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Mr A. 0. Pringle has been reappointed a member of the Canterbury Land Board. Lieutenant Bourn has been appointed adjutant of the South Canterbury Infantry Battalion. The annual business meeting of the South Canterbury Caledonian Society will be held this evening m the Alliance Chambers. Mr G. Stumbles recommenced blockmaking yesterday, with shingle. The stone-crusher is being fitted up, and will be ready for work immediately. One ofthe shunting engines got off the rails near the Atlas mill on Friday night and delayed the Oamaru train for some time, till the shunter was replaced on the line. The members of Loyal Orange Lodge No. 13 are reminded that a summoned meeting will be held this evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, when a full attendance is requested. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to attend. We remind our readers of the grand benefit concert which is to be held m the Assembly Rooms this evening. The cause is one that should appeal to the many, and the programme is one that should delight all who listen to it. The Loyal Orange Lodges of South Canterbury will celebrate their anniversary by holding a church parade on Bunday, July 9th, the service to be conducted by the Rev. George Burgess m the Congregational Church ; and also by holding a grand conversazione on Wednesday, v July 12th. We regret to have to record that Captain Tail was a good deal hurt- while engaged m the removal of the J ohn Gambles on Friday night. The vessel was being pulled out by means of her old-fashioned windlass, and the pawl slipping the men at the levers were thrown about, and Captain Tait was one of the worst sufferers. Sergeant-Major Wardle, who was wellknown m Timaru some years ago as Lieutenant of the C Battery— he went with the South Island contingent to Karihaka under Captain Hamersley m 1881 — and who has been instructor to the Permanent Force at Lytellton for 14 years, has reWred from the service. On Wednesday evening he was presented by the Lyttelton Naval Artillery with a dinner service and tea service as a mark of their esteem. A committee meeting of the Waimate Racing Club was held on Saturday. Present— Messrs E. Studholme (chairman), Molloy, pi. Jones, Mathias, Dooley, McGoverin. , The secretary read the statement of accounts which showed the assets at £55 13s 2d, and liabilities £6 12s, trust fund account £213 3s 6d and £5 16s 6d. The statement was received. Mr A. M. Taaffe wrote resigning his position as secretary. —-Held over till the annual meeting. The secretary was instructed to request the ground committee to report on the state of the course and best manner of improving it. A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the meeting. The usual weekly meeting of the Congregational Band of Hope was held on Friday. The president the (Rev. G. Burgess) occupied the chair. There was a good attendance of members and friends. The programme was m the hands of Miss K. Finnic. Recitations were given by Misses Meadowcroft, E. Allan, i>\ Davie, Masters 0. Chapman and H. Coker, readings by the vice president (Miss Avison) and Misses M. and F. Burmester, and a pianoforte solo by Miss Hathaway. The meeeting was brought to a close m the usual way at 8 p.m. We have a reason m advertising, which is to bring under your notice certain facts concerning out' business and our method of doing it, which go to prove that we take first place for quality of goods kept, for assortment, for sound business principles ; we believe drapery cannot be bought ai cheap m any town m the colony as m Timaru, and the volume of our business satisfies uajttoat our prices are the lowest for qcsmy given. Our special sale of blankets is now on. The weather is suitable for buying, and making immediate use of them. We especially recommend our various sizes of colonial white blankets at 14s 6d, 183 3d, 21s 6d.— Penrose's Drapery Establishment.