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HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURB THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOB Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CKEST MEDICINE It* THE WORLD. Tho«» -who have taken this medicine are amaied at it* wonderful influence. Sufferer* from any form of Bronchitis, Con gh, DifSesijty of Breathing, fiounsm% Pain or Soreness m the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are rabject to Colds on the Ciwtlis u it effect* a OompleSß BEWARE OF COUGHS! EEI-lEXSEB THAT EVERT m<i£A*E HAS ITS COM.KSSCEWEKT AZD COrn'MOOS is xo t.xcLi-Tur.: to Tins kc-e. "I hare wed Hearne's Bronchitis Cure with splendid results. Always keep it in the home for use. It acta like magic." (Rer.) JAJHEB SMITH, Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. 'Tour Bronchitis Cure suited Mrs Nicholson splendidly. Her cough ia gone. It eased her directly, and there is really no stiffness or shortness of breath present now. I must say the Bronchitis Cure is wonderful. I did not think she could live until th« morning, but she surprised me by rallying, and is now able to be out of bed once more." A M. WESTON, "Thorpe," Warrnambool, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Core is a splendid medicine. It is the best medicine I have ever used for Coughs, Colds on the Chest, and Sore Throat. (Mrs) JOHN McKENZIE, Werona, Victoria. "I suffered very much from A«ttnn» for four years, and tried lots of so-called cures, without deriving any benefit. 1 got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, No. la, last Friday, and a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine I have not had the wheezing at all." V. CAMERON, " Leongatha," Riversdale Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne. "Tour Bronchitis Cure really acta like magic." (Mrs) E. lr. SYMEB, Narracoorte Hotel, Narracoorte, South Australia. "As my purchases show, your remedies are increasing in sale. From time to time I hear people speaking about the got-d results obtained from them. Wishing yon a Yery much enlarged *ale and great prosParity." JOHN KING, Chemist, Ballarat. " hare purchased & small bottle of tout Bronchitis Cure, and have only taken four doees, and am glad to tell vou that I am cured." J. WRIGHT, c/o Mr D. McLean, Camperdown, Victoria. "was laid up for twelve months with Bronchitis, during which I tried many remedies, without success. I ustd two bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, and am now completely cured." JAMES WILLIAMS, Huntly street, Elsternwick, Melbourne. " It aifords me great pleasure to testify to the marvellous effect yonr Bronchitis Core has upon coughs and colds. I have proved its value in my own home." F. W. BQJNB, c/o A. "H. Maeeina and Co., " Australian Journal" Office, Melbourne. " For nine years my vrile suffered from Asthma and Bronchitis. I tried various treatments for her, but none succeeded until I got Hearne's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. She found beneSt from the firstbottle, and three bottles completely cured her. This was nine months ago. She is quite well now, and has never had an attack since." A ORR, Clonbinaw, Sunday Creek, Broadford, Victoria. "The cough was just terrific, bnt your Bronchitis Cure acted splendidly."—Tours very sincerely, F. O. GREEN, State School, Rosebad, via Dromana, Victoria. "I feel truly grateful to you for your invaluable medicine. It it marvellous the good it did me." ISABEL P. WILSOtf, Drummond street, Ballarat, Victoria. " I am glad to tell vou that I have been quite free from Broncnitis for the last two yean, the result of tout Bronchitis Cure." W. UTTON, 7, Little Railway street, Durban, Natal, South Africa. "I have used your Bronchitis Cure, and am pleased to say that it is without doubt absolutely the beet medicine on the market for coughs and colds." A. E. ANDERSON, Telegraph Office, Fremantie, West Australia. "My husband was cured of Asthma by your Bronchitis Cure, more than 12 months ago, and he has not had an attack since. I have now commenced to give it to my son, 5 years old, who has had a cold ever since he was born. I have only given him a few doses, and he is better already." (Mrs) W J. WISHART, Warwick, Queensland. "Having used yonr Bronchitis Cure in my family at different times for years past, I wish to testify to the relief always afforded by it in colds on the chest, or any complaint arising therefrom."