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ay The fence round tbe market square has very much improved the appearanoe of the plaoe. Unfortunately the grass is not grow* ing well on the upper half, the soil being too cl-ijoy at present. The sand is creeping out m Caroline Bay. It is just beginning to show on the reef close to the north mole, A couple more sea storms suoh as we have had this month, and one will be able to step on the sand from the mole, at low water. Some of the co-operative contractors for cutting an intake raoe for the Oamaru Borough Oounoil interviewed the Oounoil on Tuesday and stated that their companions had struck because the pay, 9d per yard, was not sufficient. They asked that the price be increased to ls a yard. The Counoil agreed to give the .extra 3d per yard, with a stipulation that the work be hurried on aud finished before the spring rise of the river fills the ground with water. The annual horse parade uuder the auspices of the Timaru .agricultural and Pagtoral Association will be held m Cain's paddook, North street, next Saturday. Entries must be made with the seoretary, Mr Gordon P Wood, not later than noon on Thureday next. The Triad, a monthly musio.l paper published .n'Dttnedin, offers eaoh month a prise for competitions amongst its readers. The competition for August was a sliffish examination paper m the theory of musio. This month's Triad states that the prize oannot be awarded to any one competitor, as among the papers eight are sent m of equal exoellenoe for first plaoe, and the prize must be inoreased and divided. Two of these eight papers were sent by pupils of Mr 8 Wolf — Miss B Fitzgerald and Mi.a Ml Gardner. The oyoling season m Geraldine was inaug* urated on Thursday afternoon by the mem- 1 bers of tbe Geraldine Central Amateur Oycling Olub, by a road race starting from Hood's hotel at 3 p.m. There were ten entries, but one did not ride. Considerable interest was shown m the event. The route taken made a run of about 5} miles. In the evening a sooial aod dacoe was held, in the Volunteer Hall, and trophies for the race were presented to J Pearoe value 265, ani speoial, value 12s 6d, given by Mr Scales j F W Fish, valu_""l2a 6d, and speoial, value 10s 6d, given by Mr B W Hood j J Bae, value £1, given by Mr Davidson ; B Bae, value 7s 6d. There was a large and appreciative audience present m the Culimantown Presbyterian Ohuroh on Thursday to hear the service of song " Musical Piokwick," given by the Glen-iti Glee Olub, under the direotion of Mr D Thomson, m aid of the funds of the Sabbath Sohool. Mr Wooletein gave the conueotive readings m an admirable manner. The servioe of song was followed by miscellaneous musioal items sung by members of tbe Glee Club and others. The Bey W Gillies presided and at the olose tendered a hearty vote of thanks to the Glee Club and the soloists and instrumentalists for the exoellent entertain* ment they had given, to Mr Wooletein for his readings, and to Messrs Hutton and Oo for the use of a Dresden piano. Ths vote was acknowledged by Mr Greig on behalf of the Olnb. The Napier Evening News would very muoh like to know whether the Patent Offioe exists aß a happy hunting ground for patent agents, or as a bureau for the public. We have reason to believe the former* A case bas just oome under our notice, m whioh the applioa* tion of a poor inventor, which we are per* sonally aware was drawn with sorupulous regard to the requirements of the schedules, waa returned to him with a vague and silly and incomprehensible statement, that was apparently meant to oonvey the observation that the application was not up to the mark m respect of the desoription of the claim. The 'man is poor but thoroughly intelligent, and he means to go through with his oase. If the Patent offioe pursues towards him the polioy of driving an inventor into the olutohss of patent agents, he will carry his case to the Minister and then to Parliament. ' It being just fifty years since the first New Zealand Primitive Methodist Churoh was organised m New Plymouth by the late Bey B Ward, the reoent oonferenoe appointed the Bey W S Potter as Jubilee agent to visit the various chnrohes throughout the colony, with the objeot of promoting a revival of religion, and of gathering funds to assist m the ereotion of ohurohes m poor and sparsely populated distriots. Mr Potter, despite the pressure of the times, bas met with considerable success. He also carries with him a jubilee volume whioh has already been extensively oiiroulated, containing, very interesting historical and biographical sketches, as well as a gsneral acoount of tbe work of moral and sooial reform m this land. On Thursday evening * an eloquent leoture was given by the rev geptleman at the Washdyke, including a number of first class lantern views of the different places of interest m New Zealand. At the close of the leoture the Bey J Sharp proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the leoturer for the able manner m which he had brought the- subject of the evening before the audience. Mr Potter will be remaining m limaru orer Sunday.

The Bey F W laitt is to leoture io the tl Assembly Booms on Monday evening on j ( "Tbe two domands of the liquor trade." Admission is free. -t The annual business meeting of the Timaru <; Bowling Olub takes place m tbe pavilion at <* th. green on Thursday next at 3.30 p.m. Full details of the Leidertafel and Orohes- i tral Society's oonoert on Tuesday evening are. , advertised, It will be seen that the pro* } gramme is an exceptionally choice one. Tbe seoretary of the Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association notifies by advertise* j ment m this issue that all exhibits of potted < butter intended for the annual show must be left m his hands not later than next Satur* ( day. ( Sergt. .Major MoDonald reoeived a telegram ; from Sergeant Gilbert at Waimate, that be yeitorday afternoon arrested a man named , Harry Knight for the numerous burglaries and house-breaking reoently committed at Waimate, and had discovered telling evidence against him. | As previously announced, Bunday Sohool | anniversary services are to be conduoted at I the Wesleyan Ohuroh to-morrow, by the Bey I F W Isitt, of Ohristohuroh, who will blso address the children m tbe afternoon, at 8 o'olock. The ohuroh has been tastefully deoorated, and given fine weather the services should be well attended. The usual services will beheld m the country, Mr Holdgate preaohing at Olaremont, Mr Cos at Fairview, and Mr Blaokwood at Adair. The GTimaru Naval Artillery are .making arrangements to bold a monstsr pionio on the grounds of* Mr W. Deßenzy, at Winchester (kindly lent for the ocoasiou), on the Prince of Wales' Birthday, and judging by the way the blue jackets are working it np, it promises to be one of tbe most successful and enjoy* able affairs ever taken m hand ia this die* triot. The Navals were always known to be •juite willing to put their shoulders to the wheel when occasion required, and are now rolling their jaew chariot along with a will. A very strong committee has been appointed to work up tbe picnic, and neither pains nor expense will be spared by the oompany to make things as pleasant and enjoyable as possible for visitors. All sorts of games and amusements will be provided for the pic* nicker., and at the request of the company the Government will run an exourson train al half crown fares on the day at time to suit everybody. Full particulars as to arrangements, etc. will be given m a future issue, and the publio will be notified as soon as the tiokets are received from the Bailway Department. Ficniokera will be expeoted to provide tbeir own eatables ; but a booth (m the oharge of one of our well known caterers), will be on the ground, and refreshments can be got at town rates.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6062, 22 September 1894, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6062, 22 September 1894, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6062, 22 September 1894, Page 2