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*- Information hos boon roceived from tho hoad ofllco for tho oolony for tho A.M.P Sooioty conveying tho information that Mossrs Hill and Littlcjohn had boen elected directors of tho socioty. i [§]Tho only true tost of valuo h comparison. ' Quoting pricos means really nothing. Buyprs of drapery m Timaru and district will bo ' saving monoy by inspecting our valno and '. buying from us beforo purchasing elsewhore. Deapito a bod sooaon m Timaru our roturns iro etoadily inoroasiug and this has boen ichioved by giving botter valuo for lobs J noneythan any othor house m South Cantor- < jury. Again we oay call and soo our stock jeforo buying elaowhere.— Brodloy & Oo. — ( ;&DyT..l |

The gifted palmict, Mrs MoCallum, has at! the roquosfc of a number of citizens who wero unable to call on hor lust week, extended her stay m Timaru for another week. Mrs MoCallum is Btill at Mrs Souths, Lynwood House, and will be pleased to see visitors m business hours. Wo bave to acknowledge receipt from tho local agonts, the National Mortgage and Agency Company of Now Zealand (limited), of a copy of tho latest edition of tho Handbook of Information on tho Coloniea and India, issued by the British India and Queensland Agenoy Company, Brisbane. The Handbook ib exceptionally well got up ; is for tho year 1891-92, and contains a mass of information of special value to the traveller and of more thin usual interest to the general publio. The waves at high tide on Sunday overtopped the northorn ehinglo spits m volumes, filling the Waimataitai and Washdyko lagoons high with salt water. The spray at Dashing Bocks was grand, and the few persons who took the trouble to walk out and get a close view, wore well rewarded. The swell had Bubaided a good doa] yesterday but was still Btrong, and a strong souther kept the tops curling. The big sea on Saturday carried away the pipe by which tho main light on tho breakwater ia supplied with gas, but yesterday Mr Marchant and his staff, at no small personal risk, succeeded m making tho break good E.gain, and the light was ouce more burning last night. An elderly looking Chinaman named Wong Wing, well known about Timaru as a toa hawker, was remanded by tho Besidont Magistrate yestorday till Friday, on a charge of stealing, on or about Feb. 20th, sundry articles, viz. a screw-wrench value 7s 6d, four brass tips, value 16s, a foot rule 2s, the proporty Jof Daniel McGuinness. Mr 0. Perry appeared for accused, and consented to the remand. Ho asked for bail and this was fixed at accused m £20, and two sureties of £10 each. Two of accused's countrymen were present and enterod into the necessary bonds for his appearance on Friday. The accused ie said to have come to Timaru without a shoe to his foot, and now he hns a good stock of tea, clothing and food, and had £7 lis 9d m his pockets when arroßtod, A meetiog of tho South Canterbury Poultry, Pigeon, Canary, and Cat Society was hold on Thursday evening at the Queon's Hotel. Mr Stewart was m tho chair, a larx'o number of members being present. Meßsrs Ennis and Wateon, the special prize committeo, reported that thoy had canvassed the town with very great success, evoryone responding to their oppeals. Mossrs Clarke, of Ohristohurch, and Hart, of Oamaru, wrote accepting tho position of judges for the show, for poultry and oanaries ; ond Messrs Warrington nnd Stratford consented to act as judges of cats. Tho show will bo held m the Garrison Hall on tho 10th ond 11th of July, and the entries closo with the hon. see., Mr Fred Watson, at the shop near tho theatre (kindly lent by Mr Moss Jonas) on Saturday, June 27th, at 10 p.m. There aro two special clauses m tho schedule this year, namely, for parrots and cockatooß, and as there are a very large numbor about Timaru the claßisos ought to fill woll. Three monkeys are already entered for the show, and os birds are looking fairly well tho society expects large ontrios. A curious collection of Btolen property is now lying m tho office of Detective Livingstone at tho Police Station, recovered from the house of Wong Wing, a Chinese toa hawker, who was charged yeßterday with stealing a few small articles. On Saturday a young Ghinamnn, Ah Wi, wa9 oharged with stealing a quantity of load belongiug to Mr Jas. Craigie, and was remanded till to-day. Ah Wi had beon employed for tho past year or co as under cook at the Critorion hotel, and leaving there a few weeks ago obtainod similar employment at the Clarondon hotol. Whon out of work he was accustomed to lodge with tho tea dealor Wong Wing, who lives m North Streot. When Detective Livingstone went to the houso to search for Mr Oraigio'a lead, Ah Wi boing suspected of etoaline it, ho found a great quantity of property, some of which bad beon reported to hira as having been stolen. Ah Wi was io gaol on ths charge of stealing lead, and Wong Wing pointed out some boxes, which he said belonged to Ah Wi. He claimed a few articles himself, which had also beon stolon, and thoso he was yesterday chargod with stealing. The boxes pointod to us Ah Wi's wero searched and most of tbe contents were i removed to the police Btation for identification. Tho prhonor Ah Wi, whilst employed at tho Criterion, appears to hare taken great advantage of hio opportunities for thoft. Thero aro knives and forks and silver spoons (now), enough to start a boarding house, tumblers and wineglasses, and napkin rings m Bmallor proportions; two largo hand bells, braßS candlostiokß, and hat hoots ; blankets, eheots, and pillow-cases ; toilet requisites m hair, clothes and boot brushes, oombs and razor, gold pin and eilvor brooch, toilot soap j a box of cigars and a cigar case ; scale and weights, abox of essences, painters and oarpontorß tooh (including a large door-clamp) , o lot of sundrios too numeroue to partioularise (unless we montion a box oontaining several false teoth) • and finally, as tho last preparation for going into an extensive busineos, a good oash-box. Besides those things thero is a quantity of now and second hand clothing, which is reasonably suspected to havo beon stolon, as it is rare thut Chinamen m the colony aro co well off for clothes. Most of tho articleß have boen identified and claimed alroady. A great many liavo tho onnors' initials or othor privato marks upon them, eonio of the linen indeod haa the owner's name io full upon it. Tho bulk of the proporty, wo understand, belongs to Mr McOuinnoeß and his family, Tho servants of the hotol also suffered, and bo did the carpenters and painters who wore employed m making . altorationß m the hotol somo months ago. Still to the front,— Tho Jumbo Brand Baking Powder takeß precedence for making digostive aconea, cakes, bread, eto. Sold by all merohants ond grocora. — [Advt.] SYNOPSIS OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i Opihi Scheol — Tea, oonoort, and danoo on I Friday noxt. , S.C. Board of Education — Invito applications for toaohorships. Loat— Pair of ohild'g hoots ; fiudor rotnrn to Colonel Bailoy. S.C. Poultry Sooioty— Annual show ou 10th c and 11th July; Mrs MoCallum, palmist, otc— Will Btay m Timaru one wook longor. t In Bankruptcy— Ko dividond iv Drummond f and Glasson's ostato. V. 0. Tabnrt, Christohuroh — Soils tho r Hursloy Estate on tho 13th inst. Wantod— Throo notioos.

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Bibliographic details

Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5163, 9 June 1891, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5163, 9 June 1891, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5163, 9 June 1891, Page 2