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The Burke's Pass dog trials stand postponed/until further notice. Our Fairlie correspondent writes:—Mr McMillan, of Burke's Pass, died suddenly on, Wednesday night-,, the cause of death being influenza. Bishop Julius was to leave London on his return journey 'to Christchurch yesterday. His Lordship's .health is said to have greatly improved. At the Magistrate's Court yesterday, a woman arrested for drunkenness in the streets the previous afternoon was convicted and ordered to pay 2s cab hire. The Star Football Club have again secured the club room they had in Shepherd's buildings last year. It will be open to members after April Ist. Lord Plunket- is to return to-day Dunedin, where he unveiled the Queen Victoria statue yesterday. He will stop at Temuka to-indulge in a little fishing. Sergeant Crawford is temporarily in charge of the Timaru police station during Sergeant Warring's absence in the North Island on thirty-two days' holiday leave. ' If the necessary support is forthcoming >he Timaru Technical Association will most likely establish a woodwork class for carpenters' apprentices and others on Saturday afternoons. The Harbour Board offices are being repainted outside, and a pleasing contrast in light and dark buffs has been adopted. The footpath in front of the premises has bsen coated with the reddish yellow gravel from the quarry, in keeping with the new colour of the building. Prior to his departure from Timaru by Wednesday's express, Constable Irwin was presented by his friends with, a purse of sovereigns. Constable Irwin has sent in his resignation, but it has apparently not yet taken effsct, as in the meantime he has been transferred to Christchurch. Tn a letter received by last mail, Mr Simmers, headmaster of the Timaru High School, who went to England on sick leave by the Turakina, mentioned that he had proved a very bad sailor, and the voyage had consequently not improved his health as much as his friends had hoped. The annual sports' gathering of the Timaru Boys' High School takes place on the Athletic Grounds this afternoon. The programme is a very attractive one, and all parents and well-wishers of the school, who I can find time to be present, should pass a I very interesting and pleasant hour. Mr W. J. Bardsley, secretary to the Harbour Board, is expected to return to Timaru next week, from his trip injjearch of improved health. Mr Bardsley has paid a visit to New South Wales during his absence. We understand that his health has been much improved by his holiday. Mr Harry Musgrove, representing Mr George Musgrove, arrived in Timaru last evening to make arrangements for a visit here of Miss Nellie Stewart and Mr George Musgrove's new English Dramatic Company. Timaru will be visited on April sth and 6th, when "Sweet Nell of Old Drury" will be the star attraction. The call here of Mr Musgrove's company should be greatly appreciated, and his enterprise liberally, rewarded. The Moody wharf . extension is almost completed, the necessary timbers being now to hand. It is intended ito place a Kitson kerosene light on the extension as an experiment, and if it is successful the whole of the wharf may be lighted by them. It is calculated that fonr of these lights will adequate y this wharf. The to be erected is of the same kind as_ was experimentally erected near the railway station some time ago. . The Timaru Garrison Band visited Ashburton yesterday, with the Smithfield es>_ cursion, and fraternised with the Ashburton Band, which' turned out to assist them during, the afternoon. At 3 p.m. the two bands played together from the Domain to the Ashburton Band's room, where an address of welcome was made by Bandmaster Humphries, and replied to by Bandmaster Paul. The former expressed the thanks of his band for kindness received on their recent visits to Timaru, and the lattgr acknowledged that this had been reciprocated that day. The Timaru Bowing Club issue this morning in our advertising columns a general invitation to the public to inspect tftfc recent additions to their boatshed. The club are with good reason proud of the additional facilities that have been provided for their members, and friends aiid Wfellwishers will also be pleased to see these practical proofs of the progress of the club. An additional attraction will be some music by the Garrison Band, who will play on the Moody" wharf, and if the evening is -fine, with a good moon shining in the sky, a large -number of. people will no doubt avail themselves of the invitation. The Timaru Rowing Club got off, a bit .of : an aquatic splash yesterday