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"THE SECOND DAY. President, Wm. Gunn; vice-presidents, P, Foster r and A. C. Pringle; hon. treasurer, W. liawsori; secretary, C. S. Eraser; S: Anderson, A. Bascand,-A. H. Bourn, I. J. Bradley, T. J. Burns, W. A. Courtis, R. H. ; Ferguson, J. L. Gillie 3, J. Hole, H.B: Kirk, J. Lillico, : D. Mahoney, F. Pallis&r, W. Priest, T. Pringle, P. SinclairV referee, W. Gunn; marshall, Bugle-Major Elgin; stewards (cycling), E. Hassall and C. Hall; Press stewards, S. Anderson/iE. Hall, J. Hole, A. Bascand; clerks of course "and marksmen, F. Cameron,,!. J. Bradley, W. Hall, D. A. Ogavje,iH; ;B. Kirk; judges (running), WA. Courtis, :W.: Priest, J. Lillico; (cycling), A. Bourni .Wj:vLawson> E.: Palliser;: (general sports), R. : H. A; G.:Prnv gle, T. Pringle, P. Sinclair, J. L. Gillies; (wrestling).,- A. C; and. T. Pringle and R. -<. H. Ferguson; (Irish dancing), J. Sullivan; P. McCarthy, W. Angland; (Highland dancing "and music); R. Campbell, R. McOaulay, R. Skinner; starter, P. Foster; ifcimekeepers, W- Gunn, W: S. Lindsay, D. Mahoney; handicappers (cycling),; H.? Amos% ; J "(o&er events), T.\ McAuliffe.; amateurrunning, H.. Amos and :j J.> P. Kalaugheiv, ■,."" 7.". ?.'u'. : ~; went off well, .except for by-a thunderstormin the early...'jaftirrioonV, : Black-' ctouds-khad ! : 1 danger s%nals aU jthe forenoon,;: but the, x storm, which- threatened passed overhead. . Therefore the-jpeople ' ; arho wanted to see sport* took heart of grace, and there was a fairly good attendance to watch the earlier items, though nothing like that of the about 1 o'clock more clouds came up, a lew heavy drops; of rain fell, and a gfial of thunder-turneditheattention of the spectators to the grand stand as a prospective race was started-dunngltnp rain, but dancing arid putting the stone were in, progress, and the competitors went on wrip a persktericy -of: . cause. The dance ;in progress "was finished end judged bolt for - -putting of the was earned to the bitter end, and then' the coinpetitors cleared, leaving -thei two judgea; to; .measure the throw; the sole bcof dampening oval. , ra-in down in good earnest,, compelImg everyone to seek shelter, and W grandstand was packed upstairs and down -Ughtnmg and-thunder aided' arid abetted «i«ram. This, with the heavy ram, made noise enough, but hail soon added itsraf tte. Some of the hail stones were an inch or so m diameter, and falling on thousands of squareieet of rcof, the^oise"was ™ s ...There.were a,few-W . / '" stliaouWde,,.and;-these as'-they-:darfed-place to place in search -of shelter got a great peltinff-—-TtaJl ; lasted" less'" than".^: i then cleared , off, and" shining on a green sparkling nps of ice. The sports-were V the: "■'■ V . out- The rain had .' ...-*;• etlial cheek on the attend--11 i number were/dojablless . g. tending. The gate tak--1 £9B ,14s, 1875 a^ult>? f; . irig admitted; anof'thV . &i :. , were £3l 7s 6<L At ;?.;'. "ae more thunder came \ ;.' 'rower hurried things *i! i 0 _-" passed,,jSff without i' : *£^i&~■?-?'■''''■''■ .'• T ™ 8 orilyorieTfally: .:- ■ '*: r ?;'■ a/.biCTole . : I ;v' fr; triV ::"'?ty £ ■■>'*. -Sii v =■■ ' Taprie' "t reason .peo-, I " " "ess dull; than .' id-nptTidrag aci^d-'frorii ;Thes^jriii^ ; '\.... -: ,t :.the,-£2O; '-h ■ , ■'■"'-'•'' : ctory .'tf: iv 'U;mari^ : |i N sport.' -?■;". start, |; . they ' -I; :■.■■■■■- v;^ -- Sr ■ ■-. .: ■•_ ■■-■■"_■-': v "n<fti' S.----V . '■'■■**'. ii- *.■■ -.■--,!=•■■ ■-■:■-.■•:'. : o *a ..■,• ■■■■-- -.■: ■■ •,-v*.--j-:. > Kr-. : .v-.? fci '•--' "-."'"--:- ■'•• •-:'■■■•■ -.;":>:-;^^"' ; Hi* .. - :i V- u ; l : forwa ,/ifs wi .;.=.■.-.... ■-.- . ;-- I -J. a i I a £ ■ ■ «- Randrui if-** A - ffid at the iZ) i3 \ * lire jW? * nea *. fc of a the final'"--.-'-'- ■■ n n _ J-aB Fin^

