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, A meeting of all interested in Ocldfellowship will be held at the Public Hall, Albury, on Monday next at' 8 p.m. Services in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday will be conducted "By the Rev. Lewis Hudson, of A cordlaL.inYJtation is given gofers strahgers.' S M tk

At noon yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows : to gale from between. s north-east _„and. jiorth., and west,- glass" further Tall, tide? good, sea heavy ontJiei rain A piobl&ie soon;". Yesterday' Messrs J. : ~ Priest-"'arid' B."'Walton left- by the first express for the north." en route for Ameiica. aiid Englandr - ; They were farewelled by a huge number, of their friends, members "of the Ra-/;:!<r Club and others with whom they had "bag:;, connected. ....... Mr Moss Jonas advertises Ml particulars of a clearing- sale- of-■■-•valuable household furniture and effects to be. had at-the residence of Mi' J. SV' Pearson, Church street, on Tuesday aext. The furniture is practically new and the;haridsom& pictures (oil and others) should,-command 1 the closest attention of all those in. quest of same. The sale will commence "at 1 o'clock owing to the large number 01 lot-s. Particulars are also advertised of" a sale to be held at Mr Scott's residence, 'North street, on Thursday when there .will be'a large assortment of all._ kinds of furniture offered, for ■absolute sale-. ■.<•••■- Mr. 6. D. Portus, representing Messrs John H. and'.-]S T eVm''Tait,the wellinown entertainers, lias • concluded > arrangements for a short season commencing on the 9th March,' of an-entirely .new; and comprehensive animated .picture* entertainment, entitled''• Living' London," consisting of 280. views-of the world's merropolis.' The main feature in this novel picture exhibition is the entire absence of absurdly grotesque effects. "Living London" conT«ys a true and faithful impression, not only of the countless edifices, -'parks, bridges, and thoroughfares, but the livingj Iranian masses from the,fashionable west. to the east end are faithfully depicted., " Living London" in its novel attractiveness will undoubtedly; meet with similar success here it has in the chief Australian centres. :'..:• TJ?e box plan for the comic opera "Madkj&; Angot" by the Timaru Operatic So-

ciety is now open at Milner and-Thompson's piano warehouse. ' The two productions , will take place on Wednesday, February 28th. and Thursday, March' Ist. Despite the heavy expenses, attached to producing this opera the Society. , has .-■ decided to charge popular prices. .Honorary members

are particularly requested to exchange their tickets at the box officers soon as-possible, / as the reserved seats plan rapidly: fills. Old play-goers should be delighted".to..'renew their acquaintance .with ''La. Fille de Madame Angot," while .lit specially appeals to the : present' generation. The music of the opera win-;be'-done\.full: justice"to, the Society's'powerful j chorus- oL .42 by a.speeially selected orchestra, : being one of the-features,,. Rehearsals will: take, place next week 'at,"the Theatre lon Monday, Thursday, and Friday at 7.30 p.m.: ; ; " The annual meeting of the Orari Sports Club was -held->jn-: : attendance. taken J ;by^l' ; I L. ': ~R'.~ :^|presid&ni} .. The baJ&TOeefHeefc of' I9s 4d^and^ the chaJMan-reported:lhat : the Club -h^^inade: .;good^vpT6^essy^^t% :: 's 3ast" m 6 election... President, .Mr" L.~"R. T Carsbife, 1 " • vice-pjesi-dentsy-Messrs"-®. fr%arper, J. - MaedonaK.^ li The' : a.p- ; p>intment ,of .;a,secretaryj,and : 'treasuter was' held over till, .another meeting-. -' St-ejvards. Messrs ,'J.- Kennedy, G- Woraer, W. T; Turner, D. Maedonald, Quirke, W.~ Mason'.. J." Mullan; E-.-Harris-;-'R'/-KOnnLngtonV and C. Stock; handicappep and' starter, Mr B. R. Maedonald ; handieapper-for trots Mr George Morrison; judge,-Mr 0... ■ Scott Thomson: clerk'of "'-the coarse." Mr E H ■Bissett: time-keeper, 'Mr' J: %/ Mac'don: aid; clerk of scales, Mr W: T. Turner A committee consisting of Messrs B R Mcdonald, A. G. Maedonald. g'. Worner. and W, T. Turner . w ; ,s appointed to draw up a programme for th 9 forthcoming meeting to ha IUIU on April 26th to exceed' £75. "The then, - ■>:• .-,

To-morrow the Rev. McKenzie Gibson, vicar of Waima e. will be the preacher at St. Mary's: Gl\" '•!•. at the morning and evening services.