afternoon, wjiich took the form of a few swimming and diving events. In a SO yards handicap, in which six started, B. Williams breasted the rope fost, L. Forgie second. In a 75 yards opgn ftapdicap, which proved to be s»olosely cont§sted race, L. frorgie cajpe in first- and K. Robertson, second. In the diving competition, best out of three styles, viz., springboard, plunge, and somersault diving, G. Gunh and L. Forgie tied, and in the dive off Gunn secured first. Mr Warrington, late captain of the InvercargUl Swimming Club, kindly acted as judge of the diving competition. The first anniversary service in connection with the Iwohika Sunday School was 1 held in the schoolroom on Sunday last. A. large congregation had assembled from all parts of the Otaio district, and the schoolroom was taxed to its utmost capacity. The Rev. George Barclay preached an impressive and eloquent eermon, which was listened to attentively by old and young. A children's choir, under the leadership of Mr W. .M. Yates, sang appropriate hymns and anthems in a pleasing and effective manner. Solos were given by Misses Norrish and Yates, and Mr George Mcllwrick. Miss Maud Norrish presided at the organ in -lier usual finished manner. The collection, which was large,-'will furnish the means of providing additional books and pictures for % W of the §traday sofcool

Mr W. Mason, Orari, being the only person .nominated, has been declared a member of the Upper Grari River Board in place of Mr M. Orbell, resigned. Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows : —"Strong winds to gale from between west and south-east and south, glass rise, tides high, sea heavy off shrive, rain probable."

The Queensland Government has notified the Agricultural Department that owing to the outbreak of Irish rot among potatoes in New Zealand the importation of potatoes from this colony will be prohibited in Queensland. Mr McArtliur, S.M., Wellington, gave his decision yesterday morning in the caseinwhich George M. Ewart, stationer, was charged with selling matter alleged to be of an indecent, immoral and obscene nature. The matter referred to was contained in Sydney "Truth." Ewart was committed for trial.

The Teinuka Borough Council at a special meeting on. Wednesday night, appointed a committee consisting of the Mayor (Mr Buxton), Councillors Mclnnes, Frew, and Henry, to enquire into the various proposals before the Council 1 for lighting the borough by gas. The committee will report at a future meeting. A member of the canvassing committee informs us tjjat the requisition to the Mayor asking that a poll be taken on the question of rating on -unimproved values, has been freely signed. It is necessary to obtain 15 per cent, of the number of ratepayers, and/ more than this proportion have already signed the requisition sheets. In the report of the Ram. Fair, we omitted to record the sale of some halfbred rams on account of Mr Thomas Mitchell, Sea- • forth, at 2gns each. The sales were made by the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association. The price obtained by the Canterbury Farmers Association .for Mr N. M. Orbell's one-shear. Border Leicester® was 4gns, not 2gns, as reported yesterday. At the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Temuka Rifles' on Wednesday night; the - members of the corps assembled to say farewell 1 to Sergeant Minifie, who has been transferred to Timaru. Captain Paterson expressed the company's appreciation of Sergeant Minifie's sterling qualities and of the services he had rendered to volunteering in Temuka. On behalf of the corps he asked their guest's acceptance of a silver cake dish, suitably inscribed. Before the recipient returned thanks in a neat speech, his health was drunk with musical honours. At the Christcliurch Hospital Board on Wednesday there was some interesting correspondence with regard to State fire insurance. The secretary of the Board had attempted to place a small line with the State, but the other companies had at once objected that they could not act with tho State, whereupon the secretary at once called in the whole of the policies, and placed the whole line of insurance, amounting to £9OOO, with the State Department. Tliis polity of taking the bull by tlie horns •is understood to have cast dismay into the., camp ,of the. proprietary companies. * A tVairi of about-500 excursionists consisting! principally of; children, from the District High School and' tl>eir ; parentßj left Temulta for : AfthburtoA •«£, ; '7.40; ,a,m., yesterday. The train picte# *!!]