—Tours, etc., E. V. GODDARD, 19, Fitrgerald st., South Yarra, Melb. " Your Bronchitis Core tw a reputation here. We s«U more of it than of any other chtst zredicina we stock." WILLIAMSON k CO., Wi&dorah, via Charleville, Qsetntlsnd. " Your Bronchitis Cure is the but medicine I hive vrer taken." D. WILLIAMS, Rill street, Lilhgcw, N.S.W. "I can thoroughly testify to the wonderful efficacy of your Bronchitis Core in a consumptive cough, H having relieved me when other prescriptions had so effect whatever." T. LEWIS, Kimboltoa, via Wellington, N-Z. "Your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has been more to zno titan money can ever pay. 1 am quite free from Asthma now, and fed v*ry grateful to you." ISA S. TOSACH, Virginia street, Gttlocg. "Your Bronchitis Core is all you describe it to be."—Yours most mspectfelly, r. J. M'Clelland; Red Jacket, via Walhalla, Victoria. "I have used your Bronchitis Cere Myself, and have recommended it to others, with mwt beneficial results." CBev 1 E. J. HENDERSON, &oci<-ri, patent me&rirs.*, and herbalist*, ■witb-oi success; was i.:aoit tared of tiyang anvt-isf, vhtn, or-* dry, hearing about your Bronchitis Cure, I decid&d to give it a trial. I used five bottles of yvar. Bronchitis and Asthma Cure, with the result that the difficulty of breathing and. distressing cough have all disappeared. 1 cannot speak 100 highly of your valuable medicate, end I recommend it to ell art, friends.- ELIZA LANGTON, Wwejnsa'i F«rry, N#w South WaJ* "My wife is 82 years old, and I am 7t« I am glad to inform you that your Bnndutss Core has done us both a wonderf*! deal of good, having quickly cured *• both." E. BASSETT, Strath Creek, via Broadford, Victoria. "I have used one bottb of your Bro®chilis Cure with great benefit to myvuf, *a the smothering has completely left ase."(Mrs) JOHN RA&IIJLY, Glenmsggie, Victoria. " I have tried lots of medicine, bnt you* is ti» best I nsr had. I am. reoommeniing it to evsjybody." 3. STEELE, Yanko Siding, N.B.W* "I have suCered from. Chronic and Bronchitis for which I obtained ne relief until 1 tried your medicine, Irak I Gumer&cba, South Arttrslia. , , i Lpon looking through our sxok* we *** **7 t »* t * attomshad at my, struck with the steady axd rsrid in- as a direct remit ef fix inthe salt* of tout Brooehiti* Cere." J telri trz *^~T~ T „ ___ . —ELLIOTT BROS., Ltd.. Wholesale 1 - JOHN C. TKELAWNEY, Drngpits, Sydney, N.S.W. Biw » Inwell, N.6.W. '"The bottle of Bronchitis Cur® I cot i „ Lart ye&r I t-ftrsd severely froaa from you was magical in it* tSrciz CHA 4 ? 1 Eroachitis, and the doctor, to whom I ]mM Enoch's Point, via Darlingfordi fSHrf ~ .m* any goedjn Victoria. " I used your Bronchitis Cure for thir* of my family, and it cured asch cf tb«a in from one to three doses.—P. F. MULLINS, Cowie'e Creek, Victoria." " Your Bronchitis Core relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four dose*, and have some of the medicine yet; bnt I am sending for another bottle in caae I should want it—D. M'DONALD Trinity, via Quirindi, N.S.W." "Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicare—A. B. SIMMONS, J.P., No 7 Renny street, Paddiagton, Sydney." ' 1 «a«iT pleased with your Bronchitis Gnre. Tb# result wm amillMi*. It me richt off at ones.