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The train arrahgoinents for the Duhedia Spring Meeting ate advertised this morning. At a meeting of the Christchurch Trades and Labour Council on Saturday it was decided to run three candidates at the General Election. The next ordinary monthly meeting of the Mackenzie County Council will be fceld at the offices, Fairlie, on Monday, October 6th, at 10.15 a.m. Capiain Edwin advises a* follows: "Mr.der.Ue winds firm between north-east and north and west, glass fall slowly, low tide*, frost at night" A meeting of ail interested hj» forming a Bicycle Club at St. Andrews will be held in the Library Hall at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening next. Mr Joseph Churches, a very old resident of Hokitika, formerly in business as a merchant and subsequently proprietor of, the Empiro Hotel, died late on night after a long illness. Mr F, C. Raphael has resigned the posi. tion of secfatarj" i<> the Canterbu;"Association, as he has teen appointed secretary to the New Zealand Cricket Council. The mortality amongst lamb? in the M.T-terton district is reported to be phenomenally heavy in consequence of the recent severe weather. Feed is scarce everywhere.

At the Xew Plymouth Police Court Yesterday morning a youth naaisd Harrv Richards was lined 40s and cr,>ts 40s for shooting.-, white tui The bhxi h r.o.v in the Wellington Museum. The attention of members o: the choii* of some of the chwehes in Timaru is rJrjnn 13 tfiS fact thai n practice of the Messiah cherubs will 5,0 held in the YVcvJevan »chw!room at 8 o'clock" this evening. * M a meeting of ih* Ha vera branch of the FarUlahi' Union the questions proposed , o be submitted t<» candidate* „ for Parlh- | mentary honour.'* were corrsrdered and adopted, and instnicixns were given the dekgate to the conference .Vf delegates fiom branches, to be held on Thtirsd*y n*xt. At the Supreme CouiC A v -V*-x -Mntmscn was .sentenced to twelve muEih*' imprisonment for the theft of £2 7s 6d the money of hi* employer. The CWn Prosecutor stated that since the charge was hud other defalcations amounting u, £wo had been discovered. The licensee of the Family Hotel P a J. nurston North, was charged at the Stipendiary Court yesterday with selling and fxposr.:g hqcor lor sale on Sunday. Roth charges were dismissed, the Stipendinrv Macutiate stating that while there was a strem; suspicion, the cvidenic for the prosecution was not reliable.

Considerable quantities of produce continue to be sent from the colony to Au--- " a ''?- „ J b , e Wiii,o » < n Sunday took nearly 200 boxes of butter, 5000 s"acks of Potatoes. 20.' sacks of oats, several hundred sacks of wheat and barley. 50 cases cf cheese. 56 carcases of pork, and 25 cases cf pordliy. At the eoncliraion of Mr ReardonV adcress at Kaforios: Friday a resolution was I carried asking him to stand down in favour of an accredftad Government candidate. Mr Reardon replied that if t'e Government wer,* foisting a candidate on tiie electors he. would sacrmVa the sent jo nmrm tin-.principle "f nimfceoj 4Uffr.-,ge. Attention is directed to :£«, importaju i |:irse which is to bo hcl.f M Stud- j •m:me Juacnim on Thursday nexf bx ihe •in« ,orj w : nMS " .fc-Voci.-i-on. The m anodier coiumn. from which it wig be t seen that some first class animals vjll J c-:::e under the hammer. 1

A fire broke out late on Sunday nJeht: m a h.,usc occupied l.y Mr Ricdale." baker. Hr.wera. and f,,ur children left alone in tie place had a narrow escape. T'-c eWest, a girl of elcren, was awakened bv the baby crying. nn d gave the alarm". Constable Ryan got i„;„ ,h e building and rescued three of the children, while the l«unli, an infant, was g „t. out by anothcr pernm. Had the alarm been delayed Jive minute, there would have been a "tragedy »•» repcr:. a -

j The Hoard.of Conservators of the Al ||buiy plantations me: on Saturday evening st tengawai schoolroom. Present— Messra A Smith .chai.-m.iD>. Hart. I McVey and Curtis. C, rrcsp-ndence frr.m tnc Suryeyor-tJeneral was received, and routine business transacted. Messrs McVey and Hart were authorised to place a gste at the entrance to the big plantatmn One tender was received tV.r a fu-. ther lot oi trees. h was .lecide.l t,» aij«»w the tow remaining trees to be or>cn for sale lor a few weeks. The jncetmc tlicn closed. **

