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It I- said that Sir Hobert 81 out will bo a candidate for the Port Chalmers seat at the General Election. Why will he not try Dunedin once more. It waa announced at 8t Joseph's Cathedral m Dunedin, on Sunday, that there was a decidod improvement m Bißhop Moran's health. Mr Thomas Shaw announces that the Mount Cook coaches will commeries running twice weeekly between Fairlie sad the Bferraitaso, on November Ist. We uro requested to *enjjud buyer.' o? draught horses of the impsrtant sale of 88 workers from Mr J. F. Douglass Waihao Downs station, which is to bo held at Studholme Junotioo yards to morrow. Particulars have been advertised, and are repeated this morning The Bland Holt Company opened last night m Oamaru m a " Sailor's Knot." The ball was paoked to the doora, many being unable to gain admittance. There was the biggeet house ever seen m Oamaru. The pieoe was a Buooess from start to finish, and. She appreciation of the audienQO i?a.s nu.)ounded. The Favmere' Co-aperafciro Insurance Aasojiation announce to-day that applications are iow being received for shares. ?he fcerWß. md the advantages of this kind of investment, ire pretty fully get forth m the advertisement. The directorate is composed entirely >f practical men, who know what they are iibout m extending the business.

The annual business meeting of the Timaru Blowing Club will be held at the Grosvenor 5( Hotel this evening at 8 o'clock. m A rumour got about the streets, yesterday fc * that f rozon mutton for tbo Kaikoura was being rejected at the ship's side, and it even took the form that the shipping of mutton was c ' entirely Btopped, owing to tho carcases being 11 soft," through tho apring weather or some- tl thing having got into the cold stores at the tl work?. It was another case of the " three ii black crowß." All there wai at the bottom c of the yarn was the fact that by carelessness t somewhere or other some of the corcises C were found to be indented m the baok and c sides, and the discovery of this led to the v disrobing of them to see what the damage was, o and if possible how it was done. t Mr Biobard F. Keating arrived from * Ohriitchuroh yesterday to make arrangements for three performances by the Gourlay-Walton musioal, comedy, and burlesque company, on ] Friday, Saturday and Monday next. This , company's •' line " is laughter, and for those t who go to the theatre to be amueed, thoir bill ' of fare i» sure to be the rigbc thing. They ; open m " Skipped by tho Light of the Moon," j which has been detcribed by an Auckland ] contemporary as a very skilful combination of highly farcioal comedy, clever burleeque, and elevated variety entertaimeni, with a constant supply of airy and lively mußio. There is not much plot, but what little there is ends itself to fun, and the laughter begins within five minutes of the curtain's rising and never stops. On the second night " Kindred Souls " will be found to resemble •' Skipped," and for the third night a big mixed bill will be given. The two principals are highly spoken of as entertainers. Mr Gourlay toured New Zealand many years ago as a member of " The Gourlay Family "j the rest of the company we believe are strangers. Mr Gourlay is described as a comedian of ineffable humour,and Mr Walton is also excruciatingly funny, and moreover i$ a re* markable dancer. It will bo rather a strain on Timaru theatre goers to follow up two companies m one weok, but their entertainments are so entirely different from each other that somehow or other it will be managed. Some will be attracted by the melodrama, some by tho fun, some by both. On Saturday last tho Land Purchase Commissioners for Canterbury— Mr Percy Smith, Surveyor-General ; Mr Botham, District Land Begistrar ; and Mr McMillan, a member of the Canterbury Land Board — inspected the blook of land near Albury, which was offered to the Government by Mr J. S. Rutherford some time ago for settlement purposes, riding all over it to see how it would answer for cutting up into small farms. They also inepeotod Mr Rntberford'a coal pit alongsido tbe Mackenzie Pass Boad, and the Commissioners were surprised to see such a ■ large seam of coal as has been opened up r there. Tha party dr-jve up to Opawa and were i supplied with horses and accompanied by Mr i J. B. Rut 'crford. After their inspection they ' returned to Albury and went on to Fairlie by ' the eveniug train. Their report on Mr 5 Butherford's offer will be beard of m due L time. > A good many people visited the Kaikoura yeotnrday, and her size, cleanliness, and comfortable passengor arrangements were r graatJy admired, She lay as quiet as a rook [ alongside the main wharf. In the evening > the huge vessel was overrun with sightseers, > old and young of both sexes. She was lit > up throughout with electric lamps, and saving b the oargo holds every nook from tbe fore- , castle head to the after end of the shaft , tuqnel, from tho captain's bridge to