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■ Tlie Port- Guards will fire their next Knatch on Monday at the 600 yards range. W At 12.44 p.m. yesterday, • Captain Ed- ■ win advised as iollows: —"Moderate tct | strong northerly winds; glass fall; tides K good." An. application fcr prohibition order against a Timaru resident, set down, for hearing yesterday was struck out; neither party appearing. .Mr .P. H. ZvlcConacliy. notifies that lie has opened a. billiiu'd room in the building at the. corner of Stafford and Cliff streets. He possesses a. good table asd true balls. The fi-omework of the. verandahs in front or the shops in the new Empire buildings has been completed, arid the work of adding the galvanised platss was commenced yesterday. ' A party of about .20 Salvationists left hv express yesterday on, thsir way to the annual meeting to be held at Christchurch next week. The party included re- , presentatives of the Dunedm and North Dunedii!: Salvation Army Bands. A long-felt waict in the shape of a public telegram addressee board has been placed on the Timaru railway statioa p atform at the door of the stationmaster s office. This should be found acrreat convenience botb to the telegrapli aepirtment and to the travelling public. Mr Gniham, stationmaster at Timaru, states that the goods and live stock traffic from country stations is very hea.vy. Sheep for "freezing have been coming to the works froib al directions, and _as all the sheep trucks were utilised - ordinary iron trucks had to be resorted to. Besides this thel new season's grain has commenced cumirig ia.The shingle which was washed along Caroline Bay by a, north-easterly sea some time ago is" slowly disappearing.under the continual deposit of sand.,'.. Thi' beach from the women's bathing sheds southwards k "now almost free from shingle, and it >eems that as long as rough seas hold off, there will be m> need of resortkg to artificial niaans of protecting the bay from the shingle of Waimatait-ii spit. On Thursday evening the Storm took 680 two-tooth crossbred ewes on account of Messrs Guitiness, and- LeCren,, Ltd., for n. client! The sheep were consigned to Wanganui for Mr Rogers, of Hawera. The Storm is to return next week to take a further consignment. Yesterday inorning the Wanaka shippsd 1000 two and four-tooth ewes, consigned' to Auckland by the New l Zealand Loan Company. The Wanaka also had on board- 50 .sheep and two prize rams, shipped .-it Oamaru. -The sheep and one lam go to Auckland, and tfie second ram is to be put off at Napier. There was plenty of oat sheaf feed on board for the sheep. ' At the 'December examinations the resuits of which are just to hand the Haze'burn School gained awards which are very gratifying to the whole . district. Three candidate?—E A. Parr, Wm. O'Connor, aud A.. Verity, were sent ir]> for junior Board scholarships, and one, 'Roger Carter, for a junior free- place. The four were sac- , cessiul in passing, and E. A. Parr and ' Wm.- O'Connor were awarded' scholarships worth. £27 a year each for two years, ~-a-i remit wlricli is very satisfactory for a sole k charge school. A Verity, is still yonpg. V was close Hp to the successful ones, only a S few ■ marks «e>parating him from" Wm, . O'Connor. Roger Carter wil!' take adyan.tage of the free place nis pass entitles him to. Tils following passengers" visited Cook daring the past week : —-Mt John Ityincan .(party of three), Wellington; Mr W-. A. . Moon (party of four), Patea; Hon. "Mr Skene and party (4), Christchurclr; Mr Walter LesUe, Christehurch; Bishop Wallace and party (6), Dunedht; P. W. Bicknell aDd party (4), Mr Winerall and party (3), Queenstown; Mr ac<l. Mrs Chinerv, Wellington; Mr and Mrs Hope. R:\incliff; Captain. Howard, Sydney; Mr Dy r•raid Stuart. Dunedin; 'Misses Gunn arid Vohr (2): Mr A. F. Roberts, Dunedin; Miss Harris and Miss Nathan. • Dutsdin; Mr and Mrs Lamb, Dunedin; Mr Stewart, Morrison. Oamaru; Lady De Trafford, Master De Trafford', Mrs . Randall Johnston and another, Wellington; Mr and' Mrs Bage, ChristehurchMrs H. Milford, Christehurch; Dr Ennis. : / The annual meeting of the Orari Sports Club was held in the Geraldine Hote'j.on Thrirsday night when, considering the inclemency of the weather, there was a good' .