T.i-nieht tha ovr.j-'.imen'Urv «nd-..ff n. Mr assjl M ts »,,-,-„ j , awal the I lustre i:,.v.,1. and thtre ;„ *„,„ , <( he an tvercrowded house A n ejcoelleiu Performance is pr.icticr.Jlv assured. Pin««\ masterpiece. " Dandv l>irk." has been u lively rehearsed, and a* all cnnc-emed in the cast aio happily suhed. the first production m Timnru of this re-dlv .admiril.J,and widely-known comedv should be well worth witnessing. Preceding "Dandy I)ick. Mr Karri* Mar-chcl will gj TO ,1;.. dramatic recital " Nhamus O'nricn." \ftehMnng this effort, at th<- 93 centenary relehratmit* ai Dunedin. she Xew Zealand -lahki" wmle:—"Mr Uuiie Marschel\ mngnmcfin rendering «.f •s; ; „ ) „ ]s (VHrien * ijuilo took the immense ,v<l)ioring i,v storm." The;,- will i.,- ,-.. advance in! Pmcs s. .iixi .•> m.v i»e i>. < kvd a- U'.ac's. ; Wiifu- :•..■ l, cx - " :

Sir Gilbert I'aiktr ami Sir Ccttan Doyle send appreciatory loiters: to the New Zea land Journalists' Institute iu reply to the lattcr's resolution of congratulation <n the occjisi'ni <>f the honour «•! knighthood biing confer red on them. A correspondent at Pleasant Point i!tx*s our attention to the fact that Mi 15. t'rton rode Mainstay, ijie winner »f '.lit HuHle liacc .'il the IJcraldii.c an.dim: <,: i j'ji'lay last, ix.; Mr \V. lii.uiij*-. as Maud ;n o:ir report. The jiajDc of .Mr llourne was supplied to the Press n.'picsi:uta.f jvo pre icnt. Dairy-fanners and others rijould note that enllits of polled butter ulass 250) fur the arnual show of tlie Tiniaru Agricultuia! and PaMoral Association must be left with l3ic secretary on or before Saturd.iv next. Kntries for sheep, cattle, and pigs close on Satuidav, October 38ib: and all oilier entries on Tuesday. October 21st.

At a meeting of the Albury C'ori naiion Committee, held on Saturday. Mr dame' ! Austin in the chair, tlie various acc.aurils wtre pa*sc<l for payment. The b.ilame >htct >lio«ou .i proiit of 9s 61. a:;>l this amount w.ik voted l" the scdioo] pjfze fund. V..i«i of j hanks to all ih'ise who bad assisted and to the chairman cloi-eil the mestin^. A late number of *' Harper's Weekly *" now on the Institute tabic contains some pictures of irrigation works in lhe arid regions of the western States. One of these pictures is labelled: "Typical idle

for reservoir dam—canyon (gorge) opens out into a wide valley which lhe dam will ennvcit into a .storage lake."* If it not for the improbability of the artist having visited Tiniaru. it might be sujiposed thai he had drawn bis ** typical site" from a. recollection of the l'j.rco:a gorge above the waterworks dam. The lad Bright, who vr::s committed for trial yesterday for bieakir.g and enlering ' and stealing from the dwelling of Mr VY. J. Cotterill, must have spent a good deal of time in altering the carving knife stolen from the house. The knife had a buckhorn handle with silver ferrule at the t"]> and silver cup mounting at the butt. Tlie handle had been shortened and the silver cup fitted on again, and the blade had been ground away til] it approaches in shape a bowje knife, with a double edge towards the point, making it a formidable dagger.

At a meeting of the Tengawai School Committee on Saturday evening Mr James McCort was elected chairman in place of Mr Smith, who has left the district, and Mr W. Snushail was chosen to fill the vacancy on the Committee The teachers resignation was accepted with regret, as the examination is so close at hand. It was resolved to ask the Board to fill the vacancy with as little delay as possible, and that in the meantime arrangements be made for keeping the school open. Mr Smith (late chairman! is to be invited to meet the Committee and householders on October 17th at a farewell social.

