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The schooner Lark has been successfully floated -off Tory shoal, Kaipaira® Heads, where she grounded yesterday. Yesterday Captain Edwin advised as follows Gale from between north-east and north and west, glass fall, probably low tides and high sea, heavy rain probable." Mr Walter Kerr, M.A., Cambridge, has been appointed second assistant master of the Boys' High School, and Mr Walter Given, M.A., New Zealand University, third assistant and first house master.

The Rev. S. J. Serpdl will preach in the Wesleyan Church, on Sabbath.' The morning subject will be—"The need _of i Unity in Christian 'Labour"; the /evening subject—" Companions," a special address to young people, who are cordially invited to be present. The Premier has received from the Agent-General the following cable message, ; dated London, January 19th: —"Have just returned from Liverpool Exhibition. The New Zealand court has attracted a very large share of attention and been a great success, inquiries are now being made respecting the International Exhibition to be held in Christch'urch." Messrs; Mahan and Muir secured an excellent photograph of Caroline Bay on Thursday when it was thronged with Ash-' burton visitors and local residents. The detail in-the small specimen picture which has been sent to'this office, is very clear, but no doubt this will be even more marked in the enlargement, 24 by 18 inches, which the firm will have on view in their window to-day.

The finances of the Southland branch of the Farmers' Union are in an unsatisfactory position owing to the failure of members to pay their subscriptions. Mr Paterson, organiser and veterinarian, has . resigned on the score of ill-health, and the resignation has been held over for two months,, pending a conference of delegates to consider-the situation. The guarantors have been called On to pay up.

The Garrison Band will render the following programme under the conduct-orship of Herr Paul, at the Caroline Bay rotunda on Sunday afternoon":—March, "0 City of the Lord " ; selection, " Nazareth " ; 1 Handel's celebrated Largo ; march, " Victory";- cornet solo, "The Song that reached my Heart" ; selection, " Belisario"; song, "The Better Land"; march, " The Charmer " ; " God Save the King." A meeting of the committee of the Timaru Cycling and Motor Club was held on Thursday evening. Finals arrangements were made for a bicycle run to Winchester on Thursday next, the 26th inst-. A start will be made from the Post Office at 3.30 p.m., and arrancements will be made for refreshments at Winchester. A good muster of members is expected and those who intend taking part are requested to inform the secretary, Mr H. Amos, at once. The secretary read several letters received from cyclists with reference to competing at the proposed sports'meeting to be held by the Club. After a full discussion it was resolved to make.further inquiries before deciding to hold a race meeting. The Club . has now a membership of eighty. I

With this issue is circulated the " Herald" almanac for the present year. The'conditions of entry to the Normal School Training College, Christchurcb, are advertised in this issue. The Registrar of Canterbury College calls for tenders for leaning a reserve nt the Hook.

Messrs Evans and Company advertise an up-to-date flour mill, in . the. centre ti <v fine wheat district, for Salo. The Mayor of Timaru acknowledges the presentation by Messrs, Kernohan, &JcCahori and Co., of an additional seat for Caroline Bay. On Thursday, evening next Miss LioydHassell, assisted by Miss E. McGuiiuie'B9 and Mr J. H. Coombs, will give a song tocital in the Assembly Roohis.

At the junior, scholarship _ examination, the following Timaru candidates passed with credit: M. *Gudex,, 3188 ; Bella D. Cross, 3156; Florence Mi Hunt., 2846. A most enjoyable gamli 6f cricket was played at Bcsiconsfield op Thursdnv last between the Beaconsfield te ai and aremoat, and resulted in a win toi Iho llonlt) tam by 65 runs.

