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■ ■ . . ■ . J .-■'».-■.. IMr &. F, Oluleo, of Timaru, who returned from Homo by tlto Doric reached Ohriefcchucch yesterday morning and came on to Timaru by Iho express train. ■ i • ; / Teachers will find details of the exnminntion for classes D and E, advertised this morning. Cnudidnloa must eend m their nolioeß on, or before the 3lßt instant. Particulars of tbo election of Uy representatives to the. General Synod of New Zealand for the Central, Northern, Soulborn, and Westlaod dietripta : will ba found m our advertising columns. The anniversary services of the Primitive Methodist Ohuroh were hold on Sunday !aßt when Bpocial Bormons ;we»e preaohed m the morning by the Boy. W. J. Williams, Wosleyan minister, and m the evening by the Rev. W, 0. Woodward, pastor of the Primitive Methodist Ohuroh. The congregations were large at both services, and m the afternoon there was a full audience to listen to the servioe of nong entitled "Parry Lea, the happy, tnatobaollor." The eorvioe was very ably rendered by tho ohoir under • the lottderßhip''of Mr A. Bcßwiok, and Miss Williams presided mnn efficient mannor at the harmonium. The Bey. W. 0. Woodward gave the connective readings: Last ovening tho anniversary service a woro brought to a cloa&, whan a soiree was hold m the Oddfellows' Hall, and an entertainment m tbo ohuroh. There -was a good attondanoe oS the soiroe,' and the tables wore providod and presided over by the ladies of the ohuroh and congregation. Thoro was an abundance of refreshments, and all present enjoyed tbeir tea very muoh. At the'af tor mooting, whioh was hold m tho ohiirob, the Hbv. W. 0. Woodward preaWod. InstjuotiTe addroncoa wero givon by the Ber. H. D. 00011, tho Boy. 0. 0. Brown, the Eov. W. J. Williams, and the Boy. W. Gilliea. Eolos \tote< oapitally rondored by Missea TomKnton and' Leggotfc, and Mosbm langddri and Best ; a duet by Mjbbos Smith and lieggott, and an anthem by tho ohoir ; tho vocal numbers'' contributing very muoh to the ovening'B en- f joymont. The proceedings^glit.tcgij close by tinging tho doxology,

I The.. Nuw Zealand Amateur Athletic I Association hare decided that a paid bandiI capper is not a "professional" under the rules of fchs association. p , , Carpenters made a stavfc at cutting back the old chemist's shop at the cornar of Beawiok and Stafford streets yesterday. Certainly more room will be given by this " improvement," but the angle will always remain an awkward one. . Opotiki proposes to load a ship with maize | for the London market: Opatiki depends I almost entirely upon maize, and of late there ! has been no market m Sydney, to which the great bulk of Opoliki produce ha 3 heretofore been sent. 1 Additional particulars of the Kip Van Winkle season, which commences on Tuesday noxt, trill be found m our advertising columns. Intending patrons are requested to note that the performance will bogia at 7.45 p m. sharp, and it would ,bo well if all wore eonted by that hour. . ;:, Victorian, wheat, growers hare not had the best kind of spring vreather. The present eenion, whilst genial enough (o cause a splendid growth of vegetation, has been so wet m most districts (says tbo Australasian) that the. Boil is nuw thoroughly saturated, and has co run together that, byeand-bye when the warm weather sets m, a crust will be formed which will seriously check the progress of the crops. Sport with the fly has been good lately on the Winchester streams, and we hear of the following tikes ; — Mr WaldronlS fish weighing Olb ; &I* R. Younp 11 of a total of 101 b ; Mr Twigg 40, weighing abut 2O'.b ; Mr Young 22, weighing 17ilbs, tholatter's basket being filed m three hours by whipping the Vtaihi. In addition to the anglers named several other gentlemen have been more or less successful. There was a large attendance at St Mary's Church yesterday to witness the marriage of Mr E. Hiohardson, of Albury station, to: the second daughter of Mr H. LeOren, Craighead, Timaru. The marriage party inoluded only the nearest relations aud friends of the contracting parties. Ihe officiating minister was the Bey. T. J. Smyth, of Pleasant Point., After the ceremony the gueßts were driven 1 out to Craigheud, and m the afternoon Mr and Mrs B. Richardson left for Dunedio. A considerable numbor of fishermen congregate at the Waitaki mouth on a holiday to indulge m a day's outing and fishing. Several good takes are reported, and fish being plentiful good sport is obtained. On Saturday lust Mr W. Nicholas, of Waimate, took 21 trout, weighing lODlbs. The fish are not yet m very good condiiion, and somo anglers say that tho BOiiaon opened a month too Boon, as numbers of tho fi*h have not yet finished spawning, Tho Maorewhenua diggings are a groat source of annoyance to fishermen, and on BOmo days the river is too thick to fish. The Colonial Cricket Club open their aeison on the Domain to-morrow afternoon ; play to oommence at S p.m. A gcod pitch has been prepared, and a very interesting game should result. Tho following teams have been chosen by the captain and vico-captain respectively : — Captain — Thompson, Butscll, Alt Boys. Jones, Cornish, Woke, Dauby, Wade, Cameron, Pringle, Brown, Niall, Ridley, North, Hill, Hapsey, Roberts, Harvey, Swallow, and Burns. Vioo-captain — Rice, Pritcliard, 8 A Boys, Allen, Johnson, Hooper, Tovey, Knight, W Mason, McKinley, Ponrose, Kohn, Hontoul, Quinn, Hobba, Wade, Mahan, South, Robertson, Burd, and 0 Mason. Yesterday at the Resident Magistrates Court, Waimato, before Mo'srs Manchester, Hayes and Sinclair, Malilda Lane was charged on remand with stealing two £5 notes from William Young, of the Hook. Mr Orbell appeared for tho prosecutjr, and stated that stncfl the prisoner was last before the court, notes similar tothoao lost had been found by Mr James Berry, near Waimate, and under the circumstances he wished the bench to allow the oharge to be withdrawn. The benoh allowed the charge to be withdrawn, saying that prisonor left the court without 5 stain upon her character. Mr Hamilton appeared for the do f once. The usual fortnightly meeting of the Tiinnru Lodge, No. 152, United Ancient Order of Druids, was held, last evening, Arch Druid Bro A. B. Proflser presiding. There was a fair attendance of members, and after the usual correspondence had boen dealt with, five persons presented thomaelvaa, and on being elected, were duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order. A notice of motion was . tabled for next meeting respecting a revision of the by-laws. One person, wai proposed for membership, and the Lodge was olosod by tho Aroh Druid at 10 o'clock m tho usual manner. The roccipts for the evening were £8 6s Sd. Messrs Ferguson ftnd, Co., coachbuildera, have 'just completed Iho alterations and improvements to Mussrs Davidson Bros.' brake, and it is now one of the most complete and comfortable m the district. Tho main alterations are & now front and splashboard j the raising of the front seat, and the addition of a small double eeat immediately behind that of tho driver. .The brake haß been thoroughly overhauled, painted, and trimmed, and the workmanship generally reflects muoh credit on tho firm named. Messrs Davidson Brothers will have tho brako on public view during show weak, and with a well matched team of four horses it should ba one of tho boat appointed on the road. The regular meeting of the L.0.L., ?<o 13, was held m the Oddfellowa' Hall, Barnard Street on Monday, Bro. Mills, presiding. There was a large nu,mber of the brethren prfsont, and several old members rejoined tho Lodge, After the. usual routine business the installation of the officers for the current term was performed by'P.M., Bro. MoOullough m a most impressive manner. A committee was appointed to carry out iv connection with No. 35, L.O.L; the anniversary of tho gunpowdor plot. After indulging m harmony to : wbioh several of the -.brethren contributed songs, votes of thanks were heartily accorded to tho installing officer and visiting brethren, when the lodgo was closed at 10p.m. The return match Waimata Rifles v. Timaru Rifles, has boon arranged to ootao off at the Patiti Point range tomorrow nftornooD. Conditions — Ranges, 200 yds, 300 yds, and 600 yds, ten men a side ; 'five shols per man at each range ; any military position ; Wimbledon targotß and sooring. Tho following teams will represent tbo respective companies : — Waimato Rifios : Captain Oapstiok, Lieutenants Shaw and Adams, Sergeants Grunt and Inkster, Privates Ooltman, Manchester, Guy, ■ Williams, and A Inketer. a Timaru Rifles— Captain T Jowßey, Lieutonant ' W Beokingh&m, Sergeants Q W Ellis, J Holdgato, and : R Henderson, Corporals Joseph Ellis, Privates J A Pearson, Humph- . Roy, MoNab, and Brown. Beaorves — Sorgoant Oroes and Private .F Hall. The match will commesce at 1.30 p.m. j dress, drill order.

According to the Southland Times influenza or Ja grippe has made its appearance at tho Bluff, but bo far the cases have been mild. We refer you to another column for the Vati and to W. Penroeo, Commerce House, for the special value offered m ladies' jackets, millinery, and eo&tumeß made to order- — j [Advx ] We have bean requested to caution people when walking along Stafford atrcot, and pass. ing Gabittß Corner to avoid stepping on the gratings there, ai> they are now and then displaced m euch a manner tbat a peraon stepping upon one of them may push it down and get a nasty fall. The gratings do not displace themselves, therefore it is to be suspected that they are shifted by mischievous persons, with a view perhaps to the " fun " of hurting somebody. A handsome framed Picture, value 10s, is given away to nvory purchaeer of fifty shillings' worth of Warburton's "Oan'tbe Beat" baking powder. Fact. — [*I>vt.] SsYNOPSIK O» NEW ADVJEBTISEMEHTi?. Timaru Borough Council— Call for tenders for printing. Theatre Royal ; — Latest particulars of " Eip Van Winkle." Dr Noil — Notice of herbal beer extract, and otherherbal medicines. Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association — Particulars of the Hornßby binder. Sonth Canterbury Board of Education— Examination for teaohers' classes D and E j begin on 7th January. '.••■'•' W. P. Beatson — Notice of election of lay representatives to the General Synod. Gracio, Maclean and Co—Sell valuable farm on 7th November. Wanteds— Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5269, 21 October 1891, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5269, 21 October 1891, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5269, 21 October 1891, Page 2