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Business Notices. IGOLDgcSILVrTfIMEDALS mWjH T&K-W^fcH iHH CELEBRATED&THE^BESTj f PORE' INDIAN • CHI WBKCEYLBN TEAS 'I PROCURABLE j BB*h^.^W|_V^.^_ < ff>*V^ I ©boa* e»_\ -'. f& S*— i^^^ I 1 «iM^ N* c * )V r%A In w= Jl i EOT©'*® "FKOTT SAW" SIS JAWS liVA*9Ei*^USk.~fX~r SB BTECEBSITY. ■j A Runaway Knock. — Douglas Jerrold, describing a very dangerous illness ' from which hik daughter had just recovorod, said: "Ab, Sir, tt was a Runaway Knock at j Death's Door, I can assure you." How to prevont death from disease by natural moans— use *** ENO'S "FRTTIT SALT." It is tho beet kno*m remedy. It rcmovos fffitid or poisonous < matter (the groundwork of disease) from the blood, allays norvous excitoment, depression, and restores the nervous system to its proper condition. You cannot overstate its great value m keeping the blood pure and free from disease. * Superior to all Other Salines.—" Dear Sir, — Having been m the habit of taking your 'Fruit Salt ' for many years, I think it only right to toll you I consider it a mont 1 invaluable medioine, and far suporior to all other saline mixtures I havo ovor tried. lam never I Without lt In the house, as I Dnd It possesses three most desirable qualities— namely, it is pleasant to the taste, promptly efficacious, and leaves no unpleasant after-edects. Ido not wish i my namo to appear, out, apart from the publication of that, you are welcome to make uso of this * toHnamial, If "1* of service."— A Devonshire Lady. —Jan. 25th, 1869. i CAUTlON.— Sxamitu each BotUt, and ta the Captult it marked MNffS "FRUIT SALT." Without it, yo* ham tan iv.poitd on by anorthlat imitation. OP ALL CIIEMISTS. Prepared only at BNO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, POMEROY STREET, NBW CROSS ROAD, LONDON, S.E., by J. O. ENO'S PATENT. , _iiiiii iimii 1 1 (is mini iifii nyi n_| si(iu iiujii — n — jt i|i i i .ii iiijiii 1 i_ iiijii i)ii njfl-j

The Universal Bemedy for' Acidity of the Stomach, __%? aWVhe Siok-1 BeaSaohe, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructatwna nes£J Q ' f _ ?leg __ g ,__ r .y. Bilious Affections. * \ s [___= r ~~- .. r - a .J Sold -j^poughout the World. N.8.-ASIC FOR PINNEFORP'S MAGNESIA^

QEAIH,SEIPPINO & OUEXOIfiS ASBSIT. Ajjont for the Liverpool and London and fiflobs Insuranos Company, and Mount Somors Colliery (coals SOo por ton) . Also for Belfast Chemioal Meauros. House and other Properties For Sule ana yourself i ym _Wr*^_j\\W Impostors. Bi__> €3- has ill §___-t£& never beea known to fail m ocrWaaafHUuj diseases, where b self-cure le . H_jnrß__jS_( preferred tothopubltcityofadoetor B__Hi 111 oure a to a few 4»_rs and never tf-'---ra R Sa Ca ?"; se ' notare - & it thctintver-* ' '^ r .%mk*' il -American curt. AHOhemirts. V. *'||i» |£ t»lo Proprietors, the V-* '* -Jra®. Evans Chemical 00. Sjflßjjil \^wi»*k CI ? OINNAT '' o m__mW* & WOISfDERFUXi MEDIOINE. •OH E O H A MB 3? I L L S Are univorsally admitted to bo worth a Guinea a box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, auoh as wind and pain m the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizzinesß and drowsiness, oold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath costivoness, sourvy, blotches m the skin, disturbed sloep, frightful dreams, and oil norvous and trembling sensations, ke. The first doae will give relief m twonty minutes. Hvery sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of theso Pills, and thoy will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Femolos of all ages these Pills are invaluable, bb a few doses of their carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There ia no medioine to ba found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tho system. If taken according to the directions givon with each box, they will soon rostore females of all ages to sound &nd robußt health; Thia has boen proved by thousands who hove tried them, and found tho benefits whioh aro ensured by their U3e. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, ond all disorders of the livor, they aot like " MAGIO," and a few dosoß will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs m the human maohine. Thr_f strengthen the whole musoular system, rosto/o the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into aotion with tho ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These aro "FACTS," tostified oontinually by members of all classes of society j and one of the beat jfuarantecs to tho nervous and debilitated is BEECHAM'S PILLS hate the largett tale of any Patent Medicine m the world. Preparod only and sold wholesale and retoil by the proprietor, Thomas Boocham, St. Helens, Lanoashire, England, m boxes Is lid (oontaica-ag 66 pillB), and at 2s 9d (treble quantity). Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. N.B.— Full dir otion» are f wen with each box— [A-evTi 1,5