•Housewives v.... no doubt'be glad to see this that owing to the fall in the prices of stock, Gould's Butchery and the Cv. n-'u Street Butchery (Mr Geo. Bracefield;- aave reduced the retail prices of mutto iamb, beef, etc. The price lists appe. •. m another column.

I The-site whio. the Wesleyan Church have I procured at Si.-, i iiueld for a church for the locality is . admirable one. It is on the crest oi . i.e .Belfield Hill, seaward of the Main roa-. ; .iud commands a splendid view of 1b... ic\, the town, and the ranges, and is .- situated- that it is most unlikely to hu\ aay of the view shut out by building*. _ A Masonic sei •.■:■; a of sorrow for the late W. Bro. W. Yviu-riiig, P.M., will be held in the lodgeroo. Unurch street, to-mor-row evening at t.'it. Bro. Rev. Mackenzie Gibson, of tVaimate, will officiaie as chaplain. -Bret-h >:-.-, will attend hx regalia and are requesLci to be in their seats before the hour Visiting brethren are, cordially invited.

Our Fairlie ecimpendent writes:—After congratulating ~u riives on getting good weather, rain a-.:--? on again and' Wednesday was a bad J,:v ior farmers. However, the weather c:e;:i = i by Thursday morning, and is keeping ii-.e. There seems .no signs of the potato biight yet, but it is sure to show up as last year it did shortly after appearing on the low country. The " Otago Daily Times " says that the Shipwreck -Belief Society at its meeting at Dunedin on Wednesday elected the Son. W. Hall-Jones a vice-patron of the society, in place of Sir Robert Stout. Mr C. W, Chamberlain said that the Chief Justice was, in Wellington most of the time, and had never- shown any interest in the work of the society. Mr Hall-Jones was an active and most helpful sympathiser. Mr Williams,; district Crown-lands ranger, yesterday sold at the Lands Office, the seven-year leases of two lots of Crown land at Patiti Point, one of 4£, the other of about 3 acres. The upset rentals were £6 19s and £4 7s 4d. There was some competition for them, and both were secured by Mr Geo. Hay at £7 Is for the first and- £6 for the.second. On Thursday Mr Williams sold at the Post Office, Orari, the seven-year lease of 85 acres of reserve on the Rangitata plain, near the railway.- , r The nipset rental was £lO. 12s 10d,,andii|M;Priddle became the tenant at the upset. ' - The Parish Working; Guild which has laboured with so much' success in connection with St: Mary's English Church, Geraldine, held a lucrative sale of work in the Volunteer Hall on Thursday afternoon and night when the weather was fine and there was a fairly good attendance. The stalk were arranged; with a splendid assort-, ment of fancy articles made or purchased by the members of the guild and a number of amusements was provided in the form of competitions. During the afternoon and evening Mr Hamlin gave some high classed selections on a piano .by means, of a piariolathe public being very much interested in the performance.

: Barrie Marschel's Surprise Party gave their second entertainment at the Theatre last evening in the presence of a fair house, when the efforts of the different artists met with keen appreciation. The. fine Bancroft comedy '• Why the. Colonel Bolted " capitally enacted by Miss Carlyon and Mr Marschel was particularly well received and Miss Carlyon's singing of the incidental number "There's as. good men'in. Ireland To-day" was loudly applauded. ' The vocal items of Messrs Carrington, Kenriedv and Smith were well done, and called forth expressions of approval from the audience. Mr J. Hayfield officiated at the piano. Tonight the company appears at St. Andrews.