— [Advt.] The monthly meeting of the Geraldine School Committee on Thursday night was attended by Messrs li. Y. Ferguson (chairman), T. Bowkett, T. Herlighy, W. T. Turner, J. Boughton, J. J. McCas: key, and E. Logan. The headmaster reported the roll number 253, and the average attendance 201. It was decided to close the school for three weeks' midwinter holidays, from June 23rd to Ju'y 17th. The scheme of Messrs Herlighy and Logan ((lie visitors) for draining the school ground was adopted, and it was agreed to invite tenders for the work. Accounts amounting to £4 Os 9d were passed for payment, and Me3srs Bowkett,. and Turner were appointed visitors. The following is the list of handicaps for the monthly competition for the Timaru Golf Club medal, etc., which takes place on the afternoons of Thursday and Saturday of this week :— Messrs N. F. Perston ecr, R. RoramerviUe scr, C. A. Jefferson scr, E. Stufiholme 9, D. Stewart 15, H. Hertslett 16, W. McLaren 19, C. T. H, Perry 20, N. Me Far lane 20, R. Fergusßon Z\, B. H. Ferguson 21, J. Ronaldson 21, 8. Higginbothim 23, P. Davies 23, J. G. Gow 23, G. Hart 24, J. Gibson 25, J. A. Johnson 26, W. Gunn 26, N. £. Cox 27, W. J. Qotterill 27, K. G. Turner 27, A. F. Hamilton 30, 8. T. Wickflteed 33, W. Calendar 30, D. LeCren 35, 8. F. bmithaon 35, O. fi. Hassell 37, R. C. Tennent 38, H. V. JJrew 40, M. J. Knubley 40, T. D. Young 42, M, Brown- 42, T. H Fuasell 42, W. Foden 45, R. B. Hogg 45, J. P. Newman 45, J. M. Hickson 45, G.-Sjramerp. 45. Members wishing to play their round on Saturday should notify their intention to tte hon. secretary on or before Tuesday, ■ ; . .. To augment the sctnol-fund3, the newly-elected Committee of the Washdyke School inaugurated a series of monthly socialß, the first of which took place on Thursday last. It proved a success m every way. By eight o'clock the room was fairly well filled and an hour later it would have been inconvenient for those present to admit new arrivals. The music was i i the able hands of Messrs Cooper, Babbington and Brader, and Mr W. Hobbs acted as MO. During the evening, Mesdames Anderson and Stevenson, Messrs Opie, Fergusson and Toon contributed some songs, all of which were well received. Mr Toon further assisted by some sleight-of-hand tricks. This gentleman has remarkably improved within the last two years, for we. have seen some of the best professors of this art and must say that those items rendered by JMr Toon were perfect m their deception. Mr Opie also delighted those present by a mandolin solo* The committee desire ' to thank I those ladies who kindly undertook the j arrangements for the B !?PP M s^^^^

The Perthshire has for the third time been spoken, and again it is a sailing vessel which bring the latest news. The position of the Perthshire as given by our cablegrams shows that the steamer had drifted past Lord Howe Island and was close to Norfolk Island ; the opinion of the captain of the Duukeniield being thus borne out, " that the Perthshire is now drifting " between the stands named. Since the above was written we received our latest cablegram (received at 130 this morning), which conveys the very gratifying intelligence that the big steamer was picked up by the Union Steam Ship Company'^ Talune, off Noifolk l«land, and is ex pected to get to Sydney this morning. The Pomahaka correspondent of the Southern Standard reports that two of the settlers on the famed estate have decided to abandon their holdings, which they found it impossible to mike a living out of. At the Christchurch Poultry Show last week, the Timaru cmary fancier, Mr George Wakefield, was first and third, m Norwich yellow, third and y.h.c. m Nowich buff, clear, and third m variegated. There were over 200 exhibits m the various classes. A Napier parent had taken his child from school, when ahe was only m the first standard, although 11 years of nge. He informed the truant officer that what further "scholaring " the girl required he would give her at home, and wrote a letter to the headmaster, of which the following is a verbatim copy : -" 5/23/99 to the Hed master Der sir, I dont think i shall be able to send aney more pleas to give (her sister) her book* and wat belongs to her and i must dow what I can at horn." At the Mount Peel Road Board merting on Friday last, Messrs Dennistoun, Thew, Mackay and Thomson present, it was resolved to strike a £d rate payable on August Ist ; to obtain poisoned grain and employ a man to lay it ; and to put planks on trestles over VVftikonini creek. The clerk having tabled some information relative to financial grants to roads and bridge works as between the Board and the Mackenzie County Council, the meeting terminated. A Government return ju3t i3sued