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At the Magistrate's Court- yesterday, Afr Wray granted renewals of a number of old age pensions. A Dunedin message says:- —The large painting of Mount- Cook from- Governor s Bush. New Zealand, by E. W. :Christmas'. has been purchased foi- the National Gallery. Dnnedin. * In an" action brought against the Registrar of I.ands recently bv Taranaki settlers, the juiy giivp a vei«lict for £750 compensation for a; mistake made in one of the Government: oHices. * 'llie townspeople who drove to the Pareora dam yesrerday were greatly pleased with the green and springlike appearance of the_countiy. • Turnips .are looking; veiv well indeed. grass is stilly short, • but the ground is becoming fairly well covered again with fresh growth. Mr John Jackson who attended the Mayoral picnic at tlie dam yesterday, mentioned that ha was the oldest, living settler in the Pareora, and that lie had seen very many changes: in" the valley. Mr Jackson supplied one instance himself, he having first travelled up the. valley.- over 40 years ago in a bullock dray and returning hornfrom the picnic in his" motor car, which had gone onr to meet him. Charles and Emily Iliggison were charged at the Gtvyiou 11 Magisti.ue s Court- on with the manslaughter of their infant cliiki Susan. The evidence given i-howed that-, the mother, though ■ able, refused to suckle the child, whose death, according .to ihe medical testimony, was due to ne'glect :;]id sfarvaiion. The- liusband .was charged, with the mothei or the infant, under sections- 148 and 149 of the criminal code,' which, enacts that, the head of-a family who fails to piovide the i.ecessities of life for a person ill his- charge under the age of i-ixteen is ci-iminallv responsible'if'dea'li -supervenes, r Both accused were committed for trial. The smallness ot country schools, says Hill; of Hawke's Bay. ptesems a difficulty to the introduction into them of manual and technical training. It would be a very good thing to foster in all country schools a knowledge of elementary agriculture-:including soils, iocks, native plants and.common far as each district, is concerned. Bur-specialists - must do the work in the country just as thev do in the towns. It education is to have a utilitarian biits in the school.-, it in the direction of adaptation to environment and probable futuie needs. Itinerant teachers could do the work in the country and by -a slight modification in the present manual and technical result ations doling with *.'"school, classes, it wotild be possible for a teacher to instruct the senior pupils belonging to twenty or, more schools- during the year. ~ -At- the ilagistrate's Court at Waimato on Wednesday. William Williams, sued S. Turner for" £72; as rent of land leased from him. Defendant had declined to. pay, on. the ground, that the plaintiff agreed | -"ito"put-old fences in order and erect some new ones, and had failed to dp so. Several witnesses wc-re called on both sides, and the Magistrate. Major Keddfl, concluded that: the. new fences were inefticient.and the "repairs had not been properly carried out. He therefore tionsnired plaintiti' with costs £7 4s. , ilr Hjorring appeared for plaintiff, Mr A. C. Perrv for defendant. Another ca-e which occupied some time'related to n claim bv W. Hayman (Mr Hamilton against J. W.: Armstrong: (Mr RaymoiHt) for £l7 6s Bd, for damages and value of " some wool. The evidence showed that plaintiff sold some ewes to defendant* on "The understanding that they, were to lam.) in October. Some of them lambed in August. and plaintiff aareed to take 'them back and pay defendant for their keep and expenses. It was• alleged, thathe" the sheen were-returned they, were found; to have been crutched. and so unskilfulLy that their value was depreciated—one wit/ ness said a head. The presm claim was for tliia damage and the ya,iij of the wool removed bv the crutchini DfiFendant Vlaiined that- the sheen were P whilst hi .Ids possession and lie had-a riiibt to crutrli: ihem. His Worship nj>- ; suited plaintiff with costs £4 os. / ■ * 'Unlike either headache medichies. Headache Cure, does not- cause thedruggv feeling. It- always cures j.' r ,. aches." and is as refreshing as a n;ni. good sleep. ... '■ "Don'b woiiy." Don't worry £ ST" I feel tired, weak, and out sorts. / Baxters Orance; Quinine Wine, tl; g>*anerve tonic. "lb acts promptly, Vnps up . the system, and gives you that I strength which enables you to, 1 perform r vour dav's work without feelingjaint and depressed. Buy a bottle now I rice, 2s fid only, from J. Baxter, J-escription Chemist, Timaru. ... , It- is estimated that there ire _ 500 ladies in Tim am "who tlie Jiinit price for a costume made io i fioiires are iniportani. for "wi* ll3 of these -three figures are ery many of | our most esteemed and _i l i- | lor their benefit we have sleeted a large iiortion of our dress stock, . 