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.Yesterday Captain Edwin advised #k fol-lows:—-"Winds westerly, modfttti** to strong; glass full J tides/good; pea coasiderablo on the coast." , Mr J. Pennell writes congratulating lb*. Tirnaru Fiie Brigade on their promptness and dexterity in ■extanguwhing the lira, which occurred at his dwelling on Tuesday night. , The Tomuka, Bow Ting CMU evidently intends to have its green in order as'fioon an- ' possible, and finding an adequate water Supply to bring on the grass during t|>® present dry season, something beyond the capabilities, of their windmill, thejr have approached the Borough Council for the loan of the local fire «ngin», ■■ «Jth-which they hope, through the aid of willing. hau:ds, to flood th<* green.

Special attention is directed to Messrs Bowie and Co/s- notice of a dressed display of goods and b-snd concert this events* ' ■ Ad the Police Court, yesterday morning before Mr C. A. Wray," S.M., "a first offender for drunkenness who had not been befi-ie the Court for the past two years, wa-. lined ss. . A.tention is drawn to the sale of probities at TattersalTs rooms to-monow at 2.5 J p-m- on account, of Jane Tuoreau (de-eased!. The houses are in first- class order and very easy terms are offered to intt-nding purchasers. The sittings of the District Court for the Timaru and Oauiaru district for 1907 are fixed as follows:—Timam—l3th March. 12th June, 11th September and 4th December. Oamaru. 15th March, 14th June, 13th September and 6th December. . Diy weather has produced a continued dust "nuisance in Temuka lately, and the Borouafa Council, which till recently possessed" an antiquated water cart, which obtained its supply of water by the tedi■ou.-, process of hand-pumping from the gutter, is considering the procuring of more •up to date and economical apparatus. Messrs C. Jonas and Co. draw special attention to the sale of Mr Williams' household furniture and eects, which takes place at their rooms, Beswick street tomoaw. Among the list there is an almost new Brinsmead piano and persons about to buy should take advantage of this opportunity of securing a first class instrument at a reasonable price..

Admirers of Mdlle. Antonia Dolores will learn with pleasure that Messrs J. and X. Tait have arranged for her reappearance in Timaru on either the 17th or 18th inst. at the conclusion of her Dunedin season.. Her present tour is proving eves more successful than case during her visit ,of 1903. Mdlle. Dolores has just sunf r iu Christchurch, and is to appear in ■Dunedin on the Bth, 10th and 12th inst. On the 21st she leaves New Zealand for Svdney en route to Europe. It was found on the arrival of the Corinthic at- Wellington yesterday that 32 p;is.-euac:.-; had sot been vaccinated. Br Masoi.o alter some persuasion, induced all of the.-e !••- submit to the process. In one c;:.?e the parent.? refused to permit their infant to bo vaccinated. Dr Mason assured them that there would be no serious. effect, the lymph being perfectly pure. He promised to pay the parents £5 if anvthitiir, serious to the child resulted from' the vacLkation, and the parents succumbed to till? proposition. The Timaru Licensing Committee held ii special meeting yesterday morning when there were present, Mr C. A. Wray (chairman!. Mr D. Stuart and Mr M. White. Sir Kavmond, on behalf of Mr A.. Anderson, applied for a transfer of the license of the Excelsior Hotel from Mr Balph Porter. Sub-Inspector''Green: said that nothing was known against the applicant he had been in the hotel-keeping-business for five and a half years in the Middlemarch district. The committee decided to grant- a temporary license-till next; meeting and during the interim applicant would be on probation. : The second heat of the Rowing Club's junior fours was rowed last evening, when Bradlev = me: and defeated Morrison. The race" was evenlv contested till near fce entrance to the haibour, though Morrison's coxswain'tcok him too much to the north. Brad'.ev increased hi* lead and won easiy by three lengths. In the second heakof the senior pairs Passmore and Reardcn heat Walker and Smith by a length. The race was' very even, and it was not until the last .stretch was reached that Passmore got a lead. This evening, at 6.45, Priest and Parr will meet Lawson and Bradley in the senior pairs, and Aylen will meet Milne in the fours. - The pairs -will be xowed first, and crews are requested to be ireadv in good time. Last night the. Marc School Committee considered an application Marine Band to be allowed to practise the quickstep in the Main School grounds once al in the evening preparatory for t'ha Exhibition contest. While the question •was under discussics some members thought, that, it would probably be tha means of putting an end to Sunday practices, which were considered objectionable. The fact of a. band having to -walk to any suitable- ground on any evening took; up too much of the time, and this originated the Sunday practices. The committee decided "to grant the application, but stipulated that the public must be strict'.y debarred from admittance to the grounds. The band in their application'said they ■would be prepared to. meet the committee in this direction.

