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ELEA Cougrhs Brosie. THE FAMOUS KE3IEDV tfoK HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST WEQICINE In THE WORLD. - Bate iJ&^i o i*Tih. t fe. tii * «f« *ma*«d at iu wonderful influence. Sufferers from any torn of Bronchitis, Coo gb, Difficulty of Bmihing, Hcsrsanii*, rwn or Bareness m the Chest, exoenenoe deliehtM ««i i mm «!•**• .~i ♦„ ♦>,„.- _v ».1 ' it a* it effects » Complse* , Cough or Atthma to become chronic, sat . __*" h&T« beta properly treated with this .*o»dwsuQ*. No house shoald be wiik***! ig, a dose u generally sufficient, and * Complete Cnr» io certain. Biiiiii^ffiiMPSss BEWABE OF COUGHS! RESIEII3ER liiAT EVERT IUSE&SC HAS in COttIISKCEWEHT AXB COKSCMPTIOH "I hare aaed Hearne'a Bronchitis Care with splendid remits. Always keep it in the home for use. It acta like magic." (Bey.) JAMES SMITH, Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cure suited Mra Nichol- " Australian Journal" Office, Melbourne. son lphndadly. Her oough. Ie gone. It "For sine years my \rife raftered from of Oa&e^^ct'ri. *. W - BDJJIB . Windorah, via Cbarlevil].. U * trial I wed fire bottte of yW jr v»»«ugii, victoria. c/o A H jjaesina Co m "Your Bronchitis Cure it die bt*i iteci- Broachitia and Asthma Care, with the at* "Your Bronchitia Cure auited Mrs Kichol- " Australian Journal" Office, Melbourne, cine J hare ever taken." j suit that tie difficulty of breathing scot boo iplendidly. Her oottgh ia gone. It " For nine Tears my \rife eefferad from D. WILLIAMS, j dwtreadßf cough hare all disappeared- I eased her directly, and there is really no Asthma and Bronchitis. I tried various Hill ftrtet, Litbgow, NEW. cannot speak *oo highly of your valuable. stiffness or shortness of breath present now. treatments for her, bat none succeeded antil " I can thoroughly testify to tie won- j awjooe, and I r*cc«aaaena It to si] sjij I mast say the Bronchitis Care is wonder- I got Hearse's Bronchitis and Asthma ierful efficacy of roar Bronchitis Cere in 1 fajwoi." ELIZA LANGTQN, foL I did not think she coold lire antil Care. She fonnd benefit from the first a consumptive cough, it having rtiiertd me ' Wiseman's Ferry, New South Wales, the morning, bat she sarprised me by rally- bottle, and three bottles completely cared »ben other prescriptions had no *C«ct what- J "My wiJe is 82 years old, and lam 71* ing, and is now able to be oat of bed once her. This was nine months ago. She is ever." T. LEWIS, j » %ai fkd to inform yon that your B«»»more." A M. WTCRTfYKT „«;♦. „.n «„ . »,.. n . M *. h*A .n .f. Kimbolton. i-U W*lKrcir.n V 7 I cai&t Care has dooe as both a wonderral eased her directly, and there is really no J Asthma and Bronchitis. I tried tarioae stiffness or ahortneaa of breath present now. treatments for her, bat none sacceeded antil more." A. M. WESTON, "Thorpe," Warmambool, Victoria. "Toar Bronchitia Care ia a splendid and Sore Throat. (Mra) JOHN McKEUZIE, Werona, Victoria. " I suffered very mach from A«fhnw for four years, and tried lota of so-called cares, "IhaTe Bronchitis quite well now, and has never had an attack since." A. ORB, Gonbinane, Sunday Creek, Broadford, Victoria. Bronchitis Cure acted splendidly. —Yours very sincerely, F. C. GREEN, State School, Rotebad, ria Dromana, Victoria. KimboJton, ria Wellington, N.Z. glad to inform yoa that yoar Broai Cere has dose as both a wonderfml " Yoar Bronchitis and Asthma Care hai j deal of good, haring qaickly cared «I b*en more to me than money tin trcr p»y. j **>&•" . R- BASSETT, 1 am quite free from Asthma new, asc\'««l ia» 6. TOEACH, Virginia street. G«!r-=£. "Yoar Bronchitit Cart it all rev describe it to bo."