The usual weekly meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge, No. 101„ 1.0. G.T., was held last evening, Bro. J. Newlands C.T., presiding o.ver a good 1 attendance of members. Three-.candidates were elected into the order. ; A letter was read ; from the Garrison Band conveying their heartiest ttanks in the Jodge for their valuable 1 assistance in, raising funds towards their contest expenses. The election of representatives -to the District Lodge took place, the following being elected:—Sisters Froggart ar-d Smith, Bros. Hawkey, Ellis, Newlands, -Lowry, Gunn, "Wotton, Kemsley, and Griffiths. - The rest of the evening was occupied with a. quoit match which proved very interestingv. "The meeting closed in the. usual manner at 10 p.m. ; After a long, • exhausting illness when health -is slow about returning, Stearns' Wine is always found of great value. By gently stimulating the appetite- it aids nutrition and restores •strength.... . Unaffected by'changing'fashions by climate or succeeding seasons, floorcloths and squares stand out in a draper's stock as a type of permanent value. When a general sale is held some concession in price is expected, even in these goods. Here"are the 1 concessions Penrose's are offering off carpet squares.during their sale.— Usual price 30s, sale price 22s 6dj usual price 355, sale price 29s 6d; usual price 40s, sale price 32s 6d; usual price 50s, sale price 42s 6d; usual price 57s 6d, sale price 49s 6d. On Saturday next.the third auction sale will be held commencing at p.m.—(Advt.)

A powerful machine for heavy cutting is the. McCormick Daisy Eeaper. Alorrow," Bassett and Co., Christchurch.— (Advt.) • ' .■-;-...

Brains and machinery are being exhibited at-Begg's. The brain creates the musical composition. The machinery in the Apollo piano player renders that composition per Mfctly. Plays anything at any time by anybody. It's passed all exams, with honours, and can play any composition better than the greatest living artist can do. Price, £37 lOs.-^Advt.) A Bad Taste in, the Mouth.—lt' is anything but pleasant to awake with a bad taste in the mouth. This always arises from a disordered stomach and may. be corrected by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Livers-Tablets immediately after supper. They" cleanse* and inL.vjgorate the stomach,,'irnprore: the. Higes- : tJoii,; and give one a relish for his food. ; ~Ehey are easy to take and pleasant in> effect: ♦' Jiist What You Need." Only Is •6d. v J. C. Oddie.—(Advt.) •

of brains and machinery. Only half -the price of "similar machines, and is already driving its competitors from the market. It's named the " Apollo," and is -worked by a spring motor, the pedals being used solely for the production of loud and -oft effects. The turning over and bad? qf the music is done automatically. The frnob for regulating the Tempo produces its effects instantaneously, and to a marked degree—while the slight pressure of : a- button operates the pedals of the piano. A most useful innovation is the ability by the turn of a screw to change the key in which the music is written, and a special feature is the fact that the pieces of music may be hired, as books are from a • circulating library, not necessarily bought. Thus you may have a repertoire of.thpusands of pieces of music to select from, without purchasing. Exhibitions are given daily at Begg's.—(Advt.)

The Sonoma, with the British niais of February 3rd, left.San Francisco on February 15th.

The weather.has taken up in the North Otago district, and harvesting is general inland. Prospects are much improved by the change. .Mr Anderson, the Dunedin Drainage Board's engineer, has been elected an associate member of the Institute of Civil Engineers.

Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, will hold a clearing sale at Kingsdown oil Wednesday next on account of Mr Cromie who has sold his farm.

Sheep are now being railed from the south to North and South Canterbury for tne first time for many seasons. This is owing to the fall in the price of sheep. It is considered that the traffic will continue for some time.

A banquet will be tendered to -the Hon. T. Y. Dunecan, Minister of Lands, at Ngapara on Mouday night. The Premier and other Ministers have signified their intention of being present. It is believed that Mr Seddon will make an announcement with reference to taking estates in the Oamaru district. At the Waimate Domain Board meeting on Tuesday a letter was read from the Lands Department, suggesting that views of Knottingly Park should be obtained for insertion in the annual report of the Department. It was agreed to obtain several. Accounts, amounting to £l4 6s 7d, were passed for payment. The Auckland " Star's" Raratonga correspondent writes :—" It- is stated o.a good authority that it is the intuition'"of"-the French Government to send 'Sir official to Tahiti and the adjacent French islands fur the purpose of reporting on their suitability for a convict- settlement, with Tahiti as a base. If the report- is favourable provision will be made for deporting three thousand convicts.

At the last meeting of the Waimate Bo rough Council a letter was read from the Hospital Separation Committee in reference to the Hospital Bill, and asking for an expression of opinion as to whether the Council desired to proceed with the Bill tc- sc jre separation and stating the ex penses that had been incurred over the steps taken in regard to the recent Bill. It Was resolved to pay the amount and to recommend the further prosecution of the Bill.