The "New Zealand Times"' special report of the meeting of the Colonial Executive of the Farmers' Union, held at Palmercton North on. Thursday last, contains the following paragraph:—" The action of the South Canterbury Provincial Executive in seeking permission to embroil the Union in ft labour dispute in the south was next reviewed. As the Colonial Conference, with but one dissentient, bad decided that the Union "should adopt a stiictly neutral attitude towards ajy disputes that may arise-beiweui sections of the community,' the executive had no power to go outside this pronouncement. It was pointed out that if the farmers and also other persons outside the Union in South Canterbury desired to take part in labour disputes they could register as an industrial union of employers under the Act of 1900, and obtain all the power they desired without involving the New Zealand Farmers* Union."

A large and enthusiastic meeting of the ' No License League was held list evening in the Wesleyan Schoolroom, Bank street. the president <Rev. J. X. Buttle) being in the chair. A large amount of correspondence was read, and recerred. Satisfaction was expressed at the result of the meeting in the Theatre on. Sunday evening, and increased benefita V£ie ecsSdeallr asticipaAed *-.-m subsequent meethvg* to beheld. l'he secretary W3S directed to forward .a. letter of thanks to the Rev. Mr Sargiiwon for his willing assistance on Sunday hist. It was reported that arrangement* weT£ ■well advanced for holding a meeting at Fail-view at aa early date. The ;i:-s::<aa»ce of speakers and singers hid already been secured. It was decided that as far as poiciblc meeti:,gs in all the coaafay districts should be arranged for during next moonlicht. A committee vras appointed to arrange for the purchase and distribution of literature. It was also sugg^s*!!

that the Saturday evening opcn-aj; jottings sh-ould be "resumed. Several xr* members were elected a&i *"**' *j Jvoacd. -*»Mi»B»a. , * l,ft Mowing is the handicap for tie IhaJfiny j lc golf tfifa.'-rS C A. .lef:««.n 1. C. T. 11. Pern- 5. K <". Studholme 5. X. Green S. H. - - T - A. .Tobssnn 6. V. Wn;!;! S. A i» /"retri ?« -\ e H v F «rewr lB ip. vr. n. McU *«*> ?,n t' A L IP- <"- A. Siranii r * 10, J. G. Gw I" SI. j. Gr.iT 30, C E. Hasse}] 11, R. Fcrgßwis 31*. V K CVt !1. J, Hcrislei 12. .J. A. I\ Tarribsl" 12. W. J. Colteri"! 12, R. L. Banks 14. X. McFar■nre 15. C. H. Grcssor, 15, TV. McDonald i >n. .TiinftM.a 15. D. Davie* 17. T. I). loans 13, J. Preston 20. S. F. Smit'i- J

*r.n 20, R. C. Tenneat 20, ,S. A. Brisud 22. G. Hart 23. K. G. Tarner 27. J. S. Gibson 27, D. LeOcn 27. S. HigginbotJiam 27, G. P. Chapman 30. L. Hewitt 30. E. LcCrcn 30. M. H. JicKelhr 30, IL V. Dicw 30, R. <?. Reid 30. F. W. Marchant 35. F. J. R«33est.on 39. \V. H. Fr«"ea .'SO. ,T. P. Newman 40. R B. Hogg 40, ,T. H. Moare 40. A , «*PJ* of "TLe Eagle Pass Gnide." published in Maverick eonalv. Texas of (5,-ite A<cg?st 16th, h.-us been sliown as bv I ' llr Melville Gray, wh<» received it bv 3»s*t week's niij'. It fOßldics the following * interesting pa.r,.gi.-jpii regarding a f<»jaer 1 South Canterbury site-p-f.inner:—" Mr ' Qiai'cs Dolanrai::, <.J I„,i G-d:a. Coabnila j —most hospitable of host* and loyal of BnusbcTi—it'cbrst.'-i Kir.g Edward'*, cc-to- J

cation by entertaining a number of friends lite-minded at bi< ranch on :Lc 9\h its;. Mr Delaauin con:tsip'.ai:.. s retiring frotu ii:e sheep*. in lv " ; }ch he has beta m<«st «ucccssfa]. to ~ tr.inffjiul,:,, ar .. n;e mi the temperate climate «,f England -or ' New ZcalwJ. SWd ], e ,;„ ,] jiK . lJjwc , will be a tare for anv »:i:!jbi- 1 Urns >■..«;■.- JtMi will, vapilal t./ac M d« »!.c «p: ,rd* <,!' C'.a»tii?a. ::b ...lattlv l.t-Jibv. and an-jicjj wbirb 3,<. oniv itist 'one laaib I.i»t ,-c-.«<,n. }J: S w ],i ( .ij j., J however, ijy r .« zn-s.t,f hixwxn'. w tt r- f jam. woaJd b? felt will, t.-fih'«rsal U'irret hv .-ijarca noi.ibir <.f fririwi:--. an.l woai,; be tbe 3.,-jr. f« u - snr>j ir:cn -and j • here _ar« a f cw mnr e of «. ( -,i3ed n CoaliciJi—aj-c the s.i!i „{ ,: ;c'

