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A social in aid of the piano fund is advertised for next Wednesday evening at Seadown. . The Civil Service Cricket C'ub hold their annual meeting at the railway station next Wednesday evening. The annual horse parade under the auspices of the' Umaru A. r and P. Association will be held'to-day, at the usual place, the Maori HiU Reserve, at 11 a.m. On inquiring-last evening of-a visitor to" Orari, we were informed that Mr B. BMacdonald was showing signs of improvement yesterday, in intervals of consciousness. The many well-wisliers of Mr XortonTaylor, I'.T.C.M., should note that his last public meeting is announced for next Wednesday evening. . There will be no meeting tp-mon-ow night. Mr T. liuxton, Mayor of Temtika, interviewed the Premier on the train yesterday, ani secured a promise that the hon. gentleman would visit Tcmuka on the occasion of the sports gathering on November 9th. The interruption of the telegraphic communication with the north, which cut short our supply of news- about midnight of Thursday, was caused, we are informed by the officer in charge at Timarn, by a stroke of lightning, which split some of the telegraph poles at Hinds. Arrangements are well forward for the first bicycle run of the Timara Football Club, which comes off next Thursday weather permitting. The run will be to mme point on the Op>lii. probably near Arowhenua lailway station. L-.dr friends will be invited to take part in the >un, and will be promised afternoon tea at the river.

An old Timaruvian, JMr W. Yardley, well known as an expressman, has jotc;! the Fitzmanrice Gi;! Pramitic Comjway as advancement. ;ind is now in Tirnarn arranging for a .relics of performances by that company. Mr Yardtcy has had some experience of that kind of occupation, he having piloted three organisations round AustraliaGuinness and LcCren, Limited, in conjunction with X.Z. Loan and M- A. Coy., Ltd., wi'l hold a special sale of 520 head of cattle, comprising fat and-"store Jtccir and heifers, »nnd daily cows at the Wash-1 dyke Yards on Thursday, the 12tli October. Guinness and LeCrea. Ltd.. will sell by auction at Tetnnka on Tuesday next immediately after the stock *a!c on recount of Mr I'. McCaskill, his villa residence situate in Raynor and Hayhurct streets. Temufc'a. -

The usual weekly meeting of the Lifeboat Lodge, Xo. 101, 1.0. G.T., was held last, evening, Bro. J. Martin, C.T., in the chair. ' Correspondence was received from the South Canterbury District Lodge. The rest of-the evehuing was taken .up with a debate "Is tire drunkard to be pitied o; blamed?" An interesting debate followed. Bros. Martin and Gnnn submitting the different papers. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Brothers Martin and Gunn for their excellent papers. Fraternal greetings were received from the Chiistchuxcli lodges. , One candidate was proposed for membership, alter which the meeting closed in peace and hannonv at 9.35 p.m.

The Timaru Garrison Hand, will, weather permitting, play a programme of Mcred music at Temuka Park. tin Sunday afternoon nest.

The secretary io the Tiniani A. and P. Association advertises to-day the dates for in .living entries for tie .Show on 25th and 25th prx>r. -7 ' the Tcmuka Technical School cookery classes will entertain the managers of the classes ard a number of guests at a musical evening on Mondnv nieht. Delicacies, the art of making Which.has been learned at the classes, will be duly provided for supper. At the Police Court Dunedin vesterdav, two drapers were fined 5s for npenir g their premises afief 6 o'clock in the evening. Sot the purpose of showing their goods. 3 lesl A Chinaman was fined £2O and costs for paving opium in his possession. The organising sccrct.-Ty of the Bible in League will preach in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday morning, and the Rev. S. J. Serpell in ibc evening. Subjtct : "The Sabbath was made for Man." a talk, to the young people on the Sabbath. Al! cordially invited. A Chinaman named Coe Ti or Ti Coe a prisoner in Lyttelton ga-1, hanged him'sctf in his cell with his ihammock ropes on Thursday night- He was fined £IOO on July 4th lit, for possessing uncustomed opium, and went to gaol in default °* payment. He was thirty-nine rears old. and had no relatives in this colour. The Ladies' Committee for the Garrison Band Bazaar convene a meeting of committee. stall-holders and assistants, in the Borough Council Chambers at 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening and all are requested to be present. It is requested that a'] donations promised be sent in at once, to any member of committee or the nre'ident. 1