The Labour Department officer at Oamaru has despatched twenty-five more men dnring the last few days to the Midland Railway Co-operative works. Opinion is divided in the district as to whether thev can be spared. Some farmers allege that there is a great shortage of hands for. the harvest, which .is . now commencing; others say that 'there are a large number of; men; unemployed. Meanwhile the Labour officer has received orders from the Department to send all the men he can lay his hands on.

Fanners requiring forward rape or store lambs and breeding ewes are. reminded that Mr.Carlisle Studholme's snrplus stock will be sold, without reserve, at Pentland Hills ort Thursday next by Messrs Guinness and LeCren, Ltd. It is seldom that buyers have an opportunity to buy their stock* absolutely at their own prices.- and as the owner's intention is to hold an annual sale, provided farmers appreciate the opportunity offered them next week, .oil wouldbe; sheep buyers; should make a point of attending this sale. In trying a case at Oamaru yesterday against 3 boy twelve years old,-* charged with placing a.- mile post across the railway the. Magistrate, Mr Keddell, sat at a different hour from the usual one, but the Court was open to the public. Mr Keddell said he gladly heard cases against juveni'es at a/special time,-but he differed from Mr Widdowson, S.M., of Dunedin, in not closing the doors of the Court. Mr. Keddell said he could not see how any memo, from the- Department of Justice could over-ride the; law, -which said that every subject was entitled to a fair and open hearing of his Case. ■:"■..■.---:.»- •

The ; directors of the" Standard Insurance Company in the report for the year ended December 31st, state that the including balance brought forward from the previous year, amounted to £102,361, and to £81,743, leaving a balance of -£20,618. From this an interim dividend was paid in June amounting to £2812 lCs; v. The directors have added £SOOO to the Preserve fund and recommend that the balance be appropriated as follows: Dividend for the half year at the rate of 7.2 *P? r cen k- P e r annum," £2812 10s; to bonus of 2g per cent., £1875; leaving to be carried forward £BllB 10s 9d. Full provision has been made for all ascertained losses.

The Waimate brahch of the C.F.C.A. held their annual picnic on Thursday at Waihao Downs, and were favoured with glorious weather. . The employees and their to the number of about 80 left Waimate in drags and other vehicles shortly after 9 o'clock and reached the Downs; after a little - oyer an. Jhour's lovely drive, in the bright sunshine, quite an agreeable change from the muggy damp weather lately experienced: Mr RichaTds had given' the use of his grounds for the day. and a: more pleasant spot could not have been selected. The wide spreading branches of the trees provided excellent shelter Jfor the refreshment tables, and the company enjoyed the bountiful supply of good things that was provided. ; During the. day races and games of all kinds were indulged in, and at the close handsome prizes were distributed to the winners by Mrs Hassall, wife of the general manager of the company's Waimate branch. At his instance hearty cheers were given for Mr and Mrs Richards for their hospitality and the great kindness they had shown to everyone. Town was safely readied shortly after 7 o'clock, nothing "having occurred to mar the pleasures of the gathering. Messrs Guinness and LeCren have jnsfc completed some extensive alterations in their well-known premises in Strathallan street. Of these the most striking is the turning about of the public office. The old; grain room, with its light partitions of wood glass, I has been merged, into the \ main office, and the: office ( '~6'f the 1 grain department' will now be'""done in the old auctioneers' room. The partition at the west end of the front office extends across, making a' clear passage from the upper door to the land saleroom and;store; and gives access to the public office by a swing door. The ' counters in the main office have been shifted and altered so that at the west end a- small. straight section serves for the grain department; and the rest is of an elbow shape, and is for the land, stock and auction departments. This arrangement of the office is not only more convenient for clients, but gives much more room. Two new: rooms have been added to the row on the seaward end of the office, and these! are occupied by Messrs Reid and Bourne j at present. The latter's- .Toom is well] suited for meeting purposes; and will very likely be made into a board room later on. Mr E. R. Guinness has the front office of the row, and Mr Shallcrass the next; then comes a typist's office. The whole offices have been completely turned out and renovated and look smart and fresh and a<= -well appointed: -aa"''can:~ ce* desired. . <• * r

T..a Waimate Friendly Societies have decided to hold a sports meeting on Mondav June 4th, and a committee has been appointed to canvass for prize money, Mr J. C. Blackmore saysv that if the temperature would only rise to 77 degrees or over, with a drier atmosphere, the potato disease would be checked. It will go hard with us. if we have to grow our potatoes in hot-houses. At a meeting of directors of the South Canterbury Dairy Company, Mr R. H. Bowie, chairman of directors, presiding, it was decided that owing to the small supplies usually received during July and August, and to the fact that the* whole of the macliinery requires a thorough overhaul, the factory should bo closed during the months named. The directors yesterday paid out- for the January milk supply between £2600 and £2700." a considerable increase over the amount for December.