<*jT living: -a,- .3,. ii i„ J.-J,], ~ w ., v lJj;il t..*.Tc fctej sol Ik* .-i <3av pass- JiTwLicb y,u <!.* n<,i niaiic ximt savi;.-. .?i; M i,,.-w we' Uvc <,n ] ja r;,j 6 <3.,z..-ji k'3i<> w3,ii e belts jic v.-i:ut..3 ..-,1 c..n]i: i]h M . ve ojji «t]l ,-,• 5,3 t .r U i,. \V ( . J j; , vt . „ 3 ,l (T jdi,l 1-lon.Li rJ.-vb. ..t 7;,! ],;,Jr: K, m . r c 3„rc> ."it. Sj j..n : ;' ;i r,,-v i, t , L ni:T,v« .-it f,* 6] cadi: >!,*„„ ~r J ; 1,-,„kl,c< .-,i 5,3 <VIC 3 J: Trading 1...v. M]j ni: 7:.<3 y<3: ].■,«. pit,* I<3 e.idi; :Jir i u .sr <3ra3»<. n«]; riltt.on. <iu y.i: Ukl ,-u),3 <(.i«ur<.>,3 mj7:s]i;i.<s<>' 4s 6d. 5s 6,3. 6.« t>3: iilacl; sa;in Ih-Ji* ].'■ —irnrUJ Is 9d. All 13,e alv.v<- Ijncv'-.-c =i special r'ricff.—!»ta;«scV Djaperv K.,. tnblvclimeat.—(AdrtA

Tba is Uic fo-von -ffhen death rialks llirMigb ifce ,:„3 ,« i3 je j ( , ;m ,„- ri)ranicn j. L . ITie Mm*: shiest iij» <3W^ e }„ LljambniMii s \<n. r :i Rtiuclv. h ahr-ivs cures aa «i «»u. .-aJcWy. *J. C . Od'jie sells it. lA.ivt.)

P.heuniatic Pair.* Trill «>on wear «ei tj, e «ti,.a fi f*t ii. Tiii* linimo::' j,a. s b< mi a }>..r.-"' «„ tJjonwnvis of t ;„;>:. One appljraW-i Civcs .djef. Try i:. J. C. o<3<3ie wIU it. <A<ivt..)

_ An ur.j«.naiij jn«ve «ut of i;,c 0],3 L<,^e in:«. the nt . v „-i 33 Uf-w.iir.s ..J OcH.her. wben P., W a:;, 3 trill into ibe ntmr premises 13m been vpc-ri.dlv Jmilt f,, r jbem ,-,, Siaf. ford Mree:, ,nr.<3 Arr.«3e. Timani i,i;..i a,,,ve Priest, .in.! !U.]<!r3lcV!.—iAfj--.. )' _ IScv.vnJsan a PJ.isitr.—A j,;r,v of flaiu.c] c.nnjxi3o,3 wjjb C!j,-,:nl. n l:ji'j"s y, n ' m .-.ii,3 1.,,-nu' 1,. i3;c ~ilc,icv3 iv vjperier U< my p].-,;-:<T. \VI,,-» u,,-,:],](. ; „j,]j 3 n - le \<3<]i. <.r p,. : :-. 3i; i 3.,• v3c , r ,:,,»: -; M . J IV :i Ilia! :,: ,3 y, ;; :,:,' .■,::.■•:■. 1,, 1 .;■ ;", ~„ t!i.in_p>.-iK.3 v,':ib ;3,p p-r.,:,n ' -...Yf -»:,• 1, '

_ evening ;i totia] is I<t be held in the Salvation Army IJanacks in aid of the band's instiamcui fund. As this js .1 worthy clrjert I'hcj social s!i(,ul.i Ik- well pa:j f.ui.'-e*], and judging ii-*- the isv the rickets jut stdling tliuu i s liktly "to be a b-jiuptr home.