The poll on the proposal of the Timaru Harbour Board to borrow a further £50,COO for completion of the harbour—works will, be held on Monday, the 30th inst. Full particulars and a list of the. numerous polling-places are advertised in iihbther column. 1 .<

...; A curious case was heard al Christchurcb yesterday, when H. M. Leatham was fined 20s for creating a breach of the piace in Cathedral Square. Mr Leatham insisted oil making speeches, urging the hands employed on the electric tramway construction to strike for 8s a day. He also' Used abu» siye language towards theni. A general meeting of the Garrison Band was held at the bandroom last evening, •When amongst other business transacted, it) was resolved that the Band .meet at' the' 'bandroom at 2IS p.m. sharp .on. Sunday. Mr Harry Taylor, late solo hoi-n, player of the Ashburton 'County Band, was proposed as a member, to bo balloted' for next meeting, subject to iliis compliance with' the rules. 1 At Heir. Paul's request the Band resolved' to give concerts afc. the Old Men's Home on Sunday, January 29th, and at the Hospital Grounds on Sunday,. February stli. On; Thursday Afternoon the future of Caroline Bay was the subject of a - conversational discusßion by a little knot of ■alkers comprising the Mayor (Mr Craigie) Councillors I'riest and Harney, Ml* J. 510Lachlun, M.H.R. for Ashburton,- and -ilessrs T. Wel!s and D. Moore. Mr

VVijlls"' suggested iliat the next step in impr'oviiig the Bay should be to run . out i pier from the centre of the sands, with, dressing rooms on each side for bathers. iHe ' dlso offered' ;to babk up '.-his idea by giving a subscription of. £2O towards the cost, and to procure drawings free of lie Boiougii Council, for the structure. :.Ir We'ls's suggestion strongly commended to nil present, the Mayor promising Z f-o ell l-.e could to liavq, it' carried out. As the Railway Department could not erant' the application of the Timnro. Frlend'y Societies' Picnic Committee for a peri'l train next month, the committee'de■ided to wire to the Hon. W. Hall-Jones 1 , the member for Timaru, on. the matter. •Tr Hail-Jcnes replied last evening, as follows : —"Will* enquire from tlie ,; Railway Department what is the position and ad-. :iie you later." The special train was applied for 60 long ugo as December last, tn reply to an enquiry the hon. secretary to the committee said that he did not know whether a change could be made from Waimctte to Ashburton for the picnic. The Committee might consider this .matter.. The' application in which Mr Ha!l ; Jones is interesting himself affects what the cbmmittee first agreed upon—a sperial train to Waimate.

On Thursday afternoon, the Suppliers of milk to the South Canterbury; ''Dairy Company's cheese-making branch/at Tomuka met at the factory to hold a picnic. There was a very good attendance, including a surprising number of children, and the gathering , was most enjoyable. Mr R. H. Bowie, chairman of directors, and Mr J. H. Swaney, a director, represented .the Company, and Mr Dixon, the Company's Timaru manager, was present. The picnic was of the usual nature, with a number of races to give added zest. At- luncheon in the factory, some short addresses, of practical value and complimentary, were made, Mr Bowie making a few remarks on the industry. As the day drew, to a close, arraugefments were made for holding' a dance on the upper floor of the factory. About a score of couples took part, and the dance was a p'easant termination to an enjoyable day'# outing. The annoyance which was caused to auccioneers and buyers at the Timaru wool sales by talkative (Spectators, was repeated at Christchurch, and the sales on Thursday vcre several times stopped by the sheer mpossibility of cither sellers "or bidders knowing " where they were,'* 'so disc6n-. oerting was the buzz of conversation and the- miscellaneous noises at the back of

he'hull. Matters reached something opprriaehiag a crisis ill the evening, -when, * liter the "public" had been repeatedly ippealod to in vain by the auctioneer then occupying the rostrum, the buyers bhce <nore "struck," and insisted that somfc of the offenders against order, whom theypointed out, should leave the room* before business was resumed. The chairman of

the Woolbrokers' Association, through the auctioneer, informed the spectators that if the important business of the sales .continued to be interrupted, strong measures would, with regret, have to bo taken to repress the nuisance. Mio chairman of the Woolbnyers' Asociation. supplemented this warning with the demand that, as "he disturbing of an auction sale .was an offence under the law, the wool , brokers 'should detect and prosecute offenders—in fact, the buyers would insist Upon this bein.rr done. There , was then an exodus if idlers from, the room, and business was conducted in comparative comfort for , the rest of the evening.

