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Mr J. C. ll'acktnore, the Government penologist, will deliver an address at tie saleyards at Geraldine today on the potato disease. He will spak on* tie same subject at Waiinate Kaleyards on Saturday. Vc.sierdny Captain Kdwin advised as fob Unvs : —••(l.dc fr'.jn bdv.-ien north and west and south-wot. glass Jail, tides high. <-ei !ie:;vy outside, rain pudvible and vcatJ:cr cold.". Insme ynur crops by iv:rd»r>srg a Mo '"•»»mi<k Reaper and p,jn<'or. M»riow UafeseJi and Co., Christ chuich.—<A<*vi.j

Fishing Ja tljg. Orari «n Monday, Messr* Fairbaira and Crowe, of Duaedia, «ia.uglit 57 fi«h, up to IJlfos in weight. Mr Johnstone, with two others, secured a basket of 60 out of the Temuka yesterday. Ths new year holiday* at Tenmka have been very <juiet. the town during Monday and Tuesday Wing almost deserted. There aie sKlili, however, a large number of anglers and hoi 5 day-maker* about.

The race meeting, held *ome week* ago at Pleasant Point, resulted in a profit of about £42. It in the intention next vear to place on the programme a Pleasant Point "~-Jp <»f 2.5 *ov*. which should attract gotxj iinrxes to the meeting. M«*r* T cjjt -,rA H. Mdntvre returned home on N« w Years Day after a highlv r? 2riT Tl 3 f the heaviest weighing St' *2l tb i> M *« t ** a **»'* averaging HHbs. The fish were all in very -fin*«mditaon, and were caught near tbe month of the nver. The Waitobi anglers enjoyed their trip very much. J J" 1 *

A traction engine, which -went into the railway yard for a load of «oal yesterday morning, got bogged in the soft shingle near (the Strathallan street crossing, where a new line of rails was recently put down. The engine sank down to tie axis*, the bottom of the firebox resting on the % shing'e. Various expedients had to be r tried to extricate the helpless engine. ;m attempt to warp her out with the wu* rope A lot of time- was- lost before she was again placed in a going position. After the hail storm yesterday the surface of the Caroline Bay sand, wbere it had been dry when the hail fell, presented 1 a very peculiar appearance. The Ehj stones drove tbeir way into the eand and on melius lift tittle pits, the diameter of which. oi the fciones. The pits were remarkable for the fact that tiey were ieepesli rofifci " the edge, so that the bottom of each was - a shallow cup on top of a short coiamn. Where the sand was wet, tie hail stones merely made a shallow round dint in it. The comparison made yesterday between Monday's attendance at the Caledonian sports and last year's, was an error, the record for 1904 having been inadvertently osed instead of that for 3335. The first day last year was » comparatively poor one. Mr Lawson. faon. treasurer to the Society, furnishes us witi the following returns:—l9os— Gates, first day, £290 Is 6d: second day, £3B 14s; grand stand, £56 13s and £sl 7* 6d; grand total, £476 16s. 1905-Oates, first day, £271 10s 6d; second day, £B4 9s; enclosure, £27 2* and £8 15s; grand total, J2391 16s 6d.

A Stratford resident who BW3eu% paid a visit to Canterbury, states in the local paper that Tsmara has shown a remarkable improvement in the last two or three years, and now appears to be a, solid business town. The effect of the harbour amprovenacots has been to largely increase tba business' of the port, and the efforts of the port authorities to capture the. trade of Ashbnrton and the district between the Rak.aia. asd the Rangrtafca rivers, bid fair to be crowned with success. The ruinous tunnel rale «n goods ladled through from' ' Lytteltoo will contribute in tm small measure, to thtk

