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Some broken' parts of the footpaths in Barnard street> which have long required attention, were repaired yesterday. -

Next Thursday afternoon thevSt. John's Tennis Club will meet Te_ Kara, in the return match on the. courts,"-West Belt, i

Mr A. Beswick, building surveyor, during February, issued permits for six new buildings and 12 additions, of. an estimated value of £15,421.

The Bishop "of Christcburch visits Raincliff. Albury and Pleasant Point io-morrotri' At Raindiit Ms Lordship will conduct the ceremony of consecrating the new* church.

Dredge 350 was still -working alongside, the Moody wharf yesterday, and picking up a, good deal of clay, with some silt. A good few boulders were also lifted, and were heard Tattling down the shoots fairly' frequently. Several large ones', one of which weighed about halt a ton. have been picked up. -

Hie Sportsman-Arm's Hotel, Saltwater Creek, is open, for lease for a term of yeais. The business is an old established one, and it is solely owing to advice from his medical advisers that Ml* Gardner lias his 'occupation. Arrangements' for taking over the. hotel are in the hands of Mr M. Muilin.

The contractor -for the work at- St. Mary's Church has now gob a good stait. The windows and flooring of the eastern portion of the building Rave been removed, and the work of demolishing the walls, will be commenced shortly. A number; of men are: engaged in dressing stone for the new'building, and a, gang is at work on the excavations for the.-stone retaining -wall along Perth street. ;

The president of the Unicin of Slaughterlues, in an interview at Christchrirch said : —" There has been a; lot of talk in the papers about the Australians- leading , the New Zealan-iers astray. Well, at PaTeem there are 25 slanglitermenj 18 of them New Zealanjlers; at Smithfie'd 45 men, and 7or 8 Australians; at Islington 67 men. over 40 of them New. Zealanders.; at Belfast 60 men. the great majority of them New Zealanders a-nd many married men. with*homes in the district: and at' Fairfield'4s men, over 30 of them New Zealanders."

The Fire Brigades' carnival at. the Exhibition will be held during the third week of this month, commencing; on the: IStli- • The /-local' brigade is sending up a team, •who will compete in. all the evenis. of which there are about a dozen. The following comprise the team Captain Campbell, Lieutenant Jones, Firemen Thomson, .Hunt and' Bartley; emergency. Fireman Williams; delegate? to the Firemen's Conference. Fireman G. Hilton. The men -w ill proceed to- Cbristchureh on Wednesday nest. The representatives have been for some time past .diligently practising the various competition items, and the team should give « good account of themselves at Christchurch.

THE GUINEA POEM' A CHEQUE TOR £1 Is has been sent t»f tlie writer of" this verse—iliss G: M. B. (aged 10), Betblehemi Tauranga. A fair litfc'e girl sat under a tree, Washing lier.-piimie with SAPON, you see: She "only just- put it into the tub, At.J the dirt- came out with hardly a Tub- .... . . ■ WIN A GUINEA.! Prize; Poem published' every Saturday. Best four-short line advt. verse about "SAPON" wins each week. SAPON wrapper must be enclosed. Address,- " SAPON " (Oatmeal Washing Powder), P.O. Bos-635, Wellington

To-morrow, harvest thanksgiving services ■will be held at St. Mary's Church, at the morning and evening services. .

The annual meeting of the Timaru Agrieirituiiil and Pastoral Association will be he'd at the Sophia street hall on 16th inst. at 1.30 p.m. !

The Transvaav Patriotic Fund Trustees paid the funeral expenses in connection with, the death of Trooper Page ; aiid-.made him an- allowance during his illness.

Fourteen charges against nice persons, the outcome of the trades' picnic, were heard at the : Magistrate's Court, Oarnaru, yesterday, and fines of varying amounts; inflicted. ■

Mr H. -B: Kirk has received word from (lie Exhibition, authorities that he has been awarded a gold! medal for life exhibit of drain pipes in the South Canterbury Court at the Exhibition.

