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The Timaru Herald. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. TOWN & COUNTRY.

« The standpipo at the Molrille corner is becoming a nu'aanco through Joakogo. Tho — ground about tho pipe is very sloppy, and the greator p&rt of tho footpath impnss»blo. Tho following will roproaont tha Colonials m the Junior Flog mntch against tho High fiohool on Thursday nest :— Full bacir, Bilton j three quarters — Boys (2) and Allon j halves — Oramtnond and Hobba ; forwards — Thompson, Quinn, MoKinloy, Wado, lough, MoOullouKb, Whittaker, Riao, Wake. Emerrß genoios — Worry, Alf., Holdgato, aud Chaln- moi's. •" Tho usual fortnightly mcoling of tho United Ancient. Order of Druida, was held last evening m tho Foreetsra Hall, Vioo-Arob f Druid, Bro. A B. Prossor presiding. Oorrea* pondonce was rond and dealt with, aftor whioh one person was admitted into tho order by initiation, and ono poison was proposod for membership. Tho recoipta of tho overling — wore £149 5s 3d, and Iho txponditure 14s. Tho lodj»o was olosod m duo form at 10 „ o'olook by tho acting Arch Druid. Tho Patey ooncert m Timaru is already an assured euccens, so far as attondanoo is concerned. Wo aro informed that tha dress o f oirolo seats ore noarly all bookod, the stall iw tickets going off wall, and ovon tho pit Boats aro being inquired for. Wo aro requostod to , inform boldors of tickets that the etalla door will bo open half an hour before any tickets are sold at the door. Only a limitoc! number of: tickets for tho stalls : havo boon printod. Mr Robert Kennedy's venture thoroforo pro- ' mises to turn out sucoossfully for him, and tho fame of tho Patoy Company io a guaratitoo that tho attendants will rocoivo their moneys worth. Thoy havo to thank Mr Kennedy for tha opportunity of boaririg Madame Patoy, a« but for his aooeptanco of thoir terras tho company would havo pasicd Tirasru.

We understand that (he Hey. Mark Guy ] Pearee, of London, one of (ho most celebrated j preacbors end loolurors of the day, is expected ] to visit Timaru, and to give one of his popular leet.uren, Further particulars will be announcad m due course, f From our Home files we leurn that a formor Timaru Hiph Soliool boy occupied an honourabls position at tho Edinburgh Uuiversify " Capping Day," April 88rd. Mr G. ! E. Gabitßß, eldest son of Mr George Gabites, draper, of, was first on the list for ! the dogroe of Bachelor of (Scionce m the ' Department of Agrioultnro. ' Owing to tho Timaru Football Club having ' no foreign tnatohos on Thursday they have lent their ground to the High School Olub who msot ths Colonials m a " Junior Flag" match. The High School m return have placed their grounds at tho disposal of the Timaru Club who will hold a practice gamo ■ tliers, piny commoncing at 3 30. , < In tho list of provisional specifications on ' applications for patent*, aecopted during ! the first fortnight of this month, appears the ' name of Mr D. 8. Laing, manager of John ' Mill and Co.'s Btore on Iha beach, as an m- 1 vontor. Mr Laing applies for a patent for a < " number register" to bs fixed on ships' I shoots j m other words a mechanical tally I clerk. ( A correspondent on tho prohibition question | wao taken to task by shocked ministers for ( quoting the failure of prohibition m the j Garden of Eden. A religioua teacher m the j north (denomination not ftated) made the , very same reference " Tho Prohibition principle was as old as Pararh'eo. There, an . innocent man waa po sooner put undor it than it failed-" ' What do our hunting men think and say about barbed wire ? Speaking at the lun- , cheon at a horso show at Illlnsmere, Shropohire, m connection with the Wynnstny Hunt, lord Kenyan said he had hunted m fourteen counties, out of which Shropahiro had loaafc barbed wire of all. Barbed wiro wns an abomination almost too horriblo to be named, and he earnestly appealed to farmers " to nUogetbor dispense frith its uso. \ WritiDg to Mr J. Fulton, Rangiora, Cap- ' tain J. W. Jennings, of tho s.s. Doric, cays i the London ahore purser of tho Shaw, Saril! Albion Oomoany, considered the Rangioracured bocon and hams equal to the English, tboro might be ft slight difference m the degree of saltness, but families travelling m tho ship preferred it to anything they had of tho kind m ths colony, and Captain Jennings would tnke care to indent whatever he roquirod of this brand. F. LeCren Esq./j.P. was called to tho Court yesterday to deal with two offenders. A aaaman lookod up on Monday morning for drunkonness was let off on payment cf 3s exponsDs. A man named John Kent, arrested ' by Constable Hilliard at Fairlio Creek, was ' charged with stealing a poosum rug, value ' £3 5;, and several articles of clothing valued at £1, the property of Robert L^itch of i Fairlie Creek. Both the police and accused ' desired a remand and thia wna granted, till 1 Thursday. j Tho annual report of Dr McGregor, tho i Inspector of Lunatic Asylums states that tho ; number of lunatics m tho colony is 1797, an inoreasfl of 36 over the previous year. The ( proportion of insane to population ia 1 m 350, exclusive of Maoris, or 1 m 374 including Maoris, as comparod with 1 m 308 m Victoria, 1 m 344 m England, 1 m 377 ia Now BoutH . Wales, 1 m 427 m South Australia. The cost per head has been reduced by £1 0s Id ( per annum, and is now 10s CJd per head weekly m New Zealand, as ngainst 12s 9jd m Victoria. Beferring to tho Suunyaide Asylum tho report states that thero «re 38(3 patients m that institution. "Thagenoral health of the pationts is good, except for tho provalonco , of goitre, tho cauao of which ia somewhat | difficult to etplain. Tho drainage of the north house has born laid bare, with the result that we find tho pipes to have been laid m the most o&roless fashion. It is a wonder we have escaped so long without an epidemic of typhoid fever." . , One of tho Adair village settlors, named i Donni? Hieten, suffered a groat loss by firo j on FrMny aftornoon. Ho has cix or seven ncrea of land which ho took up m 1834, ond , had a comfortable little cottage upon it. On . Friday afternoon, while lie was somo mites off at work, bis houso wjs completely destroyed by flro, together witli aU ite contonls. The fire had a protty good hold before it was diacovorcd, and though como men were soon ] on tho spot their efforts to aubfiuo tho firo wore fruitless. To mako Histcn's loss more oornpleto and disastrous, ho had only two days boforo drawn all his savingß from the bank m order to buy somo horses, and this money was burnod too. So complete a Bsreop of hard-workod-for property is a sad loeb to a man m his position. Fortunately Ihoro happenod to bo a cottage vacant iv the ! settlement and tho family havo been granted Iho uso of this by Mr Fussell, the Land Officer. As to tbo origin of the fire, it ia believed to havo been caused by an embor being carried unobsorvod from the firpplaco, I among the etravr o£ en American broom, i whioh after boing used to sweep up the lioarth wna plscod behind a door against a wainscotted wall. Tho greater part of tho cot.tago wns of wood, and onco well on firo wno bound to go. .

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Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5170, 17 June 1891, Page 2

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The Timaru Herald. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5170, 17 June 1891, Page 2

The Timaru Herald. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5170, 17 June 1891, Page 2