1 "! priced tac-m f to come at 50s per, «tumc complete Here 'tire, some of them-J" >er { ia P* one tlie : best of is the liavy . blue ki -Amaramlt". .clotli ; i-psra« ie » . foi\ oon complete. Nothing better ma. costume, when made uylhan the striped suiting for 50s /jmplete. A ven* choice costume in Tltfingbone tweed i of -pale "rev and green ihixture compieue I for 505." Lovely s*de of dark green Amazon doth coatiC costume complete J for 50,-. One of best selleis- ,s p l: navv blue $ "Admlira tv. wdl neither shrink, nl * * 1 V rain or-ea water, anplete for Psnrose's Drapery Esrf>"sliment.—( Advt.) [3 "I have used * er 7 cnrrl •int market, over a s T "ce of five or Mx vcays. r " all " with. the saj? t'esult-no relief: bm now I am thanful to say Rub;, Coin Cure' has . prntitally ciu ed me M> i / spoke one - grat/nl customer, anc. lie i> f onlv one of may are being cured ot ' ' thtfe painful rowths by Baxters Ruby Corn Cure. oa sldlliug post free Prcpared and fol exclusively by J. Baxter. r" " Prescription- Q emist " - Timav "- ,nl I' one shilling $ yon.lose;your conis when / you use Rul" Corn Cure. ...

The Mayor received a telegram lar-t nigh',, from the Captain of the Timaru Fire Brigade : '"Won manual shield. First for hose and union. At Auckland yesterday Frederick Courtenay was* lined £5 and costs for refusing io leave the Elleir-lie racecourse when requested to do so. I Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows: —Strong northerly winds' to gale after 12 hours'; glass fall; tides good: sea moderate; rain probable." Mr IT. .T. Scott, the South Australian commissioner, lias received permission from the Acting-Premier to import, another five tons of Australian grapes for sale afe the Kxhibii'ion. Mr xnnuiel Oiijlions. sen., died at- Martou on Wednesday after a short illness Mr Oibbons was tor many years proprietor of tlie^White" Hart. Hotel", and took an active part iti local politics^ Mr Wrnv fc-M., yesterday granted an application' for a ■■ temporary transfer of the license of the Arowhenua, Hotel to Mr Asiibv. The application wa.=? made bv Mr Raymond.

The cross-country steeplechases of the Timaru Boys' High School will be run t'o-daj , starting at 3 o'clock. The starting and finishing points will be near the school, and the course through the old golf grounds. • ' The Wellington Rugby Union is opposed to the proposal -to* abolish the vice-presi-dents of the' New Zealand'.Rugby Union. Tt Man passed . resolutions-' that the meet inn- of the New Zealand Union should be oijsn to -the Press, and that the- selectooii of the New Zealand teams "should- lie chosen bv the delegates, instead of by the ifanai'emsnt Committee. Mr.-Robert Ellis, ; who, it will be remembered, visited this-district- about, three years ago, is, now .in town. Mr Ellis is by trade a -sewing machine expert, and he comes here with excellent testimonials for his work in repairing these , machines. During Ills' short-stay here he will overhaul or repair all makes-of machines, be sides supplying duplicate parts. His addrew at present is care of Werrv's Hotel. : '.i' '-''. '•• ' '' ' Unclaimed letters addressed as. follows. lie at the Timaru Post. Office: From United Kingdom: 11. Dearslev, J. Dunn, K. Full (2),(Timaru), Mrs Parker ire-addressed.'from Wellington), and O. Butcher llCainui. 5.0.l ; from Victoria: .1. W. McLaren. 10. T. 0. Francis, and Mr E. Geary (P. 0.. • Timaru); Michael .My--brer*. (P. 0., Timaru. readdressed from Amlierlev) : from New South Wales: Peter F. Bradley (P. 0.. Timaru, readdressed from Lyhelton). .. . \ At a recent meeting of the Wellington and Wairarapa Charitable Aid Board, Hogg, M.H.R.. took exception to the increase in cosi; of maintaining the Wellington Receiving Home. Last, year llie amount was £2324, and tlii.-s year .the. sum required was £3500. He thought 'that -possibly it would be better it there was no home au all. Some members explained tint the increased cost was owing io the increased number of children sent to the Home, and the chairman said, the. State was giving: a chance to children who would lioii otherwise get one. Ultimately it was resolved that in tlie opinion of the Board it is desirable that- increased care should lie taken to see that; iiarents, guardians, anl relations are brought face to face with '.their natural obligations.