winners. Purse just won, with Hul and Hardinghani almost in line and McColl an inch or two away. Time, 10 3-ssec. PUTTING 161b STONE; £2, £l.—W. Angland (Bin) and T. Thornley (Bin) 36ft lOin equal I', James Cartwright (18in) 36ft 7ia 2. : R. J. Cook and A. McKay also cbrnpeted. Cook's best throw was 34ft 7in .; ; McKay's was riot measured. THROWING 161b HAMMER; £2, £l. lOin 1, W. Angland;, (scr) 116 ft 2. ' J. W. Skinner also competed: ; The consistent closeness of the throwing showed that Thornley could easily have done with a 'much smaller handicap. The competitors decided to go on after the first three throws,-and made other three each, getting a good deal further. HALF MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP; £3, £1 10s, and 15s. . • First- Heat. J. Connell (35vds) 1 R. Connell (10yds) 2 M. Randrup,(scr), J. Chalmers (25yds), and J. McAuliffe (50yds), arid J. Shea away. Shea made the pace hot for a quarter, closely' attended by McAuliffe and Connell. In the last quarter R. Connell drew out, closely followed by his brother and; the latter won by half a wheel, McAuliffe very close up third. Time, 60 4-ssec. ~ ~ Second Heat. .■'."'; XVyTaldie : (7sydW) ............ l v : 8.-Campkvii :(30ydsj ..„'....... 2 ; ":•:J: lArasfr,; (scr), arid A.'!Bonis (45yds), also, rodj», . Waldie oset a. 'very sound pace,Jwfeat and_ era i Cariipibri jujst beating; Arhst-foivfhe position to qualify. ; Time, 59 y. Third Heat. ' G. Sutherland (syds) .:...:.„ 1 V G-F." Baker (20yds) 2 H. ;E. .Mehftehs(3oyds) R. Rodgers (40yds); J: W; ' McClintock (80yds), and -G. -Shefford (90yds), also started. Shefford "and McClintock carried on a cracker for a quarter,: win Sutherland was up with thein, rode a great finish, and won by -half a wheel, a. good third. Time, 62sec \ ' : .: The Final. r B: Campion (30yds) 1 G; Sutherland (scr) 2 " C. F. Baker (20yds) 3 r R. Connell at once went in chase of I Waldie, and Campion raced after Connell.' with Sutherland; pedalling hard. As they dropped into position' alongthe back, Campion jumped away at the north-east corner, and. got a grand place for the down hill sprint for the line, winning by a length from Sutherland, Baker and Connell "separated -by inches.- Time, 59sec. - OGONG JUMP HANDICAP; 30s, 15s.— F. .Courtney (scr) 18ft s£in 1, W. Lawlor -(6 i&) 17ft'9in 2, E. Ferry (6in) 17ft 7in 3. C.Horgah.(i2iri) also jumped. •;■■ RUNNING HIGH JUMP HANDICAP; 30s, 20s, 10s.—E. P. Ryan (scr) sft Bin lvG.- Campbell (3iin) sft 7iin 2, E. Ferry 42m) sft 7in 3. Harvey, Kerslake and Law-, lor also juriiped. This was a lengthy competition, in'which a good deal of interest taken, and Ryan's victory "was well applauded: ""