A small' but appreciative andience attended the second Xew Year entertainment of the Dunedin Amateurs in the Tieatr* Royal last night, and froquent appla«*e and numerous recalls showed that the little company pleased in their conceit, and lie comic operetta " Dolores"" went even better than on the first night... For the concert Miss Amy Murphy selected florid compositions which displayed,, the range and fine training of her voice, while Miss Eva Field chose a pretty Woodland MadrigaL Mr Denseat, it goes without *«ying,jMi»vided lots of amusement. Messrs Whits and Henderson essayed good «ongc, font sang them as if indifferent to their meaning. Mr F. R. Foster sang, with fine appreciation of sentiment and meaning, "My Queen,* 1 and was properly encored for it Miss Rita Glover gave a pretty skirt dance, the "skirt"" evidently meant to represent a red black-beat poppy. "Dolores." as above remarked., went very well, and the whole programme deserved a better patronage. The nervous strain of household care wears out even the strongest women. Tale©' Stearns' Wine, the peerless tonic,' which builds up the bodv and mates tbe weak strong. Pleasant*to the taste.—Advt.}

One quarter of the total cost will tm gives off the price <of any of the following, articles op to Saturday January 6tk AH toy*, iblna., vases, "ornaments, figures, Ixwlk, flower pot*, pedestals, bamboo tables, whatnots, RaJtaa chairs, Ratanlwunges, Japanese draught screens, lacquered glove and bandkencia'sf boxes, peat's travelling companions, ladies' travelling companion*,. w..-.rk. bores, writing desks, crinkled*paper, fire .screen*, fans, dolls -of all kinds, plaque*, picture frames. t;atin lined baskets, loroe china plate*. We prefer to sett the above goods under w>% price ibo packing them away. Penrose",? Drapery Establishment.— (Advi.)

Xote this fact! Watches ithonraghlv cleaned and examined ss; mainspring, best quality, "5s 6d; twelve su&ntis* guarantee. C. Warbarton, the peopV* watchmaker, next T. and J. Thomson, drapers.—{Advt.) In tie great cycling ma.tch at on Tuesday M- Raodrup easily defeased Sutherland, by winning lbs Three Mile and One Mile event*. Toe Firs Mile was not ran.—(Advt4

Hunger is a Good Same.—When you do not have hnnrer as a. sauce for your food, try Chamberlain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse invigorate the stomach and give a relish for the food, as no other preparation can. They are easy to take, pleasant in effect and are jast what yon need. For sale by J. C Oddic.—(Advt.J

".J" 1 * proof o* the pudding In lie preem 'ml." 7bc Zealand™ Christmas meat show w.-.s rrrsiderabJy marred by tic eccentric rwndnct of " jjuvahis plnvrus." JCererthe-Jess-tic vtrdkt of tie nianv wb« braved tie dement* on that occasion was, tin* nothing approaching it has been seen in Timam for years past; for "quality, varietv. and artistic amusement it would be hard to lick. T. McWhirter and Sons beg t» annoance Jhat for Xew Year a similar excellent variety of nnsnrpajssed quality will be provided—choice or beef from "Ooxttpstall prime wether mutton and ddiriour lamb from the best fattening pasting in booth Canierbtiry. Included in onr varied and extensive small good* «lis»lav, -will *tw "!»"*«*■*"« Scottish chieftain of AnM Lang Syne.—tAdvt.) Caartna!—Persons Vlcn travelling flfcoahi' twmra care in tie ose of drinking' water. £*, safc ** Mr<J '* 5 * «rs«d that cverv Jrndc,• reews a. bottle „f Chamberlain** t«,ic Cholera and ilianhoea Kcmedv befor* Imißg ln-anc to he c:al ried in tie r 1 ™ 3B WT»e«. This n-.-iv prevent «3». tressjng svknes« .-nd .•::^cvi r , S delav. For Kile by J.. C. Oddie.—Udvt.)

As a. "Km:;* present and for advertising purposes ve will present to each of tie inn !-,•. .i c ~,.„.,.'j 1 ., 5 ,, ri ,. ~f nT>< » pound's worth or over of music or mwdcal instruments one of Hegg'-s special stem-winding lew a. vm-:-:! .»..V-U--. J'h.s tfer olijy ln'lds "o«-f1 v: :V' M-5-p'r at Tim am branch ; s »<r3j-ni«-H'd. Tin ■will do i*> no<e ,I '<'i- v-ij-ic .-end ;iT'T"i ; <r.-"-.-v' in Yegg's Stafr<] ttiec; window. —(Advt.)