You will be happy in the harvest time * if you use a McCormick.—(Adyt.) . The right thing for blouse wear' easy to find at Penrose's summer sale. _ A really good find "is our blouse muslin ill pink' and white, helio and white, pale sreen and white at 2d yard, usual 'price "id; pretty cornflour blue organdi muslin white ground, usual price 7jd,«sale price 3j}d; pretty cream- aelainette, with light screen floral design and black ling, worth 3Jd, sale price s|£; choice cream canvas matting, with large, pink spot;, usual price 9£d, sale price 6id; pretty coral gink floral muslin, usual prico Hid, Bale- price ; white canvas voile with pretty cornflour blue with floral ring, usual price 10 jd, sale price 6d; light grey floral delaine, .-with satin stripe, usual price Is 4jd, sale price 7Jd; pink canvas voile, very choice floral design and green serpentine stripe, usual price ls-.ljd, sale price' 83d-; pale blue wool delaine, with large white spot and floral pattern, usual , price-Is 6d, sale price llfd; pale green , wool delaine with alternate stripe of green and- large check of contrasting dark green, usual price Js . 6d, sale price ll|d; just a few pieces left of our all wool delaine in cream with spots and fancy colourings, .-usual-, price 2s 3d, sale price ll?d_; the best silk ever shown at the price is our spot Japanese silk at Is 6d yard, usual prico 2s lid. Penrose's Slimmer Sale.-r-(Aavt.) So that there will not be any shortage in the coal market the Poherua. will land 1000 tons of Westport-Coalbrookdale coal , at Tintaru next Monday; merchants, are adr vised to stook up.—(Advt-.) ',

Mathematics of the Blue Streak Tribune, Bicycle: —Adds to our years, subtracts from our worries and cares, multiplios our, joys,, divides our burdehs, compounds our interest in life, discounts our ailments.— Randrup Bros., agents.—(Advt.)

That useful material known as flannelette, is to be had at the folio wing, reduced prices, in striped or pink, at A., Timaru and Temuka4sd yard reduced to 3s lid doz; 6d yard reduced to 4s 6d"3ois ;■ 7£d yard reduced to'6s lid doz; 9£d yard • reduced to 7s 6d doz. A large Variety of patterns to select from; best value in towp, » —(Advt.) According to the laws of recurrences it's 1 in 879 times that B's are grouped in a similar connection to that which' B egg's have founds it necessary to ,usa them in their "Ad." on 2nd page in our ssue this morning.—(Advt.) V' The annual. balance sheet disclosing a surplus of £15,312 for twelve months tiad-. ing proves that the Royal EnfieM .Cyqlis Company stands in the highest estimation of the public. The fact of no othercycle' company being able to nhow such profits for the last year proves beyond doubt that the Royal Enfield bicycles are perfectioh iu design, workmanship, and finish. On view at Scott's.—(Advt.) Don't Wait Until You Need It.—Do, not wait until some of your family ie token with a violent attack of colic or diarrhoea'. A bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (it hand wheft needed has saved many a life. Procure it at once. For sale by J. C. Oddie, chemist,, —(Advt.)

If you investigate you will find that pur easy payment system brings a piano within reach of everyone, and that you will scarcely miss the small monthly instalments «re ask. * It pays you to buy a good piano, for a good one will la*t * lifetime. The Dresden Piano Company's stock is ah ets««rablag* <vf th# •world'* btt&t.—(Advt.)

Hunger is a Gobd Sauce.—When you do not have hunger as a sauce for your food, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse and invigorate the nto-j mach and give a relish for tho food-, as BO ltlicr preparation can. They are easy t'l take, pleasant in effect and are just what you need. For sale by J. 0. Oddie, chemist.—(Advt;)