-iHendance. The chair was occupied by Mr J. Kennedy, and the president wrote ajiologising for his absfflce through illness.The balance sheet for the past year showed a credit balance of £49 6s 7d, whicli was considered-highly satisfactory, and on the motioa of the chairman was adopted. It iras resolved to hold the a-cnual. race meeting, on Tlinrsday, April'2sth. The following officers Ttere' e'ected fort the ensuing year:—President, Mr L. R. Corsbie; vicepresidents, Messrs 5L Harper, J. dialing. H. M. Spencer, and A. G. Macdonald; t-ecretary ;tnA treasurer, Mr Iv. O'ilalley; judge, Mr x O: S. Thomson ; • clerk of the' rourse, Mr ,R. Hv Bissefe; handicapper, Sir, B. R. Macdonald.; handicapper. for trots,-:Mr"George Morrison: starter. Mr C. A. Jefferson; timekeeper. Mr R. Ivennington; clerk of the scales, Mr W. .T. Turner; stewards. Messrs J. Kennedy. G. Worner. D. Macdonald, W. Quirk. W. Mason, J. !Mullan, C. Borrell. A. Bates, C. Stock, W. Baxter, and officers ex officio. Messrs 15. R. Macdonald, Turner, Worner, and A. G. Macdonald were appointed a committee to. draw up a- programme with stakes not fi» exceed £75. The meeting then terminated. . There was an old woirian 'rflio lived "in • .' a shoe, She had many children, but she knew what to do. . For all coughs or colds. by night or by dav. , ■/' ' Hean's* "Babicof" Syrup was her I . friend she would - sar.

Premier Road Racers, now at £ls j. full Roadsters and Ladies, fully equipped,.!with' brakes and freewheel, .£l6; made to .any style or design. Graint Bros., makers, Christchurclr and Timaru. ... " Babicof" is such a simple, safe, and effective remedy for all the coughs and colds that trouble little children, that it is given by careful mothers everywhere. But be sure it is Hean's "Babicof." Sir John Hall, Mayor of Christ church, entert-.iined the Lord Mayor of Melbourne oil Thursday, at dinner. The Hon. G. Fowlds entertained him at luncheon in the Exhibition buildings yesterday. No preparation. will remove hard and soft corns from yc.ur feet as quickly as Baxter's Ruby Com Cure. Ruby Corn Cure has a duty to perform—that of curing corns—it does it without pain or cutting. One shilling, jwst free, from J. .Baxter, chemist, Timaru. ... The two 'Timaru bands leave for the Christehurch contest to-day. The Garrison Band goes by the 1.30 express to Dunsundel, gives a concert there in the afternoon, and goes on by a later train. The Marine Band goes by the same express, and gives a concert at Lyttelton to-morrow afternoon. . The Besses o' tli' Barn played in Waimate yesterday afternoon, in the drillshed, which was packed to its utmost capacity. The band, which had been played to lunch and to the hall by tie Waimate Brass Band, had a- great reception and delighted 'the audience with its , playing. I/hey were formally welcomed by the Mayor, Dean Regnaulb arid a local committee. Dr Barclay, who was taking a leading jiart iri the arrangements, was prevented from being present by an unfortunate accident. ". Early yesterday morning', some smart work was. done in loading sheep from the main wharf to the Wanaka's decks. The fariious "■'Rotokfcio Billy" now nearly nine years old, was responsible for leading 850 «beep en board l in forty minutes. This was considered excellent work, and : was accomplished with very little troub'e. A iurthsr lot of 150- was taken on- board by Billy at 5 o'clock hist night. Billy is the sheep which was purchased from the' Rotbkino soare two years ago when' that steamer gave up transporting sheep. ■ Billy is a born leader of sheep and' proves 111va'uablo to.the idiip, and! also to those I concerned; in shipping sheep. During. th;it pa it. of Mr J. »W. Whites argument, in the factoiy appeal case in the Supreme, Court here on Wednesday that a factory means a building ;uid not any open p'ace, his, Honour the Judge asked if ai rope walk was- ,not a factory. Mr White I replied: "No; for.if so,in which i two men Vere employed would also be ai factory, or if two gardeners were employed in the Timaru Cemetery that woiild also' l be a factory, and two questions would' then naturally arise: first, what was - being manufactured, and secondly, in the event of legal, proceedings having to be taken-, who would .under the Act be deemed the occupiers, those actually in possession, or the Trustees of the Board." ' Chalmers' Chui'ch garden party will be held at the r esidence 7 and grounds of i Mi* , William Evans. North street,, oil i Thursday week, the 21st inst The gates I ■vrill be opened at 2 p.m. Tickets are riow on; sale, and > arrangements' are mi course of preparation to make tlie party very pleasant to all who visit it. 