ferguson thought the- dredge an excellent one and working under favourable conditions.

Mr WMttater wishes us to notify our -readers that Me last of his indents have arrived; and all the new goods must be soltLat cost as he intends to sell out the whole of his stock, which is;about £2OOO. The goods are well known to be of the very highest grade, and the public baye now the chance of buying at the lowest possible prices. See 'the bargains in windows for yourself j inspection invited. ...

Xo one need now suffer the agonising pains of sciatica and acute rheumatism, as quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and rest possible, which is alone worth many times its cost. For sale everywhere. ...

"Fagged Out." —Tbat feeling of tiredness and utter weariness from which you suffer, shows that you are not so well as you U3ed to be. You want to sit down and rest, and you feel that everything is "too much trouble." Your appetite is poor, and you probably have a touch of indigestion- There is no need for you to suffer. There is a remedy within your reach, a remedy which is safe* sure and certain. That's Baxter's Orange Quinine Wine, the ideal tonic and nerve food. It feeds the nerves and gives you freedom from weariness and prostration. One bottle will convince you of its strengthenine properties. Price, 2s 6d, only from J. Baxter, Prescription Chemist, Theatre Buildings. Timaru. ...

If yon are troubled with Dyspepsia, ■which gives its victims no rest day and m<rht. and causes pains in. the stomach and bowels, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite constipation, etc., take a course of Chamberlain's Tablets. They will stimulate the liver and bowels to perform their work naturally and gently, and strenghten the digestive organs. For aale everywhere. ...

A commencement has just been made with the erection of another building on Hayes 'Street, on the avcsc side of. and next to Mason, Struthers. and Co. It is to be a store for J. Edmond and Co..

ironmonger.-", who have for some tim* pa:-s made use of a part of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's store.

Th'_- special meeting of the Harbour Bruu-d to-morrow afternoon, will, we are informed, bu a novel one, in that while the newly-elected members will constitute the Board. th:-y wilt have to be presided over by the old chairman. The Board will mset again next Friday, for election of chairman and ordinary business.

The. Exhibition Orchestra of fifty performar* hav-> arranged to give one performance on their way from Dunedin to Wellington on Friday next. Great enthuriasm has been displayed at. their performances at the Exhibition and the unanimous verdict has been that their playing is magnificent. Mr Hill, the conductor, has brought ..them to a high pitch of excellence. Appreciation of the Christclmreh citizens was manifest by the immense audisnee which crowded His Majesty's Theatrei on Tuesday evening at- the Orchststra's farewell. Mr John ProuSe, who has not visited Timani since his return from Europe and has "recently made such a success" at the Exhibition, will be the vocalist, his accompaniments bsing played by the full orchestra. *

The monthly meeting of the managers of the Temuka Technical Classes was held on Tuesday evening. Accounts amounting to £lO 6s 9d were passed for payment. The director (Mr McCaskill) .submitted a report dealing witli the classes to date. The report, showed that the dressmaking, blacksmithing. woolclassing, chemistary and relief-carving classes had started, and were doing good work, the average attendance being"good, and the students showing enthusiasm in their work. class was expected to start':in übpnfc a weeki As only one pupil had turned up afc the opening of the carpentry class, it .-was doubtful whether the class would, be continued., It was ultimately agreed to give the class one more trial. 'The visitors reported that- they had visited the classes and found €rverything f satisfactory. After dealing with rorrtme matters, the meeting terminated^

Quite tvvti hundred people visited the ■ racecourse -yistetday afternoon to witness [ a trotthig match between Mr E. J. Smith's | bay mare Neily S and Mr J v .Shaw's black I stalKon Kintore. The merits of the animals must -have b&m highly gauged by ' tht-ir respective owners, each, being; so con'fident of his horse beating the "other that : a .wager of £SO aside had been agreed upon, The rase was for one mile and the conditions;'were "owners up." Mr Shaw drove ros horse, while Mr Smith preferred to ride. ,-Mr'G. Birclifield got'the pair away, well, und .soon after, the start Nellie S broke ajld Kintore obtained a good lead, which he held until the straight was reached. Soon? after entering the straight,, however, Nellie 8 caught nim and she was successr ful/in beating him by three or four lengths, any ch.mce Kintore had being lost by his breaking-a little distance from the. winning post.