iff* tfiat they are starting business as BBBStal hlacksmiths, next to Mr J. Morooch's timber yards. AS .kinds offarm im-plement-repairs and similar work will be executed. . _ Messrs Guinness and LeCren, Limited, and Fyne and Co., joint wha hold the Four Peaks land sale at Geraldine «a Wednesday draw special attention to the very easy terms of payzi&it. These terms are advertised. ; . . . "Tfie only scholar in the South Canterbury edncatibn district who obtained oiet 500 marks in the recent eXtaiination for jmifar notional scholarships was Mary Mc- " MiTT*" AfflTs of Temuka. who was awarded 51?.57-Wfce first candidate gained 682, and the lowest 373 marks. L, May (Wwmate obta£»ct. 356 and Doris J. Edge (Timaru) 382." OvW to another attack of illness, the Dawy—lkinmissioner. Mr J. A. Kinsella, bets given up the idea of attending the conference-of graders. in Invercargiil next week. This will no doubt, for the present at least t prevent him from acceding to tie the directors of the South Canterbury Dairy Factory that he snouia give a lecture in Timaru on the dahy industry. The Oamaru branch of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, hold an important clearing sale of stock and plant at Tottenham, near Oamaru, on Friday next. - Special attention is called to th£ sale As the horses are of a . superior dass of theic kind. The implements are all up-to-date and in good order. A;drag ; iriQ'be afc ffamarn railway station, to meet .intending .buyers from South Canterbury on the morning of sale. . lltr y Waßatt, Consular Agenfc'in Can- ■ twfcury for Italy, Tias received the foflownuf communication from the Italian Consul* General in Melbourne:—"! beg to advise you. that Italians born in 1884» vtfho possess the .necessary qualifications to rperfotmiug their military service in the navy, cifecaffed to the levy from the Ist inst.; itJdriA- those abroaj ought to report- themselves. at the Consular office in their disfcfct."

In these days ofgreat demand for small farms, intending settlers should particularly note that the Heddon Bush estate is to be submitted to auction by MesSrs ■ Wrinht. Stephenson and Co., at their - rooms, ■ InvercaigEl, on the 18tb February next. The estate is the last large one avail- , aKtefor cutting up in thefamous western district of Southland. The farmsrange in area from 150 to 728 acres, and the upset ■ prices per acre is advertised, lift land is all Portable- for .farming,. the bulk of it twny wheat-growing country. - Jit' Auckland last week a young man cnamed Mason was charged with passing to shopkeepers and hotelkeepers twelve valuelea* cheques, in Auckland and Rotorua, between December 23rd and Januairy Ist, the total value of his receipts, therefor being £75 6s 6d- The cheques were drawn for rams from a Jew; pounds up to £ls. He pleaded guilty, md the Magistrate, m comnritting accused, for sentence to the Supreme - Cfiurt, referred tothe careless way in whjch people had cashed the cheques without nuwf any inquiries. Shopkeepers and others should take a lesson from this case. A Timara auctioneer who attended the Christchtjich wool sales said that .the sales wete notlfß'good as was expected in the face of the rise at the London sales. Merinos especially were below expectations. It was considered that the reason why the prices'here were not mucb affected by the fstd'rises in London. was that most of that jise.was actually anticipated at the previous »dw» A buyer at the sales wa*_rallied by auctioneer because the prices there fid not rise 5 per cent, as-- "those who Jkwnr> had -prophesied they: would, arpu--1 ing oa the London rises. : The buyer replied tttet he<had his. doubts about 5 per' cent. * raes, when quoted by ; brokers, and always discounted them by ; half. -v "«St T-' G. Rowley, who was one of the Thtim .piajjn alt the Christdiißch boylmg.tournament had the ill-lnck to get two fingers of his bowling hand injured during fhe progress of the tournament, and this, of course, spoiled his p'ay- _ He had a ■ narrow escape- indeed ftom losing the ends of a. couple of fingers. He and other bow--Jers . were "being drfreni : one of the b g :greenff 'to another hi a epring dray. 'Mr Rowfey gripped'the side rail over one oi the wheels; the cart body bumped down on the springs, and brought the rail down . on tbetrwlceel, with-the result that two of bis -finger ends woe ground as in a miH. Sbrtunately the bones were not injured, but; he .will Iqse a finger naiL ■ In*"the ' JfagistrateV Court, >at Christ-! on Thursday, a witness belonging to . the Jfewis& race was about to be sworn in the usual Gentile fashion, when Mr Hunt -objected. He pointed out that it was usual to* Jews to take the oath with their heads covered,' and he > questioned if any other fotsokwas binding-' "Is the oatb taken that > ■ way feidmg on you?" die Magistrate asked witßeSK. - TEelatter repHed that he did not ~himt.tli» law df the matter. "It is a'queation of law,"--said. Mr Bishop, "but . one of moral obligation. If you. say the binding on you, I . must accept /that." WitnesA repHed that the oath was on him, and he was sworn in the usual fashion- "it is not a ' matter of -law; but purely one of constftßcej" the Magsrtrate explained- "Most of his nationality are very par-tKular-about the form in which they take the'- oath, but- apparently this witness it ■ not."