tbe l butlor'a pantry, was explored. A few young i ladies braved even the heat of tho engine 3 room, but the heat was a little too tropical 5 there. The Kaikoura's engines m motion ■ would make a splendid Bbow if oat m the ' open. A meeting of the committee appointed by the Fairlie Athletio Olub for the purpose of carrying out the annual sports was held at the Fairlie Greek Hotel on Saturday evening last. There was a good attendance, and the president (Mr J. I. Milne) occupied tbe chair. A resolution was passed that the sports be held as usual on the Prince of Wales' birthday, the 9th November next. The election of officers was then proceeded with, resulting as follows :— Patron, Mr A. B. G. Rhodes, ME B. ; President, Mr J. I. Mine ; VicePresidents, Messrs J. K. Goodwin, and. J. D . Hamilton ; Judges of general sports, Messrs W. Biin. D. MoMillan, M. MoLeod and A. Dv mitt; Handicapper, Mr H. Struthen j Treaiurer, Mr J. Milne ; Secretary, Mr A. J. Dopping ; Starter, Mr W. Bain ; Timekeeper, Dr Drjden ; directors, the sports committee. The programme was gone through and reviied, several additions being made for tbe coming sports. It was agreed that a sum of £5 should be granted m prizes for bagpipe musio, and it w*n resolved t iat two bicycle races should be inoluded and also a menagerie race for suitable prize?. A sub-committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs Gall. Avison, Fraser, and H, Gillingham to make arrangements for oarrying out the boll m tbe oveniDg. A vote of thanks to the ohair terminated the meeting. Tbe latest Sevteiv of Reviews to hind (Australasian for August.English for July) is an esoellent number, for tbo variety and intent of the eubjeots dealt with. Australian politic i are served up iuouop paragraphs, and Now Zoulaud's advances m unßexiui»the voter and palling ihe publioan aro giveu a fair share of prounmnioe. So also is the tour of the New Zealand focjtbuH fcam, apropos of which this ootn*nunity is complimented on itq love fof a sport wbioh "is not thnt of an effeminate, fibre-lacking vaoe ." The ninth of the series of articles on ' Grea,t Aqstralian Dailies " has for its subject tbo New Zealand Times, to the short history of wbioh are ad,ded portraits of the Hon. Mr Aepvoß and Mr Loughnau, managing director aud editor ' In ihe usual selection of oarioatures for tbe J month, the is draf n upon for a 1 oouple- tho Oadman Beos " Pot and Kettle " 1 sketoh and the "Tee(total)lmmersion" cartoon, i The English number commences a new volume, and is replete with up to-dato ; matter. The subject of the character sketoh ] is the late Admiral Sir George Tvyon, with portrait, end that of tbe " Book of the Month " review is a remarkable work on "Jeanne d'Aro." Mr Etead has e?j(3&u4ly obosen this on account of its bearing upon ( tbe study of tho so-called supernatural^and far " the light which Jeanne's story throws upon the absorbing problem of life m this woild and the next." This article is illustrated with nu« morons photo prints. Mention is, made of the first number of My Stead's aew quarterly, Borderlqntf, " d&vote.d ta the study of the ' phenomena* vulgarly called supernatural," t and here Jeanne d'Aro is claimed to be " clearly the most eminent clairvoyant and; clairaudient of the last thousand jce&ra." The miscellaneous matter touches v wide range of topics m the Ajeview'.s brief, style, which wlisba appetjite. for more, J

At Court yesterday a seaman was fined i for being drank and sentenced to 48 boon aprifionmenfc for using obsoone langatge on le wharf on Sunday. Mr Wray, K.M., who ealfc with the case, said he would have made he latter sentence heavier, but for the good haraeter given the man by hia oaptain. His Lordship Bishop Grimes proaohed m he Roman Catholic Church of St. Mary-at-he-Bush, Geraldine, on Sunday last, deliverog an eloquent address to the largo ongregaticn present. At the conolueion of he servioe a meeting of the members of the Jhuroh was hold, the Biihop presiding, m lonnection with a difference that had sprung ip between the Be*. Father Traoey and tome if the parishioners After some diiouesion / hn Bißhop announced that he adhered to hUMjT "ormer decision, to the effect that Father Cracey should take charge of another parujh. We remind the friends of the Meehw&ict* [nititote, and the believers m the evolution of woman, that Mrs D. W. M. Burn/i«oture« this evening m the Theatre J^oyal on " Woman m the Twentieth Centuiy." Mrs Burn is well known to entertain advanced ideas on the future of the Bex, and! she has the reputation of giving them dear ajid forcible expression on the platform. We\hear that tickets have been rapidly disposod I of, which shows that there ii a good deal of djurioiity m Timaru regarding the coming worokn.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5775, 19 September 1893, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5775, 19 September 1893, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5775, 19 September 1893, Page 2