Speaking afc Tauranga, the Hon. R, McNab said that the reason why the black cloud of • native land had hung over the colony for so many years- - , was that- more than hah' of the population had no interest at all in the- native land .question. From his knowledge of the position now he could s&e that if the northern members had said harsh things, about the southern members who did'nt pay any attention to the question, they were somewhat, justified. He hoped the country was on the eve of a better slate of things in regard to this problem. He would cause inquiries to be made and se3 w]ie{her the bulk of the native owners of .some blocks .coidd be induced to'sell to the Government-direct, but be was in hopes of seeing something more comprehensive than these Government .purchases. The Government were thoroughly alive now to the importance of the settlement of'the land question.

!. Messrs Carnell, Brown and Spence, have ■ b2cri nominated for, the Mayoralty, at NaI pier, and for nine seats <on the Council | there are seventeen nominations. Mr E. ! DockrSl has been re-elected Mayor of New Plymontb. Only required" number of candidal ts for the Council were nominated. Mr T. J. Thompson, the present Mayor, and .Messrs,W. Y. Dennett and W. -Lane, ex-M:»yors, are candidates for the Hastings 1 Mayoralty. There are seventeen candidates for the Council. The present Mayor, Mr J. B; Tuewin. and Councillor Harford, have been nominated for the position of Mayor of' Feilding. .Fifteen candidates • have been nominated for the Council. For the Mayoralty of Eltham Mr G. W. Tay-' the retTring Mayor, and Mr C. A. : . Wilkinson have been nominated. Twelve . candidates have bean nominated for nino seats on the Council. For the Mayoral election of Wellington City, Mr T." Y. • Hislop, the present. Mayor and Mr T. M. Wilford, M;H.R., have been nominated. Mr C! J. Crawford has been / returned, unopposed for Miramar. The Mayors of Karoii (Mr A. C Pearce) and Eastbourne (Mi- 'E! C. Bolton) have been re-elected. The Mayoral contest at Nelson lies be- ■ tweeh Mr Jesse Piper, the present Mayor, :ind ,Mr Charles J. Harley, barrister. There are' eighteen nominations of candidates for nine seats" on the, City Council, of -whom eight Councillors are seeking re-elec-tion. There are fourteen nominations for nine seats on the Blenheim Borough Council. Seven of the candidates sat in the last Council. There ara three candidates for tlie Mayoralty—Mr Penny, the present Mayor, Mr J. J. White, an old Councillor, and Mr A. McCallum, flourmiiler. Mr H. L. Michel has been re-elected Mayor of Hokitika. < Rheumatic Pains Relieved* —The quick relief from rheumatic pains afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm has surprised and delighted thousands of sufferers. It makes rest and sleep possible, and a great many have been permanently cured of rheumatism by the use of ihis liniment. For sale by J. C Oddie.—(Advt.) The well-known firm of Randrup Bros, may still be found in the same place, but not with the same machines. They are just now preparing to receive a larga shipment, 1907 models, of Randrup Popular, Centaur, and Premier machines. It . would pay you to drop in for a chat. ... ; SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ': Gerrie and- Co.—Sale of live stock, tim- , ber, furniture, etc., to-morrow. C. Jonas and Co.—Sell fruit,*poultry, . produce, draperv, etc., to-morrow. T. and J. Thomson—Details and prices j in-men's outfitting, etc. , J. G. Cowan—Prices of Kaiapoi blankt ets. Theatre Royal—Exhibition orchestra concert on 26th inst. Chas. X. Orbell—Thanks to ratepayers ' of Levels Countv. Pareora Library—The adjourned meet- • ing this evening. i W. W. Wade—Genuine reductions in 1 saddlery till to-morrow. Junior clerk wanted—Apply to X.Z. f Loan Co. Bowie's sell best provisions—Make them r prove it. l X.M. and A. Co.—Rams lost; Teward - for information. Wanteds —Seven notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13264, 19 April 1907, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13264, 19 April 1907, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13264, 19 April 1907, Page 4