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HEAHNE'S the famous remedy FOII G&nghs, Bronchitis, and Clo&eiimptioa HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY Those who hare taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. CHES:- MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Sufferers horn any form of Bronchitis,^Cough,, Hoarseness, Complete become chronic,, not _se should be without Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where " Cou o 'hs' iia it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient,, and a Complete Cure in certain. REMEMBEII TUAf EVERY PISE A. E HA. 1 . ITS COMMENCEMENT • A.%D CO-SUJirTION Id KO EXUEI'iIiJN 'lO 'IUH RUiA. BEWARE OF ;COIJGHS! "I have used Hearne's Bronchitis Cure with splendid results. Always keep it in the home for use. It acts like magic." (Rev.). JAMES SMITH/ . Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, . Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cure suited Mrs Nicholson splendidly. Her cough is gone. It eased hev directly, and there is really no stiffness or shortness of breath present now. I must say the Bronchitis Cure is wonderful. I did not think she could live until the morning, but she surprised me by rallying, and is now able to be out of bed once more." A. M. WESTON, "Thorpe," Warrnambool, Victoria. "Your Bronchitis Cure is a splendid medicine. -It is the best medicine I have qfer used for Coughs, Colds on the Chest, and Sore Throat. (Mrs) JOHN McKENZIE, \ Werona, Victoria. "I suffered very much from Asthma for four, years, and tried lots of so-called cures, without deriving any benefit. 1 got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, No. la, last Friday, and. a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine I have not had the wheezing at all." V. CAMERON, " Leongatha," Riversdale Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne. • "Your Bronchitis Cure really acts like magic." ■ (Mrs) E. L. SYMES, - ■ : Narracoorte Hotel" Narracoorte, -,; f T South Australia. "As my purchases show, your remedies are increasing in sale. From time to time I hear people speaking about the good: results obtained from them.Wishing you a very much enlarged sale and great prosperity." : ; JOHN KING, ' * Chemist, Ballarat. " I have purchased a small, bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, and have only taken foui ; doses, and am glad to tell you that I am - cured." J. WRIGHT, c/o Mr D. McLean, Camperdown, Victoria. "I was laid up for twelve months with Bronchitis, during which I tried many remedies, without success. I used two bottles of your Bronchitis Cure, and am now completely cured." JAMES WILLIAMS, Huntly. street, Elsternwick, Melbourne. It affords me great pleasure to testify to the marvellous effect your Bronchitis Cure has upon coughs and colds. " I have proved its value in my '*wn home." .' F. W. BINNS, c/o A. H. Massina and Co., " Australian Journal" Office, .Melbourne. " For nine years liiy wife suffered from Asthmii and Bronchi; js. , I tried various treatments for her, but cone succeeded until I got, Hearne's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. She found benefit from tlio first bottle, and three bottles, completely cured her. 'This was nine months ago. -' She is quite well now, and has never had an attack since." -A- ORR, Clonbinane, i.Sunday Creek, ' Broadford, Victoria. "The cough was just terrific, but your Bronchitis Cure acted splendidly."—Yours very sincerely, ■' F- C. GREEN, State School, Rosebad, via Dromana, Victoria. "I feel truly grateful to you.for your invaluable medicine. It is marvellous the good it did me."- ; ISABEL P. WILSON, " Coanwood," Drummond street, _ Ballarat, Victoria. "I am glad to tell you that I have been quite free from Bronchitis for the. last two years, the result of taking your Bronchitis Cure." . :.- W/UTION, 7, Little Railway street/ Durban, Natal 1 , South Africa. " I have used your Bronchitis Cure, and am pleased to saythat. it is-without, doubt absolutely the best medicine on. the market for coughs and colds." A. E. ANDERSON, Telegraph Office. Fremantle, ; West Australia. " My husband was cured of Asthma by your Bronchitis Cure, more than 12 months ago, and he has not had an attack since. I have now commenced to give it to my son, 5 years old, who has had a cold ever since he was born.' ; I have only given him a few doses, and -he is -better already. (Mrs) W: J. WISHART, Warwick, Queensland. " Having used, your Bronchitis Cure in my family at different times for years past, I wish to testify to the relief always afforded by it in colds- on-the rhest, or any complaint arising therefrom."—Yours, etc., E. V. GODDABH. 