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The annual conference of the Ms.-ter Bakers' Association is to ba held in Tlmaru early in February. Mr Devlin, the Irish envoy, told a newspaper interviewer in Wellington that his welcome in Timaru had been particularly warm.

The Harbour Board yesterday fixed their price for the dredge Timaru at £II,OOO. Tenders were received for her from Geelon? and Gievc:oi;'h. but bnih tvete us-'-' >'•' the reserve and vrere declined.

At 12.50 p.m., yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows: —"Moderate_ to strong westerly winds; glass fall; tides moderate." At 8 o'clock on Christmas Night Mr Edgar Randal, A.T.C.L., is to give an organ recitai in Trinity Church. _ The members of the choir will assist with the programme., Notice- is given by the Borough Council to persons allowing any waste of water from leaky taps. etc.; the Council having power to cut the supply off. Except between 6 and 8 p.m. of each day no water must be used on gardens or lawns. To-morrow evening Christmas carols will be sung at the evening service at St. Marys, which will be at 7 p.m. On Christmas Day there will be holy communion at 8 and 9 a.m., and matins will commence at 11 a.m. It has been decided to open the Exhibition to the public cn Christmas Day at 2 o'clock. Exhibitors and concessionaries may work or not as they choose. The orchestra will give free concerts on Christinas Day at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. The music will be suitable to the season. The Temuka Caledonian Society's annual sports are to be held on Boxing Day in Victoria Park when a first class programme of cycling, athletic and musical events will be presented. Scottish pipe and dance champions afe to give performances. Special excursion fares from Timaru have been arranged. Timaru members of the Scottish Society of Christchurch have received word that the entries for the great gathering at the Exhibition on New Year's Day are many in number, and additional names are coming to hand by daily mail. The president intending this news says that as a champion gathering it promises to be among the best in the Scottish annals of the colonies.

The committee of St. Mary's Church completion, fund held a meeting yesterday to consider tenders for the completion of the church. Eight tenders were received ranging from £8650 to £25,624 18s 6d. Th<T latter was an exceptional one, the rest ranging up to £l2,ooft odd! The tender cf Messrs Scott and Son, Christchurch, was accepted for the work at £8,650 and build;Etr operations will be commenced early in the new vear. Mr Co.lins, the architect. was in attendance, and spoke highly of the qualifications of the successful tenderers.