220 YARDS AMATEUR HANDICAP ; i tarpphiesv value; £3 and" (scr) I,'W. A: Gunn "(6yds) 2, G. Gunn (11yds) 3 i.'"' -^ ra ke won the first heat very comfortably :by, a yard,,from S. F. Bass (6yds), and G. M. Gunn (Uyds) in 24sec. The second heat feE to E. A. Shand (15yds), AifjGunn second,, and D. Ellis in 24 l-ssec. The final .was agjpetty ': .face.*;• were lead3pff *t.;the turn, with Drake three yards away. v He gradually wore them down, jrid won.,a-splendid raoe by half a yard. iTime,"„24 l-ssec ; • WRESTLTNG (Cumberland Stvle): 12st limit; £3, 30s, 10s.—T. Thornley 1, T. McKay 2, Ryan 3. Two others competed. - ,: ; VAULTING: WITH POLE; 50s, 20s, Cainpbell (scr) 9ft 9in 1, G iKerslake (scr) 9ft sin 2, C. Horgan (10in) 9ft 4fn, 3; only competitors. - HOP; STEP AND JUMP; £l, 10s G.gCampbeU (3in) 41ft 3in, F. Courtney (scr) 40ffc llin 2, G. Kerslake (3in) 40ft 9m, 3. Lawlor (40ft lin.) and G. Horgan also competed. BICYCLE HANDICAP. First. Heat. •> r "' ~8~. Cariipion (100 yds) 1 A. Bonis (145 yds) 2 R. Rodgers (150 yds) 3 , J, Wv-McClintock (250 yds) 4 J.;Chalmers.(Boyds).also rode. McClinock set a very solid pace. Chalmers fell :.._ifc, and on the field closing, there was : tte. very pretty alternatev pacing. When bell tinkled, McClintock. was leading ;Bonis, and Rodgers making a fast ;-f. yd move, had. Campion quickly on r- \eel". , Tie latter came fast from, tie .->'•■ won" by" a length. Tine, 4iriin ;'-•• • c."- »■".- -- -- '.--■ ■ . .?-'--- Second Heat. • -, v . -Baker (75yds) 2 - Burton;/50yds) 3 ;. '.phrtens; (95yds) 4 . > (scr), J. McAuliffe (170 yds), "■: :;. ; „Tyds), J._Sliea (280 yds) also " t-* S ot ■ aw-ay badly and pulled ; -int - all out for • a quarter, f-miie iwas up with the McAuliffe paced pluckily ps, with Arnst- leading nd Baker as the back came out. as the bell but the former could burst, being beaten vinning nicely frcm 2-ssec. 1. * s) 1

McClintock made -the pace fast from pistol fire, Rodgers and Bonis taking a hand as the laps were covered. At 1£ all •were together, and a lap was ridden quietly. Then came the final spurt. As they rode out of the straight the. pace was very fast. McClintock fell at the turn when lying well up the track, but was fortunately not hurt. J. Arnst was then leading, and with Mehrtens and Baker came along the straight together. A great finish resulted in a win fcr Baker by about a foot, a few h'cbea separating tie others. Time, 4niin 49sec. The president presented Mr Bailey s medal* for this race, a very handsome specimen in gold.

MUSIC AND DANClNG.—Strathspeys and Reels; £3, £2, £l—R. Clark 1, R, McKechnie 2, W. Mcßride 3. Two others competed. Highland Reel: Boys and Girls; £i, 10s, ss—Miss Shepherd 1, Miss J. Hopping 2, Miss R. Glover 3; two others competed. Marches (open to S.C. Pipe bandsmen only); £2, £l—B. 'B. Walton 1, P. Davidson 2, G. Crerar 3. Gunn and Burns also competed. Reel o' TuUoch; £2 10s, £l, 10s—C. ell 1, H. Macdonald 2, R. Clark 3; two others played. Gliillie Callum : Boys and Girls; £l, 10s, ss—Miss Glover 1, Miss Hopping 2, Miss Macdonald 3. Miss Shepherd also competed. Sean Triubhais; £2 10s, £l, 10s—H. Macdonald 1, R. Clark 2, C. Bell 3: three others danced. Reel o* Tulloch: Boys and Girls; £1 10s, ss—Miss Shepherd 1, Miss J. Hopping 2, Miss R. Foley 3. Misses Glover, and Macdonald also competed. Sailors' Hornpipe'; £2, £l, Hopping 1, R. Clark 2. C. Bell 3. Five others competed.' Irish Reel; £2, £l—J. Lynch 1, W;Lynch 2; only competitors.