19, Fitzgerald st:', South Ynrra. Melb. " Your Bronchitis Cure has a great reputation here. We sell more of it than of any other chest'medicine we stock." WILLIAMSON & CO., Windorali, via Charlevillo, Queensland.^ " Your Bronchitis Cure is the best medicine 1 have ever t-aken." D. WILLIAMS, Hill street, Lithgow, N.S.W. "I can thoroughly testify to_ the wonderful efficacy of your Bronchitis Cure in a consumptive cough, it haying relieved me when other prescriptions had no effect whatr." t. lewis; Kimbolton, via Wellington, N.Z. Your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has been more to me than money can ever pay. I am quite free from Asthma now, and fee) very grateful to you." ISA S. TOSACII, Virginia street, Geelong. " Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it to be."—Yours most respectfullv, R. J. M'CIjELLAND,_ Red Jacket, via Walhalla, Victoria. "I have used your Bronchitis Cure myself. \ind have recommended it to others, with most beneficial results." (Rev.) E: J. HENDERSON. t Gumeracha, South Australia. " Upon looking through cur books we are struck with the steady and rapid increase in the sales of your Bronchitis Cure." —ELLIOTT ,BROS., Ltd., Wholesale 'Druggists, Sydney, N.S.W. '"The bottle of Bronchitis Cure T got from you was magical in its effects.—CHAS. WYBROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingfoi'd. Victoria." "I used your Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and it cured each of them in from one to three doses.—P. F. MULLINS, Cowie's Creek, Victoria." "Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my sen wonderfully quick. I only gave him four doses, and have some of the medicine yet; but I am sending for another bott'.o in case L should want it.—D. M'DONALD, Trinkey, via Quirindi, N.S.W." "Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS, J.IV, No. 7, Renny street, Paddington, Sydney." "I 6m very pleased with ycur Bronchitis Cure. The result was lriarveilmis. If eased me right off at once.—G. SEYTEI*. Bourke, N.S.W." " I suffered from Asthma for about fifteen years : was that ill at, times could scarcely walk from one room to another; often lnd Ito sit up in bed part of ihe night. Tried doctors, patent medicines, aud herbalists, without success; was almost tired of trying anything, when, one hearing about your Bronchitis Cure, 1 decided t<r giTO "it a tiial. I used livo bottles of your Brohchitis and Asthma Cure, with the result tha't the difficulty of breathing and distressing cough have all disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of jui * !'>•• medicine, aud I recommend n n. ail uijr friends."' ELIZA LANUiUN, Wiseman's Ferry, New South Wales. " My. wife is 82 years old, and I ani "79. I am glad to inform you that your chitis Cuie has done us both a wonderful deal >:f good, having quickly cured us both." R. BASSKTT, „ Strath Creek, via Broadford, Victoria. " I have used ono bottle of ycjir Bronchitis Cure with great benefit to myself, the smothering has completely left ine. (Mrs) JOHN RAHILLY,., Glenmaggie, Victoria. " I'have tried lots of medicine, ;but yours, is the host I ever had. 1 arn recommendir.a it to evervbodv." S. STEELE, Yanko Siding, N.S.TiVy "I have suffered from Chronic AstJinja and Bronchitis for which I obtained no relief until-I tried your medicine, but I can truly say that I'sm astonished at my present freedom, as a direct result of jny brief trial." . JOHN C. TItELAWNEY, , Severn River, via Inverfill, N.S.W." "Last year I suffered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor, to whom I paid seven guineas, did not do me any good; but I heird of your Bronchitis Cure, aud two bottles of it made me quite well.", H. HOOD, Brooklands, Avoca st., South Yarn, Melb. " Please send me half-a-dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This medicine cured ma in the winter, and has now cured- a friend of mine of "a very bad Bronchitis." A. ALLEN, Ozono House, Lome, Victoria.. "Kindly forward another bottle of'your •famous Bronchitis Cure -without-.delay, as I find it to be a most valuable medicine." (Mrs) J. SLATER, Warragul, Victoria. ".We, (he undersigned, have had occasioa to cbinin Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and we rerliiy that it was perfectly and rapidly Kucespful jw|er circumstances which undoubted y prove. J-* distinct healing power." Signed by the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR, Myers street, Geelong, and SO other lending residents. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE—Small Size, 2s 3H.; Largs Size 4s Sd. Sold by Chemists & Vendors, aby th 9 Priori )lor : w. Or. UKATSISK, GFFJ ; {)N(t, YICT()KTA Oitaißable Xooally from L, B Chemist, timajrn. otber Obemists ani 'Stores. N.Z. DEPOT—OFFICES 9 AND 11, HUMES' BUILDINGS, WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON.