Mr J. A. Johtson. sneaking at the Assembly Rooms lost night, said that the Mam School grounds were among the finest p.aygroflnds in the colony. Instead or rough shingle and dirty day, the children could now play upon the'greersward and the beautiful "asphalt." The lecttrier subsequent y rf-narked that the cii■ ii'in ha i mention i phase of asphalt that had j: never struck him before. i< ll! . e Canterbury Engineers Band »»<• w . ji ranging m ho 4 a fin>ival on Xovetaber j| •'J 1, d 10th. and in connection thercwi'h | wi.l hold a brass band contest. Irritni tions to compete have been sect out fj other bands. ;n 1 at n meeting held last evening the limaru Marine Band resolved to accept the invitation. It was also decided to hold a promenade concert for honorary members at an early date. The balance sheet of the South British Insurance Company for the year ended 31st August, shows a profit in revenue account of £50,770 13s 4d. After adding £10.003 to the reinsurance fund, the unallotted sh«res realised £W,785 0k Bd. of which £35.372 has been carried to capital account, £30.000 has been added to the reserve fund, and the ba'ance carried forward, - payment of a dividend of 2s 6d per'"share for the second half-rear. is £3G.SD2 10k 7d.

In connection with the jmrden pnnv on Wednesday week :.t the Tenuka Band Contest a goodly number of displavs -nrtl <w.mpetitions have been arranged. Three liberal prizes valued at one gnjnea. have bees given for each grade of the decorated foiCTcle competitions, aid the usual ha: trimming and nail driving contests are sure to provide good entries. An animal race tertry free) will no doubt produce endless amusement. All intending competitors may obtain information from the secretarv or any member of the ladies' committee." ■At ihe Auckland Court yesterday, two Chinese were fined the TT-iarimTmi penalty of £SO each by Mr Dyer. S.XL. on a charge of having opium in their possession. Together with two other Chinese they were also fined £lO each for having been found smoking opium. The Crown solicitor slntf-d that the place which had been raided by the police was a regular opium den, the men crawling through a man-hole to hide while smoking. One accused said he could not stop smoking, and the Magistrate advised him to keep ont of Xew Zealand. The members of St. Mary's Mission Gniia open their Asncal c&otr in Ibe* Assembly Rooms on Wednesday next at 7 p.m. The Guild hare every hope of making the show a success again this year. The schedules are now out and considerable interest is evinced in the different competitions. Besides the exhibits of cut flowers there will be a special class for table decorations, baskets of spring flowers, etc.; also competitions for cakes. and scones. . There wi3l be a special staad for flowers for exhibition only. .The other attractions in connection with the show consist of work, sweet, and produce stalls. JCo efforts are being spared to make the show a succes. Intending exhibitors are remrnded that entries does at X p.m. on Wednesday by which time all exhibits mnrt be at the Assembly Rooms. Mr R. A. Wright, of Wellington, organises agent of the Bible in Schools Referendum League arrived here on Thursday to make arrangements for laying before" the people of Timaru the objects of the X»eagne. Mr Wricht will give an address in the AssMisit'v Rooms 10-morrow evening at 8 o'clcrl-. and Mr John Jackson will take <3;e chair. Mr Wright informs ns that he has been travelling about the colony in the interests of this movement rinse Slay, and he has cow visited "most of the provincial districts. having. South Canterburv, Hawke s Bay and Taranaki yet to arouse to a discussion of the question! The League which he represents does not ask Parliament for a Bib'e in Schools Bill, but for a Referendum on the subject ; and in thii request they are supported bv the principal councils of the Protestant Churches. The arguments for the Referendnts, however, as will be seen from the advertised synopsis of address, are—and of cdont mast-be—-arguments for the introduction of the Bible into the schools. A correspondent this morning suggests an addition to the subjects to be treated.

Mr Maries, the Dresden Piano Company's head toner, is at present in Timara. Any orders left at the saloon, Stafford street, will hare his prompt attention.—(Adrt) A powerful machine for iwyy cutting is the new big A grass mover. Agent: Priest and -Holdgate, Timarn.—(Advt) "The Comisg Election."—Who Is to be our representative? We know there most necessarily be an el em eat of speculation and uncertainty surrounding, this important question. Whether is to bis the sitting member, the Hon. Hall-Jones or Mr F. J. Rclleston who is to represent this constituency in the next Parliament? A majority cf the "free and independent"" trill dscide.* There is, however, tie donbtwhaiever ia the pub"ic "mind regarding the superior quality ol T. McWhirter and. Sons prime meal?. small, goods. The small goods branch—a, "rapidly increasing one—of onr business ii now controlled by an expert' and competent tradesman from "the North Island. Result: a greatly increased output' and variety of the choicest goods." Give them a trial.— (Advt)

Warm weather wearables here in pleasing variety. Exit winter! Enter summer* We are ready, are you? Take advantage of these silk jacket ,offers, then you are also ready. One handsome black silk coat made with the newest gathered sleeve and trimmed with black silk appUqce. our price 655. One accordian pleatt-d blsck glace coat with applique collar and cuffs, rely light for summer wear, for 555. . One beautiful b'ack *iik coat handsomely trimmed with jet gimp and black lace and made with Tjuffed and gathered sleeve, our price 80s.—Penrose's. Sraperv. Establishment—{Advt.)