The dressimking classes in connection wi'h the Tiniiiru Technical School are making a srart tlds week. The Wednesday evening class lomnienced work with a good, attendance ami the Friday evening one "Will begin this ereuing. This will conclude the opening of the classcr-i for this term, as the Thursday afternoon dressmaking class will wr. be started unless some, more pupils euro/ill: mselves., The other .classed.: with one (JCce]>tioii, the commercial law class, are fLI well supported, and tlie prospects for /lis school-year are very favourable. Tie plumbing class lias a good enrolment d students, and Mr Kershaw lian commenckl the session. with a course of lecturesfin house drainage, which should lie of t>radical profit to plumbers when .the i •underground drainage works \ are coml mencfi#i The design class, which it wo# tliougifc would have to be abandoned, is -now «ie of ths supported in the scliool, the mrolmeiit being already over 20. The comflfercial law class under Mr Houlker has not yet. made a start. owhig to iiisufficipl. supporc. The course is a very extei/ive one, and is- a most profitable!, onel todake up. ,so that, a good number of st/dents are expected to enrol for it durii* next /WHILE WE LIVE WE'LL CROW. . f. Wo are proud of our . bicycles, ; and we iiavc to crow about, our position in the list of awards at the New competition, which is the test -of merit and proof of quality, ■we completely outdistanced*'our competitors, and scored 5 GOLD and 2 SILVER MEDALS of the eight'that were awarded in this classification of goods. This is convincing proofof the high quality of the worfll's famous bicycles sold by us.. The following are the respective awards made by the judge— Swift bicycles, gold medal; this, faultless English .bicycle, Nthe world's best.:, '- It toils not but'it'spins." -Eadie" Star 'bicycles. gold -medals-' this grand bicycle i )ust-itied its splendid New Zealand reputation. and this award seals its claim -fpr pertection in cycle construction. iiiedal ;for best ,collection - of. bicycles - tliis:.; award is proof that Adams Ltd. are the leading bicycle, jmoj-or,. car ' dealers in Xew ' Zealand. Other a-wards- Sifvc-.r. medals:: for; H.umber. and 'i'riumpli bicycles. We-lequest the public to inspect the >vorhl-famous gold medal cycles. Ours is the high quality cyc]e. store.' We do. not sell anything .rood: :-;i'.]ireme quality is the standard of our blew.]:':-: and bicycle goods. Shop with the leaders and get value for your money. Adnias. Ltd.. the Arcade, Timaru..... ; SYNOPSIS -OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association—Sale of lease of farm. Tenruka,;: April 2nd. tiuinness and LeOren. Limited—iPointsale, .Monday next. . C. Jonas aiid Co.—Sell saddlery and sundries to-morrow. • ' 0. P. Oerrie: and Co.—Sell tropical j birds, pigs, poultry and produce to-mor-j row. 1 T. and J; Thomson—^Tailoring a. speciality. ,' ,""'oale's and of . England's bestcvcle. . •-.-.. M. Higgins—New stocks of prams and go-carts. ;• . Smithson and Raymond—pNotice reclaims in .Tames Campbell's estate. Jas. Lorgelly—Application for transfer of licence. . ..... Robert- Kills —Important business announcement. , Cowan's Clothing House —New Winter stocks, . At. Ballantylie's—Grand Easter display of novelties. Floral and Horticultural Society—Prize moneys paid ouc oil Saturday. Found--Pound note; apply "Herald" office. "Lost- —Highland ornament; reward.: Funeral notices—By "B. Beri and W. J. Lister. Wanteds—Five notices.