The "usual weekly meeting of the Life Boat Lodge,' No. 101, 1.0. G.T., was held last evening. The evening was devoted to a children's night and Ciiristmas tree and was a great success. There were, about ;50 children present, and a. splendid prooramme was gone' through. Lollies were handed round' to the children, .-•"er which each child received a handsome .pieoff the Christmas' tree, whica; was lisavilv laden with gifts of • every bind. The Lodtfe has. decided to hold a pacmc a" Boxing Dav s t' Winchester, leaving Thnaru by the 7.20 train,'. The St. Andrews Gun Club h§ld a sweepstake match at inanimate birds on Thursday afternoon. There were 14 entries and a verv good afternoon's sport was the re-. su !t despite the strong wind which made the birds fly in a 4 very puzzling manner. James Rae took" first prize of £8 withi 21 bills straight out; D. Young, and: J. Mackenzie iritli 19- kills each divided: and 3rd mcney amounting to £4 12s. Others clcise up were : T. SapweL, George McHwrick and J. E. Sapwell, the lastnamfed' being a. veteran shot from' the ; qld country of shooting ,was much admired. The treasurer of the Home Rule fund, Mr D. Mahoney, acknowledges the followin or subscriptions Jno. Provan £1 Is, P. Mulvihill £1 "Is, a friend (J. P. F.) 10s, ■Timothv T. Brosnahan £1 Is, also to acknowledge errors in previous lists, either of amounts or donors wrongly described which, should have appeared as follows : Mr M. Crannitch £1 Is, Mr, J. Connelly senr. £2 2s (this appeared as J. Connelly jnr.,. whose subscription was also acknowledged), Mr Michael Guerin £l, Mr T. Moloney 10s. Any other errors will be duly acknowledged bv the treasurer on being informed, "and as it is' impossible -through the holid.'.ys to hold a meeting' till next Thursday night, subscriptions from donors who have overlooked the matted will be received till then, when tlie lists and the duties of the committee will finally close. The annual bicycle Toad race in Totara Valley came off" on Wednesday evening, when" eight riders covered a course of aboue 13 miles—three times round a block of country. Mr \Shiers was secretary to the affair." Mr H. Randrup the handicappeiy Messrs J. Bprie, J. T. Smart-, J. Fraser, and R. J- McKeown the committee. The race was won by H. Andrews, of Pleasant ■Point (scr). who inade the fastest-- time; A. Muir, Totara Valley (scr)' 2,' G. 'Muir (6 min) 3. ' Special prizes were provided by Randrup Bros. T-liere .was : a.' large, :attendance of spectators fromv;il:e ing districts, a fine array of buggies, gigs •and bicycles lining the road at the winning -post, Fraser's Corner. . Mr Eraser hospitably provided tea and refreshments 'for competitors and visitors. • The Winchehster school children came to Timaru by the ordinary morning train yesterday to spend their annual picnic and treat on "Caroline Bay. The gathering was also the occasion of the break-up of the school. The party numbered about 150. including committeemen., parent* - and friends, and the ideal weather which prevailed succeeded a long way in assisting towards a pleasant .holiday. The tide was well out during the afternoon, and a big stretch of sand allowed a good programma of sports to be gcti off," aid the way the children entered into the spirit of the races war; pleasing to onlookers. Refreshments were provided by the parents, and everything went off well, the: only disappointment about, the proceedings being the fact' that the members of the party had fcb leave the scene of their enjoyment to catch the *4' o'clock train for their homes. Many of the.visitors were interested spee- : tutors of the operatioTis of the new dredge, and expressed pleasure at seeing her actually dredging. There was also a small j party from the Hinds spending a holiday ; on the Bay, and all went- home fully satisfied that it -was the; best time/they had ever ihad. ' ■

Guard your * .'mcemic voune; daughter against- future ill-bealth by building up "lier strength to tlie normal condition of vonthful vigour. Stearns' Wine Trill do if—has done it for millions. ... Mounted on a B.S.A. Premier GVcle, J. Tozer scored two firsts ,at the Pleasant Point anniversary sports. Makers,: Grant Bros., Timaru and Christchurch. ... The family of dolls is larger than ever this Christmas and it would be difficult to suggest a make of doll that is not shown at Penrose's Christmas bazaar. They commence with the tiny dolls with flowing locks intended for fancy work, up to most elaborately attired ladies •in the •latest Parisian costumes. About a dozen hair stuffed dolls, with unbreakable celluloid heads, price lid ; also a. few pretty dolls, dressed in smart frocks and bonnets and tiny shoes and stockings, price Is; one very good doll with jointed limbs and fair curly hair, price Is 9d; just a few sleeping dolls irith ki'l hnrlies, and slioes ;<r-' Penrose's Fanev ...

The matron of the hospital asks us to acknowledge receipt of the following gifts for the patients:—Flowers from Trinity Presbyterian. Church, Christmas cards from Airs A. Matheson, amd goods froml Mrs G. Swan.

"You are the happiest man on the Board then," said Mr' Manchester to the chairman, who had replied good humouredly to many, pin-pricks by Mr Turnbull, and declared that he would let nothing trouble him because Christmas was coming.

" Professor Bickerton, who watched the Fijian fire-walking feat on Thursday, gives two facts in explanation of the seeming mystery; first, that the Fijians are accustomed to walking bare-foot on hot ground ; second, that' cool stones are raked up from the bottom of the oven for the men to walk on.