The attention of members of both Golf Clubs is drawn to the advertisement notifying members ths.t the golf season will open next -Thursday. Players intending to take part in the' mixed "foursomes, are requested to' be on the ground by 2.15 p.m.

An interesting extra exhibit at the flower sjiow on Thursday, our" reporter's note on which went astray, were the six ferns and six " foliage begonias, with which Mr J. Lewis won. first prizes and gold medals at the Gliristclmrch Exhibition shows. The whole' of the plants were surprisingly large and weli grown. ■

At the quarterly meeting of the Manawatu Licensing Committee, a resolution, was passed requesting all licensees to erect balconies beneath every bedroom window with staircases of sufficient width to the "■round. These improvements are to life completed before the annual meeting in June.

Yes. sleep will sometimes cure a headache, but why depend on such a slow, uncertain, and inconvenient, way, when Stearns' Headache Cure will do it in a few minutes without,inconvenience....

The cycling and motor carnival, promoted by the Dunedin Cycling and Motor Club is* being he'd in* Dunedin :to-diiy. ■Messrs J. Waldie, M. Randrup, K. Rogers, P. 51. O'Connor (Cricklewood), and J. Hhei. local crack wheelmen, are competing, and'as some of them are showing good form just now, it is more than likely that the big event —the Dunedin Wheel Race of two miles—wi'l be captured by- one of thein. The resu'ts of the racing will be posted in the windows- of Adams, Ltd., The Arcade. ... ' .'*

It is a, well known fact ;\nurees and 'doctors that babies reared on condensed milk and other artificial foods are yerv susceptible to chafing, redness , and soreness, .and it is filso we'.l kuowh that Fullers Earth and Violet Powder have no medicinsl power to counteract .and'; heal. "Takic." the new baby powder, lias thoroughly proven itself perfect as a skin. healer and c?e;«nsei\ Within 24- hours after dusting " Tnlsic" on to any red, inflamed or chafed part, the paia,~ smarting and colour completely disappears. " Taisic " Powder is sold bt the local chemists in packets of 1.5 each. ... . . .

" Fagged out."—-That feeling tiredness and utter weariness from which you suffer, shows that you are not so well 'Hs you used to be. You want to sit down and test-, -and yon feel that everything is "too much trouble." Your appetite is poor, and you probably have it touch of'indigestion. There is no need for you to suffer There is a remfedy witliin your reach, aremedy which is safe, sure and certain. Baxter's Orangs Quinine Wine is an ideal tonic and 1 nerve food. It feeds the nerves and gives you freedom from weariness and prostration" One bottle will convince yon of its strengthening properties. Price, 2s 6d, only from ,1. Baxter, Prescription Chemist, Timaru. ...

. Rheumatic Pains Relieved.—The quick relief from, rheumatic pains afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm has surprised and delighted, thousands of sufferers. ■ It makes rest and sleep possible, and a great, many have been permanently cured of rheumatism by the use of this liniment. * For sale by J. C. Oddie.—(Ad?sj

Everyone knots' that if corns are neglected'they become more painful and much more difficult to cure. There is noAneed to experiment .now, 110 need to doubt- the results—if j you ■ "use Ruby Com Cure. Scientifically prepared, Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure is a proven remedy. People cured by, its tj:;e are iecommending it to tlieir friends, and its sales are ever increasing. Buy a bottle now. One shilling post free, onlV from j. Baxter, Prescription: Chemist, Theatre Building, Timaru. ...

The annual, swimming competition for the Education Board's sliie d will take place at the Commemoration Baths, to-day, com niencihg at 11 a.m. The events are open io boys whose names have been on the roll of the public schools of South Canterbury for tie past three months, excluding those who have passed standard ■ VI. The shield will be held for the ensuing year by the schoo': scoring most points tin the competition, three points being awarded for first place,' two points: for second place, and one point for third place in each event. The following are the events counting for the shield :50 yardls breast- stroke; 25 yards for boys, -under 12 years of age; 100 yards any stroke; , 25 yards back stroke. Other events will include —Diving and a 'learners' race. Entries cosed at 5 o'clock last evening, and the following are the numbers received: TluJ Timarn Main, and Temuka.. Schools each sends three* for the four shield events ; Waimataitai School three for the lOOyards and two for the 25 yards back stroke; and the Soutli School one for the 50 yards, 25 yards under 12. and the 25 yards back. Four: enbies were received from Temuka ; for the ' dr.-ing competition.