—roars most mptctfcilv, R J. Red Jacket, -ria Walhalla, Victtirsa. " T n«iL4 ir*«T» with most beneficial results." «eT f E. J. HENDERSON, ftamtTacis Strath Creek, Tia Broadford, Vktoria. "I hare ta«d one bottle of your Bran chitis Care with great bvat&b to myself, acta* n&othering has completely left ■».**- <Ma) JOHN RAHILLT, Glenmaggie, Victoria. " I hare tried lots of medicine, bat jrart is tie best I crcr had. lam reoomißaoeV Yaoko Siding, N.S.W."I have saferad from Chronio Aetna** and Bronchitis i&r which I obtained ■• South Ar.»tral!a. \ T '^ Kl * tri&3 f oXir »«dione, Vc> 1 .«». j~**->, —** »™» w» «i Bu-u*uea cures, «t / m i ♦__i_ - * "««• *wu™™«b»" without dermng any benefit. 1 got a ;„„,!„:« .kT»t«W to yoa for yon. «j Bronchitis Cert set-' «W *to ereryoody." bottle of yoar Bronchitis Care, No. if, last " m * rT * ll<m ' tbo «'-', hare recommended ?t to rtbSr. >• STEELE, Friday, and a bottle of yoar No. 2 Medi- go<Kl lb trarwt t> xorrjjnw Jtith mon beneficial results." KT . Siding, N.B.W. cme, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. ~r «' wu^ ll *j t ateTliE. J.HENDERSON, .* J?* 9 * « a *«rad from Chronio Astcasa Since the first dose of yoar No. 2 Medicine tuanwood, Dranmond street, rtum«r*ci s •«* Bronchitie iar which I obtained a* I have not had the wheezing at all." JJALarat, V ictona. Booth Aruralia. : * lw ' oota 1 tried J o ™ »«dione, Vc> 1 V. CAMERON, '! *** to toll you that I hare been "Upon looking through oar bc*k» w» ca tnil J' T tiutt * 63a «*oaiahad at say; "Leongatha," RiTersdale Road, 1 mi * **?* irom Bronchitis for the last two are ttrack with the steady and r*p : d in- P 1 * 1 * 0 * freedoin, as a direct result of ajrj. Hawthorn, Melbourne. t^*™',, 11 * rwralt of taking your Bronchitis crease in the sales of yoar Bronchitia Cure " hd * f to" 1 -" „_ -. .. rt _ „ , Care." -ELLIOTT BROB., Ltd., "«r£olaf*2. JOHN C. TRELAWNET, "Yoar Bronchitu Cure really acta like W. TJTTON, Dru«ists, Eydner N.B W «>-«*-• m * glC ' ru v r 7, Little Railway street, Darban, ""The bottle of Bronchitis Ccr« I «ft|«" L ?* J** l " 1 aeverely froaa (Mrs) js. h. BIMES, Natal, Soath Africa. from yon was magical in it« effect* —CHAF S 1 " 0110 * 1 **. *od the doctor, to whom I pail Narracoorto Hotel Narracoorte, «I haye ased yoar Bronchitia Cure, and WYBROW, Enoch's Point, ria l**** p»"*» «»* do m* any goodfi bouth AustraJia. am pleased to say that it is without doubt Victoria." oat I heard of yonr Bronchitia Cire, asal "Aa my parchasea show, yoar reinedios »nsotately the best medicine on the market "* yonr Bronchitis Car* for thiw» tiro ***&*» of it made me quite wsJL" are increasing in sale. From that io time or co °gbs and colds." °* family, and it cared each c.f then j **- "OOD, I hear people speaking about the good A - E - ANDERSON, t'VS? 31 om to xiat * <JoM » — p - F- MUL- Bv-ooklazsds, Aroca srt, Soati Yarra, Meik< tesvlta obtained from them. Wishing v<tn Telegraph Office, Freaaatle, 1,12k 3 Cowie's Creek, Victoria." | *" Please tend me half-a-dowm of ywta; a very much enlarged sole and great pros- m "' ' " "*" *—-""- " M —* i«- «_. ««.,. ....... < parity." JOHN KING, "] years, the result of taking your Bronchitis crease in the sale* of yonr Bronchitia Cur* " Cxa *- w n t-«i *> n W ' v »ru«ists, Sydney, N.B.W. 7, Little Railway street, Durban, ""The bottle of Bronchitis Care I got Natal, South Africa. from you was maricil in it* effect*. 