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The flour mills ora oil shut down thin weok for tho annual spring clean-up and official intpeotion of boilers. The lobsters brought out by Mr Purves, chief engineer of the lonic, have besn placed m Otago Harbour, at tho protective works on the north side of the heads. Tbe hslf annual general meeting of tbe South Canterbury Amateur Athletio Club will be hold at. the Olub Hold, to-duy, at 1045 a.m. Tho Timaru Cricket Olub will open the season at the Athletio Club's ground., North street to-morrow at 2 p.m , when eidee will bo choien by the olub'e president (Mr 8. A. Bristol) and tbe vice president (Mr W. , v . Lindsay). A full muster of m.iubors, including those newly elected, is requested. The olub promisee to have an active and suooesßf ul season, and a number of matches for both the senior end junior teams, are on the lapis. A junior matoh hes already been arranged for the Oth prox., Bt Oamaru, against tho junior te.iu of the Oamaru O.C. The Wsimote Domain Board met on Monday evening last. Mr Q. H. Graham presi ded A resolution was passed that the Board meet at the Domain on Thursday next, to deoido whothor any works shall be done at present. Somo accounts wero passed for payment, and the Board roio. A " weather warning " of an agreeable sort ie given m our advertising columns to-day by Mr J. Straohan, who telle us that summer is near by reminding us that his btthing machines are on tho beaoh of Caroline Bsy. Ac a matter of fact they have bsen there all along, but hid no more interest for aoy one than a m i.intosh or umbrella m a dry nor'wester. But with the returning summer sea bathing is " m " again, and Mr Strachan's maobines enable people to enj.y it conveniently. Ho hos a good many vehicles, he ie a careful man, and his prices are moderate, A narrow escape from a very serious ocoident happened m Quoen Stroet, Waima' c, at about 7.30 p.m. on Monday last. A Waimate Estate three-horse team, with a turnip drill drawn by a separate horse, and tied on to tho dray, was boing driven along by a man named Maurice Ferriier, who wus m front with the loading horse. Some little girls got on to the turnip sower to hare a ride. One of tbem named Fljnn got her ololbing caught m the rog wheels, and was being turned over and over ns the wheel revolved Luckily her cries attracted the attention of a bystander, who Btopped tho team and extricated lha girl from hur dangerous position. Beyond tearing tho child's pinafore and dress into shreds, and Riving her a terrible fright, Do barm was done. At Court yosterday Frank Conway, labourer, was charged before Messrs F. LeOren and J. 3. Sutter J.P.s, with using threatening language towards hie wife, who applied to havo him bound over to keep the pencj. Mrs Conway staled that her husband On Saturday night hftod a flat-iron off ihe firo to her, and she hit him with a ladle ; as sho went out of tho door he threatened to "sco her blood," audio "do for lie.." He had previously Ihrea'ened her, and whon sho spoko to him fan told her to " talk away, o» she had nnt muili longer to livo " His demeanour was such that sho was afraid to livo witb him. Ho was not much given lo drink, and was sober when he used suoh threats. Defendant simply doniod that be had evor used such throats; beyond that he bad nothing to say. Tho Bench said thnt sort of thing could not be allowed to continue, and ordered defendant to bo hound over to keep tbe peace for cix months m a band of £20, snd by two sureties for £10 each, m default imprisonment for tho same term. A meeting of tho committee of ths Temuka Football Olub was bold on Saturday evening at Mr McCaskill's rooms. Present — Messrs Findlay (captain), m tho chair, Gillespie,, and MoCankill (hon. seo.). The secretary read tho balance sheet of tho lost eocia 1 , whioh showed a credit balanco of £1 10s 3d, A hearty voto of thanks wae accorded to Meisrs W. McLeod and B. 0. Dann for contributions of 10s eaoh to the funds of the olub. The secretary stated that tho president's trophy, won by the second fifteen, hod arrived, and w»s now on view m Mr Sims' window. It wss resolved to formally hand the same to Mr Hayhurst on Friday. A 'letter was read from Mr Herbsrt, tbe seerelary of the erlcket club, stating that tbe olub hsd lowered tbe subscription for footballers to Bs, and asking tbe committee to use ite bent endeavours to induae football members to join the olub, as it was the letter's intontion to put two elevens m the field if possible. It was resolved that the committee use thoir utmost endeavours to seoure new members to join tbe cricket club, and as an example all present joined. The meeting terminated with the ous'omary votes of thanks. Th 3 Boroujh Council have a curious contract on hand just now. A week or two ago an old msn named Laird— said to be over 70 years of age, and one who has done a lot of hard workin Timaru— asked the Counoil to give him aome work to enable him to work off a debt he owes the municipality for rent nnd rates. Ho waa given a bit of gorse grubbing on tho Belt, and then the job of cleaning out the gully drains. He earned 25s at the former, and is to get £6 for tha latter. To last meeting he wrote asking to be allowed some oash, it he had nothing to live upon whilst at work, A good deal of diioui.ion took place upon the amount to be allowed. One or twa councillors thought tbey were dealing liberally with tho man io going out of thoir way to give hia) a ohance, without tender, to work off hie debt. Councillor Mair stated that Laird could not be so very hard up, »s he had three greyhounds registered m his name. Others explained that ho wan only keeping the dogs for tome one else, Ten shillings — fifteen— twenty— half his earnings ' per week — were severally suggested, and negatired m favour of a motion that be bs paid a lump sum of £2 5s m cash but of tbe amount earned, the balsnce to go against, the ■i itai,

Full partioulars of the Timaru Trotting | Club's meeting to-morrow will bo found m | another oolumn. As a wind up to the show , festivities the meeting should be well worth , attending. Tho ontrios aro numerous, and some excellent contests should be witnessed. Ths second minstrel entertainment given m the A.s.mbly Rooms last ovoning wee again only moderately patronieod. Each , iiom wetl very well, encoros being numerous, ( and it is hoped tliai thero will be a full attendance this evening, whon tho company will make their last appearance this week. Mr Walter Bentley played " The Bilvor Ring" at Oamsru oo Monday night, and yesterday morning's North Otago Times saye of the performance : -As the " Silver King " Mr Bentloy delights and charms an audience immensely, and he was received by the o.owded oudienee last night with the most genuine and enthusiastic applause that it is po.iible for an audience to confer upon a tuccesifal actor j and it ia hardly neoessary to add that it was riohly deserved. We admire very much indeed Mr Bentley'. independence of mind opon ths stags, and he ia an aotor who by tbe light of hit own gonine can interpret a oharaoter without the aid of histrionio conventionalities; and interpret it, too, to the satisfaction of the most hypercritical, while it receives the approbation and ei.thusiastio plaudits of a discriminating audience. When Mr Bentley throws the powers of hia genius into his aoting, and studies his character so as to give tbe most intelligent and refined representation, it is not ti be wondered at . that the honour of the stage becomes revivified, and Ihe most cultured —even clergymen themselves, at tho risk of congregational > censure —are to be found among tbe most opp.eciative of Mr Bontley'e dramntio i pnwrrs To say that tbe " Silver King " at ' tbe Public Hall was a success is to aay nothing—it was a brilliant achievement. 1 I ■ . i : ' 1 . i i i 1 L ; 1 f > ;

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Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5548, 26 October 1892, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5548, 26 October 1892, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5548, 26 October 1892, Page 2