LIGHT, v The nights are now drawing in, and it is necessary for "cyclists _ riding in the evening ,t<> • use' a laonp. To ride -undercomfortable and safe conditions a. good gas lamp is what is really required, but the pleasure to be obtained from the use of a good anelvlene lamp is very often marred by tlie use of inferior carbide. We have; large stocks of the finest Swedish carbide,; V for cleanliness and 'liglit-gmng-qnalitiesit is unsurpassed.-- We are malting a special show, and have 300 one pound tins of carbide in our. window for sale at tlie extremely low price of 6d per. lb tin. - :We know cyclists ■will appreciate this low-price—it is well known tlratf the prices, are 9d. and Is everywhere in'Timaru:.. Our price of 6d speaks for itself, and shows the public that; we -are still continuing oxir policy to sell highest quality cycle and motor goods at treasonable prices!. - vWe have in stock 100 Phenol menon gas lamps of the latest pattern, fitted with side lights 'and bracket, selling ab prices quite unapproachable by other firms trading in Timaru. Our price of 10s 9d stands alone. No old stock, but the latest 1907 pattern, the brightest and best. Timaru price of burners has always been Is; users of gas lamps often "require new; burners, and to meet'this .demand we are now selling them at 6d. Every day a bargain day afc our store. Adams, Ltd., Tie Arcade, Timaru;

The Acting-Premier ; Ikis definitely fixed., tlie official opening of. .Qtflgo XJentiai. ruilr. war \o Clyde, for Easter Tuesday.

At the Methodist Conference missionary breakfast at Christcliurch yesterday, an appeaL was made 011 behalf of cliurcii: extension and liquidation of the present debt on the Home Mission Fund: Much eutliusiasnn. was .shown, and the -debt on the basis of a shilling per member was practically extinguished by guarantee from various districts. Promises to the amount of £3OOO were given in-sums ranging from £3OO downwards. •

The foundation stone of the new Wesleyaii Sunday School in Church street wi 1 be laid on Thursday next at 3 o'clock by Mr John Jacksou. The choir will .be present to lead the singing, and addresses: will be given by the Eevy- W. Lee, cliairhKtri of the Canterbury district.; the .Rev. H. BuF', connexion,-ij secretary: and Mr T. 11. Race, the commissioner representing the Canadian Court at- the Exhibition. A collection will be taken up on behalf of the building fund, and friends are invited to place '.their offerings on the 7 foundationstone.

The usual weekly meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge, No. ■ 101, 1.0.Ct.T.,; was held last evening-, Bro. Wotton, C.T., presiding over an excellent .attendance of members, including, six visitors; ' lihrCe candidates were duly initiated: ,- Correspondence was read from the district secretary, re the annual meeting to be held in Temuka on the 21st inst. A hearty welcome was extended to Bro. Crarg, of the Pioneer, Lodge, Wellington, Bro. ■' Boss, of. the Pioneer Lodge. Greymouth. Bro. Carlile,' of the Flower of Woolston Lodge, and; other visiting brothers. fraternal greetings .were heartily received. - A prize was presented to Sister Peake, who proved the winner of the guessing competition. The programme for the evening, ''Temperance ItemsT" proved very . enjoyable; the following' taking part;— Brothers Peake, Muchmore, Kemsley, Hawkey, and Sisters -Peake, Raymond,' Riellv and Sadler.. The lodge closed at 10 The .publishers, Messrs Wliitcombe and Tombs; send ' us a, copy of their.'', .latest publication—" Emerald Hours in New Zealand'' 'by Alys i-rpecially bound volume; of which has just been sent to the King. It is-a-sorb of glorified guidebook, describing a tour from end to end of New Zealand through the varieties of scenery; the colony has to offer. Our own town is briefly; touched on in the following paragraph Timaru is a charming little watering place with' a great future before it. It has : a- l&ng sandy 'beach on one side, of the breakwater, and wharves and a long:, shingle beach on the other, and already fhe Powers that Be have shadowed forth coming events with -a band stand, seats and 'bathing machines; A meat freezing company has erected works at Timaru vvhicli have . given a big stimulus to the place and occasion for the Home •boats to call there for cargo." The i!-. hiritrations are numerous and excellent, the production of the book reflecting the utmost credit ,on the enterprising firm which has sent it out.