Besides these, there were some dancing events left over from the previous day, and/these resulted, as follows :—lrish Jig— W.'Lvnch 1, J. Lvnch 2. Ghillia Callum— R. Clark 1, C. Bell 2, H. Macdonald 3. Highland Fling: Boys and Girls—Miss J. Hopping 1, Miss R. Glover 2, Miss Shepherd 3. 880 YARDS HANDICAP; £3 and £l. A. Hancock (40yds) I,'A. Gimson (15yds) 2, A. J. Cade (25vds) 5. J. Ryan (syds), C. E. Fitzpatrick (10yds), W. Harris (10yds), T. Riddell (15yds). H. Fleck (35yds), T. P. Fitzpatrick (40yds), D. S. McKenzie (45yds), and E. Forward. (50yds) also ran. Th* limit men. set a very sound, pace, McKenzie leading for a round, when he had to give way to Fleck, who in turn was beaten by Hancock, and then dropped out. Hancock ran very strongly, spurted along the back, but was challenged near the turn by Gimson. Hancock kept hard at it, and "won by about three "yards, third man easing up. Time, 2min 9 2-ssec.

\ AMATEUR HANDICAP; 1 mile; trophies value £3 and.£l, —T. A. ; Claughton I (105 yds) 1, J-.W. Ellis (30yds) 2. G. M. Gunn (10yds),.W. A. Gunn (15yds), and Travers. (120 yds) also ran.. Claughton soon ran up to .Travers, and the pair were in company .till the third lap, when Ellis was up <with them; In the last, lap Ellis spurted .to the front, but on coming to the turn Claughton went after him, and catching Ellis halfway down the straight, the pair fought out a great finish, Claughton winning by a fobt'aniid great applause. Traversa good third. Time, 4min 47sec. ONE MILE HANDICAP; £5; .£2 and T.. Smart (scr) 1, T. RiddeU (35yds): 2, A.-J. 3. .fJS..-S. McKerizie v (3syo!s), and H t Fleck (60yds) also etartecL. Fleck crit out the running for two. laps and then, retired. At the half, journey Smart was* right-'.through;- and going on with easy stride, made his effort in the last lap-, winning by about 20 yards. .Only the placed, riaen finished. Time, 4min 57. 4-ssec. ;-...--■

| GRAND CALEDONIAN WHEEL RACE, i .!£ mile; £2o' £7 and.£3: . ... The Final; • ; Sutherland (10yds) 1 , Baker (45yds) * 2,; v.. Randrup (scr) 3 The other { (25yi"is), R. Connell (50yds), J. CdnrieU (80yd8), Mehrtens (85yds), and McAuliffe (150 yds). The latter had to act as his own pacemaker, and did it well for nearly half a mile. Then J. Connell rode up to him. and took a lap with Burton "on his wheel At the three : quarter mile, all the riders were in company .anct the mile was ridden at ease, McAuliffe. pacing arid no one else appeared to take a turn. . In the nextr lap Burton, Connell and Sutherland, went out,' Burton being in thej rlead -as they sprinted .for the .last lap, with Randrup lying fourth on the upper edge 6f-ihe,track. K. Lonnell out at the turn, but Sutherland got beautifully placed =' as they opened out for the final burst and won auud great cheering byialf.a.wheel, Randrup a srmilar distance awav from BaSer lune omia 17sec. Sutherfand was again warmly applauded as he.pedalled rounCthe track before diirnounting - 120; YARDS AiIATEUR HANDICAP Sophies £2 ; and £l.—S. F-ißass (3yds) l! P- E. Drake (scr)' 2. A. C. Martin (4yds) R. Dansey (7yds) v H...D. EUis (7yds), and E. A -Shand (10yds) also rah, " J A splendid race. Bass rapidly overhauled the others and just won by an inch or two in 12 4-osec, the pistol being beaten: ONE MILE BICYCLE HANDICAP • £4, £2, and £l. -'. -.- . ' ■'-• First Heat. - • ' J- Shea (160 yds) 1... J. Sullivan (140 yds) ...........'■■%''"■■'. '■ M. Randrup (scr) 3 H. E. Mehrtens (55yds) "" 4 J Arm*; (scr), R. Connell: (25yds). J. ?r (45 y ds) ' A. Bonis (85yds) and J .McAuliffe (90yds) - also rode!- Shea made p, av , McAuliffei -^ hulkvan rode up to the leader, .weriV on strongly, but was beaten at the finish by a length, Randrup close up. Time, 2iom 10 1-osec.