A meeting of delegates from bands which 1 have'participatediin recent-contests.fe this < district, was held at Teffiuka, on. Wednes- ] day night, and attended 1 ... by Messrs Wills, : •Waimate), Bezzant and Applegarth (Ti- 1 inaru Marine), Croxford (Temuka), Hum- ( phreyr; (Ashburton County), Hoskins (Ash- i "burtoa-Temperance), Andersou (Lyttelton ] Marine, and Hintz (secretary). It was j decided that a Canterbury Second Class Brass Bateds* Association, as discussed at ; a previous meeting of delegates, be formed . and registered, and that affiliating bands ■ ? be charged a subscription of one guinea per annum. . A long code, of rules was drawn up. defining the status of a second' , -class band, and containing among other things stringent regulations to effectually prevent '" ringing in" of players from ■ other bands for contest work. .. It was unanimously resolved- that, the next contest be held at Ashburton, during 1907, and be carried out- under the new rules as drafted. The executive committee is to consist of the president (Mr T. Buxton), -secretary, treasurer, and a representative from euch .affiliated band. The best thing for nervous, pale- young girls is Stearns' Wine, for it increases their sire-.s+h. renews and enriches the blood. «ml'sharpens the appetite. It is ;> matchless tonic. .<? New from the Exhibition; call and in-spect-the latest patent in front .fork outaide liners, which are being fitted to all B.S.A- Premier"'cycles'. Price, £l6. Grant Brosrr opposite Barlantyne's.-v .- : ,: '■■''■&■ Beattf, the -new photographer, is giving, i during tbe-Bionth of December, a beautiful . feunsd enlargement, and one dozen cabinet photos "for 20s. Come early arid get your pictures before Xmas. Beatry's studio, Stafford-street'inbrth. .~; • "»&e ; DT C., having completed extensive '* improvements "at their Timaru showrooms, are nW busy in- preparation for a great -exhibition of goods for the forthcoming Christmas display. As the D.I.C. are he ■-faßisesf importers of fancy goods m tne colonv. vou can rest assured -ci unsurpassed -variety at price? altogether unequaLed. ... The attention of our readers is directed-; ' to an announcement which appears 12 our advertising columns this morning _ about the 4th <reat cash prize distribution for *' stimd-out o tea coupons. Competitors are *'". advised to send in their coupons to the ' proprietors at ITuriedin fey the 15th inst. ... The broken window of an optician's shop in Blomfield street, T.C.. bears the following announcement:—""Notice.— If the) midnight visitor who helped himself to goods through the centre of plate glass ■window finds them satisfactory, a testimonial will oblige."

The receipts from the Main School concert and garden party amounted to £53 12s Bd, and £49 3s 5d respectively; total, £lO2 16s. The annual meeting of subscribers to the Timaru Mechanics* Institute -will be held at the hall at 8 o'clock this evening. Tie committee hope to se«Ta large attendance. Messrs Perrv, Perry, a'cd Kinnerney, solicitors, advertise in another column that thev are further extending their business bv "opening a branch office at Geraldme on tue 19th inst. The South Canterburv Poultry - Association meet in the Old Bank Hotel this evening, when a report on the recent meeting of the South Island Association Trill probably be presented. To-morrow, starring at noon, the Timaru Tennis Club play the return match with •the Waitohi Club on the Elizabeth street courts. On Thursday next, the Victoria Park Club (Temuka) come to town to play the local club. Mr C. E. Donaldson writes correcting the statement made yesterday that he acted as starter of the Juvenile Oddfedows road race. Mr J. Toneycliffe acted m that capacity, and Mr.. Donaldson as one of the stewards. Two delegates to the Provincial of tie Mai'ist -Brothers" order in Italy, are at present on a visit' to the Timaru school. They are Brothers John and Stratomque. The* former was for a long time and until recently Provincial of New Zealand.

Tisitors to the wharf yesterday noted witi- interest that seme of the trucks of wool for the Delphic were labelled besides '•Delphic." "Hull," "Boston," "London, ov -optional." Inouiry elicited the information that all the wool will be landed at London,' but will be forwarded as marked by the ship.