The Wainiate Library Committee met on Wednesday evening. Present—Messrs Hamilton (chairman), Pitcaithly, Graham, Bailer, Akhurst, Nicol and Sinclair. An apology was received from Mr Beckett. The librarian reported a number of books in a dilapidated condition and the matter was left in the h.mds of the book committee. Four new members had joined since last meeting. Tenders for magazines and newspapers were dealt with. It was decided to place seveial reference books on the library shelves. It was resolved that the annual meeting take place on February 28th The "defrosting machine," of which a iood deal was expected at the time of its inve::t : on, appears to have turned out a failure, not because it would not do what it was intended to do, but because customers do not want tluir meat thawed. At auy rate Mr H. F. Reece, London Manager of a meat consignment company, told the Hawke's Bay shareholders <so." The company, he said, secured the right to use the machine, found a suitable place for it, and it did its work admirably. It was then discovered that the people did not waiit their meat defrosted, and instead of being willing to pay extra for the proce?i?, they expected a reduction in price. The reason was that the meat, whether ] defrosted by the. machine or in the usual way,, lost its colour and apparent fresh- I ness. This was really the best condition for the consumer, but the English people could not be persuaded to believe it. He battled along with the defroster for about j six months, and then decided to give it \xj>. SUNDAY 'CONCERT. To-morrow night a grand saere-1 concert pictorially illustrated with fine lantern views of the Cathedrals of the World, will be given in the Theatre Royal under the direction of Mr. Barrie Marschel. Mr Milford Haven (tenor) will sing " Oia pro Nobis," "The Holy City," "Star of Bethlehem," " Mascagni's Intermezzo." etc. Nothing will be admitted on the programme but strictly s.icred solos. Admission is by collection. The concsrt cr.ji!mences at a quarter past 8 o'clock. NEW PATENTS. Messrs A. J. Park and Son, patent and trade mark agents (Imrie and Campbell. Rowleys buildings, Church street, Tiniaru agents) report the following list of New Zealand inventions for which patents have been applied for during the week end 12th February—G. Nelson, Napier, cooling cylinder of gas compressor; H. B. Tucker and A. Jack. Palmerston North, rim protector for motor car wheel; Ci. H. Sutcliffe and J. Mounce, Auckland, operating number of rock drills, together; S. G. Lee and.JT. J. Wathew. Auckland, kerosene tin .holder: A. Jack, Palmerstcn North, generating gas from hydro carbon oil: I). C'olquhoun. Dunedin. game marker: G. li. Holuuv and A. D. Allen. Wellington, trollev head; H. C. Player and P. L. Tomerov. picture frame cramp; J. Wilkinson, inferos, mono wheel vehicle; J. Trewethick. Auckland, broom or brush manufacture; K- Williams, Dunedin. sifting screen;. R. Williams, Dunedin. sluice box: F. Castle > and W. Garey, Auckland, tool and pencil sharpener; J. Rovertson, Auckland and W. C. Wheeler Clivedon, New Zealand. ] skim milk delivery box and pump; J. A. Walker, Auckland, chair seat and back: ! J. E. Holland, Kaiapoi. tool for withdrawing feuciug staple; W. C. Quennell. Wellington, milk pail and stool; R. A. Noede, Wellington, music holder. If you have an idea for a patent and desire" the best results and reliable information, write or 'S° a A - J - Park an d Son- patent and tirade mark agents (Imrie and Campbell Representatives). Patents and trade marks obtained in all countries. Patents handbook free.