03" 4.V. Camperdown, Victoria. "I was laid up for twelve months with Bronchitis, during which I tried many remedies, without success. I used two bottles of yoar Bronchitia Cure, and am now completely cured." JAMES WILLIAMS, Huntly street, Elsternwick, Melbourne. tiffsiiiiliilOT^ UxmumZi l of yea* son, 5 years old, who ban had a cold ever HHSBBI Warwick, Queensland. "Earing used yoar Bronchitia Care in my family at different times for years past, I wish to testify to the relief always afforded by it in colds on the chest, or any complaint arising therefrom."—Yours, etc., E. V. GODDARD, 19. Fitreerald *t,. Roafh Yarra, Melb. . , . -mother bottle of yoea» 'rccchilaa Care without delay, ea cj it u. be a most valuable mediciae, ll | (Mrs) J. SLATER, "I am very pleased with yoar Err-achita. ««r r , WarragaL Victoria, Care. The wauJt waa aarreilou ItL W s'- ■ bare had oocaubeel eased me right off at *>nce G BETTER ootain Hearae t Bronchitai Oars, an*} Bourse, N.8.W." ' j v * tiat it- was perfectly and rapMlj] "ifn»«*ji«- a.v » * -. ] «uc.««»hi3 nOjer circamataacea whiah z»~ 4 '??* i6T Cfl «« *-«bt*4.> prove to distinct wak from oaejooaa to another; oftw tad Myera straeft, Getkrg, to sit ap m bod part of th» xptrht. Tried | residents. «*«r iwuaej HEARHE'SBRONCHITIS CURE-Smatl Sfre, 2s e&\; Urge Size 4s 6d. So!cJ by Chemfctt & VetKtorc, &by tha Proprlstor 'ffy^WP3tamw^«»Me^img Ortairable locally frcm L. Bs JaHIS. Cnpuist. 'limaro, &Uo oilier Chemises Skirps. N.JB. DMPOT-OFHCEB 9 AND U, HUMES' IUILDINGB, WHJJB STREET, WELLINGTON. * «*-•■*<»

The Westland-Tlmaru Timber & Coal Company, Ltd., Umara Yards—HAYES STREET, riMASXLI (KIAB HABSOUS BOARD OIECH] Tabpaes* Na. Ilf.) ~™ i, and « now prepawd to JSXECUTB TOWN AND CTOUNTBY ORDERS imn»diat<Jy on receipt cf4anx*. THI T ?S? R TABD » ▼*» eh " centrally ritn*t«d, i« terrad by a Private Railway DOOM, BASHES, CASEMENTS, MANTELPIECES, FENCING FCSTB, eTENOING WTBE, CEMENT, LIME, DRAIN PIPES, CORBUBA7XD IRON, AND ALL BUILDERS* REQUISITES * T LOWSBT CURRENT FKIGIK MICH LIST! ON APPLICATION TO S 8, CRAYg Bireetor. We are doing the best to ecu for yon. We are speaking from Colombo, Ceylon. We are the Zara Tea Company, and we . Want to tell you a few things about oar tea. (1) It is specially selected for your market. (2) It is the best that is grown; that can be grows. (3) Every package is packed in lead. (4) This ensures that it will reach you exactly as it left our hands. Yon understand? | (5) There is nothing like lead packing to preserve tea ilurinij ihe voyage from Ceylon to Kew Zealand. It imprisons al! the "essence"—the flavor, fragrance and fulness. In other words, you get what we want to sell you ; therefore vrli*** you pay for. (C) Don't forget there is only our ZARA TEA, ono* yo» c*n uri )* only from our accredited agents. (7) Once a Zara Tea drinker, always a Zara Tea drinker. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, AGENTS FOR SOUTH CANTERBURY. Tlxay Ban 1 Linito, Or Wo«d «p& Mi*. OVER 34000 Witk Stove Pip* earn ■; VBSW Ban , "«w ww: i be worked «sa ia ff i • <w% | ft.*-, Cooking Eanges . TN USB IN THIB COLONY. O 81TTIN~R SQUIRED. »KPAIRS ARIA MINIMUM. H. E. Shaeklock, (LT&JTID}, WitK Cart Ir*» •* 10UT.H IND TOUNDBY, Copper JeflaTav Priscu Street, DvneduL. TJW oeppvr t>vi»ti as* large and Ximaed laside Mad* in ail ens* Sing!* or Double Oreaa. Hifi or Low x-raa--v.-a Boiler*. Sold by all Txonmemgtrt, from whom Catalogue* can be obtained, or fro» tl* Maker*.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 21 February 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 21 February 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 21 February 1906, Page 7