The need for rain in the country is orcwino- more and more urgent. A report from Tctara Valley, for instance, states that- creeks which "have not been dry for the last seven years have ceased to flow, and crops on sunny faces of the downs are locking parched. " Frcm all quarters is heard the wish for rain, to save the crops from ruin and the pastures from bareness. And according to some accounts inland North Otago is in even worse condition. Captain Breen. of the s.s. Delphic, whose complaint about the inadequacy of the original light on Jack's Point was one of the chief factors in securing the litibstitu-tio-n of the occulting light, expresses complete satisfaction with the new arrangement. Coming up from the south on Thursday night, he picked up the light at a distance of about seventeen miles. The next improvement that is wanted, he says, is a serviceable light at the end of the eastern extension mole. . A strange fish was netted in :the Bay yesterday. It was brought to the " Herald" office in the hope of getting it identified, but none of the books .available contain a'cy description fitting it.- It is 18 inches-long, clad with large and pret*ily marked" scales (like tiny fans), "very s.mall a':■.'• rat" tail,', large, eyes, .a; solid snout. : a small protrusib'.e mou'thi beneath -it . and the eyes,, the "upper" i or rather the forward-, lip an inch backward from the tip of the snout:-Theflarge eye suggests a deep_sea ; .fish; the snout ai sand or mud Tooter. Trinity Tennis' Club '• opened their new court, which by the kind permission of Messrs Miller Bret-., is situate on a section in Hassall street, yesterday afternoon. The weather was all that could be -wished, and the attendance of members of the club and visitors was excellent. . Shortly after 3 o'clock Mr Jack Miller called the compaiiy together," aha expressed the club's j)learfure at being able in so short a time since the formation," to meet for play. The club were pleased to welcome visitors, and trusted that temiis.would find'favour with all. Mr Miller, in the unavoidable absence of the Rev; Mr Stinson (who was fkeeping am important engagement)"t&e'n "'called on Mrs Sitinson to declare the cpurt open. Mrs Srinsbn put the : first ball over the net in neat style, :and cheers -were : given for the success* of tbe v'.The 'courtvis a tar and sanded one, with somewhat narrowmargins, ia simple drawback, however, which .is very easily remedied. It played very 'truly," and during the afterncjbii it ;eecTrpied- By and-bye a croquet .lawn ii. to be laid down, audi this, with the court, should provide many opportunities for outdoor recreation this sumlmef.

f THE WORLD'S PICTURES. , Included in the series of " World's Pictures" to be shown at the Theatre Royal this evening and to-morrow evening, is an' entirely new set of life and scenery hi the Emerald Isle. One shows the. extraordin-; ary coast scenery at the Goblins, tourists being seen crossing the footbridges of the chasms,: the troubled sea. at. the f6oi lending . a peculiar, chaim r to the scene. A panoramic view of the famous lakes of Killarney shows these famous lakes at their best, and the mountain scenery is enchanced by the fine sunset cloud effect. Views of Glasgow and Edinburgh are also to be shown, also an electric tram ride through Montreal. Among the dramatic pictures is one entitled " Night Duty." which .depicts a policeman's experiences. This picture; a coloured one, teems with, incidents of a highly sensational and startling character. - An amusing film, one of many such,, is. that of a " Good old fivecent trolley-ride," in which a goose plays a, leading paa*. As the company carries its own electric. plant, patrons may rely on a clear well-defined picture, and tomorrow afternoon a matinee will be held. In Mr Edwin Brookes the company possesses a baritone singer of more than average ability. The. plan is on view at the Dresden: . SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gerrie and Co.—Sell poultry, live stock, produce, pictures, etc., to-morrow. Cecil Jonas and Co. —Sale of furniture to-morrow. ---:. ■...-■-■•.■.-.--■-- T. and. J. Thomson—Details of special deliveries. '..,-"..■ preparations Christma.?. at show rooms,. ! '" Robert" Bowie vM .'. Co.—Special. display and.-concert, this -evening. .5: '■ Timaru Rowing Club—-Meeting of ladies on Monday .next. - Turret—Fur necklet, reward at N.Z. CU> thing Factory. '■. .-. Huttohand Co.-2-Great display of Christ-. ' mas. goods. Theatrs Royal—The world's pictures this ; evening.. ■■Mechanics* Institute—Annual meetign this evening". Presbyteriiai services—For Sunday at Os-iio, St. Aiiflrev.-s and Sourhburn. The :-->. Delphic—Want 2nd cook; app!v on board. W. H\ Ai!dev:-*i>i:-r-jjffitice under the Licensing Act. ; Qho-s.. Ott—Cfrw and Calves impounded. ■ /Shepherd Loan, and Mercantile Company. h At Cowan's—Prices of to-measure suits. Perry, Perry and Kinnerney—Open branch office at Geraldine. * J. o"Rourke—Latest in hats, for the holi-; \ days. ' General manager. C.F.C.A.—Wants clerk ■ for machinery department. Wanteds—Eight notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13152, 7 December 1906, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13152, 7 December 1906, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 13152, 7 December 1906, Page 4