A phi.d ■••>,!::-.,; «" .*• --een in the streets yesterday 'afternoon, in the shape of a decrepit man, bowed with, age, evidently ■unable to fake proper care of himself, and carryicL: a made ep in sacking. He had evv.-'oiuly r.»;i?-a ts."ght in the thunderstorm ,-i> jiis swag -was wet. He crept along •;•!«■• :iu object of pity to some, ■:( iiJ.aghror" :o thoughtless young people. i'-:- h an. old fellow who-prefers a nomad's exisreni-e ;i; & comfortable berth in the all Xiicn'.s iiuiiie. *• ' PASSENGER CI X TO PIECES. A-shocking accidc-iii was reported to us in the'.uwiy hours ;c r.his morning, after arrival- of tin- 3 oVI. .-■-.-& train from the soutlju ; ,i>e;;i-is L ,rc. ..■■.:■.*.-,, but it appears that* i a Iti:' : .K:i ro : uiS woman named Roberts';i felt off !■•::•-;• Train just south of Studhoi.a;;. av.-.i •,■.;■..< •. R.i to pieces. The train being nw Sfutlii.'.; :ia did not stop, but -the accident v,;i- vt L -rted there, and a party.we-Jt;I ; •-•.■: iLe ;ine. Miss Robertson 33 said by one of the passengers to have been. taken ill, and went out of the carriage on to tie platform. The nest thing noticed t.-;=:;. ... ■,, bump, and the yo::Ty -yoaKifi ... found to be inissicg. The. created a great sensation; which -- ;.s added to, so it is reported, by the (:sin not immediately " piub"ng Up. 33NUI IBH MCSJCAL COMEDY P... -COMPANY.' Mr JVr-tisj 1 - i-i'Tcil. the business manager : -k)f •Mr.feo'rgs ; ::-[>hei)son's English Musical Comedy a .veiy.'popular combinaloTva night to make ur the "forthcoming visit hereby; Since hal ssm in Timaru this company., has . touic-i! the Commonwealth with f-. phenomenal e-:nc:.-esv=. Twelve weeks in Melbourne, and .".twelve- in Sydney, speak-vol- ■ >Times the merits of Mr Stephensoh-'s ■-;- .company. :" Bil Adams," with which the seasonbfStwo nights: will be inaugurated on ■-■;. Monday .next., is the very latest London laughing 'success. The music is by" Stephen' Philpot; who has lately come to the front .as a composer, and it is said to be bright and tuneful. :. ;SOTJTEBIJRN SCHOOL. ' The annual school picnic and distribution of prizes was held at Southburn- on FridayDecember :29th, when a large gathering of parents, children and friends assembled. As soon as luncheon "tras over games of all kinds were entered-upon with great spirit, ? after whicfh & programme of sports was gone through, much fun. being caused at . the expense of some of the children. A " cigarette race" for the young men, and. ,& "thiead and needle" race for the ydung - -women showed groat skill on the part- of the former: : -in threading-needles, biit rather a lack of it- en the latter in lighting a cigarette. The inairied ladies''.race;-, was rather for the handicapper, but after much patience he managed to get it off. An adjournment was now made, and the ..Rev. J. H. Chappie addressed the' children. •In,well chosen words he-impressed upon jthem the benefit- of perseverance, punctuusJity,- and ambition in then* school work, after which-he presented the prizes. A ■prize of merit was-awarded each child, and special, prizes tp the following:—Arith- * : *netic_: n. !]|vnns, E.'Evans ; attendance: ; ■. 3p: Evans, M. Ward-; best and cleanest sewing,' M. Bell: sewing: M. Bell and M. Purves (equal)/J. McMillan and-M. McMillan (equal), L. Evans, Louisa Mvers. M._ Chamberlain. The Sabbath School prizes were. also presented. The chairman; (Mr Bell) theu: remarked on, the successful work done in the school this year, and desired on behalf of, the committee to thank the denors of special prizes, Mrs E. Cockayne, of. Christchurch (who eent- not only books br't- a, handsome greenstone brooch), Messrs P. W. Hutton, and the teacher. Hearty chears were given for the Rev. Chappie, Miss" Hutton, and the committee. A. dance,-"in the evening, brought to a close one of the most enjoyable picnics ever held? in the district. PHENOMENAL HAIL STORM. It is seldom that the. Christmas and. New : Year weeks pass without a severe iail storm being experienced in some part ...;:■ of South Canterbury, and this season has iot furnished an exception. Thunderstorms, with and without hail, have been ■more.numerous this summer than usual. 