>' a considerable number of additional .passengers, at Rangitata, the Rangitata and Orton schools, and arrived at its destination at 9.30." The holiday-seekers soon found their way to the various beauty spots in tho Domain, and set out to enjoy themselves in picnic fashion. The weather was all that could be desired, and thanks to the unceasing attentions of Messrs H. M. Miles and M. McLeod, one and all had a most pleasant outintr. WHAT WOMEN SUPPER. A woman needs medicine more ilian a man. Dr Ensor's Tamar Juice for Indigestion, Constipation, Liver an!l Kidney Ailments, has no equal. A purely herbal compound; tlia first dose will prove its efficacy. Ask for Tamer Juice t and sea that you get it; 2s 6d, all stores. (Advt.) As far as this coming winter season is concerned those, on tho look-out for more than ordinary value in outer wraps need not wait until the sales commence. Penrose's have secured, through the activity of (heir Home buver, a marvellously attractive, line of ladies' jackets at a discount of 50 per enit. It would seem almost in■j;e:iib'c that such beautiful and fashionable coats raid jackats could be bought on such terms as this. The deal was concluded and the jackets are now on view in Penrose's showroom. Will you read about a few of them? One stylish darls grey mixed tweed jacket (medium size) made with loose sao back, and wide bell sleeve, nicely braided round neck and cuffs, present value 30s, our price 21s; one very good light grey cloth jacket- 5 length, made sac back, with the newest sleeve, nicely piped with, satin and! velvet collar, present value 30s, our price 91s ; one only mid brown satin cloth jacket, iriide full sac back and extra long with the reire-t sleeve, beautifully strapped and fastened large metal buttons, full value 39s 6d, our price 255; three very smart fawn and brown rheck tweed jackets, i?_ length-' with sac backs, belle sieves, and largo natch pockets, present value 455, our price 2¥s 6d; six only coloured tweed jackets in drab and fawn, made fu'l sac back and shoulder capes, handsomely- stitched and trimmed brown cloth strappings, present value 455, our price 27s 6d. Penrose's Drapery Establishment. —(Advt.)

Mr R. Bennell, the Dresden Piano Company's principal tuner, is at present in Timnnj. Any order left at the saloon will have his prompt attention.—(Advt.) The best motor car ever seen in Timaru is Scott's steam car. Call at the Speedwell Works and C. W. Wood will give any information about Jtoyal Enfiolds, "Speedweel cycles, or motor cars. The largest and bestequipped factory in South Canterbury. Inspection invited.—(Advt.) Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This is a liniment, remarkable {or its great power over pain. It quickly allays the excruciating pains of rheumatism and makeß sleep and rest possible. For sale by J. C. Oddie.—(Advt.) The possession of an extraordinary sensitive car aided by other natural abilities and years of constant practice is an jabsolute essential in a pianoforte tuner. Begg's: have two such tuners in their employ resident here always. You need only entrust the care of your piano to them to ensure, satisfaction and pleasure to yourself. . Begg's ability and capacity to execute what they undertake is well known; charges moderate and fixed.—(Advt.) A Safe Medicine.—Mothers of small children need not hesitate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate or narcotic in any form and may be given to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult- It always cures and cures uickly. For sale by J. C. Oddie.—(Advt.) It is with regret that we have to announce the closing week of Gabites' great sale, which has been without ddubt the most successful ever hel<? by this firm. The prices quoted for goods during the earlier part of the Bale are to be further reduced for the tast week. (Advt.) Safe Speculation.—lf von have an attack ot rheumatism and Chamberlain's Pain Ba' gets you back to work in a few days, | will not pay for itself several times over! There is no need of suffering from rheumatism foi a month or six weeks incurring the | expense of a.large dootor's bill, when a few applications of this liniment, costing but a small amwujt, will cure you. For sole bY J. 0. Oddie—(Advt.) j THE SMITHFIELD PICNIC. Two very successful picnic excursions were held yesterday. A train of 13 cars left Timaru at 7 a.m. to pick up the Temttka school picnic at 8 a.m. A second train..,of seventeen or eighteen cars loaded up at Timarn, with an excursion party arranged by the employees of the Smithfleld freezing works, this party numbering between 750 and 600. Many Timaru families took advantage of this opportunity fof a cheap excursion to the central city of the plains, and the' Garrison Band accompanied them. The train arrive'd at Ashburton at 10.45. The weather was perfect for an outdoor holiday, and both parties,. fraternising in the pretty Ashburton Domain, spent a .very pleasant day, old and young declaring on their return that they had had a very good time. . The Asfyburton' Band turned out, and assisted the Gairison Band to provide music for the party, and played the train away in the evening. The cheeriness of the Timaru party on detraining was evidence that they had enjoyed themselves, and the station presented a very animated appearance as a large crowd of relatives arid friends assembled' to welcome home the excursionists. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, i A committee meeting of the Mackenzie Agricultural Society was held in the Orderly Room, Fairlie, on Monday, after the stock sale. There were present—Messrs Trotter (president), F. R. (treasurer), C. J. Talbot, J. E- Go o 'd\yjn, E. Jones, B. Gillies, C. W. Htt, 1. Wheeler, W. Dixon, W. Arden, E. Harper, and R. Gillingham. Correspondence was read from Messrs T. Bassett and J. ■Small, regretting their inability to. act as judges; from Messrs G. Lyall and Lillico, accepting appointment; from the Marine Band re terms of.playing at Show; from McMillan's Leather Co., forwarding a prize; and from the "Otago Daily Times and Witness" Co., offering a year's subscription to-the "Witness," The secretary ; and treasurer .were instructed to arrange 1 with the band. The president reported that the auditor had examined' the books, and that he thought an ui system of working would be an improvement. He suggested appointing a finance committee and executive, &nd paying out as fay as possible on Sljow dHJft IQ WSqWlflJ

\rorfc and after trouble in paying small amounts. The resignation of the secretary was laid before the meeting, and it was unanimously resolved that it be not accepted, and that he be reappointed for the year. A finance committee was appointed consisting; .of president, vice-president, treasurer,. Messrs C. J. Talbot and Bruce Gillies. New membem' names and subscriptions were handed in by Mr Bruce Gillies—-Messrs W. Botherway, J. VV helan, J. ConriOliy, inn., P. Harris. Prizes were promised by" Mr W. Black, £5 ss, for pr'o§eny of Waterloo, yearling. 2-year-old, and -year-old; MessTs J. Caskey, trophy £1 Is for driving competition; R- A. Dixon (special), C. J. Talbot £1 Is, J. Anderson £1 Is (English Leicester ram), E. Jones £5, G. J. Hamilton £1 Is for collection of vegetables, J. M- H. Tripp £1 Is (special 15-hpnd cob), W. F. Hamilton £5." - The' secretary ' was instructed to see the local bakers about refreshment booth. Class stewards were appointed, and the secretary is to" ascertain whether they tfould act. It *as decided to hold the next meeting on Monday, 3rd April, and the meeting closed. Exhibits of potted butter must be in the secretary's office not later than Monday, 27th inst., four weeks before the Show; fresh butter on the day of the Show, entries being made up to 12th April. A slight mistake in the printed programme makes this notification necessary. - Strong support. is forthcoming from-, all quarters for the Show, which bids- fair to sarpaas anjr. previously held." Good prizes it re promised as specials, in addition to the SocietVs prizes, and good support in the way of donations to the prize.fond are making the treasurer's heart light. Many new members ore being enrolled, and this year should see the Society .on a really strong basis of inembership. - SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • Canterbury Farmers* Co-operative Association—Entries for TattersaQ's to-morrow. Moss Jonas—Sales of drapery- and bnilding materials to-morrow. T. and J. Thomson—Prices of- woollen wear for men. Fur necklet lost —Reward for return Ballantyne and Co. * J. OTtottrke—Jnst opened fine lot # of men's overcoats." To sugar importers—Hawea leaves Auckland 27tia inst. Mackenzie, County Show-—On. Easter Monday, dates of entries. Mackenzie Collie Dog Club—Trials post poned. Wesleyin Church—Services for Sunday next, 2&th inst. «T. G. Cowan—Prices of waterproof and waterproofings. J. Wilson, -Fairlie—Wants competent blacksmith. ■ J. Whittaker —Great boot sale commences to-morrow. „ Timara Rowing Club—lnvitation to inspect new shed to-"night. Funeral notices —By W- 3. Lister, ana Riddle, and Hosking." Wasteda—Six notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12636, 24 March 1905, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12636, 24 March 1905, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12636, 24 March 1905, Page 2