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JSIJU-S BK.OB GHXTIS JUHiii THE FAMOUS RKAIEDV FOK Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption « . . .: « HAS m U " m s * u W *"* BHESt MEMCIKE M THE WOKLO. BEWARE OF OOTTftHXf "I haTe used Hearne'e Bronchitis Cute i ••}■ tUOliatllttK fttAT ETttftY t*t«&4«S &A* tW GCmxm&tWmT AST© OOKSOxmoK M SO KXCttPTIOS to vm* SOUC. Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, Formerly of Oakieigb, Victoria. "Your Broncbitia Cure suited Mrs Nicholson spl«adidiy. H«r cough is gone, it eased fa«r directly, and there it reall? no stiffness or shortness of breath present "now proved its vaiue ic my own bom*. r. W. BDfNg, c/o A, H. Maetiaa «sd Co., " AsMrati&a Jours*!" O.'flce, MtJboana*. ** For nine years my \rife suffered from Asthma mkl Bronchitis. I tried varwa* treatments for hw, but coat succeeded rati! WILLIAMSON A 00, jywtt Bveaotetf* Cum, 3 decided ft* gin ing, and is now able to be out of bed ones more." A. M. WESTON, "Thorpe," Wsrrnambool, Victoria, "Your Bronchitis Cor* u a splandid medicine. It is the but medicine I have ever used for Coughs, Cold* oa the Chest, and Son Throat. (Mn) JOHN McKENZIE, Werona, Victoria. four years, and tried IoU of ao-calltd curat, bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, No. la, but Friday, and a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine 1 have not had the wheeling at aIL" V. CAMERON, "Your Bronchitis Core really acta like magic" (Mrs) E. L. BYMEB, Nairacoorte Hotel, Narracoone, South Australia. "As my purchases show, your remedies are increasing in sale. From time to time I hear people speaking about the good results obtained from them. Wishing tou a. Tery much enlarged sale and great nrosperity." jOffvrßm ™ "I haTe purchased a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, and have only taken four dose*, and am glad to tell you that I am cured." J. WRIQHT, o/o Mr D. McLean, Oamperdown, Victoria. •• I was laid up for twelTe "months with tfroachrtis, aunng which I tried many medies, without success. I used t now completely cured w . JAMES WILLIAMS. ner. low was nloa mooths ago. Sb* U quite well sow, and has oarer bad ea attack etaoe.*' A ORR, Claabbaoa, Sunday Creek, Broedford, Victoria. "The cough was just terrific, biityoar Bronchitis Cure acted splendidly."—Yours Tery sincerely, P. C. GREEN, good it did me." ISABEL P. WILSON, "C*anwood," Dranmesd titm. BaUarat, Victoria, 7 1 am glad to tell you thai 1 have be*c lM'lilJlM:ft^ " War BtvsceiJie Oore i» ib» beet aad*. ,i Brw&tMtii aad **»**r"» i ate I have mvt ukea.'" ■ «*s* libs* tie ttUfteatar <of 1) WILLIAMS, datreaakjg cough usr* e£ 4fe.„._ tim atrwv L&bgww, NJS.W. : **mk* apeak *t» faag&y vt y«mr ~ " 1 cas iht,rwsWj tssMziy u> Oae wot- I ttstfkaae, soad X raoomawmd St bo eJI" baa 4ous «* tooth a n msfcrisal ww." T. LEWIS, "i 1 * 1" Tie We&iagiwn, N.2. ; <ihifaa i ~ Your t»m&ch.-tas aarf Aalkma Cure baa * 3 **) * o»«a tew* i*i me tiaia assawy oaa-»*»r u*. | tw^* **nr eraselal to tod..** { "I nun m*6 mm Wttle ol your „ 18A&«MMGs% I^^OMe^ttfs^lMMSiis/taf^'w Virgisk OeaSint. )«** law - ■ - OJamnaggia, VsobmAk. 40* ff» 'tH^^Atßea »•}»« *»c* t Wstfgciel reaulfca. - " ' . . Taaiko Sitog, JIJI.WB*» s E. J. S££2>EBSo2?, *1 J*s»e «««er»« twa, QmSfie Aaskew 6o»lh AastoOSa. *** •« *«« |«t medic Cure." w. enow 7. L.uSe Railway rtrcej, Dsrbaa, NataL Sooth Africa. ** I hiTe used your Bronchitis Care, aad em p3eA*e<i ;o « 4 r thai it Is witieat dwabt abaoluseb th* be«t medidn* oa the market for coagis and colda" A E. ANDERSON, West. Austra3ia. Orantate. sy4atf/SJB.W.' , «M c. iimjLWXstr, Severn Hjw, fewersJL SAW. *Uat year t ftuteflftd wv*mt* tnea sweatt guTTMMs, <dld suit, <d» nwi aanr atintj. njow.mP*».^. Duttlrbrt , j~ enti. a a4Uß.%Rii '1 w*4 fwor BnnisMtb Obi» for ibf« *** kol4a « , •* %.»»«• «• *>&» wsS.* »t *ed it coned «adi of «&bs» \ BOOD, «tf ay f«a»Jy, *od it coned eada of «&bs» » from wbe to (hre* donee.. ** ago, and be ba« not, bad an aM*ck *ai» 1 have sow coaamenced to ghne it to my *;m, 5 years do, who has had a cold since he was bora. I have oaJy g»r*a him a few doses,"and be is better already." iM™ W J. WISHART. Warwick, Qoeeuelaad'. "Having uted your Bronchitis Care b ■aafaswMis derfeß; otAck. t oajy gave Mm four |** w»*er, and iia* sww cured m tiissl .. «» *»« a«n *«x»e «l tbe nedickw y*t; S «**» <* * ««rr bad Brwichilia.** (bnl t •» *es>diag fw boDtle fal Jl AlXfflaff, caje t rt««3d was* it..-D.. ST'DONALD, „, 0«" Btwsa, Loene, Victoria* ■ Tnakey, «ia Qajradi, N.S.W." j " Eia% forsntnd a&o&at' Wttie «( m» " Tow Kmuibitie Care is a wcmderrnl Brnxobitiie Ow» watkont delay, a* «wJ«n».-.i. n. SIMMONS, J.P., No 7 ' *<«*•**• *• * iswe* TaluaW. asa&aW" a«a» eiiwi, l»«Jdiaft>9o, gydwy." 'I Obi) J. fiLAH^ Cure. llmd rtralt tu tnst-ve&m*. Ii . v.V*^ IBiß ' a * ll ? s 8?!«* *«W hW^M^^L^B?*^B^Lv**t^L^e^^mMe2ME»sM «M« cirottmstaincae wUsfc «■>■ <4«Bl*eCy tnwr* toe .* - "' "'iii^YAfl 1 11-'fl >*& iMMM^m\ . HEARNE»BBROHCH!TIS CURE-Smill Slxe, 2s td.; Urf» Sit. 4t Sd. Sold try Ctmntttt t V.ndOrt, Iby tbt r>roprl,ior ,iur.wefviu«w g iaKi^fM^fjr»¥irill¥yi y.z. DiPoT~oyyiCEß 9 and n, rv mss* building*, whxk btrut, wimvaitiy