Messrs 3*. W. Ha-lon and Co. are just no-.v making a jit,,. ;!,„,■.■ i.J racfjuels m lberr main vijnd'.w. and acjverlise ihat iljer are of ihe i,. ;M (juaiiiv. The piinopal ;ue i;.<;..M.. whkh in aijioic the best players could we, Ayers' and other makes .'re also o:i sale. * Mr Hutlon ti-}>eci.s ti,c IMJ3 *e.;-..;j leniiis ball :■■: an <'arlv date, and is adveed that they are oi cxccllcm quality. J-'oilowen; of lhe pastime should J<.ok ov.r ;:.e new Mod,, which tmbraccs a wide <u< jce and ,; ] range of prices.

lie Mayor of Thrum yeiiudav received the following kll<r:—"33.M.N. 3tin;-a-rooma.. T;manj. 271b September, "02. Dear Mr Craigic,■--■(tn tin; pan of myseh. officers and men of 33.M.5. llnigarouma 1 wish to express to you and the citizens. of Tiuiam our Hue approcia.t ion of all tlie kindness and hospitality ei-tcndcd to vs during our sijori stay in Tiniaru. If circuiTiMaTKves and time ]K,nnil. 1 shall loot forward 1o Jiaying you anotlitl visit nljortly, 3»ut if it fia .occurs that. 3 mi unable Ic> do mi. t/Icu.*c consider that the exigeEcien <tf the Service are :Jt/ne responsible for it. In lhe meantime 1 hope the visit lias done some little g«od in the way of pK.moting rome little liiiowledgc t(»* the v'lung generati(.>ri of -nhat 33is Majerty'B SetA-ice is. VVis.Ling you all success and prosperity, believe me. yours sincerelr. F. St. <;. K.cL."

McKDOWN'S HOLDINGS. The block of buildings known as- McKcDwn's at- the corner of Stafford s-treet. aid lhe Arcade are practically completed; one tenant has moved in, and'other tenant* are preparing Ut do so. As the Arcade is the principal thoroughfare in Timarn, the progress of the building has been watched by many, and it was; a relief to all when scaffolding came down, and the pathways were ayain clear of obstruction. However, the iticoriveajenee *sufJei>ed was

a mere r.othjrg compared to the valuable addition lie building now is to tie business places of Timara. Tie foundations ■ne in concrete, of good depth, and neeesan' excavation has given good cellar and store space below tbc'lerel of tie footpath. The builditig is of brick, and the frontages aie on S1 afford street and the Arcade, both being very artistically finished. The corner shop is occupied by Mr Irwin, bootmaker, and he has iw-o -windows on the frontages which are neatly dressed •with his sew stock. The next .shop is for Begg i and Co.'s music warehouse, "with large window on Stafford street, and a return -which faces another large -window on the Arcade. This shop is very roomy, and should allow of ample opportunity for display. At the bacjt is a small and" handily arranged workshop. The first floor is reached by :< commodious stairway which springs from. Apposite a double-door entrance from the Arcade. The floor is to be occupied, we learn, bv Mr Maban. photographer, and is completely appointed for such a business. There are several waiting and <flher rooms, a very large and admirably lit studio, and a."well fitted up ""bath-room." The suite appears to be all that could be desired, is easy of access, and cosy in appearance. The lavatory accommodation, vcstilaiioi). etc.. of the "whole building is quite up-to-date. The architect for the block was Mr D. West, Messrs Werry and Hunt did the brickwork, Messrs Husband and Hollow the woodwork, and Mr .Tames Craigic. the painting and plumbing. The workmanship throughout is excellent.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Zealand Railways—Tain arrangements for Dunedin races. T. Wells—List of properties for sale, town and country. St. Andrews—Meeting re bicycle club en Thursdav evening. Theatre "P.oyal—■Grand complimentary benefit this evening. T.A.P.A.—Notice of closing of eutne* fcr annual show. Salvation Army—"Great band social tnw evering. Wes.leyan Scliooli oom—Practice of Me»>3nn choruses; this -evening. A'ex. Frascr—Has senior! as watcnmakc* rad jeweller 'opposite Theatre. John Moe— Has Newcastle coal to »t----rir" Sth October. W. Gilchrist -Sharp astray? rcwarc -or "S&rfa !*,,-.&: at this office McGruer. Tories md Co.-Detail* of cr.niir.3- up r."w goods. ' 'Wanteds—Two notice*. _

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 11875, 30 September 1902, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 11875, 30 September 1902, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 11875, 30 September 1902, Page 2