'llhere will be stalls for refreshments, produce, sweets, flowers, and miscellaneous goods.' Attractions on the lawn will comprise a parade of decorated bicycles.-'games of croquet, etc. At'intervals Miss Avison and iher little children will give a display riiuch on the lines that were so popular at the Miiin School In addition to other attractions, the Garrison Band, fresh; froiri their grand tour of the Exhibition, ! will discourse a programme of riiusic that ' should delight [ill who attend the party. The annual meeting of the Pleasant Point Cemetery Board was . held on Wednesday last. . Present—Messrs.. G. Butler J". Maze, J. Mui-phy,. J.: Stewart and W. Halstead. . The . chairman renewed the work done during the past year, and showed that the .expenditure | had exceeded the ordinary income by about I £l2, accounted ■ for by extra work -done. I On the other side they had been fewer interments, .thus showing a lower mortality than usual. : The balance, sheet and i statement were adopted. Messrs Murphy I and Halste:'d suggested selling :the old mower and this was agreed to. The chair---! man waH authorised to get certain work : done and also to insure the Board's _em3>l6yees. ' The lessee of. the cemetery' padI dock suunrhb permission to graze off the portion of oats he had been" unable to -j l cut, -as the dvoutxlit had killed the newly soirii gias.---. The chuirmiia was author-. ised to -niake certain arrangements for reletting it another year, and also for ' re- | sowing • the • grass. Mr W. B. Howell wrote tendering his resignation as a mealber. on account of tbe.stole of his health. and;distance preventing him attending, and | expressing bis regret- at so doing, as he rook flart inrthe. selecting of the land and had been a member of- the Board since I its /commencement. He thanked the memI BerS for their cordial co-operation in tlie past. ; It was resolved tlnt this meet' i imr." expresses its regret at having to receivethe resignation of Jfr W. B. Howell and hereby records its high appreciation | of. the -seiyices -he has• rendered to this Board since it* commencement. The meeting then adjourned. | We have received from the Doclc Office of the Port of Manchester a small pamphlet descriptive of the- arrangements that have been made for handling refrigerated produce, received by direct steamers (Fej deral-Houlder-Shire " line) from Australia. ! ;2Je,-dand. - The Ship Canal- Company have; fitted up a chamber, having a ( capacity of cubic feet/ with insulation. and cold refrigerator, for the reception, j storage sorting of frozen - meat and I other produce. Produce is landed" direct into the shed so that no damage can arise ■ froin. exposure to the. weather, 'lhere is ' another cold store at the docks and others elsewhere in the city. Appeal is made to colonial producers and shippers in a taWe sliowiilg the comparative cost of delivering produce. to inland towns, via Manchester, Liverpool and London, which shows for all northern town very largely in favour of :M:inchester. Tlie importance of. the Manchester .district as. a, market is indicated- by tlie following, paragraph : " Manchester is situated, in the most densely populated area in the United Kingdom, and, as- a port-. .is the source of supply for at least 177 interior towns. The district :in -which these towns are situated; arid wh'ch is nearer to the Manchester Docks tl):>u -any other steamship port, is-10,000 "square miles in extent . and. contains a population of over teaniillioti people. The area, to and from which the Ship Canal traffic is now carted contains a population of : over two millions. -This, enormous . population, comprising workpeople who earn high rates of wages, consumes a very large quantity of all kinds of products, and'the supply of these products can be more easily cmd ■ cheaply . drawn ■ from the Manchester Docks than from any other port." Nothing is quite so good in bronchitis and chi'oriic cough as Stearns Wine. Its delicious -'taste, makes its regular usea pleasure, and it acts as a matchless tonic and body isuildeK ... Mr W. F. Burnley has been appointed chief agent and representative for the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Co., Limited, 'in South Canterbury....