The Waihao Downs bearing sale takes place on Thursday next. The stock and plant to be submitted 4t auction are of st r ' very high class. quality and all carefully selected. The dranght hones alone, ate -rare to ■■ commandlarge attendance fflf -fanner*. astha Wailoa Downs team* i aiW- wfll laiown to contain only the best. Of--23 mares, all of high quality, five have-high class pedigrees. The 6-yeas-otd 'fraught mare Lucy is the winner of iftieg first prizes and two champions. The draught geMnifts are all yonnjr,; and the unbroken draughts are wen bred and carefßlTj MtWteii 1 The Bght horses include tVR»; fine pairs, guaranteed right for' either single -or double harness, and the ponies >n wd to children and thoroughly quiet. The surplus sale cleared off aH_ useless implements and those to be submitted on Thursday, in first class order. The ordinary train'-to . Waifeaof Downs; which, leaves' Waimate at 9.50 a.m." will enable passengcxtobe present at the opening.of the sale, and the auctioneers have arranged for a'special train from Wafhoa Downs in" ftet .evening- to connect .with the north sad south expresses. Thfc. Gnymouth "Evening Star"; records a compliment to an old Timaruboy, MrL. P— CaDot, ch&fclerk of the local branch of the Public Works Department, who was laotSatnrday afternoon "the recipient of a valuable presentation and social send-off from hi* brother-officers, on the occasion of hisresignation from the service, to follow the ;■ pursuit of fanning in Central Otapo. Mi; Caho£,eays the "Star," has been in the Grevmoutli office*but 15 months,' and during that period, by his'courtesy and ability, has 'socceeSed in establishing himself a prime-favourite with his fellow-<Jfficers. and also the general public.- On behalf of the locft staffs the chairman of the) meeting of tkf&». staff presented Sir Cabot with a handsome pig-skin hunting saddle and s3hnnting crop; and for Mrs Cabot & valuable silver and cat-glass liqueur stand; with aD sorts of feood wishes for theirfuture prosperity and happicess. Subsequently Mr Cabot was also the recipient "of-an address and presentation from deputations, representing the workmen employed under the Department at Coal Creek. Sir Cabot wOl spend a week or so with his relatives in Timaru on his way Sontb.

GEBALDItfE COUNTY COUNCIL. Ilftt."monthly . meeting of the Geraldine : CqnSty. Council was held on Thursday. ErS«Wt—Messrs J. Talbot (chairman), A. TTrfwgE Metcalf, Wright and Dixon. - A petjtwn was received* from more than 30 asking that Government grant . feirVljndge over the Opflji liver at Hanging- Rock be'accepted, and tenders called fpr Messrs Frizell ana A. MaxTOU'tjilso waited on the CotmciL in support of thct petition.—lt was resolved that the east of the proposed bridge was beyond the mains of the Council, that the Government heaskeJ to increase its grant, of pound for pound up to an expenditure of say £3500, Ihe .Council's - solicitor advised that the only way- to get over the audit* difficulty in regard to the expenditure of money on the destruction of small birds was to employ the officers of Boad Boards to spend the money. - It was resolved to empower the Geraldine Boad Board to purchase one of Mr'W. bird traDS on behalf of the Council. The Water Race Committee reported everything hi woriring order. Sir M. C. °Orbeß wrote complaining of having ' bo, wafer at Bauknpuka. and his letter- was referred to the Oirari-Waihi Water Bare Committee. Accounts, amounting to £470. wert passed for payment. At a special i meeting of the Council Thursday was aDnointed as the day on which to hold the half-holiday under the Shops and Offices Art. ;•:[ " TIMABU MAIN SCHOOL. The interior of the Timaru Main School has, within the last few weeks, undergone great alterations in appearance, through the operations of carpenters and painters. The contrast between one or two of the rooms still to be renovated, and those which have been done, is so great as to have no doubt, whatever of the great value of the cleaning tip. The ceilings have been whitened; arr<? the walls distempered in pale t grecQA The colour is hardly ornamental, supposed to be the easiest on ♦he eyes of the pnpils. The da<?o3 of the walls have been cleaned and varnished, in a dark brown. The lighting of the rooms has been greatly improved

