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(fbom otra own oobbbsfohdent.) The fortnightly meeting of the St Andrews Literary Eooiety postponed from the previous week, owing to the sudden death of tbe of one of our oldest and moat respected residents, was held m the Library Hall on Wednesday last, and proved one of tbe most instructive meetings yet held. 'I he aotion of the President m postponing the meeting was appoved of. The first part of the programme consisted cf musical and vocal selections, whioh were much appreciated, by the following ladies and gentlemen, uatnely : — song, Mr Jacobs j pianoforte and violin duet by Miss Keddie and Mica M Oooke ; song, Mrs Oooke ; pianoforte duet, Mies Keddie and Mißj R& Wederell ; song, Mrs Anderson, The usual newspaper dippings given by Mr Lodder were brimful of bumour. Befreih* meats, kindly provided by Mrs Anderson and Miss Wederell, wore then Handed round and much enjoyed. After this tbe editor of the tocisty's journal read tbe letters he had received. Thaso wore capitally written and deservedly applauded. Tbe subjects cboien by the several writers were as follows :— " A trip to Mount Oook and back," capitally written ; " Pighnntiog," a humorous sketch; " Books," a wall written esiav on the best books to read : "On Dancing," a clever and lsarned treatise against danoing as indulged m m the present day; "On Bioycles, ond the benefit to be derived from their use, espsoially by ladies "5 " Woman's Bights," a sensible and judioial essay on the true position of women, as man's equal and keoper but not his competitor. An able letter mentioning subjects likely to prove in»t,ructivo m future, and a clever letter from " Vixen " on the same subjsofc.On a show of bands "Woman's Bights" was considered the best papir. It was carried by a small majirity to devote one-half of the programme of tho next and last meeting to a " mock trial," the mover to eeleot what the trial should be and to make the necessary arrangement. The proposal of the Ber Mr Boss to conclude the session with a sketch of Parliamentary usage so that those not having been m the House might have some idea of its " forms," etc, was neg»tived, it being thought that the subject was too heavy a one to be done justice to m one night, and at the end of the neason. A hearty vote of thanks was pasted to the ladiea Uho so kindly provided refreshments and to the writers ot the several letteri brought the meeting to a close. The annual social gathering of the St Andrews Caledonian Booiety was held m f.he Library Hall on Friday evening last, and proved moit enjoyable, Punctually at 9 p.m. [ the first item on a lengthy programme was started, and i'c was 4 a.m. on Saturday before the singing of Auld Lang Syne brought the sooial of 1894 to a olobo. Solos wers contributed by the following lading and gentlemen : 3 — -Misses Black, Shave, Muaro, and Price ; c Messrs Beid, Alias, Harris, and vocal duets \ by Mrs Anderson and Mr Oobden, Misi « Oooke and Mr Beid, and Messrs Cowan and c Oobden ; instrumental duets by Mrs Cowan 1 (piano) and Mils Bussell (violio), and Scotch I selections by Miss Martin (piano) and Mr Qt c Martin (yiolin),and recitations by Mr TKaye t Encores were not allowed, but it took all the e persuasive powers of our worthy M.O. to \ prevent this ia several cases, more especially c after the comic duet by Messrs Cowan and > Oobden, whioh was exceptionally well ren? i dared, and created roars of laughter. The ] singing of Mies Munro and Mrs Anderson £ was alao enthusiastically applauded, whilo all 1 lovers of the violin were delighted with the manner m whioh Mr Q Martin rendered < ' Old I Bobin Gray." Mr Mabin, piper of Temuka, t contributed the musio for the grand march i and bII the Scotch danos3, and also kindly \ played several selections during the evening I whioh materially contributed to the sucoesi i of the meeting. Messrs Oliver (violin) and Davidson (piano) supplied the musio for the 1 other dances, and their playios gave entire i satisfaction. The hall was most tastefully deoorated with flags and evergreens and I particularly well lighted. Tbe refreshments t proyided by Mr Harper, were of the best, 1 and tha sooial was a'pronq'uncod sucpeßS. The t direotors, following the load of their enthusi- t aatio president, Mr D Bell, worked with a will 1 and left nothing undone that was likely to \ add to the comfort of their guests, Mr 8 1 Oague proved a most efficient MC Tho 1 thanks of the direotors are especially due to 1 Mrs Cowan who played the acoompaniemnts, 1 pq Mr Mabin who gave his valuable services i gratuitously a'pd' at fnugh personal inpon- < venience j to the sobool committee for the use I of the school ; to Mr P Xoddie for the loan of I bis powerful lamp; and to all who assisted to 1 make the meeting such a success, j The direotors of the 8b Andrew's Saleyards j Company meet on Thursday next to open 1 tenders for the supply of timber and gates. < The ground has been surveyed, and the 1 sooretary is aow m communication with the 1 Begistrar of Joint Stook Companies, taking the neoetsary steps to get tbe company registeredi If the direotors at the meeting i agree to accept any tender, tenders for labour 1 will be called for, and within another month 1 probably the yards will ba ereoted, and I hope 1 they will prove beneficial to the farmers of the district. The site ohosen is directly opposite the Sp Andrew's Library on the Blue Cliffs < road, and being a pome; section also fronts a 1 bye road running parallel with tbe wain voad. , Being close to the railway station it will be very convenient for buyers. Another social it on tho tapis 10 that we are having a plethora of amusement to our 1 little township m spite of the hard times. 1 Th,e Lower Ofcaio Sobool is to be re>opened early neyt tboatb, Mil's Gardner^ at present loouui, tenens at Upper Otaio, being chosen mistreat, This lady hae given muob latjjfac-

tion at Upper Otaio, and tho residents of Otiio are to be congratulated upon getting bo ablo a teaoher* Buildings m the Fareora village settlement are fast increasing, and there will soon be a I fair sized village to rival St Andrews. The contractors for the protective work at the Pareora river are working hard to com plete their contract. They have had many obstacles to overcome but have been fortunate m having had no ffoods to contend witb. If these protective works stand, the question of bridling will be simple and inexpensive, and a mnoh felt want will be provided at comparatively small oost. Many of your readers will be glad to hoar that Mr S Alexander, farmer at Scotston, who met with a serious aocident aome 11 weeks ago, it much better and able to take outdoor exercise, and his ultimate complete recovery is conSdently anticipated, It is gratifying also to leatn that Mr F Mumby, of thii town, who sustained a severe fracture of the thigh, and who was removed to the Timaru Hospital, is making good progress towards reoovery.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6064, 25 September 1894, Page 3

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ST. ANDREWS. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6064, 25 September 1894, Page 3

ST. ANDREWS. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6064, 25 September 1894, Page 3