■Mr Turnbull yesterday asked that the Harbour Board's accounts for the year be prepared in readiness for a special meeting at an early date next month. The secretary said he could not get themi ready before or not much before the next ordinary meeting. "Some members," he remarked, "don't know what work there is to do in this office." • Christmas services will be conducted in the Wesleyan Church to-morrow by the Rev. S. J. Serpell. The morning subject will be " A Photograph of the Son of Man" ; in the evening, the statement of Christ, " I am from above, ye are front beneath." There will be special singing' by the choir. At Waimataitai the Rev. C. H. Olds will preach at 11, and Mr Stead at 6.30 p.m.

A team from the Main School visited Waimate yesterday and played- the final game in the first round of the schools cricket competition," when the home team] won by 20 runs. This leaves the Marist School and^Waimate leading in the competition with .one loss each. A rifle match was also" fired and the visitors .succeeded in lowering the ; colours of their doughty opponents by 14 points,: thus avenging. their defeat of a week ago. A meeting of the general committee of : the Timaru Rowing Club bazaar was held last evening. It' was decided to have the art union books placed in the hands of the printer at once. Good' prizes are to be given, the first prize being a nugget valued at £ls, the second a. nuggeti worth £lO, third a nugget valued at £5, and ten other prizes of various works ■oi art- are to be given. Should the tickets sell well better value wiill be given in) prizes. It was practically agreed to hold a swimming carnival in the harbour at an early date. . At Court; yesterday morning before Messrs M. ] White, / and F. Smith, J P.'s, George Gibbs was charged wit.h having been drunk at St. Andrews Railway Station and also with having used obscene language, at. the same place on, the' -.2oth inst. Accused pleaded gunty, but said he knew, nothing ..about having used any bad: language. Constable Fitzgerald, who arrested accused, gave, evidence in support of the charges. The Bench imposed a/fine of 10s on the first count, and £2 on the second, and costs £8- in the alternative imprisohnient for 14 days. On : the application of a wife a. prohibition order was taken out, against a' resident of Timaru. Another case was struck out, neither parties appearing.

SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. All cyclists feel that tyres are sold at much too high a.price.: Having already told the puttie that it- is our intention to sell cycle and motor goods at the lowest prices in Timaru, we niow continue to keep faith with the public. To-day we are commencing to give away a guaranteed Clipper inner tube sold &t 5& 6d, with every guaranteed Clipper-Reflex wired on cover bought for 20s cash, and also; a guaranteed Clipper inner tube sold at 5s 6d, with every guaranteed first grade Dunlop cover bought for 22s cash. During the Christmas and New Year holidays many cyclists will be> purchasing new tyre covers. We feel quite sure cyclists wi'l appreciate our holiday present' of an inner tube, as so many cyclists are daily troubled, with leaky old or perished tubes. This holiday •offer is open until January 18th. The tyre "arid tubes axe brand new stock and are fully guaranteed. See the tyres ir;. our windows. Adams, Ltd.,-The Arcade, Timaru. ... r . THE GUINEA POEM! A CHEQUE FOR £1 Is has been sent to Jthe writer of this verse —Mrs P., King street, Rangiora. I dreamt of St. George and the; dragon; The dragon swas dreadfully, hurt; For St.,! George w;as a. packet of . SAPON, And the terrible dragon was dirt. ■» • ' . WIN A t GUINEA! Prize Poem published every Saturday. • Best fourrshortline advt. verse about " SAPON" wins each week. SAP ON wrapper must be enclosed. Address, " SAPON " (Oatmeal Washing' Powder), P.O. Box 635, Welling-: ■ ton. \ SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEj ' MENTSL • , C. Jonas and Co.—Sell drapery, poultry,.: pigs, plant, etc., to-day. Gerrie and Co.— Sale of traveller's satnr pies, property, etc., to-day. Temuka—No sale on Tuesday next. ; ■Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association—Harvest horse sale on 17th January. . •'' Machinery C.P.C.A. —Chaffcutting plant for sale. ' • j'■ W. A. Johnstone—Prices of fresh fruit this day. G. C." Martin, Faii-lie—Sections for sale. "Sarins for sale—Apply to Guinness and LeCren. St. Mary's Church—The services for tomorrow. W. Miller—New dinner and te;i set*,,--see . windows. ; ;.. - Francis •Tasker—lmportant, notice • tff, trout fishers,: ' • ' - tv J. D. McNeilage—Has opened T reoia frat shop (next 'Reynolds!. t i:Mullin ; and Temple—List of .pro] e e | for sale. .- • ■' /> T. and J. Thomson—Argvle <i pe squares, dadoes, etc. i Adams, Limited—Second-hand moan cy-;i cle for sale. New' Zealand Hardware C'o. —Notice re! closing for holidays. John McNa.b —Has every variety of Xmas presents. Temuka Caledonian Society—Sports on Boxing Day. * Timaru Borough Council —Notice re misuse of- water. Pearson and Jim hat't. -' Wesleyan Church—Services for to-mor-row. ■V Cowan's colonial * clothing house —The; place for kifts. A. A. Ware and Co. —For Xmas presents in leather. , Randrup Bros. —Special Xmas offer in bicycles. ' W. W. Wade —List of Xmas gifts. Shamrock Hotel—Want a barmaid. _ Mr F. .Cone —Calls, tenders for Waitohi farm. > Trinitv Presbyterian Church —Organ recital 'Xmas night. Kailoa 'tea rooms—Open 10 a.m. to 10 t .m. on Monday. ; Wanteds—Seven notices.

