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o 11 The New Zealand mutton by the Opawa sold at top prioes at Liverpool." So said a cablegram yesterday. The Opawa, it will be remembered, waa loaded at Timaru. A mistake ooourred m our looal yesterday respecting the meeting of the Jookey Club on Monday. Mr Simmons' resignation was " not " aocopted, and he is to be asked to reconsider his deoision. The Wesleyan Sunday Sohool anniversary is announoed for next Sunday, the Bey F W Isitt, of Ohristohuroh, being tbe preacher for the occasion. Bpecial hymns havo been m preparation for some time by the ohildren, and as they are to be assisted by a strong orohestra large congregations should greet the preaoher. Messrs N. Dunlop & Co., Geraldine, agents for the Walter A Wood" Maohine Company, invite the farmers of the district to attend a publio exhibition of the oombined grain, turnip and manure drill manufactured by tbat firm, whioh will take plaoe on the farm of Mr Allan Maodonald, Woodlands, Geraldine, on Friday next. Speoial rates have been gazetted for the oarriage of Oamaru and Mount Somers building stones for distances over 60 miles— sl to 60 miles, 5s 7d per ton ; 100 to 110, 6a 5d j 150 to 160, 7b ] and intermediate stations are rated m 10 mile stages. Another paragraph runs—" Pelts from refrigerating siding Timaru, to Islington, will be charged 18. per ton ; minimum quantity 4 tons per truok. A meeting of the South Canterbury Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was set down for yesterday. Apologies were received from Messrs Moore and Talbot. There were present :— Messrs John Jackson (ohairman), Jaoob Hill, and Gillingham. There being no quorum ordinary business could not be taken, but it was deoided to pass accounts. The meeting stands adjourned till noxt month. At the Bosident Magistrate Oourt, Geraldine, on Monday, before 0 A Wray, Esq, 8.M., and H W Moore, Esq, J.P., the former gave judgment m the case of J J McOaskey v A Sherwtt for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation m the sale of property, and also against James Turner for removing stable from off the same. The case was folly gone into laet Oourt day. Tbe Magistrate nonsuited plaintiff on the ground that thero was no fraudulent misrepresentation. Mr G B Warburton, of tbe well-known "Pharmacy," notifies over our leading, artiole that he has completed five years' business m Timaru, and m entering on another year's busineis he will reduce his prices (for casb) of all patent medioines, druggist's sundries perfumery, soaps, fanoy goods, eto, and his dispensing charges will alscvbe reduoed, thus giving his patrons during the prevailing dull times a ohance to lay m a stock of fanoy and other goods for the coming season.— [Advi.] The following is tbe return of patients m the Timaru Hospital for the month of August, 1894: — Patients under treatment at date of last return : males S3, females 9 ; ad. mitted during the month : males 14, females 6 } totals treated : males 37, females 15. Dicharged during the month . oured, males 13 ; females 9 j relieved, males 2, females 0 j dead males 2 (William Gosling, John Emmenon), females 0 ; totals discharged : males 17, females 9. Bemaining under treatment : males 20, females 6. Outpatients treated during the month: males 9, female 9, A concert m aid of the funds of the Cullmanntown Presbyterian Sabbath School will be given m the Church by the Glen-iti Glee Olub to-morrow evening. The first part of the evening will be taken up with the rendition of tbe humourous servioe of song entitled the "Musioal Pickwick," while the second part of the conoart will comprise solos, trios,- quartettes, and choruses. The Glee Olub give the conoert by request and no doubt a large and appreciative audience will assemble to hear them. The London Times says of Mr Ward's oheap money eoheme, that it will remove the chief obstaole to extreme settlement, the laok of capital, and that the Government, m venturing to borrow m the English market for the purpose, ia " leading the way more boldly than the other colonies. If the movement proves successful it will be of an importance whioh oan hardly be exaggerated not only to the oolonies concerned,' but also to the rising generation of Great Britain. It