"Comb Southern Cross, A.0.F., holds a [special' summoned meeting on Tuesday feVenifig. Messrs . Raymond mid Revell announce to-day that " they are adding property agency to their business .as accountants, etc. - The annual meeting ,of the South Canterbury Coursing Club is convened_ for next Thursday evening in the Sophia street hall. The Executive Committee of the Christchurch j Seddon Memorial Technical College Fund has received subscriptions to date amounting to £399 lls. : The " New Zealand Times" Co. is offering prizes amounting to £4OO for farm competitions. The conditions will be decided after consultation with the A.,and •P.- Societies and branches of the Farmer's' Union. • An effort is- being; made .by-Mr. A. R.. Guinness, M.H.R.,-to induce the Government to instruct Mr Wilson, Sir John Coode's representative, liow in Christchurch, to j'epoi't upon ilie practicability of making a harbour at Port Elizabeth. The ." Otago Daily 'Times states that the fields and paddocks in the vicinity of Moerakr Beach are so dry and parched up that there is- scarcely any feed for cattle, and quite a. number of the tnnmals make their wav to the beach and feed upon kelp which is washed ashore. The information charging Percival: Cornmms with falsely pretendnig to-be a doctor of medicine, was dismissed by MrWiddowson,' Stipendiary. Magistrate ,at Dunedii), who held that! , the 'English cases Kills .v:< Kelly and Carpenter, v. Hamilton, cited by Mr Hanlon, as well as Hunter v. Glare ..find Regina v. Baker and Makuna, supported defendant s contention. The Newcastle Band, the, champion brass ' band of Australia,- arrived ill Chrislchurch yesterday morning to take part m the .International Exhibition Band Contest. ■ The Wanganui. Garrison Band paid the. Newcastle Band the compliment of meeting it at the railway station and playing it nito town. By Sunday thirty competing bands will reach Christehurch. The contest will begin on Monday and continue during the week. The usual weekly meeting :-of the Life Boat Lodge.: No. : 101. 1.0. G.T., was held last evening,- Br-o.i Wotton, G.l'., presiding oven a good attendance of members;. . One candidate, was proposed,, for membership. The Lodge was instructed in the -ivprking of the new ritual by the Lodge Deputy, for which he was accorded a. vote of thanks. The programme for the-evening . being m the hands of : the married members of first class programme of songs, recitations, etc., were rendered by the following-—Brothers El. is*>, Mucnmore;. Lowiy, and , Peake, Sisters Lowry, Reilly and 'Sadler. : A; very hearty vote of thank? was -accorded the married members for then-excellent programme, and Bro. Lowry suitablyresponded. The C.T: appointed the various committees for finance, visiting the sick, and preparing the Lodge room. The arrangements for. drawing up a. programme, .foi;: thsi next three months were left, in, the. hands of the piano committee. Ihe programme for the next meeting will take the form. of an : " instrumental- night,". Brothers Ellis and.Newlands being responsible. .This being all the business the Lodge was closed m the usual manner at 9-30. . Mr Mark Cohen,- proprietor , ai:d editor of the Dunedin ■ ".Evening Star, ', on: his way to London brojee lus puirney at Timaru on Thursday night, for the purpose of .conferring, with the .Mayor, on a.subject iw which both are interested, the conditions of Mr Carnegie'si grants for public libraries. Dunedin has been {riverr a. grant by Mr Carnegie, and like Timaru,. fears that, the condition that no charge-may be made for ■lending books- will be, detrimental to .the success of the library. •••:: -jSJCri. Cohen, - goes Home, partly as a journalist to'attend the !Conference of Colonial) Premiers: in London, when this: is over he i will; visit- Mr Carnegie and make representations regarding the local view of the lending -jliprary. ■ question . Mr. Craigie g#r® - Mr..