v Tue Wesleyan Church officials, having jin view the supplying of the religious needs of the Smitbfield district, purchased a site on the Belfield property about twelve ;naontbs ago. Some time ago it was decided to erect a church there, and -with a view of laying the position of affairs before the residents of the district, a meeting -was held in Mr Fox's dining-room last evening, a fair number being present. The Rev. Mr Serpell was in the chair, and explained to the gathering that the trustees of the Timaru church had decided to erect a church on their property ; bn the hill, to hold services regularlv morning and evening, and a Sunday school in ( the afternoon. For years the need for something in this way liad appealed to them, but only recently had the wav opened for them to supply that need. The contract for the erection of the church) had now been let, and work would -be commenced almost immediately, so that it was hoped to open the church in about two months' time. The design provided for a church like the one erected at Pareora East, capable of seating about one hundred people. He emphasised the fact that no subscriptions were to be solicited in the district towards the edst. "Other members of the deputation from the trustees further explained matters, and a conversation with the local residents revealed the need of the step contemplated. The Indies present offered to contribute a, tea meeting i for the opening function. The meeting vwasj closed : by the pronouncing of the Benediction. PATENTS. Henry; pHnghea, patent agent, 183 H*r*-3 ;ford street, Christchurch (J. E. ! S. Jackson. 'Timaru representative) sends us the following 'list of complete' applications for New Zealand patents accepted to February Bth | —Auckland, A. Parker, voting machine ;' Wellington, H. Dougloe, "account, book; Canterbury. E. H. Purchas, -' oil* can; Otago. A. H. Chapman, .Tneafr pre* server; J. Garside. cyclone spray. The list also includes—Fluid compressor,; separator, winch, gas engine, shaft bearing, elevator, Aieel for boot, incandescent burner, music recorder, pneumatic tyres, cask staves, timetable, aerated liquids", ft»h preserver, mortar, steam engine, electrical conductor, kitchen range, photographic films, buoy, oils, and improved cask. Copies of the above specifications may be had from Henry Hughes or from the 'registrar'of patents for cost' of copying. Henry Hughes is equipped to secure patents in every country, and instructions are carried ,out by Mr P. M. STewton; ; registered patent agent, at 184 Hereford street, Cbristoburch.

Great, excitement has been occasioned by ' the decision of the Warrnambool Caledonian Society to organise a pipers" band. The moment the scheme was su£gesj<sii Iberv: was a ready response. In all, the name* of 19 young men have been carolled. and the supply of bagpipe* in Warraambool is utterly inadequate to meet the demand. So gratifying has been the given to this project that Ibe Caledonian Society is now arranging for the appointment, of an expert, teacher of bagpipe*, who will reside permanently in Warrnatnbcrfd and instruct, the youth of the town in the music of the Highlands. The success of the Caledonian Society's scheme is viewed with alarm by the local teachers of the pianoforte.


New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company—Stock sale at Fairlie on Monday. Temuka on Tuesday, Waihao on Wednesday, Studbolme on Friday. National Mortgage and Agency Company—Waihao sale on Wednesday, Slodholme on Friday, Temuka Tuesday.

Moss Jonas—Large sales of furniture on Tuesday and Thursday next* J. B. Rutland—Large sale of bicycles to-day, also poultry, produce, etc. Dalgety and Co. —Fairlie sale <<n Monday, Temuka Tuesday, Waibao on Wednesdav.

Guinness and LcCrcn—Sale at Fairlie on Monday, Geraldine on Wednesday, sheep at Pentland Hills on 22nd inst.

Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association—Fairlie snlc on Monday, Temuka on Tuesday, Slndhnlme on Friday. Lodge of St. John—ln memoriani Masonic service to-morrow.

Grand sacml concert—ln Theatre Royal to-morrow evening. Strachan's Arcade boot shop—Medium and liigh class boot*-. Nalder and Burnet—lmportant notice built to order bicycles. Geo. Bracefield—Prices reduced Chcrca Street Butcherv.

J. R. Bruce and Co.—Want cocksfoot and ryegrass s^-cd.

Box 93—Wants apprentice to hardware trade.

Waimate High School Board—Land for sale and to lease.

Gould's Butchery—Reductions in prices of meat.

Henderson P.tos.. St. Andrews—Cal! tenders for harvesting.

Pearson and Co.—Removal sale of drapery.

Reynolds and Co.—Great sale 2nd band bicvcles.

St. Mary's Church—Services for to-mor-

row. Theatre Royal—"Madame Angot " February 28th and March Ist. Albury—All inteiestc:'. in Oddfellowsbip meet on 19th inst. Bowie and Co.—l'teparatrans and detail* of dainty dishes. Wcsltyan Church—Services for to-mor-row. Wanteds—Four notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12905, 17 February 1906, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12905, 17 February 1906, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12905, 17 February 1906, Page 5