show that during last year the aggregate tonnage of shipping entered inwards at New Zealand ports was 765,255 tons, and that outwards 765,255 tons, against 526,435 tons inwards and 531,473 tons outwards m 1888, an increase of 45.37 and 44 09 per cent, respectively. The Customs revenue for 1898 amounted to £1,961,726, against £1,396 591 ten years earlier, an increase of 40 49 per cent. The excise duties were £78,842 last year aud £58,075 m 1888, a rise of 51,40 per cent. The Government biologist'(Mr T. W. Kirk) after a careful examination of the district, is of opinion that there is no ground for apprehension of ear cockle spreading through the wheat fields of Canterbury, or other districts of the colony, if proper and timely precautions are taken. He states that if the wheat intended for sowing is thrown into cold water, any cockles or galls there may be on it will float to the surface, and may be easily skimmed off and burned/ If that course is followed, and the ground to be sown is treated to a dressing of nitrate, farmers can, Mr Kirk says, rest assured that the crop 3 m future will be quite free from the cockle. At the meeting of the. Canterbury Land Board last Thursday, on the application of the Temuka Road Board, it was agreed to recommend that a section of 6a 2r, adjoining reserve 1071, block IV., Pareora survey district, should be set apart and vested m the Board for plantation purposes, The mayor of Waimate applied for a list of unsuccessful applicants for sections on the Waikakahi settlement, and it was decided to approve of a list being furnished to him. With regard to the Mackenzie County plantation reserves, it was decided to approve of a renewal of Mr W. Grant's tenancy rf Reserve 2916, at a reduced rental of £25 per annum. The renewal of the following tenancies was approved, the tenants having accepted the terms offered by the Board :— Malcolm McLeod, Reserve 2917; Murray and Thomas, Reserve 2918 ; Andrew Cowan, Reserves 2919 and 2950 ; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Reserves 2920 and 2921 ; D. Bain, Reserves 2922 and 2959 ; W. Saunders, Reserves 2924, 2925, and 2926; Matheson and LeOren, Reserves 29u7 and 2930. The funeral of the late Mr Blackburn Catlow took place yesterday afternoon, and was very largely attended. The deceased was a member of the Port Guards, and was buried with military 1 honours. The coffin was draped m the ' Union Jack, on top of which were reverently laid the uniform, arms and accoutrements of the late gunner. Ihe officers and men of the Port Guards, City Rifles, and Timarn Rifles mvs 1 ■ tercd m almost their.full strength. Four men of the Guards acted as pallbearers and twelve men as the firing ' party. The Oddfellows' Lodge, of which deceased was a respected brother, also mustered well, The Battalion Band headed the long procession, which pro- ' ceeded from Wilson Street along North ' Street to the main thoroughfare, each crossing being densely thronged with > sympathisers. The church service , at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. W. O. Woodward ; , while Bro. Leggott read the Oddfellows' service. The coffin was lowered to its last resting place amid the rattle > of musketry. The late Mr Catlow was widely known here, and his sad ending . when quite a young man has caused widespread regret. Yesterday's large gathering testified most eloquently to this and to the deep sympathy with his wife and little ones, his father, and relatives. SYNOPSIS OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Guinness and LeCren -Stock sale at Temuka tomorrow. T. and J. Thomson-Details of poods m drape* y stores. Evans and Co., Atlas mills— Want prime milling wheat. Pleasant Point— Meeting re proposed harbour loan on 21st inst. 1 imaru Harbour Board— Call applications for mate of dredge Timaru. !■ outhburn— School concert on July 20th. ■ O. Munro— Has horses, waggon, harness for sale. C Bowker— New shipment boots at Northampton House. • Congregational Church— Musically illustrated story of " Uibba " to-morrow evening. Loyal Orange Lodges— Notice to members. Wanteds— Three notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 2981, 19 June 1899, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 2981, 19 June 1899, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LXII, Issue 2981, 19 June 1899, Page 2