There is on view in Mr Radcliffe's window a fine piece of work in chip-carving the artists taking a table to work upon. The work was turned out from the Marist Brothers' School. The annual prize-giving at St. Mary's Sandietown Sunday School, took place last Thursday evening. A number of parents and friends- assembled to witness the ceremony, and to hear the carols, which were very nicely sung by. the girls of the Sun-day-School. The schoolroom was decorated with greenery and flowers, the altar [ receiving special attention. The effect of the decorations was further enhanced by the singers all wearing white dresses and red roses. The carols rendered were: " We've' Decked the Church with Ivy," " Good King Wenceslas," " In the Wintry Heaven," and " One Night in Dark December." Miss Alice Martin sang " Ora Pro Nobis," and Miss Jennie Wheeler " The Dream of Paradise," both of which were well applauded. Lucy 'Smail received great applause for her recitation, - Hang up the Baby's Stocking." The evening hymn " Star of Morn and Even," I was sunn- at the close of the proceedings. Mis<s Pair pTayed the harmonium accompaniments,. and Mrs R. Parr played the pianoforte accompaniments. The Ven. Archdeac-on Harper acted as chairman, and presented- the prizes, assisted by Miss deacon "reminded them of the necessity of regular attendance and attention to lessons. He was glad to see so many present and was all the more pleased, to notice that so many children had elected to receive a prayer book as a prize. A story book is soon read and then' put aside, while they would always use their prayer books. After presenting the prizes the archdeacon wished them all amerry, Christmas, and a happy new year, ana "hoped he would see them all back again next year after; their two Sun-days' holiday. . -The, prize-list i r as as follows: —Grade VII. (Miss Parr's,.class), Jennie. Whe&ler, Beryl • Fraser, JDlvina,. Dunn; VI. (Miss Sunaway), Charlie Williams. Mark Williams; V* (Miss Sunaway), Char\]ie Wheeler; IV. (Miss Robertson) Vera Fitzsimmons, May Harrison, Laurinai Clawsen; 111. (Miss. Robinson), ; Frank Brasell, Victor Hathaway, George Glover; I. girls (Miss Marcfiant) Lucy Smail, Mary Smail, . Audrey Rooney, Dora Martin, C'a-ra Palliser; I. boys (Miss Depree), Rex Brasell, Charlie Stubbs; infants (Mies' Martin), E. Cowles, N. Cowles, A. Williams, M. Williams, R. Fitzsimmons, F. Cameron.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13165, 22 December 1906, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13165, 22 December 1906, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13165, 22 December 1906, Page 5