No Windmill to compare with the • "STAR." «a TT is not built, for advertisement, though it is advertising its merits every day in the. year in hundreds of plaoes throughout the colony. It-is built for steady, satisfactory work, and that is just what it is doing right along IT LOOKS WELL, WEARS WELL, WORKS WELL, AND RUNS WHILE OTHERS STAND STILL. - IT WRV "UMP ALL THE WATER YOU NEED for your house your earden, or your farm; and will work along day aDd night for.years "with practically'no expense for repiiirs- -pA-p^-R CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION MENTION THIS PAPER. Booth, Maedonald & Go., Ltd CHRIST CHURCH. AND CAIN'S.TERRACE, XIMARU. W. WBYTE, MANAGER. A POINTER I K M Have Noticed ? £l2O . . IN . . CASH PRIZES vill ba given in SPRING BLOSSOM TEA COMPETITIONS S,. MoBRlX)!--.: MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, LARGE CHOICE IN LOCAL AND IMPORTED STONES AT MODERATE PRICES. Marble *cd Granite Monuments from Scotch and Italian Quarriei. Note Address: Sophia Street, Timaru _ Opposite Wreck Monument). Westport Uoalbrookdale Coal. N EW ZEALAND'S FAMOUS lIOUSK AND STEAM COAL. Eemand Tremendous WAT.ff.H South Canterbury Branch—--1898 ... 9,900 TONS. 1903 ... 19.000 Tons; OBTAINABLE FROM ALL COAL MER CHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS. STEAMERS' BUNKER 'GOAL SUPPLIED ex Hulk Rowena. at .Short Notice: THE WESTPORT COAL CO., TDR.NV.I'LI.'? BUILDINGS, Strathallan Street. , ' COOKING RANGES. TT| ARNINGHAM & CO.'S IMPROVED ZEALANDIA. New Patent. Need* no getting. Can be used «« an Open Fire. ASK FOR IMPROVED ZEALANDIA Agent!: PKTMT AND HOLDGATB, JLND 9. i, QUmWBLL, «Jaa. Speight and Co CITY BREWER'S, DUNEDIN THE PREMTEIi : ::::V\*ERS OF NEW ZEALAND. SPEIGHT AND OOY.'S Celebrated Sparkling PRIZE ALES be ob t&ined at all the Leading Hotels from Ti mam to the Hermitage. Bottling Store: Maitland Street, Dunedin, . under the supervision's! Messrs Powley and Keast. TO men: Write for free copy, of valuable book about yourselves, your health, your Happiness, your future. It contains a full expos'" tion of the human system and the remedies adopted. No need to consult doctors. Posted free in sealed envelope. Everyman should read it. Address—MONS. GOURAND, 82 Flinders street, Melbourne. TO LADIES. No need to consult doctors or chemists. The remedies your require in your ovru hands.' Write for free copy ofvaluabtt book abouc yourselves; your health, yopi ■welfare. Every woman should read it. Posted free in sealed' envelope. Address— MONS. GOURAND, 82 Flinders street, Melbourne. FOB. CBtpIGB PAPERHANGING-8^ '-' : In mi tlie Newest Designs, AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL " r Qo to . G. MURD OC H, PAPERHAJfGER, PAINTER, AND GLAZIER, APOADE, TIMARU.

Jim Dnmps' near neighbor, William Rods, Was called 111-Will, be was so cross. Jim Dumps invited him to tea And fed him " Force." He laughed with glee, For " Force " was just the food for him. "It fills the Bill," said "Sunny Jim." TSe Boadj-to-Strre Canal brings health closer than a j* neighbor. - Sweet, crisp flallei wkeat aad malt. . Bat * Voroo"'thrM UmM a day. |.i • . £ "Our people are eating 'Forca' tire® tlmw » r WW : I k- \:> Th®y Bum Lignit», Inn Coal. Or Wood np to SMin. With Stora Plp# cm bfl worked out in tha Open. - SPLENDID BREAD BAKERS. •With Cuit Iron or Copper Boilers. OVER 34,000 inn Cooking Ranges IN USB IN THIS COLONY. NO BETTING REQUIRED. REPAIRS ASE A MINIMUM. H. E. ShacklocL (LIMITED), SOUTH END TOUNDRT, Prince StrMt, Dnnadin. Ths Ooppar »ra iivig* *xul ' Tin s« d In *i4 s. Mad« in *ll Sum. 6ingl« or Doubia Or»M. High or Low/ Pre*. rera Bailarv Sold by *ll IrtmSMtgara, Irott> whoai CNtalogne* can )*» obtainaa, or iroaa tfc» MatWinter Coughs and Colds MonnHHHM . Require prompt ijeatment 1 Wight coughs because tney rob tKe ausSrer of necessary rest. UNEEuA COUOH SYRUP gives prorilpt relief in hig&t coughs. ® ' CHILDREN'S QQUOfl£. UNEEDA COUQH SYRUP bag the most effiect on CbsldrenV Coughs and Colds, b6ing pleasant to take Children like it. A should bit kept in th 6 hoSse during the Winter months, UNEEDA COUGH SYRUP cogts lf6, and it's Worth It I Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. WHOLESALE FROM MARSHALLS CHEMICAL CO., LTD., Dunedin. THE NEW DELICACY, lURKPATRLCK'S "K" LEMON GHEESE. In lib Glass Jars At all Grocers--7 TIME TRIES ALL! 4~~ : teat of more gg||||than a quarter (Sip of a century. Manufactory—WOßCESTEß, ENGL AND. Agents for lei ZeaIand—FLETCHER, HUMPHREYS & Co., CERISTCHPRCH. MELLORS SAUCE

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2 (Supplement)