' " The, Gazette " announces that, the Imperial Government | have' approved' the, vai'iors Acts passed bv the New Zealand Parliament last session, and submitted for the ■Royal sanction. . Mr George, director of Technical Education at Auckland*: says'■ • Nowhere," 'within my knowledge, have, the mischievous results of obtaining frc-e higher education, been so in Scotland. The- Scottish University student- was renowned; for his grit-i his i^aL:>carnest ; des^e,.for:fernling ; his; self-denial. :; aiift i even ' physical, \discomiost- were. voluntarily "undertaken in the interests of. his. education". - But now, -through Mr, Carnegie's - mistaken' gene.ros: "it v. any young riia-ii ol' straitened . means, .may apply. for free tuition at. the Scottish Universities, and get' it....and the cons.e : quence is, 1., think, deplorable, destroying the sturdy "self-rC.iiauee' and strength of :character 'foiv which this., iype of Scottish •student- was .'formerly renowned. ' . . A meeting of persons interested in forming .*>• golf club at t;era!dine was held on Wednesday afternoon, when there was a fairly o-ood: attendance. The chair was occupied bv Mi V •) Micka\. who re ported that suitable links could be ob-. tained on 32-£■ acres of land on the Gerald'lie downs. Colonel- Mooie, the owuei ot tlie property, oflermg to let it foi u\ejc.u.. at- £SO a- year. the Club could gel- between £3O" and £4O ; a year back, in the •shape of . : rent' for - gmzing . '- sheep on the land Already 20 men had signed the membership- list., - and at-: least 12 more members could be obtained. A profes sional had examined the property, and-had reported favourably oii -the proposed: links: It- whs - resiilved -.-to . form a club.. the sub-, script ions to tie £2 2:*. for in on and lCs 6d for la-diei.' The following T officers were ehcteil -Piesident Mi B 1 H Tripp vice-presidents. Colonel Mor.-u:. Ah I£. M. Spencer. Mr B- I". W. Sercombe; captain, Mi W K M icdoiuild, ■-eae'ai\, Mi A A- Readdie ;"treasurer. 1 . Mr A. J.. Mclvay ; committee, Messrs J-..:Malirig. 'W. Christie, J. W. Macdonald, B. K. Macdonaldj ,and. Di Patei^on

Mr W. Quinns : arcade win Waamate. is approaching completion;-and -is already: a. striking looking- building: .;.The jilan lor ; the vbe"' made: vtov-it, -pttf;; raises to make it jirobibly the finest ai cade, in New Zealand.; '. Mr J. Slffrrier, of Timaru, is now [jutting up the iron framing; of a veriindah: along. each; st-ree;. front: of btiiirliiig,V-.'witl.i;- an' ornamental arch, perpendicular to the outer edge,; in. the middle ot each. Tlie verandah will be glazed with -Single .plates,.' curved specially to lit. the flaming. Above ll'ie veraiidali rises ; the^'"..greafc:-,:brick;, iircli " -of the Arcade and these- are to be filled in with iron , framing- of .neat, design, and glazed, the arch.'with ' plain . glass,: with , a broad bow and base of coloured glass! A notable improvement is., being; in jhe iuterior in the cementing of the brick work pillars of-the .'lower-story. These, originally built of black, white, 1 and ied hricks. "did.: not look, so well as . was expected. and Mr Quinn had theni. painted wliiic. This ■ was inot; satisfactory either, so Mr Quinn, determined to make as..per--feet W/job of. it'' aS:-:possible, is : haying the- 'paint chipped off, ami the bricks roughened tc> hold cement. . The pillars, that-have been cemented,- look very well. There :are' sixteen shops ' in the :arcade, and -iibst of :'them are ..-occupied,, and; the nest' bespoke: -' At eacli end -thei'e a-re . two: pairs :of liijsfairs - rbonV . going- with the shqpss beneath, and access t0.,. them, is o-ained by spiral iron stairways.,.' .• The arcade is.' the most, aipbitious building in iWaim'kite.^'d n J i citv in the colony.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13241, 22 March 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13241, 22 March 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13241, 22 March 1907, Page 5