•■■ Second Heat. '■ <•■■'••■■ J. Waldie (140 yds) ....... 1 J. McClintock (150 yds) : : 2 C. F. Baker (40vds) 3' " C. E. Burton (25vds) 4 ' i G ; S T uth f rla «d" (lOyds)/' B. Campion (55yds) J. Connell (60yds), and R, Rodgers (75yds), also started. Waldie went all the way and won as he liked, Baker and Burton beating Sutherland after a Treat spurt for other places. Time, 2min 11 1-osec.

The Final. M.---Randrup (scr) „. 1 H. E. Mehrtens (55yds) ~. '2 J- Shea (160 yds) 3 oJ" 1 ' qualified started." Sullivan, bhea and Waldie soon ; got together, with Randrup majftmg rip the ground very fart, fed as they went- out of the ■traigbt fpr the:last quarter, but Randrup came fart from the back,' a^d ■■. wiJnSaa^qe S-6i^S^' agoo<lfoiirth -las.

220 YARDS HANDICAP'- £4, £2,:hmi S? fl ( C^ 2 HiU I I*?**) 3. Hill won the first heat from McColl rather ftisQv in 23 4-ssec; Purse; (16yds), just managed to beat Campbell (12yds) in- the second heatm 24sec, and Hardingham won the third heat from Hancock (Byds) in 25 3 ec. The final was one of the best races of the meetmg.. Purse led to the turn where Hardingham had him beaten, and McCoIL three yards away. In the straight McColl had hard work to get through,, .and was just beaten by inches, Hill very-close up. Time. &•* 2-ssec. " - . r

880 YARDS AMATEUR HANDICAP t .rophies £5, £2.and £l._J. W. El'.is (10yas) 1, B. Culverhouse (15vds) 2. G. M. .Giurn.. (15yds) so started". Culverhouse scon set a strong pace, and Gun:: drapp:;;g

out early, the order was: Culverhouee, Travers, and Ellis. Trovers next gave up, but a great finish took place, Ellis just beating Culverhouse by a long vard. TIMARtf WHEEL RACE, 3 miles; £6, £2 and £l. A. Bonis (200 yds) 1 J. McAuliffe (220 yds) 2 J. Waldie (300 yds) 3 Others starters were: M. Randrup and J. Arnst (scr), G. Sutherland (30vds). E. E. Burton (60vdt0, C. F. Baker *(9oyds), J. Chalmers (iCOyds). H. Mehrtens (140yds), J. Conns!, (150vds). R. Rodgers (2CK)yds), J. W. McClintock (32Cyds). McClintock, Rodgers, Bonis, and Mehrtens paced well, and with J. Conuell soon widened the gap with the back-markers. Then Sutherland tried to get. a move on among the latter, but fai'ed. Rodgers led at- the half journey and Bonis a l:ij> later. At two miles McAuliffe was the pacer, and there was no change at the 2-J. The bacfc division was slowing down and the gap becoming wider. Rodgers w-*et away at the final signal, c.osely attended by McAuliffe and Bonis, and in the final burst. Bonis won by half a length. Time, 6mra 47 2-ssec. At the close of this race, the referee (Mr W. Gunn) carpeted all the back markers and gave them a severe talking to for not trying to. win. BOYS' FOOT RACE; H. Geaney 1, "R. Geaney 2, J. .Kelly 3. There was a large field for this, the last foot race of the day, and it was won by a tiny boy whom the handicapper put well forward.

CONSOLATION BICYCLE HANDICAP, 1* mile; £3, £2, £l.—J. Arnst 1, J. Shea 2, J. McAuliffe 3. There were nine entries-, and after an exciting finish Arnst ■iron by yards.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 6

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SOUTH CANTERBURY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 6

SOUTH CANTERBURY CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 6