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The " fbrthightly meeting of the TimaLru Borough Council ivas held last evening. Present : . the Mayor (Mr J. Craigie). and Councillors Rothwell, Harney, Hawkey, Sealed,"'Wells, Smithson, Parks, bony, Schmidt, and Oborn. Apology was made for,. Councillor Guim. , . MAYOR'S STATEMENT. "

The Mayor made Ms usual statement. The overdraft was now £4367. allowing for £SOO on deposit. His report . dealt with Caroline Bay, the Park, the Licensing Committee election,, and' other matters. VOTE OF SYMPATHY..

The Mayor said the Council- would regret .witi> him that the police ha<? lost a.valuable officer and the community a very honest, upright man, by the death of Sergeant Warring, a man ttlio? had done liis duty faith: u.iy. (Hear,- hear.) - He suggested that a, of sympathy should be passed and sent to the v,idcw and family,' and Councillor Hawkey moved such a motion, which was carried. - •LICE NSIXG COMMITTEE ELECTION. _Mr, T. . Howley, returning officer for the Timaru- Electoral# and Licensing' District, "wrote, that the r Timani 'Borough' Council bad been appointed the local authority for the purpose ; of'electing' a Lice-nsing Com-' mittee.- > - All costs of election woultf be paid by: the Council except' the Returning Officer's remuneration. Stamps, ballot' -boxes, and rolls Avill be supplied, but fonns r r printed instructions, v advertisements, will bave to be paid for by the Council. The statutory date for the election is March ldth, and it would be. his duly .to give public notice thereof 'not later than °tlie 19th: inst. A list of existing polling places was appended for consideration. 1 Mr Howley estimated the cost of a contested election' afc £l5O, and of an uncontested one at under £lO.

The Mayor stated that the committee had considered tlie matter, and <j| opinion that six polling places ough would be quite enough, instead ..of •twelve, used at the Pr.rUamenjfary electwte He hoped the pollii>g ; 'places would " 'not fee required, as a contested election was quite ■unnecessary, no benefit lie anybody could result from it, as; the eitizea?. composing, the present Bench were as good representative iaen : as they could: get. ■ • The Council determined to advise that six polling places will be sufficient for the borough, the Returning Officer to select them. The Mayor's hope that tljere would be no cootest was endorsed. " "" V'"\ : ; ; THE PARK. ' -I. The Mayor. reported . that the general committee recommended that the south side of the Pariif be taken in hand, and' the rough grass and twitch taken out «nd. the ground levelled. If was suggested that the ground might be let.for.a crop of potatoes to clean it, but it was doubtful whether anyone would take it. He suggested that the Park 'Committee be requested to look into this matter and report Jit nest an.eeting, and also on the feasibility and need for making a. cart gateway or the west side off the main road.—Agreed to. KENSINGTON WATER SUPPLY.

