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Ib is thought that Mr Hamlin vdll bo chosen Chairman of Committees. The object of Mr Jaokeoa Palmer's Jnrios Act is to abolish grand juries and vest their functions in tho judgea. A concert, tea and dance will tako place in the Gave schoolroom on Friday evening next, in aid of tho incidental fund. A team of the Darktown (Tomuta) football club, tried conclusions on Thursday afternoon with the local club at <Jeraldino. The Geraldinianß won a grand game by five points to nil. Messrs Targuso and Pringle, builders, the successful tenderers will commence operations on Mr Wiliinm Moore's now Clarendon Hotel to-morrow. The building when finished wil be a very hantlaomo addition to the corner. Tho attention of volunteors is colled to an advertisement in this mornings issue. Tlie Navals and Eifles will parade at half past eovon this evening, when aiming and position drill will bo gone through. After tlio parade is dismissed the half yearly rooeting of tho Biflos will be held in the reading room, when some important mattors in connection with, tho company will be discussed, It is specially desirable that every member should attoud. The Timaru Mam School Football Club are the possessors of a banner that will do them credit when planted in the Geld. It is of crimoon satin with dark blue border and crimson back. Tho monogram " T.M.S.F.G." has been nicely embroidered on the banner by Mies A. Young (daughter of Mrs Walkins), who also made the banner. The banuor is on view in tho shop of Mr Radcliffe, who has suppliod a suitable) polo and mountings for it. The banner is tho gift of tho lady teachers and elder girls of the oohool. Tho usual weekly session of tho Lifo Boat Lodge was held in (he Barnard streot hall on Friday, Bro. Howe, O.'i?., presiding. Three porsons were initiatod into the lodgo and three proposed for membership. The Crystal Spring Lodge sent an invitation to attend its anniversary social, which was unanimously accepted. An open lodgo is to be held next Friday evening, and a pleasant entertainment will bo provided for those who attend. Songs, etc., were given during the evening, after which the lodgo was duly closed by the C.T. A movement is boing made in Temuka in tho direction of establishing a Booiety having for its object the provision of rational amuoemonfc, olc, for those who have recently signed tho pledge. At a meeting held on Thursday last, Dr J. 8. Hayea presiding, after som« discussion it was resolved that a society be ostablished to be oallod "The Tomuka Total Abstinence Society." A committee to further its objects wns than elected, tho following gentlemen consenting to aot : — Dr Hayes, Bevs. Hamilton and Dollow, and Messrs Dann, Pinckney, Buxton and Whitehead. The Junior Flag match between the Waihi 2nd and the Timaru High School fiftoens was played at Winchester on Saturday. The Waihi men cams off victors by 4 points to 2. Trioß were obtained by Opie, Henderson, Wakely and Turnbnll, no goals being kicked. The High School ocore was obtained from a free kick, Von Haast plnciag a goal. Tha Waihi forwards wore too heavy and backod up too fast for the School baoks to indulge in tho passing game. The School played a very good uphill gams, especially Ohisholm, "Von Haaat, Buehanaan (2), Bilton and Morrison. Ifc ia rather hard to pick out any of tho Waihi team, but Biisaet, Opie and Turnbull were conspicuous on their side. The "ticket scalper," who boa been speculating on the Patey concerts at Christehuroh, was sold on Friday. Ho sold a batch of 5s ticketß by auction, and obtained rather leas than td advance on the manager's price, so that with auctioneer's commission to pay, his speculation panned out badly. And while the sale was goiDg on the authorised agents booked all the seats for an additional concert. It is to be hoped the peoplo of Timaru, who intend to hear Madamo Patoy, will have moro sense than allow themsolvoß to be !| done " by a speculator taking advantage of their delay in booking seats. The tiokets for the dress cirolo are going off at a satisfactory rate already. The children's guild meetings, held regulargly last winter in connection with St. Saviour's Church, Temuka, were resumed on Thunday last. The Bev. T. A. Hamilton presided, and opened the meeting with praiso and prayer, He then announoed that prizes would be given for tho host Bet of answers to questions eet for the sth and 6th Standards in the current number of the New Zealand Church News, Tho teaohers were also asked to reply to questions set upon several chapters of the Gospel. A very enjoyable entertainment consisting of recitations and readings followed, a large number of the children taking part. A very amusing little charade, entitled " Our spring cleaning " wns also performed. A Press Association telegram says : — A Native difficulty has arisen up the Thames Valloy, on the Patatore Company's land. Some time sinoo largo contracts for ploughing sororal thousand acres were lot. As soon as tho contractors started tho Natives came down in large numbers to turn tho ploughmen off. After threatening to throw the ploughmen' &0., into a creek, on Monday laßt a Nativo j named Mihinui and his