; The annual geiieral "meeting of the Trinity Harriers' Cjub '>va,s held, in Trinity Hall last evening: There was a' good attendance of members, and in the absence of the president, Sir E. A. Driike was voted to the 'chair. 'Jhe - annual re])oi't showed most ..satisfactory, results; •about *2O runs were held, two of which were combined runs with the South Canterbury Harriers. In the early part of the season, the Club was affiliated to- the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. v The balance sheet showed ah expenditure of £7 6s 9d;-receipts, subscriptions £2 13s 6d, concert £3 ss, entry fees £1 Is 6d, donation 7s 9d, total £7 7s ; . 9d'. ; The report and balance sheet were adopted, members expressing their satisfaction at the success of the Club's, firsfc year.: Officers were elected as lows President, Mr J. A. Valentine; vice-president, Rev. T. Stinson. Messrs J. Craigie, J. McCahoii. G. A. Simmers, G. T. Palmer, E. \Grant-j J. Mcl Sab, A. Fraser and T. D. Young; captain. Mr D. F. Glanville; deputy-captain, Air S. Anderson: secretary and treasurer,..-. Mr. E. A. Drake; committee, Messrs C. Glanville, W. I. 'laic, A.. Hamilton, M. Gould and J. ; A. W.. jSorrie. The matter of allowing members to sprint home at the. end of a. Club run was discussed, : and4it r was decided to leave the matter to

Velveteen was first introduced .as a substitute for to meet; the : demand-, of: a class of ■* people who liked the appearance of velvet, but could not reach the:;-price of velvet. The majority of .velveteens a#e' poor afluirs, being thick and clumsy to the feel and really not very like velvet after all. There is only one make of velveteen. that is a, good, imitation of real velvet. and that is the "Louis"' make.' - This cloth has no .rival for softfinish .and silky appearance, and in the matter of price, the public cannot do better than ask for Louis velveteen. 'this season Penrose's are showing a full range, of colours at the following 2'i'ices : —"Very rich brown dress or- blouse velveteen, soft finish, just the right quality for ladies* wear,- special value Is lid yard : good shade in mid-navy velveteen, special nrice Is lid; Nothing harsh to the, touch in our "Louis' velveteen" in the leading shades:: bottle green, myrtle, green-, soft shade of brown; grenat, wine, navy, and creams, special value 2s ,lld yard. Special quality branded every yard in rill the leading shades 3s 6d yard. 1 Penrose's Drapery Establishment.—(Aclvt.)

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N.ZiL. and M.A. Co.—Point sale Monday, Geraldine Wednesday. , » Guinness and LeCren—Point sale Monday, Geraldine 'Wednesday, St. Andrews Friday, clearing sale 28th, buyers of grain., Jonas and Co.—Sell new and other cycles, produce, fruit, live stock, to-day.

and A. Co.—Farm for'sale, Washdyke sale ..-Tuesdays Geraldine Wednesday; ram fail- 26tli iiist. -G.F.C.A.—SaIe-vat- Point Monday, Washdyke Tuesday; Geraldine Wednesday, land Fairlie 19tli, clearing, sale 3rd April. Timant-''Milling -./Company—rAnnual meetnisi on 23rd inst. Theatre Eoyal—West and The Brescians 14th inst.