Fifteen residents of Kensington made • appacation to have the present supply.. of ftvater to Kensington continued' for three years as from the Ist of January last, and they guaranteed the payment "of £l7 per annum to -the Council for the water. 3?ive residents of Kensington- wrote asking the Council to extend the water main to the corner of-Oxford and James streets. Mr C. Bowker wrote suggesting, that the Council should, .lay a main from- the main road along James street and through Kensington. -If this -were done he felt sure all the residents would .take the water,, and 1 Tinder present -conditions it was. liable to be used by those who do not pSy' fot it: It was agreed to grant "the request of the petitioners to continue the water sup- • ply, the -subscribers to protect the supply' by preventing others from using it. A RIGHT-OF-WAY QUESTION: Mr E. 1 Ball wrote .further - regarding Ills application for. consent to a right-of-way ■within his section opposite the Post Office, that the grant, of a right-of-way . would, enable ,h^..Jo,,;cut' < in sizes' suitable *foi*'" 'Shops" or : offices. : Possibly the whole section would be taken by. one lessee, in which case the right-of-way would not be nsed; ' • ■ • : ' ' i The MSyi%Vstated that he and the ; Town Clerk, as requested, had inspected the'premises, and they found that the circumstances weredifferentfromthose-inwhicli rights of way had been, previously granted, and they were such as would mak£ the gr&nt ; Of a 'rights;*® thespirit "Of the..':Mtinicipal. Corporaiaois?s; : on. this subject, and they could not recommend the' Council to grant it. Rights of way were_ only; ;to ; be grafted}' under the law, to give access to the' rear of buildings fronting -upon a street. . Councillor Harney said that a similar application was granted to Mr Clayton, on LeCren's Terrace, within the last two years.; s ■ r. . The Mayorfcsai'4; it iwas a; different casej Mr Ball's property being in a" densely oc-' - cupied part of the town, and two wrongs would not ,make a, right. ; Councillor Smithson said a right of' v. av had been refused lately in Wilson stieet. and the Mayor said others had beer; refused. .Councillor Parks said they Biust stick to the law. Councillor Walls said Mr Clayton, -Jiadbeen given "leave to a new housa .on such righ.t,.j>f - way. a^ v ~Mr . Ball's hou'so had been up five-and-twenty years. . Councillor Smithson jßall cculd build in the front, but )?° could not give

a legal .title on a sale or a lease. The Mayor's report was adopted. HASSELL STREET. . Nine residents of-Hassell street drew attention to the condition of the street as unfit for. traffic, a gully being impassable iii. wet -weather, and ■ they asked that it be attended to. The Levels County Council forwarded copy of a petition from 11 residents in Hassell street asking that the street jbe cleaned of gorse and formed. In Jtshe last the Levels Council passed a resolution in reference to forming this .street, agreeing to pay cne-foorth of the cost of forming the street, and stating that a 35 feet road "would meet all county requirement for many years to come. (The Borough Council asked the Levels Council to pay half: the cost of constructing the road to its full width.) The Mayor remarked that the Council had-often said they would be glad to have the boundary road fixed up. They had Wilson street in hand now, and the next on their- programme was LeCren street. There was a culvert to be made at the junction of Rhodes and Hassell streets. He suggested that the Council should inspect the place, and decide at next- meeting what should be done. "He thought they should join the county in Laving the boundary. ■ road finished, i;. ; ' - CAROLINE BAY. The Mayor stated that Bay Committee \met at the Bay,'. ' with Mr F. Palliser, to decide "where the fountain presented by 31r Palliser, . -was to be placed' It was agreed to place it-' where Mr Palliseihad suggested, in tie middle of the path from,, the rotunda to the terrace, the path being widened out on each side of it. The fountain would be in a suitable position there, and would be an ornament to - tiia Eay.—The Council approved of this. The Mayor also stated that the raiiwav staff had commenced the removal of three chains mere of the clay bank between rLa iailway and the Bay, .and this would' be u great-improvement. He had arranged''with the engineer and ganger to have the top >c.:: put. aside to be spread ov«i the door of ih.3 : excavation when done. . S'IRKEI WOBKS —A BREEZE. It- was resolved, on ihe motion oi Cjuiicix.or Sciiiuidt, that the overseer be instructed to prepare plans;and specifications ior. regrading LeCren street: . Councillor Mahory inquired how ihsie works were authorised and iiom what ninci [ tliey were carried out. He was at a loss Being told that, tha work was tp-i ba doine out- of loan. nibne-v_ he was. at : ai'ioss to inow where the. geaesal rate was ; Spent,.He did not know v the expenditure ; was never discussed, and he- though.: the ■Mayor acd the overseer diet everything, jjad the councillors were no6^cans i «ltedj and the councillors had to big; 1 '.for -. Every new work shouldjje -brought before the. Council "before" being .taken ;'i4 iiand. He did- not know how the money was being spent, the works were brought balers the: (.Joaucil. Councillor Schmidt said thaix as ' his' motion had- brought up Councillor Malumv he ought, to reply. If Councillor ila-hony took more; notice of the business: and talked' less lie- would get ,a better inwardness of tilings. He had' not had to beg fox- LeCren street to be daria. Certain works; were, agreed to be done*, in totafion,- ; and he "was- now moving the tarn. Councillor Hawkey explains! • the list off impravements t-o be carried 1 cat was prepared before Councillor Miiionv ioined the Council. ; The- Mayor assured Councillor Mahonv' that everything was decided It?.- the Council, by resolution; neither'he nor. tha overseer had more to do -with it thaai_anv councillor. He-thought it very bad taste for a man to com© inta the Council aad talk as Councillor Mahony had done. 14 would liave looked better if he had nnder-sfcocd a little more about the business before, ander:taking to. speak like that! : Wells/inquired wb.y - Is- a yard was being paid fijr clay, when some had Men got for-9d, and the -Mayor- explained-: that the-latter was some clay front 'f ih-t'he Belt-that had to be reUiO-vecL ? Councillor Mahony asserted that- the Le-= : Cren. work had been miiddlad. by casing. IOK Joads o^.clay out; of the street. M(£;pow. a.3-,much would have? to. baf carted back l again.. ... ; Councillors Mahony and Wells . that- a statement be supplied- at next meetvig showdhg ,the -amount of loan Tecei\^ed r for street improvements and the allocations of. the i-loan.T—Carried. i REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS. ' More the ~ general committevTrere' adopted, - as fo-Haws:: ■£- General iJI9o waterworks'/ £&3f 15s~ xjo-' * Park ■ £2o 19's ;6d-|v'abatt»ii\ £SB; 8s Bir street 9d; .drainage loan, £4J2l£s 8d ; " •; V:>-MFSGELL ANEO US. Th« -secretary ,to the Timaris Classes Association notified that thev weve this vear entitled t'b ;tWb representatives on the Board - of •Managers.—Tha Mayor was reappointed, ' with Councillor Hawkev ' as his colleague. ; Hawera 'Borough Council acknowledged receipt of the Council's letter of appreciation-of the courtesies extended to Timaru bandsmen during their stav at Hawera,x and expressed pleasure that' the Oiindsmen had enjoyed'their visit. It was formally resolved that the valuation lists of the several irofidsf be''deposited rt>r. inspection by' the persons interested therein. ' , A resolution was passed" that-formal notice be served on mag adjoining- owners