—G. tEYTER, Boarke, N.S.W." " I suffered from Asthma for fifteen years; was that ill at, tzmes couJd walk from one room to another; often had to sit up in bed part of the nijfst. Tried but I Baud of your Bronchitis Cjims, aa4 two bottlas of it made me quite walL* H. HOOD, E-'xollijids, Avoca at.. South Yaira, "Please send me hslf-a-dosan ol tod Bronchitis Cure. This medicine ctawa warn in the wictar, and has sow cured • fri«&d oi mine of a very bad Bronchitis." A ALLEN, Osone Houce, Lome, Viotxxria. " EincDy forward another bottle of jxftu'«tK«a Bronchitis Cure without delay, aa 1 find It to be a most valuable medicine.'' (Mrs) J. SLATER, Warragul, Tiebnia. " We, the undentigned, have had nririiriej to obtain Haante'a Bronchitis Cm*, swi we certify that it was perfectly and rapidly successful uikder circumstances whioSn tsdoabtedly prove it* distinct healing Signed by the Eev. JOHN 6IKCLAIR, My»r« street, Geilong, and 53 «thar' residents. HEARKE'SBRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s gd.; Large Sin 4s Sd. W- G. HEABNE, GEELONfi. Sold by Chemists ft Vsntfors, ft by the Proprlstor YICTOHIA Oltainable Locally from L. Bs JAMES. Chemist. Timaru, sko other Chemists ani Stores. N.Z. DEPOT—OFFICES 9 AND 13, HUMlfi' "BUILDINGS. WILLIS BTRIST, WELLINGTON. . w

The Westland-Tisnaru Timber & Coal Company, Ltd., Timaru Yards—HATES STREET, lIMARTJ. • (XXAX HARBOUR BOARD ORIOL) Tritepkau N*. Hi.} This compact ku landed an extensive stotx of new Zealand AND EOREIGN TIMBER, and i« now prepawd to EXECUTE TOWN AND COUNTRY ORDERS imudiitilj. oa rtccipt of nni. YARD, wMch. ig centrally rihjat«d, i» »trr»d by a Print# R&fiiray Bjdin*, and ORDERS FROM COUNTRY STATIONS can b« fnllßfd -wttioct dtUr. DOORS, SASHES, CASEMENTS, MAXTELPIECEB, FENCING IS23TS. KNCHNGWIRE, CEMENT, LIME, DRAIN PIPES, CORRU6AIZD IRON, AND ALL BUILDERS" REQUISITES * T LO W SBT CURRENT FXICII VBIGB LIfTI ON APPLICATION TO G S, CRAYJ Managing Director. t f P We are doing the best we can for yon. We are speaking from Colombo, Ceylon. We are the Zara Tea Company, and we . Want to tell yon a few things about onr tea. (1) It is specially selected fcr your market. (2) It is the best that is grown; that can be grown. (3) Every package is packed in lead. (4) This ensures that It wflf reach yon exactly ss H left our You understand? (5) There is nothing like lead packing to preserve t/<a during ihe voyage from Ceylon to New Zealand. It imprisons nli th*: "essence"—the flavor, fragrance and fulness. In ni.hnr words, you get what we want to cell you; therefore wh» l you pay for. (G)Dori't forget there is only one ZARA TEA, and yon enn }.* ci only from our accredited agents. (7) Onca a Zara Tea drinker, always a Zara Tea drinker. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, AGENTS FOR SOU TH CANTERBURY.

The Leader for Many Years ! The Best Yet ! The " Star " ifindfuilt Still Leads the Procession TX 41" ST KEEPS AT IT ail tlw i Iroe. cby iuud There- arc other Windmills, Irjt Tie "STAT?" look* better. \rcirins Tactter, news i'd 1-tr. and people -wit* want jLc bes-1 ahray»> chowe it. If ilrrt ifi aiit jw.aj for imprw*r;crt in your -water Kopply, pleas® •write -as and let iu> help you. WINDMILLS ALL SIZES. PUMPS ALL KIXDS. TANK?, TOWERS, and ACCESSORIES. Sooth, ftTacdonald & Go, Ltd nTTR-nyrvrnTrprTT. CAIVK TERRA CB. TTM.QU. W. WHVTE ... Waaler, Timara. Dr. How's Tour Liver ? f.ROSSLANP'S NOXOL! Do yoa wake op In the cjcralng with a itM Headache? 1 Bad Taste in your Booth* Coated Tongue? Ho appetite for BreakfM*f Do yon start the day with no energy? Do yra yourself to work? It's your Llrer ttai needs a Tonic. This Great Remedy of Dr. Crotsland's—NOZOli —Is what you *«rt. For Constipation, Indigestion, and Liver Disorders, this medicine is all righk One Trial Convinces. 2/- Chemists and Stores. , Wholesale Depot: MARSHALLS CHEMICAL Co. Ltd., Dunedin.

Bun LiniU. ... TriJ o*l/; A Or Woo d *p to S4n. Witk gtoT# Pip* «a b« worked Mi is ikt«pa» SPLENDID BREAD 2AKXB& WitK Owl Irtt m Goppa B*£«r«, OYER 34.000 Cooking Ranges IN USE IN THIS COLONY. 50 sittinTbequibid, REPAIRS ARE A MINIMUM. H. E'. Shaeklock, (LDbITH)), «OUTH IND FOUNDRY, Pnßc«* Btra*t, Duindi*. Xka coppor »«iUxi «x* Iwm tad Il&atd Isaidc M*d« in »H Bi«» fiiaglt or Doabk Otmb. Hifli or Low rr»Bold by <JI Ixonmeße*n," Imm irftorr. C*T*lagm» caii b* obtained, or freet&« Msken.


furniture FURNITURE J. RadciiHe's Now *?ioy/ Ready rrjotr iGipr, GooiTi irrrr-cxut, IXIETCHO?? ™y CvI.r7.VST.3O* isrrrrsD.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 19 February 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 19 February 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12906, 19 February 1906, Page 7