Hard-boiled eggs can't be beatea; neither can the -goods sold by C.' Warburton, either for price or quality, next Thomson, draper. —(Advt)

Some people do n<»t believe that it \ra« Shakespeare «iM: *"f>Trett pre the uses pf advertisement,"' but we -think that everyone believes that the' Befi cycle is absolately the best on the market. It always looks well, wears we'l,- Sid nut wellCall acd see the lj!<*l models at Bel' Bio*., oert Snzth StEffrj,! sheet, south.—(Advr.j

A Safe Medicine for Children.—Chamberhin'i Cough Remedy is a safe medicine, ft always cores, and is not only safe, but pheasant to take. For sale by J. C. Oddia. —(Advt.)

The musical news of yest*rday, to-day and to-morrow " speaking to yon thro' the finest British and Continental pianos, may be heard at Begg's. where good service js the rule, where prices are fixed at the lowest figure, and where reliability enrarea to you pleasure and satisfaction when purchasing.—{Advt ) ; Better Than Fills.—Ton will never wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ate caser to take, - more mild and in their action and Ottos reliable, as they .-an always be : depended upon. They" also "cleanse and invigorate the stomach and leave the bowel* in a natural condition, while 'pills are moire harsh in effect and- their use is usually followed by constipation. "Just What Ton Jfeed." Only Is 6d. Sold by J.G. Oddie. —(Advt.)

WHAT WOMEN SOFTER. A woman seeds medians more Qua a man. DB SNSOR'S TAMER JUICE lor 'lndigestion, Constipation, Livsr and Kidney Ailrnents has no equal. A parol/ Hetfcal Compound; tba first dose will pnn its efflcacj. Ask for TAMER JUICE, and •m that jou nt it; 2s id; all tknt-i Enthaa, MeOdioß ai Co., I<id. r -*fntc.

No more bodies from the Moana wrack at Kftw Plymouth, have been recovered. ■ .. -A general meeting ot St. John's Tennis Club will be held on Monday evening next. A concert in aid of the Mechanics' Institute funds will be held on Tuesday next. The \\ ashdyke Tennis Club will have their opening meeting for the season on Thursday next. - The Auckland Peace Association passed a resolution disapproving of the celebration of Trafalgar centenary as an act. of disT courtesy towards two friendly nations, and as a protest against the use of the celebration to promulgate mistaken and parnicious political principles. When the nor'-westerly weather with its valuable drying quality gave place to' a 'souther with rain, on Thursday evening, there were fears that the wet spell had returned. Yesterday morning, however, broke fine and clear, and the weather seems now to have become " set fair." The National Mortgage and Agency Co, of N.Z., Ltd., Geraldine, report having sold on account of Mr A. McKenzie,; Geraldine," to Mr Waiter Black, Fairlie, at a satisfactory figure, his Clydesdale stallion Renfrue. Ranfrue is by King of Quality, out of the well-known mare Juno. He was shown last year as a two-year-oV, in Timaru. and out- of an entry of eight toe U first prize.

THE SALVATION ARMY. We draw the attention of our readers,-to the week of self-denial which commences on Saturday, Ocicber 14th. The effort is an annual one, and has long become familiar to all classes receiving support from every grade of the religious and philanthropic community, in an appeal for the exercise of the. self-denial spirit. The army points out some remarkable developments of the work, both in this and other lands. In Timaru it would be difficult to overestimate its influence for good, particularly among the deserving poor, where ia addition to the music and song of the open air gathering the officers spend many hours daily in visiting the sick and assisting deserving cases. In addition to being a great influence for good in this country the army is .a huge missionary, organisation, operating in 110 less-than- forty-nine countries- and colonies. and preaching- the Gospel in thirtyone different, languages. It 6 extensive social scheme for the amelioration of the physical needs of the poor and the outcast is being carried on with much success in other lands as.well as in our own country. The resident- officer (Adjutant Hildreth) together with the local co-workers are anxixous that' the local contributions towards the home and foreign missionary fund shall be liberal, and donations may be handed to either the officer or any member of the army.

■A SUCCESSFUL PATENT. AGENCY, In order to be successful, an office for obtaining patents must first- devote itself entirely to its business, "which consists io advising inventors and patentees -in all branches of patent law and the obtaining of patents in all countries, and second, the $ person in charge must be fully capable of completing the inventor's instructions as imparted to him. If instructions are merely received and forwarded on to another, town to be completed, they cannot be fulfilled so satisfactorily to the applicant as when they are carried out on the _spot. An ideal patent agency office in Christchurch, is that of Henry'Hughes, which has been founded in New Zealand for nearly a quarter of a century. This office files more work than any other firm in the . colony, and we are'ipformed that since June, 1902, upwards of 50 per cent, of the complete specifications for patents filed from Canterbury lave passed through Mr Hughes' hands. The 'firm is successful because it is fully equipped to complete its business on the" spot, Henry Hughes claims never to have lost a, client. This happy state of • affairs is the result of their devoting their time exclusively to patents and also because inventors can always rely upon an intelligent manifestation of interest being shown in all matters whereon the firm is consulted. Timaru representative: J. E. S. Jackson, Stafford street.