-.Gqhen ai -•copy of all his '.correspondence -with Mr Carnegie, and . showed him < the proposed site for the library; This, "Mr . Cohen considered an excellent: oca... . ■ .A. code; was arranged for Mr Cohen: to cable the re,suitor lus interview with Mr Carnegie. . The next step to be taken, here is; to get al plan for submission to Mr Carnegie for his approval, and' this is to be fui-nislied by competition! among loca.i architects in ■April. One of the points to which Mr Carnegie's attention will be drawn is that. the Act which authorises the pvrchan& of the Mechanics' Institute gives the managers of the future public librarv authority to fix a, rate of subscription for lending outj books. ■■■ 'SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Important sale of .sheep—At Hororata ■on 2-lst inst. - Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Asso- : ciation-—Point sale Monday, Waslidyke sale Tuesday, Geraldine sale Wednesday, land sale 16th inst-, clearing sales 28th inst., and sth March. Jonas and Co.—Sell poultry, produce, jewellery, fruit, etc., to-day; furniture"on 14th inst. Guinness and LeCreu—Point stock sale Monday. National Mortgage and Agency Company i —Point sale Monday, Waslidyke-Tuesday, Geraldine Wednesday. . Dalgety and Co. —Point sale oil Monday. Court Southern Gross—Special: meeting on 12th inst. Harbour Board—-Have vacancy for junior. Raymond and Revell—Land and estate agents, accountants, etc. Pleasant Point District High School— Reopens on Monday. Miss. Lawrelli' M.A. —Resumes coaching on -16 th February. - P. H. McGonachy—Has opened Ist class billiard saloon. . W. ■F. Burnley—Special • representative C'.M.L. Assurance Co. T. Coulthard-Mullions —Calls tenders for grandstand. New Zealand Railways—Trains run to Caledonian Grounds this afternoon. D. J. ■ Caldwell —Prices of tanks with I taps. I W. Miller—Jam and jelly jars, dinner | sets, etc., on sale. ■ I Francis Tasker—lmportant notices to i anglers arid lawn tennis: players. .. Geo-. Cross—Hot house tomatoes, what | to plant: now. I Exhibition Cookery Book—On sale all booksellers. John Mee and Son —Details of Lawes' sheep dips. The Besses—Superb progamme for this afternoon. . • Mjs Palmer Chapman—Wants, house parlourmaid. ; Souter's shoe stores-Annual stocktaking sale. New Zealand Clothing Factory—Tailor cut sac suits. Webb and Kempthorne —-Farms for sale, fat stock .buyers, sheep <ffip sellers. Purse lost—Finder return to this office, i Chalmers Church—Garden party on the 21st iiisfc. .^ Club—Annual meeting on 14th inst. Jas Clark—Special offer to accountancy students. Dr-W. A. Gunn—-Dental surgeon, Theatre buildings. " . Funeral notice—By W. J. Lister. Wanteds—Eleven notices.-

Tha Pie.isiirit Point district high school reopens on Monday.We have to acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Exhibition Cookery Book (price, one shilling). The book contains a e.gtiod many , very , . useful recipes, for plain, fancy and sick room, .cookery; and also useful hints relating to. health, etc: The pages of the . book are, somewhat marred bv too frequent reference to.-a certain '' stove." , .Otherwise it .is a useful publication, and puts into small;compass •: a, lot of information that. should be found very valuable., .. .. ; .

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Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13206, 9 February 1907, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13206, 9 February 1907, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XC, Issue 13206, 9 February 1907, Page 5