'One of the peculiarities of hail' storms is . that they are experienced along ..narrow 'tracts; they may ecore the vegetation for ■ ! ia-iiundred miles in a strip only half a mile •ox a iniie or two in width. And from some peculiarity in its geographical situation, Tiinaru very seldom suffers from severe-hail storms. Situation did ; not save -the town yesterday, thunderstorm: and hail storm of some severity. AH through the forenoon decse black clouds had been visible low" in; the air to' the southward, .brilliantly white in the sunlight on their »pper surfaces, and a thundershower was = - generally About 1 p.m. vivid Jlashes of lightning, followed almost immediately by thunder, indicated that an : eiectric storm was near. Then-came some ■'. rousing bangs aa the iron roofs, as' large hailstones fell, at intervals of a few seconds ■on- each roof. Some of the hail that fell in town were fully an inch and a quarter in. diameter: Many of them broke up with 4he force of their fall on roof and road- • -way, and the pieces bounced several feet. These fell, at the outset, and fortunately there were mot many of them, or a great /deal of damage must have been done. A - considerable amount of damage was don< by these big hailstones, by the breakage o' glass in glazed verandahs. All along Staf ford street-the footways under such, veran '■ dahs became littered with broken glass :• The majority of the glazed verandahs an on the southern and western side of thi street, and fortunately the hail fell with s feias towards so that th( ■upper stories partly sheltered the veran dabs and in most cases only the outer hal »f the width was struck, while the fewei verandahs on the opposite side of the stree suffered over the full width. The footway ! l»ecame littered with broken glass. It wa: fortunate that there were veiy few peopl< about or some one might have got hurt The experience of Mr P. Palliser, Nbrti street, shews that -those whose conserva "tories were in the track of the storm mus liave suffered serious loss. His conserva ■•' Itory was smashed up in a very peculiar and . complete manner. The lossinglas and damage to vines will be. considerable ■'■: Jfo such damage has ever happened befor ' ;in Timaru, and the experience suggest that the practice'has been to use glazini > .too thin for the exposure to hailstorms . though it has hitherto been found thic] -. enough. After the preliminary pelting wit big stones, a considerable fall of hail c moderate size followed, and then a. delugin rain shower, which did "sohie damage her and there by overpowering the. surfac drainage arrangements, ana flooding tL i floors of houses. The street chahnV.s wei converted into torrents- where the grade : good, acd on flats the water frequent] spread far over the roadway. The ston lasted about half an hour, when it passe away and left a much clearer sky for tl afternoon. The fall of hail was muc Leavier in the north end of the town thf the southern, though the pelting of b stones at the outset seems to have be< about equally distributed. At the Ca] donian Spirts Ground the rnil storm -vr preredeH bv n benw sbo-w-e-" of rni-. -n-;r - drove evsrybody. to cevsr, arid then t

hail came down, very much as in town, and l the rattle of the ice on the wide expanse of roof was deafening. SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rOI. and A. Co.—Point stock sale tomorrow. J. Ballantyne and Co.—New blousings and handkerchiefs to hand. Lost—White fur necklet; reward at this efficee. J. C. Williams —L.i.p. cf farm at Pareora East for sale. Theatre Royal—George Stephenson's co/ medy company next week. • J. S. Turnbull—Calls tenders for building stable and woolshed. J?ound—Gold watch, apply this office. Jowsey Jackson—Found sum of money in notes. Timaru Operatic Society—No rehearsal till January 10th. Borough Council—Call tenders for kerbing and ;channelling. ' Cowan's Clothing House—Smart-fitting ready to wear clothes. Funeral notice—By H. C. Dossett. Wanteds—Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 12869, 3 January 1906, Page 4