HIS Excellency Lord Onslow speaks up for Mother Mar" Joeeph Aubert m a lotter to Dr De La Baohoue' :— [Copib.J Wellington, 18th Septembro, 1891. Mok Ohbb Dootbto, — Je vous dois de la reconnaissenoe pour les consultations que vous m' avez dounees m' enageant a essayer les remedes extraits des plantes de la N.Z. prepares par la B. Mere Mario Joseph Aubert. J'en ai fait usage pendant quelque tempo, et jo puis vous affirmer que je m' en suit parfaitement trouve*. Ils sont toniques es fortifiante. Veuillez transmettre mes felioitations & la B. Mere au su jot de ses travaux. Ils eonfc dune grande valeur pour le soulagement des miseres humaines, mo paraiesant Bueceptibles d'ajouter aux industries do la colonie, et devoir etre en meme tempu profitables aux bonne oeuvres dont elle poursuit la realisation. Agreeez, mon cher Docteur, l'assurance de mes sentimenta dißtingues. ONSLOW. Db bb aVßaohot/b, Frenoh Consulate, Wellington. [Translation,] Wellington, 18th September, 1891. My Dbab Dootob,— I feel grateful to you for your advice to try the remedies extrocted from New Zealand plants, ond prepared by the Bey. Mother Mary Joseph Aubert. I have used them for some time, and I am m a position to inform you that I have found them perfectly satisfactory^ Tbey are really tonio and fortifying. Bo "_;Jo3 enough to convey to the Bey. Mother my congratulations on her labours j thoy are of groat value for the relief of human miseries, and appear to mo capable o£ furthering oolonial industry, and should at the same time bit profitable to those good works whiob she seeks to realise, Aeoept, my dear doctor, the assuranoe of mv approoiative 'eelings. f V (Signed) ONSLOW. Db db La Baohoub, Stanch Consulate, Wellington.^ GBATEFUL-COMFOKTING. EDDCPQ IWAK lift ftIWWiL t "By a thorough Imowledgo of tho natural lavd Which govern the operations of digeetiou anduutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Eyips has provided oor breakfast tables witli a delicately-flavoured beverage whicli may eavo us many heavy doctors'. . bills. Itisbythejudieiousuaoofsucharticlesofdiet that a constitution may bo gradually built up uutil Btrong enough to resist every tendency to disease. i Ilimdreds of subtlo maladies aro floating around ua ready to attach wherever thero is aweakpohit. Wo j may escape manyafatalshaft by keeping ourselves I well fortified with puro blood and a properly nourished Iramo."— See aiticlo iv (ho Civil Surviw : Gazette. Made simply with boiling waS?r or milk. Bold m 1-lb. packots by G; t,c fra, labelled tl"USt§ JAMES EPPS & CO* HOiIXEOFATHIC CHEMISTtf, 1 ipSWON. MGL&SSk ...

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Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5516, 19 September 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5516, 19 September 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume LV, Issue 5516, 19 September 1892, Page 4