by not- dotting the whole tower half; j only the lower part of the pane is whitened, ji In one room in each wing, a dark patch was caused between the sets of windows, owing to the situation of a door there; ; but these have been got rid of by glazing the doors. The class. room opening directly into the Board room has been in th£ past very much disliked; because of its stuffiness aSdboor lighting. It looks now as if- it will be the most popular room in the school. _A trunk .hag Aeen put in from the roof, with a Wade'si 1 patent double sky-light and ventilator at the top. The lighting of that room is now almost. perfect- Picture rods have been placed round the rooms wherever there were none before. The carpenters have been picking out the most worn spots in the floors, and: patching them in a substantial manner; and in one room, where tie desks were ranged on galleries, these have been removed, arid the desks turned at right angles to their old positions. - Throughout the school, the janitor has. been and is hard at work scrub- : ting the floors and desks to a respectability as nearlY as possible matching the walls. Outside the school, a few, days will see other changes. A few days ago Mr ifonahan and his men commenced to mix asphalt to carry out their contract, and they have two huge. heaps of it now ready. A strip, 30ft wide, is to bis placed all round the building. On the southern end, two tennis courts- are to be laid down, so that the quantity of asphalt required will be very latgie. Sir Pearson made a start yesterday t<f remove the tree stumps in the grounds./' ;The carpentering was done by Mr Barnett. and the painting and colouring £y :Mr" Craigic. SYNOPSIS OF NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS.' J. B. Rutland—Sale of poultry, etc., today ; drapery, Fairlie, on Monday; furniture, Timaru, on Wednesday. GoinnesS and LeCren, Limited—Fairlie sale Monday, Temuka Tuesday, Geraldine Wednesday, Studholme Friday. - National Mortgage and Agency Company —Sale at Temuka on Tuesday, Geraldine Wednesday, Studholme Friday# sale of farm February 4th, lease, of farm for private sale.

Canterbury -Farmers' Co-operative Asstock market Tuesday, call tenders for sheep feed. -Clearing sale Totara - Valley,—On "30th. March • preliminary notice. " Four' peaks land sale—On Wednesday next at Geraldine, the easy terms of payment. :

New' Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company—Stock sale at Teflfnka on Tuesday. Wright, Stephenson and Co.—Sell Heddon Bush Estate on 18th February.

Large clearing sale near Oamaru —On 27th inst., particulars by N.Z.L. and M.A. C.

' Timaru Harbour Board—Poll on loan to be taken On 30th, inst. J. Mee and Soil—Have Newcastle coal arriving. . Lost—<3old and greenstone brooch, reward thfe office." t N.C. Education Board—Conditions of entry .toNormalSchooL . Gold cable'bangle lost—Reward at this office.-

Canterbury for ie.tse of reserve.

Evans and Co.—Have flour mill for sile. McPhedran -and Co.—Commence business as blacksmiths.

J. Strachan—Building sections for sale. Miss Lloyd Hassell—Song-recital on Thursday. J. S. TurnbuD—Tenders for building and' fencing. N. Marquis—Veterinary notice to people at Tnnarn. '

F. E. Lamb—Calls tenders'for buying house.

Shanlr<t and Co.—-Tasty things in food products. ' ' D. Mahoney—Houses and other properties . for sale.

J. BaDantyne—Sa'.e on again this morning. New Zealand Loan and -Mercantile Agency Company—Want boy to milk. ' r O- Blackler—Wants , useful boy. Funeral notice—By W. J. Lister. Wanteds—Seven notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXXI, Issue 12583, 21 January 1905, Page 2