WESTMINSTER GLEE SINGERS. Mr Edward Branscombe's Westminster Glee and Concert Party, and his boy choristers, so firmly established their reputation when they visits these colonies two years ago, that the announcement that they are to appear in Timaru on October 13th and 14th, will be hailed with delight by music lovers. The Westminster party have proved by actual demonstration in all parts of the world, that a wealth of melody and song lies in the old English compositions. To thousands a new field of musical art fresh and inspiring, has been unfolded and a spontaneous enthus-. iasfn galled up. Encouraged, by the success which has awaited "upon them wherever they have been, Mr Edwart Branscombe npon jis return to London at the conclusion of his last world's tour, re--formed his party, increasing, .its strength" both numerically and artistically and the wisdom of so doing has been exemplified ruring their recent visit to South Africa, India, and the Far East, from whence they have -travelled by way of Ghina to Australia. During their sojourn in the East they have" repeated their former triumphs with even intensified success. The pre>sent party consists of one lady, four solo soprano boys, and six men; and as the name of the company" would indicate, the resources gf the celebrated Westminster Abbey choir have been largely drawn upon for the. various tours, no fewer than 20 past and present members of that distinguished body having been associated with the company. Teh programmes submitted include examples of ■unaccompanied part? singing of the old English school, embracing choruses, songs, "glees, old Scotch and Cumberland ballads, old sea songs, quartetts, madrigals, part songs, catches and humorous sketches—a musical' feast of an uncommon kind- The scheme of the programme is to give in some measure a resume-of' part-singing, old and modem, and. an effort is also made' to keep the songs of our old lands well to the front. The reserved seat plan-opens at the Dresden on Saturday next-.

SYNOPSIS. OF NEW ADVERTISE- • MENTS. . .. . Clearing sale at Kakahu—On 19th October, details by Guinness and LeCren and C.F.C.A. J. B. Rni" •".a-j-Sells poultry, potatoes, boots, etc., Wday. Farm for private sale—Apply C.F.O.A. land department: - , Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association—Temuka. sale on Tuesday. National Mortgage'and Agency' Company—Sale at Temuka Tuesday; clearing sale .Winchester. October 6th. Dalgety and Co.—Sell stud horses' today; stock sale Temuka Tuesday,- horse 1 sale Point on Monday. Wright; Stephenson: and Co.—Balance Waimea Estate for sale. -Moss Jonas—Sells pledges, produce, , trees, etc., to-day. Guinness aid * LeCren—Temuka sale on Tuesday, sell town section - at Point 9th October, clearing sale 30th October. Sale of cattle" at Washdyke—On 12th October by Guinness and LeCren and N.Z.L. and M.A. Coy. New Zealand Railways—Arrangements for Albury races. Commissioner of Crowii Lands —Sections for sale on 31st October. St. John's Tennis Club—General meeting on Monday evening. Francis Tasker—Full details of Hardy's fishing tackle. ' Jas. S. - Turnbull—C !!s tenders for brick store.. . Royal Standard Pil)s—On sale, chemists and stores. At Doyly's—Last day of oyster season. Penrose Bros. —New Goods for summer season. H. H. Webb—Properties for sale on easy terms. Premier cycles—Prices machines and covers on easy terms. Timaru Mechanics'. -Institute—Concert in aid on Tuesday, .. . .. Washdyke Tennis.Club —Open season on Thursday. ' - - Kerr and of Royal Conqueror and Sims Reeves. ... • Bible in Schools—Addresses in Assembly Booms to-morrow' evening. Garrison Band Bazaar—Committee and stall holders meet on Tuesday. Spring Flower Show—Assembly Rooms Wednesday and Thursday. Seadown School—Social next Wednesday. Civil Service Cricket Club—Annual meeting Wednesday. Temuka Band Contest—Garden, party on October 11th. Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association—Dates for receiving entries. Westminster Gleen Party—Visit Timaru ;October 13th and 14th. W. Norton-Taylor—Last public meeting. J- Strachan—Properties for sale. ' Bower and Ferguson—Toilet requisites. -• -F. Langdon-rßeducing price of milk. Wanteds—Four notices.

J See the PRIZE PICTURE PUZZLE in j REYNOLDS & CO.'S wibdows on Saturday.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12796, 30 September 1905, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12796, 30 September 1905, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXII, Issue 12796, 30 September 1905, Page 2