wife, sot fire to and burned down a bridge over the Waiono river, stopping traffic to tho contractor's camp. In consequenco of thiß act, Mr Eich, the Manugor of the Thames Valley Land Company and tho oontraotor, Mr Walker, came down and laid informations against Mihinui and lu'a wife, Koramini, and other Nativos for obstruction. To-day Inspootor Emorcon, with four constablos, proceodod to tho Bcono of operations with warrautß and will make jrroeta. Tho police go armed. It is vor/ interesting to learn that " Sloyd, ! or Handoraft," a mothod of toaobing ohildron I the use of tools in all kinds of handicraft, ] haa been introduced in tho Greymouth Public School, and that tho limited etart made has boen satisfactory beyond all oxpec- ■ talions. It appears that somo time ago the ohairmau of tho school committee and a local builder, Mr Arnott, determined to make an offort to introduce somo instructions in tha use of tools for working in wood two or three times a wook. Tho ' tools were provided, and the boys set c to work undor Mr Arnott'o supervision, Tho ' boya wero bo eiigor for instruction that the r class rapidly grow until it became so large that it had' to bo sub-divided. Somo of the lndß showed grout ability and doitority in the use of the tools intruntod to them, and in the oomproheneion of the principles of mechanics. Tho progress of this trial of Sloyd will, ' doubtlesß, bo watohed with groat interest by " all thoeo who think it poseiblo to improvo our v oduoalioa systom, and aro sufficiently 3 patriotic to doeiro and strive for such im- b provement, j S

The Press of Saturday a^ya :— A number of the friends of Mr A. H. Turnbull, the secretary of the Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative Association, assembled yesterday attbe rooms of the Agricultural and Pnstoral Association to wish him lon voyage, as he is leaving hy tho Kaikoura to-day on a trip to Europe. The Norfolk Island correspondent of the New Zealand Herald writiDg about tho midd'o of May says : — Biahop Solwyn is still on bia back, and very prostrate, but both doctors agree that he is slowiv improving. It io staled that nn attempt to move the Bishop will be made at the end of Juno, a steamer (man-o'-war) haying arranged to call for him at that date. The Otago Daily Times understands that tho Dunedin ho3pital authorities have secured a full supply oE Koch's tuberculine, and that Dr Gordon Macdonnld haa two cases ond r Bamett one case of tuberculosis i under treatment. With tho five cases that i have now beon treated in the Dunedin Hoe- ; pital, the doctors should bo in a position to i express an opinion as to the value of Koch's • remedy in such casos. ' Who will say, aska tho Neio Zealand Times, 1 that youn» New Zealand is deficient in 1 ingenuity ? Mnßtor John H. Brown, son of ' Mr Brown, of tho firm of MeSwen, Brown and Kitto, has lately discovered that calico , and ohellae, the ordinary material for making [ the bodieß of hats, aro a very serviceable subj etitute for wood in tho manufacture of violins. . Several instruments have already beon made j on this principle, and are quite equal to the j ordinary clbbscs of fiddles. In appearance j they differ but IHtlo from the general ran of ! such instruments, while tha tone ia really 3 good, and will no doubt bo improved upon, P oeeing that the idea is yet only in tho esperii menttd el age. The invention has been patented in tho joint namO3 o£ its originator and his father, and a eatnpla violin will very shortly be on view. , The Melbourne Argus reports :— The Post- | master-General, having considered the request 1 of the Government of New Zealand that 5 ponny postnge should bo established between ? that colony and Victoria, haa decided that it t io not desirable- to do eo at present. Mr t Duffy is strongly in favour of the penny poßtago system being made intercolonial, but P considers that it would be an anomaly to ohargo twopence for transmitting a leltor to Albury, while the same letter could bo sent to Now Zealand for a penny. In other words Mr Duffy wishes to see Hew South Wales ■ adopt the penny postage first, and a penny postage in operation between the two colonies. The Poetmaster-Goneralof Now South Wa'es haß drafted a Bill for the introduction of the penny postage in that colony, and when that measure becomes lan tho intercolonial ponny postage will, no doubt, follow. BUII to the ront. — Tho Jumbo Brand Baking Powder takoa precedence for making ' digeativo scouea, cakes, bread, etc. Sold by all merchants and grocers, — [Adtt.l ) [ SYNOPSIS OB 1 NI3W ADVERTISEMENTS. , Boss, Sims and Co — Have laud and properties for sale. Webster and Co— Sell stock at Temuka to- ■ morrow. , Winchester — Concert and ball on 22nd inst. j Lost — Twenty-eight sheep, reward to finder ; 1 spaniel dopf, reward offered. , Gavo School — Concert, tea, and dance on . 19th inst. H. Mo-thews, Sutherland's— Wants tenders > for grazing. j A. B. Cos — Large stock salo at Temuka tomorrow. Wanteds — Two notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5168, 15 June 1891, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5168, 15 June 1891, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5168, 15 June 1891, Page 2