At Beckingham's—Great furniture sale to-day.

Wesleyan Church—Services to-morrow; foundation stone of school 14tli inst.

Webb -and Ivenipthorne—Full details of properties for sale.

Water colours—On sale at J. Radcliife's. Agricultural and" Pastoral AssociationAnnual - meeting 16t.1i inst. M. Mullin—Saltwater Creek Hotel for lease. "A :

S.C. Harrier Club—Annual meeting- on 13th inst.

Radcliffe—Two . sawing machines for sale (cheap). , . .

New goods autumn and winter—On sale drapery department G.F.C.A. ' Kfevs lost—Reward on return to" " Herald" office.

Chalmers Hockey Club—Annual meeting Tuesday next. .

Golf season—Opens on Thursday

Organ recital—At Chalmers Church Thursday next. " H. Geaney, Makikilii —Wants a general servant.

St. Mary's Church—Harvest tkanksgiv ing to-morrow.

Mayor of Jimaru —Will receive subscriptions Sed don memorial.

Jf.Z. Railways—Train, arrangements Bos ses o' tli' Barn. Wnnteds—Six noticed.

The annual meeting of the Timaru Milling,' Company will be at. the mills on Saturday 23rd inst. -

The Sout'i; Canterbury Harriers will hold tiheii' annual meeting on Wednesday evening next, at Hilton's tea rooms.

• •In' the civil -case Reid v. O'Hfigan, heard last- ..Wednesday, judgment wasi given for. plaintiff, not 'for defendant as previously' reported. ■

On Thursday next the afternoon '' slow " tram from Ashburton to TimariV will be delayed: about a couple of hours, on' account- of \the Besses-o* th' Barn concert at Ashburton.

Mr J. K. Page, secretarv. Wellington, publishes an important notice respecting the " Seddon National Memorial." This will be erected in Wellington, and the Mayor of Timaru will receive , subscriptions in. «Ny sums from one shilling upwards., Lists are open at the Borough Council offices. :

Early yesterday morning the .Barquerif' tine Whangaroa. which' has been, waiting in the harbour several days for a favourable breeze, left for Wliangape. She was towned'. out- by the Elsie Evans aid< shortly afterwards, a northerly wind caught the vessel. - About 1 -p.iii-.- a fresh sou: therly ibreeze came up and took the Whangaroa- -away in .fine style and in the rightdirection.

Messrs A: Morrison. (Aibury), W, Connolly (Geraldine); * O.,vßlackler(Pleasant Point), B. Gould (Timaru),'\R..vLeifch (Timaim), and 'T. Teschemaker (Otaio) niade considerablenuroliase«: at the annual sale of .surplus stock, at Otekai,ke'-.pff.'{l:iTirsday: The •North vOtago - Times that prices generally were about double what would have' "been realised-- for the saliie sheep a month ago.

the Ciiptain's discretion. A rule indicting • -a fine for breach of rides was. "rescinded, the penalty of suspension - being inserted in place of it. : The, secretary was instructed ,to write to the- v secretaiy of the«-South Canterbury Harriers to endeavour. -to' arrange a combined opening day. The subscription was fixed at ''3s, .and;, Sir GJanville pointed- ou t. the fact that." the Club was open to any who wished to ; join, and. not restricted to members of Trinity Bible Class!

We luive-received front the' Tourist Department another handy little 'booklet, neatly got rip 5 for advertising the colony abroad, with 'the ingenious rebus title of "New Zealand'. in a. Nutshell." Twenty pages of print -.contain,' manv hundreds of facts, and statistics, and as many pagas- of well-printed photographs illustrate many of tlie show 'spots' and showy industrial scenes -cf the colony. ' ,-Ir- is quite a nice present fo -post' to friends -in the Old' Country. " •

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13230, 9 March 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13230, 9 March 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13230, 9 March 1907, Page 5