The Westland-Timaru Timber & Coa Company, Ltd., Timara Tarda—HAYES BTJRBET, HMASTJ. (NBAS HABBOOR BOARD OJTIOB.) Talaphaa* K*. Hi.) HIB COMPANY has LANDED AN EXTENSIVE OF KKW r**XANP AND TOBEIGN TIMBER, sad U now prepawd to JaXECUTE TOWN ANI) THE TDOEBYARD, which £• centrally «ta»t*L It Mrr*d bT a Prir*t» R*«wa» Biding, nd ORDERS TROM COUNTRY STATIONS eta be falfllled *&b«A 4i4s*. DOOR*, SASHES, CASEMENTS, MANTELPIECES, FENCING PCSTB. * IBNOTNG WEBB, CEMENT, LIMB, DRAIN PIPES, COKKC. BATID IRON, AND ALL BUILDRRP' REQUT<*TTBK * * LOWJII CURRENT FBICII fBIGB LTJTB ON APPLIOAHOX TO 8 3, CRAY 3 Managing Director. P ft 1 1 I We are doing the best we can for yon. We are spetldng from Colombo, Ceylon. We an the Zara Tea Company, ud we Want to tell you a few things about war tea. (1) It is specially selected for year market. (9) It ia the best that is grows; that can be grows. (3) Every package is packed in lead. (4) This insures that it will reach yea exactly u ft felt ear hands. Too understand ? (5) There is nothing like lead picking to preserve tea daring the voyage from Ceylon to New Zealand. It imprisons all the "essence "—the flavor, fragrance and fulness. la other words, yon get what we want to sell yon; therefore what yoa pay for. (6) Don't forget there is only one ZARA TEA, and you can gel It only from oar accredited agents. (7) Once a Zara Tea drinker, always a Zara Tea drinker. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY, AGENTS FOR SOU TH CANTERBURY. OVER S4.GU<t SPLENDID BREAD BAKBBB. With Cast Ima •» Oofteer BeSam ar* large and Tiao*d lsa:<U AIM* ut aU t«U4t S»4%e or D»nb^» Oral* looking _ IN USE IN THIS mi.i'\\ J NO BET TI N G~R KSJi'iH? j, | ! *V* *** «- ~<** REPAIRS ARK A MINIMUM j iocih is!) rouxtist, „v.. *» -,. fma , Prist** Kfcros*. Iv-wwfca vb» We-Wt

The Leader for Many Years ! The Best Yet ! The "Star" WIXUMIU-S si??>".. %lffl lead* the T JWfIT KEKWS AT 3'J' all "0» I ti»j«, jiwmijtnit 'day a»d Slight. *}»cre aj* oi;b?r Wittfiinilk, JmA Hm '.■STA3l*' locfc* watoi fedtttt, *C-« te3 -uJ-tt-t?}"* eiWoae it. 1J iSiere w «4>t I'cMrm for iaiyrow--i**ja is yemr -water *«j>j»ly., p\mmm wrft* m i«od Jot tt* itolj) you. "•TOWS AU. KTNm fcoth, £ Co, Lid V. W3IYTE ... t&Mra. (^ROSSLANP'S How's Your Liver ? NOXOL! Oo ytw> wtkt up la tfw tnsralßg *ltk * Mi SMd»ck»? A ftftl T«to in yoar Xertht Co*A«4 T**f*»J So «ff*ttl» for ftivtlctMt? Do yon *t*rt tha **ar *Uh •» energy* ©• ff» 4t*4 ysmrtVlf u> work? tCfe your ttwnr thai oetdt a T«b)e. Tfcta «M«* ftem««r «f »». *fe»ft jw Far Cottttipaiieo, taligettioa, ami liver Dtarita*. tUt awdlciat I* «8 Om Trial Coatioc**. 2/- Cbemittt mxA llowm." Wholesale Depot: ffIARSHALLS CHEMICAL Ca. Ltd., Dcocdio. ..

UNE'S »*<■»< PiPR ,jt*ARAVTIID. ■ , "%l#»k«*» **

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12904, 15 February 1906, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12904, 15 February 1906, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12904, 15 February 1906, Page 7