seems, indeed, to carry with it something not far removed from the settlement of our moat pressing sooial question. But preoisely beoause it is so important, it is necessary that it should be conducted with the utmost caution." The seoond selection for the bands oontsst, which takes plaoe at Inveroargill on the 11th October, has been reoeived by the Timaru Garrison Band. The selection has been arranged by H Bound, of Liverpool, is entitled " Schubert," and bas solos for cornet, horns, and euphonium. The first movement is an andante from Moments Muiioaux, and there is a beautiful larghetto euphoninm solo, Mit dem grunen Lantenbande, and selections from the overture of. Bosamunde, and other pieoes from tbis renowned composer. Alto, gether, the selection is said to be not so difficult as Weber, but it will be a very good test for tbe bands of the colony. The band, intends to practice at the geleotion most assiduously as they have only three weeks' before tbem for rehearsal, I

Details of Crown lands for selection near Seafield, Anam a, Hinds, Orari, and Cave, will be found m another oolumn. Messrs Staveley and Oalontt, of Ghrietohurch, announce that they will hold the annual auction of stud horses at Tattersall'e on tho 29th inst. Entries close on the 27-b inst. Any buying oomtoiseionß entrusted to tbe firm will receive export attention. A fiendish aot is thus related by the New Zealand Herald i— The other day some boys at Waiireka oaugltb a hawk m a trap, saturated it with kerosene oil, set a matoh to it, and then let it soar away, a blazing ball of fire. It makes one's blood boil to think tbat suoh an inhuman act is likely to go un* punished. Two of the best and strongest dairy factories m Taranaki have been built upon the cooperative plan (says the Examiner). The oapitai to start tbem was provided by a guaranteo with the bank, and was all paid off m two years by deduoting from the suppliers a shilling for every 60 gallons of milk. Shares were issued to suppliers for the amounts so deduoted. Each faotory has paid 4d a gallon for milk this season. The weekly meeting of ladies interested m the bazaar for the library, was held yesterday afternoon. There were present -Mesdames Perry (vioe president), Grahatne, Hole, Harris, Schmidt, Cowan, Foden, Olulee, Balfour, Stedman, Warren, Misses Hciffon (2), Kerr (2), Balfour, Salek, Sims, Olarkioo, Gabites, Thomson, Mayne, treasurer, Mao* donald, seoretary, and Mr Charles Smith. An apology was reoeived from Mrs Meredith Kayo for her unavoidable absenoe. A large quantity of donations was reoeived. Messrs P W Hutton and Co. Bent a quantity of Austrian obina Bnd ornaments. Mr John Jaok.on gave a large quantity of turnery, Bey 0 B Beeoroft sent a fretwork bracket, Mies Doig and Misa Morland novelties m woollen goods, and Miss N Hill children's dresses and woollen goods. The thanks of the ladies are due to Miss Hitohoooks for her kindness m making; up materials for them. Other donations were two jewel boxes, a maorame braoket mounted, two dressed dolls, one doll, a variety of spoon pinoushions, and three oard piotures, etc, donations of some of the youthful members. Afternoon tea was pro. vided by Mrs W Balfour. BYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Glasson and Co.— Sale of furniture to-mor-row. Staveley and Caloutt— Auotion sale of stallions at Christchurch on 29 bh inst. Lost— Overooat ; reward on return to this office. J. A. Mcintosh— Has Winohester Hotel to let. Weßleyan Snnday sohool— Anniversary celebration Sunday and Wednesday. Cullmantown Churoh— Concert to-morrow evening. Timaru Hotel — Business notice by J. MoGettigan. G. E. Warburton— Reduction of prices for cash at The Pharmaoy. N.Z.L. and M.A. Co.— Details of turnip manures. Davies and Murphy — Are showing the latest novelties. Commissioner of Crown Landß— Particulars of lands open for selection. Andrew Allan— Has paddock to let by tender. Woodlands, Geraldine— Trial of Walter A. Wood drill on Friday next. J. W. Blackwood— Notice to Mr Peebles and others. Wanteds— Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6059, 19 September 1894, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6059, 19 September 1894, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 6059, 19 September 1894, Page 2