to clear gosse growing on Hassell, Rhodes and Woodlands streets.

In reply to Councillor Rothwell, the Mayor said thsre was £IOOO left of the drainage loan. Councillor Rothwell said the money was borrowed to invert the gullies, and all had been, inverted except the one running past Mr Palliser's (and one on Maori Hill said another), and that very much needed doing.—The Mayor said the Councillors- had better look at it.

Councillor Rothwell stated the residents along Woodlands street required » fuller supply of water, the temporary half inch pipe being inadequate for the number of houses there now.—The Mayor said it must be attended to if the supplv was too small. In reply to Councillor Oborn, the Mayor said lie hoped to be. able to make a statement at nest meeting regarding electric lighting. In reply to Councillor Harney, who inquired how the Otipua drainage scheme was getting on, the Mayor stated that an expert- in the employ of the Government would be coming down shortly, and he would stop at Tirnaru and inspect the Otipua lagoon. He suggested that the Council should drive him down and show him Air Quinn's successful draining of a lagoon at Makikihi. When the expert had given his report they could make a move in the matter. They must get some help from adjoining owners; Mr Evans and Mr HalU Jones were still willing to help. YISIT TO THE DAM. The Mayor invited Councillors to accompany him. on the annual inspection of the upper water-race and dam, on Thursduv next. : . '

The Council rose at 8.50 p.m.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12902, 13 February 1906, Page 6

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TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12902, 13 February 1906, Page 6

TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12902, 13 February 1906, Page 6